"Hello, Beatrice" Elena smiled sweetly at the older woman, who immediately jumped to her feet. "Miss Vale, should you be here?" Jason's new assistant was a kind woman in her forties who treated Elena like she was her mother. Elena hadn't come to the office because of her difficult mobility, but today she had decided to surprise Jason for lunch. Something that in a few days would be impossible for her.
"According to the doctor, I still have at least a week" Elena smiled and stroked her belly, Beatrice smiled motherly and supported her. "Where's Jason?" she asked and Beatrice frowned. "Meeting at the opposite restaurant, but that one is in his office" answered Beatrice almost apologetically and Elena sighed. "I wanted to take him out to lunch" she mumbled and stomped off to his office. "Miss Vale, I don't think you should be rooming with Bianca" the name sounded annoyed and Elena laughed softly.
"She got to you too, huh?" Elena stopped and winked at Beatrice. "I can handle her and I want to wait Jason" Beatrice pursed her lips uncertainly but nodded. She opened the door and Elena slowly entered, one hand resting on her waist and the other on her stomach. "Look who has decided to show up in the office" Bianca's evil voice, sitting behind Jason's desk, greeted her. "Look who has put his ass in a place where it doesn't belong" answered Elena in the same tone and tilted her head slightly.
Elena might feel insecure about Bianca's presence, but that didn't mean she was going to let it go. She was Jason's fiancee, his child was still in her womb, and if Jason found out that Elena had allowed Bianca to abuse her, he would be very angry. "My ass is right where it belongs, bitch!" Bianca ran her hands across Jason's desk, smirking like someone was up to something. "Very soon, this will all be mine, including Jason, and you and your bastard will rot in Hell" she hissed and Elena raised her eyebrows.
"You know, I have no complaints about Jason's office, but I definitely have complaints about Jason himself" Elena staggered to the sofa and carefully, leaning on her hands, sat down. "Oh Elena, don't you know Jason?" Bianca stood up, walked around the desk and sat opposite Elena, demonstratively showing off her sultry body and looking at her with pity. "Look at you, you look like a barrel, and Jason...he has needs, you know?" Elena narrowed her eyes, but remained silent.
"Needs that you can't satisfy, unlike me" Bianca added mockingly and Elena gasped at the suggestion that Jason was sleeping with her again. "Jason wouldn't touch a whore like you, Bianca, not after what we have with him" Elena smirked, but doubt was already sprouting in her heart. Jason wouldn't betray her like that, he loved her, he had changed, he wouldn't cheat on her, especially with Bianca.
"Right?" Bianca stood up and paced back and forth between the small table and the two-seater sofa, clicking her tongue and shaking her head. "From what he told me, you haven't had sex in weeks, his balls were pretty sore the first time, it was over so quickly" Bianca looked at Elena and smiled. "Luckily, he quickly regained his form" Elena felt her heart sink and her head spin. How would Bianca know she and Jason weren't having sex unless Jason told her?
A sharp pain shot from her lower back to the center of her stomach, which tightened and Elena gritted her teeth, pulling herself up with serious difficulty. "I'm not going to sit and listen to this nonsense" Elena groaned and started for the door, but Bianca blocked her way, grabbing her hair. "This nonsense, dear Elena, is the facts!" Bianca hissed and Elena whimpered in pain, trying to pull her hair out of Bianca's hand. "I'm with Jason again and I assure you, the fucking is even better than before" she brought her face closer and Elena bit her lip, still struggling with her hand in her hair.
"The only reason you're still wearing that ring is because of the bastard in your belly, but when it comes out, Jason will throw you out like a dirty kitten, like he should have done a long time ago, and we'll both be happy again!" Elena's eyes swam, but she swallowed and forced herself to stop her tears so as not to give Bianca this pleasure. "You have no idea how much we're both laughing as he tells me how touchingly happy you are with all the attention and he's sick of you! Jason can't wait to get rid of you, bitch! Naturally, he's softened and wants to keep the bastard , but I promise you, I'll be a terrible stepmother and I'll ruin his life!" Elena shook her head helplessly, tears streaming down her face as she refused to accept what was being said, just as she tried to ignore the second wave of pain in her stomach.
