The Corporal's Wife is Hot Pink
A Levi Ackerman One Shot
The Corporal's Wife is Hot Pink
Levi x Wife Reader
"Levi." A soft female voice murmurs tiredly in the early morning inside the white blankets of the Corporal's bed. A muscular hand wraps itself on her naked waist and pulls her close to him. She hides her elegant face on the crook of his neck as her husband takes in her morning scent. They both know that they had to get up for Levi is a Corporal and his wife a simple maid that got hired in the Survey Corps four years ago. Levi can hear her wife feeling extremely tired than usual. 'Could it be that she's working too much in cleaning everyone's mess?' Levi remains in thought for a couple of minutes until he hears the soft snoring of his wife that lays close to him.
"Dania" Levi kisses her head softly as he caresses her soft cheek. After not receiving a respond, Levi tries to wake her up with pleasurable actions. She's been working too much lately so Levi believes a warm welcome would make her get up. The hand that's placed on her waist, slides down onto her soft butt and gives it a squeeze that causes his wife to groan in her sleep. Her face hides deeper in his neck. Levi pushes her naked body gently so she lays flat on the bed, her snoring still audible. Still under the soft fresh white blankets, Levi hovers in top of her and begins to leave delicate kisses onto her neck then down her breasts and stomach. Meanwhile Levi is doing this, Dania begins to move her hands unconsciously above her head.
"Hmm" Dania begins to wake up at the feeling of her husband giving her soft kisses on her jaw and near her mouth. His hands roam all over her body in a delicate and peaceful way. A pleasurable tired sigh escapes Dania's mouth at the feeling of Levi inserting a single finger inside her lower parts. His movements as slow as possible to not hurt her. She is indeed not fully prepared. Levi has no intention in having full intercourse this early in the morning if only but wake up his wife in a pleasurable way. He inserts a second finger at seeing her get wet at his soft licking on her breast a few minutes after. He looks at her to see Dania waking up from her slumber. Her eyes red from sleep yet filled with love and passion in those half lid eyes.
"You finally wake up." Levi whispers before giving her a loving kiss to his beloved wife he so cares for. Dania is the only old friend that Levi had left after the lost of his two best friends. Dania wasn't there when the Survey Corps caught the three of them in the Underground City. Thankfully Dania wasn't caught because who knows what would've happened.
After Levi persuaded Erwin Smith to bring Dania up here, she ultimately became the maid of the Survey Corps because she wasn't suitable at the very least in killing Titans. During that time they only saw each other as very close friends, the same way they both saw Farlan and Isabel as friends. Of course, Levi was extremely overprotective with Isabel than the rest of the group for the particular reason that Isabel was too pure, innocent and sister like. It was then after Farlan's and Isabel's death and the arrival of Dania in the Survey Corps that both Levi and Dania were more united than ever. They only had each other and one day after two years after the dreadful memory of Farlan and Isabel, they finally fell in love with each other. It's been two years they got married secretly but was revealed a few months ago after Levi couldn't take that Dania was being every male's wanted night meal. The starving lustful glances the male cadets will make whenever his wife will appear in the dining room, boiled his veins in anger.
Can't deny Erwin was really shocked at the news and had a serious conversation with Levi and Dania afterwards. But in the end it was confirmed that Corporal Levi has a wife name Dania Athela Ackerman living in the Survey Corps as the only maid and was warned that Dania was strictly off restrictions thus making it impossible for men to even have a conversation with her.
"Ah" She sighs at Levi's fingers removing themselves from her lower parts. Levi removes her moist substance into the bedsheets and holds her tight under him. His left hand placed on her lower back and his right hand caresses her face with his right elbow touching the bed to give him support.
"Time to wake up Dania." Levi pecks her soft lips.
"I know." She blinks slowly. With her hands placed on his naked back, she pulls him gently towards her until Levi's weight is completely on her. A short gasp escapes her lips with a short soft laugh following after feeling Levi's weight fully on her. Levi knows fully well that Dania loves it when they lay like this close together. Levi knows fully well that she feels protected from the horrors in their world when Levi presses his weight onto her. Levi knows fully well that she's in good hands.
