Renewed Friends
NYM P.O.V. 7:36 a.m.
I get the call at 6 a.m.. I cant believe Dean Rampage, the awesome fighter, is dead. I heard it from Kyle. I used to go to school with him, and now he and I are still pretty good friends. He's living with Spenser. Spenser and I used to be best friends. He, Kyle and I were all good school buddies, but we kind of lost contact. I've sorta kept tabs on him, making sure he isn't screwing himself too bad. Recently, he's gotten a girl, Mercy, who he's really fond of. They're cute together, though. So that's good. But when I heard that Dean was killed, I knew I had to go see him. I come out of the kitchen, just having finished my eighth cup of coffee. I'm kind of addicted to it. I go back into my bedroom, pulling on my black stealth clothes. I sit on the bed, lacing up my boots. I make sure that my knives are strapped to my arms, able to quickly whip them at my enemies. Heading into the bathroom, I put on my dark eye shadow and eyeliner. I brush my hair, a dark, dark jet black, so dark that it's almost purple in hue. Then, finally, I place my mask over my eyes, the dark, emerald green hue of the mask matching that of my eyes. I go outside, and I hop on my motorcycle. I then text Kyle to let him know I'm coming:
"Hey, K. It's Nym. Im stopping over to see Spens. Since you told me about Dean, I need to see him. Plus, I miss you guys. It's been too long. See you soon."
I roar down the road, and replay the thought in my head of seeing Kyle and Spenser again.
ZAIRNA P.O.V. 7:36 a.m.
An hour and a half ago, I got a call from my old friend Mercy. She told me that her boyfriend's older brother, Dean, had been murdered, and both she and him were broken up about it. She asked me to come over to comfort her. I had reluctantly agreed, seeing as I didn't know any of the other people she was with. But when a friend needs me, I can't say no. So now I'm getting ready to visit an old friend. After getting out of the shower, I dry my blue streaked hair, blonde in color, so blonde that it's almost white. I throw on my skinny jeans, acid washed to an almost threadbare feel. My blue tee shirt is next, covered by my white sweater. I pull on my boots, and then I head back to the bathroom to put on my dark blue eyeliner and eye shadow. Then I put my dark blue mask over my eyes, it's navy color competing with the light blue tone of my eyes. Lastly, I take my AK-47 gun from it's spot on the wall, and I strap it to my back. Grabbing a Red Bull from the fridge, I get in my car and plug the address that Mercy gave me into my GPS. Receiving the destination, I hurry off to help my friend.
MERCY P.O.V. 7:36 a.m.
I rest my head on Spenser's shoulder, and I let the tears flow from my eyes. I feel Spenser's shoulders shaking, and I look up to see him crying. I can't blame him. His older brother, his role model, his family, just got murdered. Dean meant a lot to him, and he meant a lot to me, too. Even though I didn't know him for very long, he felt like family. I wrap my arms around Spenser, and he pulls me into a kiss. He's been much more affectionate since Dean's death. Lui walks in, his head hung low. He makes his way around us to the kitchen. He pulls out a pack of crackers, not making much noise and not making eye contact with either Spenser or me. He's torn up from Dean's death. I understand. He feels responsible. I guess I would, too. If Spenser died in my arms, bled to death, and I couldn't do anything about it, I would blame myself, too. It won't be easy for any of us. That's for sure.
SPENSER P.O.V. 7:56 a.m.
A knock on the door makes me put down my book. I get up and make my over to answer it. As I look through the peephole, I see a person with their back to the door. They have a hood up over their head, so I can't see their face. I unlock the door, and open it a little. "Uh....hello?" I ask reluctantly, and the person turns around to face me. I see that they have a dark green mask over their eyes, with hair so dark black that it almost seems purple. They're dressed in all black, but I can tell it's a girl. I have a mental block for a moment. Who the shit is this? I barely know any girls to begin with. I mean, I think I know one, and that's my girlfriend Mercy. So who the fuck is standing at my door? I come back to my senses, and I look at her. " are you?" I ask. She frowns, and shakes her head. She brushes past me and walks into the living room. I close the door, kind of put out. This girl just walked right into my house, and I have no fucking idea who she even is. What the hell?! She sits down on the couch, putting her feet up on the table. I grit my teeth, trying my best not to freak out at her. "Okay. I need to know. Who are you?You just waltzed right into my house without even telling me who you are. So, who the hell are you?!" I almost yell at her, sort of loosing my temper. Mercy comes down the stairs, followed by Lui. They both look intrigued as to why I'm yelling. Even Kyle comes out of isolation in his room to see the commotion. They just stand at the edge of the room, looking at me and the girl, at me, then at the girl. I realize I still haven't learnt her name. So I turn to her, and I tell her, "Okay. I'm sorry I yelled at you. That was uncalled for. But you did barge in my house. So yeah, sorry. But anyway. I want to know who you are. I'm-"
"You're Spenser Carnage."
