Its been a week since Jon, Spenser and Tom came and rescued Mercy and I from Kyle. Im so glad that jackass finally bit it. I mean, he shot and stabbed me. Mercy and I have been recovering from our wounds, and we've been kinda out of it. I didnt know, but Tom is actually a really good doctor. He patched me up pretty well, but it still hurts. I had been stabbed before, once, on a mission with Dean. And Ive been almost choked to death. That was pretty painful. But getting shot had to take the cake. Feeling the bullet rip through my chest, it was the worst pain I have ever experienced in my life. But when Kyle stabbed me, it was like I was being burned. It was a hot, searing pain. All I could taste was the coppery blood in my mouth, and all I could see was a sea of my own blood pooling on the floor around me. I thought I was going to die. Then Jon was there, and he saved me. He came to rescue me, and he killed Kyle to save me. Spenser told me that Jon turned Delirious when he killed Kyle. He wont tell me anything else, only that he turned Delirious. Im surprised. Jon hasnt flipped in years. But he went Delirious to I guess what Kyle said when he was holding me hostage was true....Jon really does care about me. I see him as an older brother. An awesome older brother. I mean, he'll never replace Dean, but he comes close.
I walk out of my room, limping. I lean on the wall to keep myself from falling over. It still hurts like hell where I got stabbed. I hold my side as I make my way to the kitchen. Leaning against the counter, I open the refrigerator, and pull out a root beer. I grab some chips from the cabinet, and then painfully lift myself up onto the counter. As I sit eating the chips, I think about what we're going to do next. We killed Kyle, but that was only one step on the ladder. We need to keep climbing until we reach the top, and we take out Archive. I take a sip of root beer, and as I do Jon shuffles in. He yawns, rubbing his eyes and blinking. I smile. "Morning." I say as he turns on the coffee pot. "Mrngfrmbl." He mumbles as he staggers around the counter to the cabinet. He pulls out the cereal, and grabs a bowl. He pulls the milk from the fridge, and sits down at the counter. I turn to face him. "Sooooooo......How'd you sleep?" I ask, and he yawns. Im guessing he stayed up playing GTA 5 again. Dummy. He mumbles again. "Nrfmble dasrn." He pours the cereal into the bowl, his eyes still half closed. Then he goes to pour the milk in, and he misses the bowl. The milk splashes all over the counter, and I laugh. "Dude, you need to stop doing these all-night gaming things. Youre screwing yourself over." I say, and poke his nose. He looks up at me and smiles. "Lui. Yur soooooo coot." He says, drawling his words out like a drunk man. I snicker, then hop down off the counter, and grab my side as the pain flares up. I double over, and Jon immediately snaps awake. "Lui? Are you okay?" He gets up and puts his hand on my shoulder, stabalizing me. I nod. "Yeah. still hurts." Jon nods slowly. I stand up and slowly walk back to my room, with Jon watching to make sure Im okay. He's so caring to me. He acts like such a tough guy, but Ive seen a whole different side of him. One that I doubt anyone has ever really seen or known.
Ive seen the side of Jon that loves his family.
Ive seen the side of Jon that cares.
And its amazing to know that that rare side of him is for me.
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