"We need to hire a nanny, at least for the day" Jason ran his fingertips along her bare back. Elena shuddered and turned to him, clutching the pillow tighter. "Why would we do such a thing, I'm perfectly capable of taking care of my daughter myself?" she pouted and he smiled, bent down and kissed her on the shoulder. "Put your claws away kitty, I'm not saying you can't, just that you won't have the chance" Elena raised an eyebrow, Jason moved closer to her, rubbing his hard cock against her thigh.
Elena raised her head and looked down in amazement, then looked up, meeting the fire in Jason's dark eyes. "Why...why shouldn't I have a...chance?" his lips moved further up her shoulder and he crossed a leg between hers, his hand slid up her other shoulder and to the side under her armpit, his chest pressing against her arm and the right half of her back. "You want to keep working, I guess?" he asked, Elena closed her eyes and moaned nodding and Jason spread her legs with his knee, positioning himself between her thighs, he shifted his weight to his hands, his lips continued their way up her neck and down between her shoulder blades.
"How will you balance your work, motherhood and pregnancy?" he rubbed his cock against her inner thighs and Elena's breathing quickened, she looked over her shoulder at him, Jason gritted his teeth, trying to keep himself from coming right now, but continuing the game. "I've been doing fine so far" Elena reminded him, her skin prickling and her hips moving slightly, her ass rising against him. "There's no denying it my love, I'm amazed at everything you do" he propped himself up on his left elbow and his right hand traced a line down her side, his fingers digging into her waist.
"Then...why do we need a...nanny" Elena curled her fingers under the pillow. Her insides melted and electricity buzzed somewhere deep, forming moisture between her thighs. They had already had sex three times, but her body seemed to obey the primal hunger in his of its own accord. "Your pregnancy is early babe, the real symptoms are just starting, besides my case, I'll be out of the office a lot" Jason buried his face in her hair, taking a deep breath and his hips thrust forward.
They both grunted at the same time. Jason was sure of one thing, if he died now, it would be the most beautiful death in the world. The feeling of Elena taking his cock like a silky wet glove wrapped around him, holding him in a perfectly shaped tunnel created solely for his pleasure was driving him crazy. He had never wanted a big family, one child yes, he needed an heir. But after Elena's pregnancy with Christina, after he felt and tasted her changing body, his imagination couldn't stop making pictures again and again, and he became obsessed with the idea of making her baby after baby.
"Jason!" Elena was moaning and squirming, his movements were too slow, Jason couldn't stop sinking into her, feeling her inner walls stretch to make room for him, feeling her hot wetness run over his tight cock and flow on his balls, making wet sounds even with his irritatingly slow movements. "I feel you amazing, kitten, you're so tight, so hot" Elena growled and arched against him. Jason smirked, his little kitten no less hungry for his cock than he was for her insanely sweet cunt.
"You like that don't you kitty?" he plunged in completely, rose a little more and Elena spread her legs wider to take him deeper. With Christina, Jason had refrained most of the time from thrusting deep into her womb because he was afraid he might hurt the baby if he was too rough and he needed time to learn how far he could go. Now that fear was gone and he knew exactly how deep he could feel the core of her pussy, exactly where the tip of his cock would rest to make her see stars.
Elena whimpered, the slow movements of his cock inside her were torture, tearing her apart, stitching her up, and then tearing her apart again. She just couldn't get enough, feel him enough, a week apart seemed to have awakened a hungry beast in her and she needed to feel his movements, as if to be sure that he was really here, that he was by her side. "More!" she cried imploringly, her eyes never leaving his, molten gray mercury sinking into the darkness of chocolate.
"What 'more' kitten?" he asked hoarsely, their bodies sticky with sweat, writhing in an ancient dance that crawled under their skins, calling every cell to life. "Stronger, faster!" Elena shifted the angle of her hips and jerked herself up. Jason growled, his teeth grinding, his forehead falling onto her back. "Damn it, kitty, do you want me to cum?" Elena let out a deep breathless giggle, repeating the motion and Jason grabbed her ass, meeting her lift with a thrust.
"Are you that easy Mr. Hex?" Elena snorted defiantly, white spots appearing before his eyes. The little tomboy knew how and where to hit to challenge him, and his ego was his biggest weakness in bed, especially with Elena. "You're lucky you're pregnant, my love!" he growled, leaning forward, wrapping his fingers around her throat and pulling her head back hard, driving his cock deep and rough.
