Chapter 4: Austin
(Warning: descriptions of physical injuries)
(I swear I'm still working on this, I got sudden inspiration and am really wanting to finish. This chapter is unedited so apologies about that)
Not long after finishing filming the video, Colin got changed after Austin complained about him dripping water all over the cabin and the two of them waited in the kitchen for the others. Austin went through the cabinets, trying to decide what to cook when everyone was back and Colin leaned against the island, scrolling through his phone at old pictures.
The front door swung open with all the power of a 70 mph gust of wind. Bri came staggering in, hauling Seek in beside her. Her arms were around his shoulders and under his arms and he was leaning against her with all his deadweight.
He let out a strangled cry and Austin and Colin gave each other a glance before running into the foyer.
"What happened?!" Austin exclaimed.
Seek was a blubbering mess and all it took was one glance down for Austin to understand why. He was pretty sure a human's leg was not supposed to bend that way.
Bri moved him slightly on her elbow and Seek sucked in a sharp breath, shutting his eyes. "Talk later, we need to get him to a hospital!"
Austin furiously nodded his head and ran to grab the keys. They were still in his room, right where he left them next to the gun Colin stole. He stared at it a moment before taking it and tucking it into his belt.
By the time he got outside, everyone else was already in the van. Bri was teetering in the passenger seat which Austin didn't even have the time to appreciate with Seek holding back wheezes of pain in the backseat while Colin nervously held onto him.
He jammed the keys into the ignition and cranked it, peeling out of the front yard and down the drive. Night had fallen and he switched on the headlights. Even with the brights on, the light was more akin to a flashlight in the dense forest; a simple circle of dim light that still hid the immediate surroundings from view.
Austin struggled to keep to the dirt road, ignoring the beats of moans and groans from his best friend. "Just hang in there, buddy. What happened??"
"Seek was climbing a cell tower after that cat and fell," Bri answered with exhaustion heavy in her tone.
"Cell tower? There's nothing around here!"
"Well there was one out there! I don't even know where Cartoon went."
"I know you love cats, Seek, but what were you thinking?!"
All he got in return was another cry of searing pain and Austin winced. He jerked the wheel to avoid launching them off the road, taking a sharp turn. He guided the van down an incline and turned again towards the main path towards town.
In the pale light, something emerged into view up ahead. Something tall and dark, thin and gangly, almost skeletal. With a bulbous head that, despite having no eyes, stared him down as it blocked their escape route to town and help for Seek. Austin slammed on the brakes and everyone jolted forward in their seats.
In the black mist of the non-existent pouring rain, stood the creature that plagued their every waking nightmare. All 40 feet, towering over them as the broken siren rang out throughout the forest. It shook the very metal frame surrounding them, penetrating their little safe haven.
Austin sat with his hands clutching the steering wheel, white knuckles bare to the leather. Everything was white noise but he could vaguely hear Colin yelling in fear. He knew that if he checked, he would see him and Bri grappling for each other's hands while Seek held onto Colin's arm for dear life.
But he couldn't look. He could only stare mesmerized as the siren grew louder and threatened to burst their eardrums.
That's when the creature swung its arm-like appendage and struck the side of their car.
The car went flying. Austin banged his head against the roof and his teeth bit hard onto his tongue. He felt everything in his body levitate to the top of his head, coming fully out of his seat and dangling mid air, as the car rotated in the air. His shoulder blades were pushed flush against the roof and all the air escaped his lungs as his body twisted into a 90 degree angle in the metal death trap.
He didn't scream, he didn't yell, he didn't even think as swiveled and crashed right side up. It toppled side to side a couple times before coming to a stop. Metal jostled and his hands automatically flew to the steering wheel as if that would keep it from moving again.
There was complete silence. Dead, cold silence. Austin swallowed hard and forced himself to look around at the other occupants of the car. "Are- Is everyone-?"
Bri held her head, groaning, in the passenger seat. Austin could see a sizable bruise on her forehead where she most likely hit the dashboard. "I'm fine," she said weakly. She suddenly snapped her head up and twisted in her seat way too fast for someone probably with a concussion. "Colin?!"
Her brother was sitting slumped sideways in the backseat. Seek was covering him with the upper half of his body while silent tears ran down his face. "I'm okay, Bri. Seek?"
The crying boy shook his head and held onto Colin, who had a small trail of blood coming from a cut on his cheek. "Let's-Let's get out of here. Car's probably totaled."
Austin didn't even want to think about that possibility. But as he kicked his door open with forced strength he didn't have, he realized Colin was right. A large dent was in the passenger side, narrowly missing the door that kept Bri safe. Similar but smaller dents numbered the back and the tail lights were completely busted.
Austin didn't bother closing the door and instead hurried around the car to help Bri out. She stumbled out and grabbed onto Austin's waiting arm. She smiled gratefully at him but it fell just as quickly as she raced back around to where the other two had practically fallen out onto the ground.
Colin's face was blood red and panic written all over it. He collapsed to the ground with the ailing Seek and looked to Bri. "What do we do?" His voice was strained dry with fear.
Right. Seek's leg. Austin glanced down and recoiled in horror. It was even worse than before: twisted at the knee and he could see something mildly pointy trying to stick through his jeans.
Seek whimpered in pain and gazed up at him pleadingly. "Do something, Austin! Please!"
Why him? Why did this fall on his shoulders? His chest tightened as he gazed at each of them. They were all scared, worried, and definitely in pain from the crash. They were miserable and in deep trouble with something they couldn't even comprehend. And he was responsible for this, for all of them. This was his fault, it was his idea to go on vacation, he was the one to book the cabin, this nightmare was his doing.
Not only that, but he felt responsible for his friends' general wellbeing. And he couldn't just stand there and do nothing while his best friend was lying agonizing in pain at his feet, begging for him to do something. Anything.
Austin whirled around. The van had landed down a cliff sliding down from the road. Going back up wasn't an option with Seek's condition. Trees and more trees completely skirted the road, nothing in the dark indicating that they were near anything.
Except the neighbor's house. Austin could remember which way it was judging by the last thing he saw on the road before the creature showed up. But there was no way Seek could make it there without causing permanent damage to his leg, if he hadn't already.
He took a deep breath and kneeled next to him, placing both hands on Seek's leg. One near the bent knee and the other on his lower shin. Seek flinched and bit his bottom lip as he tried not to yell.
"Hold onto something," Austin said in a low voice. "I'm going to have to set it back into place."
Immediately, Colin grabbed Seek's hand and held it tightly. He gaped at Bri, eyebrows creased, and weakly patted his shoulder in comfort. Seek squeezed back and, after a deep, deep breath, nodded hard at Austin. "I'm ready!" he announced with faux confidence.
"Sorry about this, bro." With that, Austin jerked his leg sideways as hard as he could.
Seek screamed and Colin winced from both the sound and the sheer strength he was exhibiting on his hand bones. Bri lurched forward and wrapped her arms around Seek's shoulders as she looked around in fear.
"I really hope that thing didn't hear that."
Seek's shriek was cut off by his own coughing. He fell against Bri, breathing heavily and staring down at his leg. He swallowed hard and sniffled. "Th-Thank you...I think."
Austin could only nod and hope he never had to do that again in his life. "It was the only thing I could think of so we could get moving."
"Where are we going?"
They all looked at him and Austin's chest swelled up. They trusted him and he wasn't going to squander that trust away. "The only place we can go from here: the neighbor's. Come on, help me get him on my back."
Austin and Colin looped their arms around Seek and hauled him up onto Austin's back. He staggered to his feet, got a firm grip on his friend, and started in the direction of the neighbor's house.
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