"Tired is evident in your voice, Dania." Levi whispers in her ear in concern.
"Yeah but I'm okay Levi." She replies with her hands rubbing on his back in a soothing manner. "Besides..." She turns her face close to Levi's so their cheeks touch one another. Both Levi's arms lay on top of her head while his face is next to hers. "You have to remember that I'm here because of you and the only way I'll be able to remain here is to work everyday as a maid. No excuses."
"I'll talk to Erwin." Levi proposes.
"No. It's okay. I rather do something than not do anything." She runs her fingers through Levi's raven hair. "And if the case were to happen that I get a day off, I'll be alone. You would be busy." She rationalizes.
"Fine." Levi replies in defeat. "Let's get dressed." Levi pecks his wife's cheek and gets off from her. Levi removes himself from the soft fresh blankets that cover them and heads to the bathroom.
"Okay but I'll get up in ten more minutes." She informs as she covers herself with the blankets.
"Alright." Levi closes the door to the bathroom to take a shower.
Ten Minutes Later...
Levi gets out of the bathroom with a simple towel wrapped in his waist. He dries his hair and notices his wife is still laying on the bed. Levi changes first into his Survey Corps uniform then grabs a pink loose shirt for his wife.
"Dania, get up now." He removes the blankets to see his wife's beautiful naked form half asleep. "Come on." He places a hand on her shoulder that cause her to get up finally. She stretches her hands in the air and Levi takes the opportunity to place her pink shirt over her head and on her arms.
"Thank you." She says and receives a short kiss from Levi in form of a 'You Welcome.' "But I'm taking a shower either way."
"Dania. I gave you a loose pink shirt so I won't end up fu**ing you. " He points out. "You'll just get me hard before heading to Erwin's Office." He fixes his boots then collar.
"Sorry." She say without really meaning it. "Well, we haven't had each other for three weeks now." She suddenly realizes it.
"How's your temperature?" Levi places his back hand on her forehead and cheeks. "Good. It's alright now." He murmurs.
"You were right yesterday." She gets up from her bed and stands with bare feet onto the wooden floor. "The clothes was just making it worse." She looks outside to see the sun barely rising. "But really Levi..." She grabs his hand to grab his attention away from the cravat he has in hand. "We haven't had each other for three weeks."
"I know." Levi stares at her.
"I mean... aren't you know..." She shrugs her shoulders, her hands moving at the process. " having me again, right now?" She whispers the last part shyly.
"You have no damn idea how much I want to." Levi says bluntly in a calm voice. "How much I want to make you mine again." He grabs her waist and pulls her near him. "To make you loose yourself in ecstasy with your head spinning from right to left." He says in a lustful voice. A shade of pink spreads in her cheeks that makes her laugh in embarrassment.
"O-okay." She smiles at his words.
"To dominate you to the point of hearing your screams of pleasure and feel your nails digging on my skin at the immense feeling I make you feel with my thrusts." He hovers his lips onto hers. "And to be able to see you come so hard once again like you always do." He connects his lips softly with hers before letting go. "But I have things to do, an expedition is taking place in a few weeks."
"I know." She looks at his blue steel eyes. "But you still have an hour before heading to Erwin's." She reminds. "I'm just saying." She shrugs calmly. "You don't have to if you don't want to." She breathes out. Levi stares at his wife in front of him for a very long time, her chocolate eyes demonstrating longing for him in spite of her calm state.
"It'll be our first time having sex in the Survey Corps." Levi reminds. Both of them always made love in a far away cabin within a forest in between the walls Sina and Rose to have more privacy. "If we do it here, you must keep quiet." He lifts one of her soft naked legs onto his waist signifying that he'll do her right now in an hour in various pleasurable positions.
"Don't do it just for me, Levi." She wraps her arms around his neck.
"I want it desperately. You have no idea." He lifts her other leg around his waist quickly so she won't fall and places her on the bed gently. "Just keep quiet." He whispers to her. She nods in understanding.