Elena gasped and her eyes went white and her teeth dug into her bottom lip. "You think I'm easy, do you kitty?" he thrust deep again and felt her pussy suck him with that trembling thrust, just before her walls pulsed with orgasm. "Want more? Stronger?" he ground his teeth and growled his thrust. "You want faster?" his hips pumped faster, gradually reaching an almost insanely hysterical speed. "Is this...do you...want, kitten?" he panted, the effort to make her pay for the insult made his abs tighten and his balls retracted into his belly, Jason stiffened and felt his cock grow harder.
This woman was a maddening, unreal being, born of the arrogance of some goddess of passion to test his limits, challenge his possibilities, and she was given incredible weapons to do so. Her skin was like Arabian silk, caressing him like a feather, causing tickling waves to pool mercilessly deep into his belly, which seemed to push his insides out to make way for the blood that flowed into his cock, making him dizzyingly and painfully hard. .
Her touch, the soft way her fingers crawled over his body, making every muscle tingle and tighten, squeezing his heart so tight that every breath of air seeped through his lungs into his mind and imprinted her name there, ruining every chance of it ever being erased or forgotten. It was pointless for Jason to fight, he was smart enough to know that the damn kitten had him in her paws and her claws were leaving such sweet bloody trails that drove him crazy and captivated him.
And last but not least, this superior male presented a tight pussy that took him in and enveloped him, that sucked the life out of him, creating a new one, that caressed his length with such hot softness and wetness that he had never imagined possible to exist. The maddening sensation of her heartbeat racing across his hardness like the feet of a thousand merciless ants, leaving him no choice but to pour his seed as deep as possible.
Elena's ability to flow orgasm after orgasm, causing him to destroy a maelstrom of ecstasy, making it impossible for Jason to draw on all his experience in sex and manage to hold his own end. Elena was his reward and punishment, it was his reminder that every master has a master.
"For God's sake, kitten, I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I swear, I thank the heavens" Jason rolled over, dragging Elena with him. She gave a breathless laugh and curled up against his chest, wrapped in his secure embrace. Her eyelids grew wearily heavy and she rubbed her cheek against his chest with a soft sigh. "I love you too" Elena murmured sleepily, feeling him pull the covers up over her.
"Frost" Jason shook Michael's hand, who smiled warmly. He was not at all happy about Michael's presence in his home, nor around Elena, jealousy coursing through his veins as a reminder that if he wasn't careful, someone better than him would always be found to give Elena something that he refused her, or he couldn't. It didn't have to be Michael Frost, it could have been anyone, but as long as had the chance, Jason would be on the lookout for any man who approached Elena, married or not.
"Michael, nice to see you" Elena got up from the couch and hugged him lightly. "As always, it's my pleasure, you look great, you're actually glowing" he pulled back slightly and looked her up and down, humming in approval. "It's from the pregnancy, Elena always looks so beautiful when she's pregnant" Jason chuckled, one bullet, two rabbits. First he gave a warning that Elena was already an impregnated female, and by him, and then a compliment that earned him a charming smile, instead of a reproach that he was too territorially arrogant.
"Pregnant?" Michael raised his eyebrows and his smile grew even wider. "Man, you gotta tell me how you do it" he looked at Jason with such respect that he wasn't sure if it was a compliment or a question about a baby making lesson, so he just shrugged, continuing to smirk possessively.
"And the little fairy?" he asked, looking around at the empty bassinet. "She was kidnapped by Beatrice in the roof garden, for a little walk" Elena smiled and Jason rolled his eyes, that's why he didn't like Michael, the charm itself. Elena was engaged, soon to be married, she was a mother, and pregnant with her second, couldn't Michael Frost get the hint that he should be more restrained in his joy towards Jason's girls?
"Good, very good," he nodded, suddenly serious. "So we can talk in peace. "We're listening?" Jason pointed to the chair in front of his desk, he sat behind the desk himself, and Elena stood next to Jason, who pulled her into his lap. She gave him a warning look, but he pretended he hadn't noticed her."Do you know a woman named Samantha Hollard?" Michael reached into his inside jacket pocket and pulled out a folder folded in two.
"I don't" Jason shook his head frowning and looked at Elena questioningly, her answer was the same. "I thought so" he opened the folder and pulled out a folded photo. "Samantha Hollard is Kenneth Turner's lover, the tax complaint was filed by an anonymous email, thanks to an acquaintance of mine in the cyber police department, we were able to trace the IP address to her home" Michael handed the folder across the desk and Elena took it, opening it like ,so that Jason can read too.
"Also all the newly redone invoices from Turner's computer were forwarded to her email. I assume you already have the results of the hard drive search?" he looked at the two and Elena nodded. "Did you find what you needed?" Elena nodded again. "And this is what I found" he reached into his pocket again and pulled out a folder twice as thick, this time handing it to Jason.
