I smile at Lui, Mercy and Jon, and we run to the entrance. I put my finger to my ear, turning the comlink on. "Okay, Tom. We are ago for Operation Archive." I say, and Toms voice crackles back through the radio. "Okay, Spens. I got you guys' backs." I smile, and then turn to Mercy. She looks at the control panel, and takes out one of her guns. She hooks something to it, and shoot the panel. Electricity flows through it, and the circuits overload. I look at her. "What was that?" I say, pointing at her gun. She grins. "Electric bullets. Shock anything they hit." I shrug, and we sneak through the door. We walk carefully down the long hall, and I hold my hand up to signal to stop. I look out around the corner, and see about 20 agents at their computers. I look at Jon. "Okay, bro. Your turn." I say, and Jon smiles. He steps out into the open, holding the machine gun he has. "Hey. Sup." He says, and everyone turns to him. He grins, and starts to fire. He holds down the trigger, not letting go until every person is dead on the floor. Lui walks over to him, looking around at the scattred bodies. "Nice...." Lui says, impressed. Jon smiles, and we continue to the elavator. I open the door, and the doors ding. We all step inside, and I push the top button. The doors slide shut, and I look at everyone. Mercy puts her hand on my shoulder and I turn to her. "Spenser, I saw in there that all the personnel has been moved up to the top floor. We need to be careful when we get up there." I smile, and put my hand on top of hers. "YOU be careful. I cant have you getting hurt." I say, moving my hand down to her stomach. She smiles up at me, and then I hear the elevator ding. We've reached the top floor. I glance around to everyone, and they all look back at me, awaiting my order. "Make your bullets count, and dont get killed. Now lets get these bastards." I say.
We run out of the elavator, and a barrage of fire meets us. We duck behind some desks, and look at each other. Spenser taps me on the shoulder, and points to Lui and Mercy. "Cover me, and protect them." He says, and I smile. Then I look at Lui, and he grins back at me. I wink at him. "Of course." Spenser stands up, and starts shooting all the agents firing at us. I stand beside him, covering Lui and Mercy as they break for another desk. I jump over the desk, pulling out my knife as I do so, and run behind the closest agent. I grab him and hold him in front of me, and hold the knife to his neck. "YO!" I yell, and all the agents turn their eyes to me. I smirk, softly pushing the tip of the blade into the man's neck, making him squirm. I glance discreetly at the others, who sneak behind the agents, who all have their eyes trained on me, to the far door. I turn back to the agents. "SO! Who wants to die first after this guy!?" They all raise their guns, but I yell to Lui, "LUI! NOW!" Spenser and Mercy watch, astonished, as Lui jumps up, and does a front flip, landing on the shoulders of one of the agents. He looks down, and shoots him. Then he jumps to another, and another, doing the same thing. As he does that, I slit the throat of the man Im holding, and start to stab the agents behind Lui. Once Lui jumps on the last one, and shoots him in the head, he leaps down, and smiles up at me. I fist bump him, and then we laugh. Turning back to Spenser and Mercy, we see that they're staring at us with their jaws hanging open. "How.....How did you do that, Lui?" Spenser finally says, and he smirks, looking up at me. "Jon and I were bored one day, so he started to train me more than Dean already had. He taught me more about how to move when I fight, and he helped me practice my skills." I grin and put my arm around him. Then a buzz in my ear makes me stop. I put my finger to the transmitter. "Tom?" "Yeah, Jon. Who the hell else would it be?" I sigh. "Okay, Tom, what do you have for us?" I ask, glancing at the large metal door in front of us. I hear Tom typing away at his keyboard, and I can picture his fingers flying over the keys. "Okaaaayyyyy...Well, I patched into the security camera system. Looks like Sorka and some of her goons are waiting for you guys. Be careful. Those guys have some big guns, and Sorka is a dangerous little prick." I smile. "Thanks, Tom. Check in soon." I take my finger away, and look at the others. "Okay, Tom says Sorka and some of her guys are waiting for us on the other side of the door. So lets be careful." They all nod, and I walk over to the door. Glancing back to them, I slowly open the door.
I watch the screens as they walk in, the security cameras revealing everything. Sorka sits on her desk, cross legged, resting her chin in her hand. The men wait by the door, and they stand tensed when Jon, Spenser, Lui, and Mercy walk in. Sorka smiles, and hops off the desk. "Well, Ive been waiting for you guys!" She says excitedly. "Its nice to finally meet all of you." She smiles. Jon laughs. She looks at him. "What is it?" Jon smirks at her, and snickers. "I just....I just thought you'd be.....taller." He laughs, and she glares at him. "Jonathan, I advise against crossing me." She says sternly, and Jon narrows his eyes. "Only my friends can call me Jon, you bitch." She opens her mouth to say something, then smiles and shrugs. "Okay. You mean friends, as in Tom, who is sitting in his van two alleys down?"
I tense up, and stare at the screen with my mouth wide open, the gum I was chewing falling from my mouth. Sorka looks up at the security cameras. "Hi, Thomas." She says, and I gulp. Then she turns back to the others, grinning. "You really think I wouldnt realize it when my cameras got hacked? And you dont think I wouldnt have guards monitoring the area? Jeez." She sighs, and then grins. "Oh, by the way, Tom, I left a little present for you in your van." I stand up fast, and almost hit my head on the ceiling. "What?" I say, and Spenser puts his hand to his ear. "Tom....Whats happening?" I shake my head, frantically looking around my van. "I dont know, Spens! I dont know!" Sorka laughs, and then she pulls out a small button from her jacket. She holds it down, looking at the camera. "Bye bye, Tom." She says, and then I hear a beeping. I turn, and see a flashing red light under my console. My eyes widen, as do Spenser's. "Tom, get out of there, NOW!" He yells, and I run to fling open the van doors. I barely lean out the door when the van explodes, sending me flying. I slam against the wall, a piece of shrapnel piercing my stomach. I gasp, and scream, and I hear Jon and Spenser yelling my name. "TOM!!!!" I fall to the ground, the piece of metal twisting, and sliding further into my chest. Blood seeps through my shirt, and I feel it's warmth. The cold steel metal pierces me, and I scream in agony. My earpiece falls from my ear, crushed slightly from the impact with the wall. Blood drips from my head, and onto the earpiece. I struggle to move, and then I hear crackling through the radio. "Tom!......Tom, are you okay?......" I hear Spenser saying, and I try to talk, but then I hear the crunching of glass under boots, and I turn my head to see a big Archive agent walking towards me. He pulls out his gun, and cocks it. I try to move, but he aims the gun at me. My eyes widen. I look at the earpiece, then yell into it, "IM SORRY, SPENSER!" Then I hear the gun fire, and it all goes black.
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