"No!" Elena turned her head and a few strands of hair remained between Bianca's fingers, who shook her hand in disgust. "Do you think I'll really fall for your lies? That I'll believe a word you say?" Elena screamed and Bianca smirked. "Will you believe that?" she held up her left hand, where the huge engagement ring she'd been wearing before Jason broke off their engagement gleamed. "We're together again bitch, me and Jason, accept it and get out of our way!" Elena stared at the ring and shook her head.
"It's not possible" cried Elena, but Bianca looked so sure, she was so convincing. "Elena, Beatrice called me..." Jason stood in the doorway of his office and looked around the two women, glancing at Bianca's contented face. "Elena, why are you crying?" in two steps he was in front of her, pushing Bianca away and cupping her face. "What's up kitty?" Elena blinked, anger, jealousy and pain mixed in her chest and she slapped him so hard that his head spun around and his neck snapped.
"What...?" Jason gritted his teeth and narrowed his eyes, cupping his bruised cheek. "Don't worry Jason, me and my bastard won't stand in the way of your happiness!" Elena pushed him away, Jason stumbled back and Elena pushed past him, heading for the door, only to be pierced by pain again, much sharper and stronger than the previous two times. She screamed and clutched her stomach, watching in horror as liquid soaked her legs and pooled on the carpet.
"No, God, not now!" she cried, her knees shaking and she tried to find something to hold on to. "When this is over, you're going to have to explain that slap to me, kitten!" growled Jason, picking her up in his arms. "Beatrice, call the hospital and tell them we're on our way there, the labor has begun!" he ordered, walking past the startled woman's desk with Elena in his arms. "No...I don't owe you anything, Jason!" Elena whimpered, but clung to him like a drowning man. "Oh, kitty, trust me, you'll tell me everything, and then I'll wring that bitch Bianca's neck!" he grumbled, entering the elevator.
"Push, Elena!" Dr. Davis ducked under the sheet covering Elena's knees, and she clenched her teeth and Jason's hand and strained with a scream. "In a little while kitten, she's almost there" Jason dabbed the sweat from her forehead with gauze and Elena shot him a devastating look. "Dumb jerk, damn idiot, you did this to me!" Elena screamed and squeezed her eyes shut, tossing her head back as another contraction shot through her.
"I plead guilty, my love, and I promise to do it to you a few more times" he kissed her forehead and Elena ground her teeth. "Fuck you Jason, you can go back to fucking Bianca!" Doctor Davis poked his head out from under the sheet and looked at them in surprise, Jason gave him an apologetic smile and shook his head, showing the doctor that he had no idea what Elena was talking about. "I didn't fuck Bianca, kitty, you know that" he murmured in her ear, starting to get an idea of why he'd been slapped earlier.
"She...she's wearing...a ring...your ring" Elena screamed and tensed again. Dr. Davis reached out from under the sheet again. "Don't push for a moment, I have to turn the baby, it's coming out occipitally" Elena sat back tiredly, breathing heavily. "She...told me...everything, Jason" Elena's voice was heavy with pain and fatigue, her tears wet her cheeks and Jason barely swallowed his anger, watching her gray eyes drown in grief.
"For God's sake, kitty" he leaned down, smoothed the hair on her forehead and kissed her softly. "Do you believe her?" Elena whimpered, then twisted and gave a high-pitched scream. "Done, done, sorry" hurried to apologize the doctor who had reached into her vagina to turn the baby into a normal position. "Push hard, Elena, as much as you have strength" Elena could barely breathe, her body was beginning to tingle, pierced by insanely strong contractions.
"I can't...I can't anymore" Elena cried, but with the next contraction, she winced and strained, Jason supporting her shoulders, pressing them against her belly, whispering soothingly with his lips against her temple. "You can my love you are the strongest woman I know besides the harder you push the sooner you can kill me" Elena shot him a murderous look and thrust hard again growling through gritted teeth .