"Kenneth Turner doesn't just own Turner Groups" Elena narrowed her eyes in confusion and Jason huffed as he read the documents in the folder and with everything he read his face grew redder and redder. "Apparently your engagement to Bianca is practice for the Turners, Bianca has already been married three times in the last five years" Michael sighed and leaned back, shaking his head. "What?" In disbelief, Elena yanked the folder from Jason's hand and flipped through the pages.
"Turner closes the deal, the companies merge through marriage, Bianca gets married, moves into management, the two of them convince all the investors to sell them their shares, and then Turner Grubbs swallows the company, leaving Bianca's husband as naked as a shotgun. She divorce and they're on to the next one" Jason cursed and leaned back heavily, running his fingers through his hair. "Hex Corporation is their first bigger fish, the front three are middle-income companies, or at least they were, engagements and weddings were only announced in low-circulation newspapers and magazines and no other media notices, so it was easy for them to cover up Bianca's marriages" Michael cleared his throat and looked Jason straight in the eyes.
"And I suppose when you agreed to the engagement you didn't bother to check the municipal records for Bianca's previous marriages?" he asked and Jason shook his head, he hadn't even thought about such a thing. "Precisely, no one would have thought" as if reading his thoughts, Michael answered for him. "Then after Jason broke off the engagement and we got together, why did they buy out the Hex Corporation stock?" Elena asked and Michael scowled. "Turner Groups can't take over Jason's company if he's not married to Bianca, right?" she looked at Jason questioningly.
"It's not like that, kitten" Jason pulled her closer to his lap. "If it is proven that I have committed financial fraud, I will be arrested and effectively sentenced, and even if Christina and you own part of the stock, that will not stop the IRS from declaring Hex Corporation insolvent and then will list it for sale at a low price so that it can cover at least some of the amount owed.Which means Turner Grubbs will buy an established business worth billions for nothing and then all they have to do is do what you did,renegotiate all current Hex Corporation contracts and continue working making money" Elena gasped and her eyes widened in astonishment and shock.
"Right" Elena looked at Michael, shaking her head in disbelief. "The only obstacle is Jason, and if he is removed, they just need to pay the right person and it won't matter what claims the other owners have. These auctions are also anonymous, the participants bid and the highest bidder wins. And if Hex Corporation will be declared bankrupt, its accounts will be frozen, which means that neither Jason nor you will have access to enough money to buy it out, as long as the Turners don't have that problem. That's why they're trying to remove Jason" he explained and resting his elbows on his knees thoughtfully.
"In itself, the scheme is also a scam. But very difficult to prove, as one of the stock holders, Turner can simply justify that he is trying to save his business and has nothing to do with the previous scams" Jason clenched his jaw. "Namely, all the tax invoices presented in the tax invoices are dated before Turner's intervention in your company, so the excuse that he did not know about the tax frauds is plausible" Michael nodded.
"But that means that even with the information from the hard drives, we don't have enough evidence that Jason is innocent" Elena almost cried and Jason held her close, stroking her back soothingly. "And that's right, Turner can just say he didn't know someone was using his computer?" Jason looked at Michael who smirked. "He probably would, but firstly, I guess the hadrisk kept the time of sending the invoices, secondly, he has to prove your relationship with Samantha, and there is none, thirdly, I have pictures of him and his lover" Michael narrowed his eyes and grinned.
"Also, I have several phone records with an IRS agent in charge of auctions where Turner stupidly mentions a decent amount of money in exchange for his help" Jason also chuckled. No one was perfect, so far Turner had been safe and sound, but with photos and records, it would be difficult for him to dispute his involvement in a fraudulent acquisition scheme. And this was indictable, including the attempted bribery of a public official, he would have gone to prison.
And if Jason added a charge of defamation, as well as demanded that the Turners be sentenced for moral and emotional damages, both to himself and to Elena and their daughter, both of them would be behind bars for a very long time. "And now the question is, will this evidence hold up in court?" he asked, slightly rethinking Elena and Michael's friendship. "The videos no, they will review them, but they won't accept them as evidence, but the pictures and all the documented evidence, including the tapes of the conversations between Turner and the taxman, are more than enough to start a case against them" Michael shrugged and Elena smiled slightly, looking at Jason.
"Does this mean this will all be over soon?" she asked, looking between the two men. "Such a case will take months, but it will mean that Jason will be exonerated and he himself will become an accuser, which will clear his name and in front of the public" confirmed Michael and Elena ecstatically hugged Jason and kissed him. "I'll make sure Timothy Evans gets all the documents from my investigation" Michael smiled. "Thank you Frost, I really appreciate your help and being there for Elena and Christina when I couldn't" Jason helped Elena to her feet, stood up and shook Michael's hand wholeheartedly.
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