"Okay ah!" She feels him grab her breast.
"Already screaming?"
"You caught me off guard." She whispers loudly as she smacks him softly in the head.
Two Hours Later...
"I wasn't aware that we had a maid in the Survey Corps." A tall masculine male cadet comments to his male friend as he sits down with his plate of food on one of the wooden tables.
"Me neither Roger and it's obvious that we don't know because it's our first day in the Survey Corps." Roger's friend responds to him.
"Well, she's a beauty." Roger's hazel eyes stare at Dania who is pouring food for the cadets of the Survey Corps. "I'm not even kidding Hale. That woman looks hot." He licks his lips.
"Roger. I heard she's off limits." Hale comments as he grabs a spoon of his soup.
"Off limits?" He looks at his friend. "Why?"
"I don't know yet." Hale eats quietly. His honey eyes staring at his soup.
"Like I give a fu**." Roger turns to Dania from far away. "Look at that splendid body of hers. " He murmurs to himself. "And with that really short brown hair of hers, I can just mark her as mine." He licks his lips.
"Roger. She'll never notice you."
"Oh yes she will." Roger stands up but not before saying something to Hale that causes his eyes to widen. "She's gonna be mine tonight like it or not."
"Roger." Hale calls for him but Roger is already nearing Dania who has finished serving the cadets their food.
"Oh. Have you not gotten your food yet?" Dania tells Roger.
"No. You've already given me food." Roger smiles.
"Oh. Okay." She smiles to him. "I thought I've already given everyone food." She laughs softly.
"No. It's okay." He waves in no problem. "Too many cadets right?" He laughs. Dania laughs and in that instant she presence something fishy. She glances around the room and finds Levi's Squad seating on one of the tables. 'Okay. Levi's Squad is there if things get out of hand.' She thinks to herself.
"Mind me asking but are you a maid for the Survey Corps?"
"Yes. Why?" She asks.
"I bet you have to clean everyone's mess, right?"
"Yeah but the Corporal assigns everyone to help me on certain things. I don't do everything but I'm here." She confirms politely.
"Yeah. It's cause I found it weird that a beautiful lady like yourself would be doing in a place like this to go off the walls to kill titans." Roger comments.
"Well, I'm not the best in killing titans to tell you the truth."
"So you came here to become a soldier?"
"Yeah." She lies with not a hint of suspicion of evident stuttering. "But I was not fit for it. However, the Commander gave me the opportunity to help soldiers when they need help."
"Oh. Really?" Rogers nods in delight.
"Are you new here?"
"Yes. It's my first day."
"Oh. Okay because I find it weird that I have never seen you before. I guess I forgot the new recruits were coming in today."
"Yeah." Roger chuckles. "To tell you the truth, I couldn't help looking at you from afar.' He confesses as he comes closer to Dania who is placing the food away in the baskets and pots that are lay out in the table. "I bet too much working has kept you from making friends." He stands in front of Dania.
"Oh no. That's the total contrary. I have plenty of loving friends that I care for." She closes the last basket of food. "I'm sorry but I have to go somewhere else..." She drags the last word signifying she has no clue of what's his name.
"Roger. My name's Roger Rosite" He extends his hand which Dania takes. What catches Dania off guard is the way Roger lifts her hand and gives her knuckles a soft peck.
"Oh, Okay." She removes her hand away. "Eld!" She calls out Eld. She begins to grab the empty baskets first.
"Do you need a hand?" Roger grabs a basket that has some food inside it.
"No it's fine. Eld is going to help me."
"No. I insist." He grabs the basket Dania has in hand.
"I'm sorry but you're place is to be a soldier not a maid. Please let me do my job." Dania says firmly that causes Roger to let go of the baskets that Dania has in hand. "Thank you." At that moment, Eld comes into view and walks next to Dania. "Can you help me with this Eld?" Dania motions and grabs all the baskets that are empty and heads upstairs. "Nice meeting you Roger." She forces a smile that convinces Roger.
