I put down my controller. "Seriously, Tom, how are you so fucking good at this game?" He smiles at me. "Hey, its not that Im really good. I mean, thats a part of it, but its because you suck." Tom laughs, and I grin as I tackle him. We wrestle on the floor, and Jon stands up. "You guys both suck. Im the real best!" He yells as he jumps on top of us. We all laughas we roll around like little kids on the floor. After about 10 minutes, we stop, out of breath and laughing hysterically. "Truce?" I say. "Never!" Jon smiles. We bump fists, and we all get up. I feel my stomach grumble. "Man, I hope dinner's ready." I say. Tom and Jon nod in agreement. "Yeah, Im starving." Tom says. We head to the kitchen, but its empty and dark. "Hey, where's Mercy?" Jon says. "Wasnt she going to check on Lui?" I frown. "Something's up." We make our way to Lui's room, and I open the door a crack. "Lui?" I ask quietly as I peer into his room. From behind me, Jon sighs and pushes the door open all the way. "There is no need to be all sneaky and careful, Spens." he says. Stepping into his room, my eyes scan for Lui. His Xbox is still on, paused. His headset and controller lay on his beanbag, lacking an owner. "Where is he? We would have heard him if he came out of his room." Tom says. I nod. "Yeah, and where's Mercy? She last went in to Lui's room, and now she and Lui have somehow magically disappeared. What happened?" I see Jon out of the corner of my eye, looking at something. I walk over to him. He looks up at me, holding a cloth. "I think I know what happened to them." He hands me the cloth, and it feels damp. I bring it close to my nose, and then take it away quickly, recognizing the scent. "Chloroform." I frown. Jon nods. "Yeah. And the window's open. I think they've been kidnapped, Spens. And I have a pretty damn good idea who did it."
After about half an hour of Tom trying to break into the Archive database, he pushes back in his chair and spins around in it, frustrated. "RRRGH!!!! They've changed their routers and updated their harddrives. Its all new stuff. Before I had hacked into the database so many times, so I knew how it worked. But this shit, this new operating system, its stronger and more intricate. It will take me a really long time just to disable the firewall. Time we dont have." Jon shrugs. "We know its Archive. We know where their base is, roughly. We know who's behind this. So why dont we just grab some gear and blast their asses?" I shake my head. As much as I want to agree with him, I cant risk hurting Mercy or Lui in storming the place. "No. We have to be smart about this, Jon. I know you're pissed. They took Lui, and I know how close you two are. But they also took Mercy. This is really hard for me, too, bro, but we have to keep our heads on this one." Jon looks at me, then turns and kicks a chair. He clenches his fists, and he looks about ready to punch out a rhino. I can relate. I want to find Mercy and Lui. And then kick Kyle's ass, and beat the shit out of every breathing fucker at Archive. Jon turns back to me. "Spenser, you, Mercy, and Lui are the only family I've ever had." he says, and Tom turns in his chair. "What about me?" he says, and Jon stutters. "Well, um, ah, see, youre kinda like a close friend, or a roommate." Tom turns back to his laptop, hurt. Jon turns back to me. "But you guys are my family now. I never knew what that felt like, and now I have people who care about me. And I wont let these bastards take that away from me." I hear his voice crack a little, and I can tell he's getting emotional. I watch as a single tear runs down his face. I put my hand on his shoulder. "We'll find them, Jon, dont worry. And when we do, I'll let you go full H2O Delirious on their asses." He smiles. Just then, a pinging sound comes from Tom's laptop. We all turn to look at the screen. In the top right corner, a call on Skype is coming in. We exchange glances, and then Tom moves the mouse over to the answer button. Clicking on it, the camera pops up. We all appear in a little box in the bottom corner. At first the screen is blank, but then a dark room shows up. I hear laughing, and then the click of a light switch. A light flicks on, and I see Lui and Mercy, tied to chairs, and Kyle, laughing maniacally, with a gun in each hand, locked onto each of their heads.
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