I got growled at by Sam when I mentioned or thought in my head about Emily's scar.
"Who's this?" Emily pointed to me
The boys changed back and got dressed behind trees. Sam came out first and jogged over to Emily then planted a kiss on her cheek where the scar was.
"Trinity call, embrys twin sister and newest member of the pack" Sam said causing me to growl and snap at his hand that pointed at me
"Don't do that he wants to help you" Emily said in a motherly scolding voice i lowered my head to the ground
"Wow how'd you do that?" Jared asked causing me to nudge him
He simply smirked down at me and then pet my head. I leaned into him unknowingly and a grin plastered onto my face. Then flashes of Jake and quil came to mind, I couldn't be with them anymore. I howled in sadness at the realization of losing and shutting out my friends.
"Here let me get you something to wear" Emily said and rushed back inside
"Your right you can't tell them, they can't know not yet at least" Sam said
"That's so wrong, I made a pact with them when Embry left, I'd never leave them no matter what" I growled
"You have less control of your anger then Paul, you won't be at school until you have a smaller amount of control" Sam said
"What no, absolutely not" i hissed
"Here sweetie" Emily said handing me clothes
I swiftly changed back from wolf form causing Emily to laugh. The boys to shield their eyes and groan in frustration. I looked down noticing I was naked and laughed then put the clothes on.
"What no body shame here" i smirked and unknowingly went right to Jared to easily wrapped his arm around my shoulder
"Imprinted?" Emily asked with a wide smile on her face
"Yep" Jared said popping the P
"Wait that's why Leah can't be with you, why you left her?" I asked shocked
"She told you about that?" Sam said looking down guilt written all over his face
"She tells me everything and I'm still slightly mad at you, but at least I understand why you did it" I said looking at Emily then Sam
"Well come inside I made muffins" Emily said
I followed in after Emily with Jared trailing behind me. The few things that were on my mind were things I couldn't do. For one Sam said no school for a while and apparently the elders would work that out. There was an elder that worked at the school anyway. Then the next thing was Jake and quil I wasn't allowed to tell them yet. Not until they phased and completed understood what was going on. So I was down a few friends and I hated the idea of betraying them. I was a loyal friend and the idea of betraying my friends hurt me a lot, but according to Sam my anger is worse than Paul's.
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