"Stay clear from her soldier." Eld warns Roger after Dania is out of ears reach. A confuse Roger stares suspiciously at Eld.
"Why would I? I was just having a conversation with her. What, are you together?" Roger says.
"She's off limits. Follow your Commander's orders." Eld informs with a warning look.
"I wasn't informed of such order."
"You're a new recruit?"
"Yes, sir."
"You'll get it tonight. Now back to your seat soldier." Eld orders before heading upstairs to find Dania waiting for him.
"What did you tell him?" Dania whispers to Eld who walks closely next to her.
"You're off limits." Eld stares down at her as they both head to the main kitchen of the Survey Corps. "Thanks for calling me, I didn't even notice. I apologize."
"I didn't like his way of talking. It was different from all the others." Dania says quietly.
"He acted like those scumbags?"
"Yes." She nods as his words. "That's why I called you." She looks out the bright sky for a second then turns to Eld once again. "Did you get a chance to eat your food?" She says calmly with a hint of concern.
"I ate everything. Don't worry." Eld assures. "I've got to say the food out here in the Survey Corps these couple of months have been great."
"Well. I am cooking the food." She points out with a laugh. Eld laughs at her cute expression.
"Are you alright?" Eld asks her a few seconds later.
"Yeah." She smiles without looking at Eld.
"Alright." Eld nods even though he clearly knows that she is lying by the way her hands are shaking from what happened a few seconds ago.
Few Hours Later...
"Did he touch her?"
"I'm not sure, sir. Well, Dania didn't mention anything." Eld responds to Levi who is helping his squad better enhance their fighting skills.
"How was she?" Levi asks meanwhile picking up Petra from the ground and helping her on better tactics in taking down the enemy.
"She reported that she was fine but I clearly saw her hands shaking for a solid thirty minutes after the encounter with the soldier whose name is Roger Rosite." Levi nods at Eld's words.
"Petra, you're movements are pathetic." Levi informs Petra as he walks behind her and holds her in a position that is difficult for Petra to escape from once again.
"Like this, Corporal?" She turns to Levi who has a hold on her as she slowly follows the pattern in which Levi instructed to escape this difficult grasp.
"Yeah." Levi nods. "Anything else Eld?" He looks at Eld.
"No. that's it."
"Alright." He glances at Petra. "Try it with Olou then try it on me."
"Okay Levi Heichou."
Late at Night...
"Finally I'm finished with the laundry for today." Dania washes her hands and heads to her husband's room. The sound of crickets invades the silent night outside the Survey Corps Headquarters. 'Why does the laundry room have to be outside the Headquarters.' She groans inwardly. She walks with her lantern in hand because unfortunately the full moon decided to hide from her for tonight. Her brown short boots walk with delicacy onto the rocky design floor outside the Headquarters that make a nice echo in the ground. Dania looks around her lonely surroundings for any suspicious activity. 'I end up finishing late did I?' She tells herself as she nears the entrance inside the building.
"Dania." A familiar voice frightens Dania for a moment.
"Levi." She turns to see Levi leaning next to the entrance of the Survey Corps Headquarters. "You scared me." She sighs as she runs her fingers through her short brown hair.
"I'm sorry." Levi walks up to her and gives her a peck on the lips.
"What are you doing here late at night?" Dania hands the lantern to Levi who grabs it and wraps an arm in her waist.
"Waiting for you." He simply says quietly.
"Oh okay." She nods and wraps an arm on his waist as well. Entering Headquarters, they proceed up the stairs to the fifth floor to their room.
"How was your day?" Levi breaks the silence as they walk up the stairs.
"Fine..." Levi notices the way she pauses at her response. "...but there was this new recruit that I felt uncomfortable with." Dania looks at him.
"Really?" Levi says, proud and relief that his wife has the confidence to tell him.
"Didn't Eld tell you?" She looks at him.
"He did." They reach the fifth floor and onto Levi's office. Levi grabs his keys and opens the door to his office. Opening the door he lets his wife walk in first then him. Closing the door, they head to their room for more privacy. "How are you feeling?" Levi begins to undress himself to take a shower.