"The baby's head is showing Elena, with the next push you have to push his shoulders" Dr. Davis smiled and Elena began cursing all the saints and men. "I can't, Jason, it hurts so bad" she cried and threw her head back. "You can, kitty, we'll do it together, won't we?" Elena shook her head, but the contraction cut through her and she stood up abruptly, straining hard with a shriek, and Jason almost sat behind her, pinning her down to help her. "That's it, Elena, just one more time and that's it!" shouted the doctor and Elena growled, straining with all her remaining strength.
Christina Michaela Hex was born exactly nine months and four days after her parents' first night together. The cries of the almost four-pound heiress of the Hex family filled the delivery room and did not stop, even when Dr. Davis placed her, wrapped in a soft blanket, in her mother's arms. "She's so tiny" Elena couldn't stop smiling, gently holding her daughter's little fingers, who kept raising her voice, protesting the violent way she was ripped from her warm cozy paradise.
"I told you my princess will be incredibly beautiful, kitten" Jason took the baby's other hand, kissed Elena on the forehead and glanced at the nurses who were still cleaning Elena after the birth. "And noisy like her mother" Elena sulked, but she couldn't hold her face for long. "We did it Jason, we're having a baby" her tears flowed again and she lifted the baby's head resting on her elbow to kiss the soft fluff that was her daughter's hair.
"You did it my love, you created and brought into this world an incredibly amazingly beautiful miracle" Jason sat down next to her and Elena leaned against his chest caressing their daughter's cheeks, forehead and nose. "And you chose a beautiful name" Elena praised him and Jason smiled. "We need to take her for a bit, Miss Vale" a nurse stood on the other side of Elena and smiled sweetly. "Why?" panic and worry immediately crept into Elena's voice and face and she hugged her daughter closer.
"To bathe her and change her, and to move you to a room, before we bring her to you, to feed her for the first time" the nurse explained with a smile and Elena gasped, but did not try to hand the baby to the nurse. "Just for a few minutes" promised the nurse and Elena looked uncertainly at Jason, who nodded and smiled reassuringly. "Just for a few minutes?" the nurse confirmed with another nod and Elena bit her lip but handed her the baby.
As the nurse had promised, twenty minutes later, Elena lay resting in her room, her daughter in her arms, hungrily sucking the nipple of her left breast, and Jason sat at the bottom of the bed, watching his two most beloved women with a proud smile. "Next time you feed her, put her on your right breast, then your left breast again, always alternating" the nurse fussed, straightening her blankets while giving her instructions.
"Make sure you don't repeat the same breast twice or you might get milk build up and get mastitis which will prevent you from breastfeeding your daughter and it's terribly painful" Elena nodded and thanked her unable to take her eyes off the little lips ,which seemed to try to suck her entire breast. "How are the girls?" Jason stood up and stood so that the doctor could see Elena, but not her breasts. His gaze flashed possessively and jealously.
Dr. Davis smiled and shook his head. All new fathers were the same, right after birth, they took this protective stance, but this dad was also a little more jealous than normal. "How are you Miss Vale, I guess the pain has subsided?" he asked, standing a few feet away from Jason so as not to unnecessarily provoke the huge man. "Ms. Hex, soon!" Jason snapped and the doctor's smile grew even wider.
"I'm fine, it still hurts but it's nothing compared to giving birth" Elena giggled, watching in love as Jason went back to his old ways. "Yes, you will be in pain for at least another week and on top of that, I can recommend a good pediatrician if you want?" he looked at Jason who nodded with a snort. "Great, I'll bring you a business card for the visit" the doctor reached into his pockets and glanced at the baby. "Make sure your wife rests Mr. Hex, if she overexerts herself, her milk may stop, and we recommend that the baby be exclusively breastfed for at least the first three months" Jason nodded and the doctor turned to the door.
"You know" Dr. Davis stopped and turned, looking around the young family. "I've fathered many babies, but your daughter is really beautiful, I wish you a lot of happiness, because you are a wonderful couple" he winked at Jason, who smirked arrogantly, glancing back at Elena and the baby, who was currently nursing while sleeping.
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