Do you think your life was real fine before. You were great at everything. Something has changed and now, you are not able to do those tasks which were considered as your strengths before. Your life seems disorganized. You are not able to differentiate the priorities. You seem messy but in actuality, the life in your brain is a mess. If you feel this as relevant, then come on this journey with me where, even if we do not turnout to be the best, we'd still be satisfied with our life.
What is normal? It's rather simple, yet hard to define. Now, let's take a look on what abnormal means. The easiest way to put would be, any behaviour that is not normal. According to statistics, frequent occuring behaviour would be considered normal and rare behaviour would be abnormal. However statistics are not reliable in every context. As such, a person being very happy is rare, that wouldn't mean it's abnormal. Lack of happiness is also rare and that's not abnormal either.
Another way to define normality and abnormality would be according to the social norm deviance. How deviated we are from the norms of the society? Reflecting on this is what causes us all that anxiety and stress. People don't understand the amount of difficulty we face. For example cooking a meal or folding the laundry or just doing any assignment before deadline. It may seem like a small task to them, but to us, it might feel like a mountain that is overwhelming to overcome. When we procastinate such tasks and let it undone, the society shames us. Being undiagnosed and deviated from the societal norm is what makes us feel abnormal. But let me tell you, what we think as abnormal is considered normal when we are put under a category.
So people, if you are having a disorder, you do not need to consider yourself abnormal, as you are pretty normal when compared to the likes of you.
Now, let's take a look at ADHD, a so called abnormal behaviour. ADHD exists in three patterns:
1. Simply cannot pay attention.
2. Hyperactivity or impulsivity.
3. The combination of these two.
ADHD is mostly diagnosed in people when they are kids, but it does not fade away with time as people think it does. By the time we become young adults, ADHD is often accompanied by conduct disorder. So, now you know why we have this sudden inability to do things which were perfectly executed by us before. When we are undiagnosed, we do not know what is wrong with us.
Why am I unable to do certain things as others? What is the problem with me? These are the thoughts that occur. But once diagnosed, everything falls into place. Accepting and embracing our diagnosis is what actually reduces our stress and anxiety which in turn reasons us to be better people.
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