"Alright but I can't lie that I was actually nervous." She begins to remove her clothes.
"Let's take a shower together and tell me from there." Levi grabs her hand and leads her to their bathroom.
Time Skip...
"Obviously he wasn't aware that you're off limits because that idiot just arrived to the Survey Corps this morning." Levi gives a soft peck on his wife's cheek. Clear water surrounds them both up to the chest. His wife sits in front of him after both have cleaned themselves from today's work. Dania rests her face on his neck as Levi rubs her hands with his thumb.
"I wish man could see me more than know... a one night fun." Levi hears his wife whisper in thought. "I can see it in their eyes and I don't like it."
"That's why you're off limits." Levi holds her tighter.
"What happens if one day Erwin's orders don't reach their ears?" She closes her chocolate eyes. "No matter how hard I try and how much you teach me to become strong, I'm still physically weak despite the intense exercise."
"But you're intelligent than the majority." Levi kisses her fine shoulder. "That's the reason why Erwin calls you for those meetings before the Expedition. You're an intelligent young woman, Dania." Levi lectures.
"I love you, Levi." She raises her head from his neck and stares at his blue steel eyes. "You know that?"
"Of course I do and remember that no brat will ever touch you but me." He kisses her lips. The touch so passionate and sincere. Truth and protection is demonstrated in the way Levi caresses her cheek in delicacy. In spite Levi being seen as a cold stoic man who believes brutal actions are better done then words to teach a lesson to those that don't obey, he only treats his wife as a precious treasure of happiness. Levi's only concern is his wife in this moment, no one else.
Levi convinced Erwin a few months ago to make a rule relating to Dania. Dania Athela Ackerman is the maid of the Survey Corps and the wife of Corporal Levi. She is clearly off limits because of the several incidents Levi's wife has encountered with many male soldiers in the Survey Corps. Of course she isn't the only one but the majority is directed to Dania only. In total of twenty assaults were committed towards Dania that almost caused her to get raped. Dania Athela Ackerman cannot be talked to if having sexual intentions with Dania.
Between the silent Survey Corps, faint moans and panting are heard behind the Corporal's bathroom where the water sways smoothly from right to left. The elegant movements of strong waves thrust into Levi's member. His wife dominating him for the very first time after two years of marriage, the water making the sensation more relaxing and arousing. The hands of Levi push her closer as she moves onto him. Her face hides on his attractive neck for a while until she lets her head fall back at the right sensations of pleasure. With her brown eyes close, her face looks at the side to expose her beautiful smooth neck which Levi gladly kisses and dominates.
"I love you so much Dania." Levi holds her chin and gives her a passionate kiss.
Next Morning...
"I told you she was off limits." Hale tells Roger who takes a seat in the table with a disappointing and anger facial expression.
"I know. I know." Roger spits back. "Can believe she's the Corporal's wife." Roger stares at Dania from afar. "Fu** and she looks fu**ing hot today with that pink shirt she's wearing." He groans at the reality of Dania being Corporal's Wife.
"Get over it. She's taken." Hale reminds Roger.
"Fu**. Why is this happening?" Roger tells himself.
"You're not the only one that has felt this way." A middle age man with short dark hair and tan complexion, says from the other table right next to Roger's. "Everyone here finds her attractive that it almost seems like sin."
"I don't know if I can resist-" Roger is interrupted by the middle age man at the other table.
"Resist it because if not you'll end up beaten from the Corporal, thrown out of the Survey Corps or sent to jail if assaulting her. Give it up young man."
"Damn." Roger curses. He glances one last time at Dania who is gathering the empty baskets that were a few minutes ago filled with food. "Why did she have to be his wife?"
"Well, think about it Roger." Hale places his hand on his friend's shoulder. "It's obvious, just look at her." Hale points out before continuing.
"The Corporal's Wife is Hot Pink."
The End
For more Levi Ackerman Stories, visit @ErmozaWatt.
Recommend My Name's Divergent |Levi x Sad Reader|
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