Her voice startles me. It sounds vaguely familiar, but I cant place it. When she interrupts me, she looks at me, and I see her eyes for the first time. They are a piercingly dark green, matching her mask. She seems so familiar.......but I can't figure it out. "Y-You know who I am. Well, that makes introductions a whole hell of a lot easier. Now, if you'd be kind enough to tell us your name?" I advance towards her, taking a seat on the couch. She breaks my icy glare by burning through it with her penetrating eyes. She stares at me for a minute, and then she smiles. Her smile is cute. It's small and almost unnoticeable, but it's there. "Spenser, I am so shocked at you. You don't remember me? Well, it has been quite a while." I can feel Mercy's stare boring a hole in the back of my head. I bet she's thinking "Who is this girl and what does she mean its been a while?". I turn my attention back to the girl. She continues what she was saying. "To refresh your memory, my name is Nym. We used to hang out when we were kids. Remember me now?" She smiles wider, and I suddenly realize it's NYM! Yeah. I remember her. We used to go to school together and hang out. When we turned into teenagers, though, we sort of grew apart. "Nym. Of course. I remember you now. How's it going, man?" I fist bump her, and we smile, remembering the bonds we had. I turn, and see Mercy, Lui and Kyle looking at me. I realize that I haven't introduced Nym yet, so I turn and face them. "Oh, guys, this is an old friend. Her name is Nym. We went to school together and used to hang out. Nym, this is Mercy, Lui, and Kyle." I say, pointing to each one as I introduce them. Nym shakes their hands. "Hey. How's it going." She says, and then she turns back to me. I feel my smile fade. "Um...not to be rude or anything, Nym, but, uh, why are you here...?" She sort of does an "Ohhhhh........" thing, and then she nods. "Uh, well, Kyle kinda called me this morning.......oh, yeah, I already sorta Knew Kyle. Remember, Spens? We all went to school together?" I turn to Kyle, who smiles sheepishly and rocks back on his heels awkwardly. "Well, he told me that Dean was.....well....yeah. And I had to come over and see how you were doing. I mean, we were really good friends, and I can't just let you fall apart." I smile, thinking of how much my friends care about me. "Thanks, Nym. It means a lot. I'm.....pretty good......considering what happened. But thanks for coming." Nym nods, and we sit back down and start to talk. "Hey, Nym, you want a drink?" I offer, motioning towards the fridge. "Ah, sure. Why not. Actually, do you have any coffee?" Of course. Nym is fucking addicted as shit to coffee. "Yeah. I'll get you a cup of coffee. " I head to the kitchen, pour Nym a large cup of coffee, and I grab a beer from the fridge for me. "Here ya go." I say, handing her the coffee. She slurps it down in about 20 seconds. Mercy sits down next to me, putting her arm around me. I lean my head on the top of hers, and Lui sits on my other side, propping his back against me as he reads a comic book. I know this wont be easy on any of us. Having more friends and people involved is having more people at risk. I look at Nym, meeting her in her eyes and a silent communication flowing between us. As I start to say something, another knock on the door interrupts me. I start to get up, but Lui puts his hand out. "Its okay, Spens. I got it." He says, putting down his comic book and heading to the door. I turn back to Nym. "So, you heard about Dean. Have you also heard that Jonathan is back?" I ask her. Her eyes go wide when I mention his name. We all know to fear it. We once loved it, friends with the boy who it titled. But now a psychotic killer has taken his place, and fear follows him. "Spenser, what are we going to do about him? I mean, we're no match for him." Nym says doubtfully. I shake my head. "I dont know." I say. Just then, Lui walks back into the room, followed by a girl with an AK-47 strapped to her back. My senses immediately tense. She has long blonde hair with black streaks in it. She wears a navy blue hoodie and a navy blue mask over her eyes. I know she means no harm. Lui gestures to her. "She wont tell me her name, but she says she's here for Mercy." The girl meets my eyes, and then looks at Mercy, who jumps up and runs to her. Mercy embraces her in a hug, and Lui walks over to me. " you know who that is?" He asks me. I shake my head. "Not a clue."
As it turned out, the girl was Mercy's old friend, Zairna. Mercy had called her over when she was upset, and now she and Mercy were catching up. Nym walks over to me from the kitchen, holding yet another cup of coffee. "Jesus, Nym, how many coffees have you had now?" I ask her. "Well, this one makes eighteen." She says, looking down at the mug. I roll my eyes. "Oh, Nym, have you met our other guest?" I say, motioning to Zairna. Nym walks into the living room, and she and the other girl look at each other. "Nym, this is-" "ZAIRNA!!!!" Nym yells, running to her and the two embrace in a hug. Mercy, Lui and I look at each other, then at the two girls. "You guys.....know each other?" I ask. Nym looks at me. "Yeah. We used to be best friends!" I look at Mercy, who shrugs and smiles. I think to myself, 'Great. More people getting involved. Oh well.' I go to entertain myself with Lui and Kyle as the girls catch up. I knock on Kyle's bedroom door. "Hey, Kyle? You there man? Have you seen Lui? I've been looking for hi-" I cut myself short as I open the door, and I see the window open with blood splatters all around it, and a note pinned to the bed with a knife. I grab it and run back to the living room. "MERCY! We have a problem!!!!" I run in waving the note. She stands up and comes over to me. "Spenser, what is it? What is that note?" She asks. I shake my head. "I dont know, Mercy, but Lui is missing and so is Kyle, and there is blood all over Kyle's room. The window was open, so I think he might have...." I trail off. Nym walks over and takes the note, reading it aloud.
Spenser Carnage,
If you ever want to see your little brother again, then you will go back to your old house, where we first met up a month ago. There you will find me. COME ALONE, Spenser. Unless you want to be responsible for Lui's throat being slit.
I try to comprehend my best friend's betrayal. Kyle abandoned us and took Lui. I head to my bike, and Mercy starts to follow. "Oh, no." I say, turning to her. "You are not coming with." She crosses her arms, and Zairna and Nym stand next to her with their arms defensively crossed as well. "Like hell Im not! That little boy is my family, too, Spenser, and if you think for a moment that Im not going, you have another thing coming." She says to me. I sigh, and then I nod. "Fine. Let's get ready." I say to the three of them, and I load up my sniper rifle and I ready my knives. I get my helmet, and I hop on my bike. The three girls get in Zairna's car, and we head off to help Lui.
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