Chaos is the Good guy?
Ow. Percy woke up in a soft bed, and get this, it had blue cookies all over it. Yum! Whoever kidnapped him had good taste.
Wait. Wasn't he supposed to be dead? He had just jumped of Mount Olympus, and somehow...survived? Why did he jump off Olympus? Oh gods....Nico. Nico! He jumped out of the bed immediately and opened the door easily. Wow. If these people wanted to lock him in, they weren't doing a very good job. Maybe they just forgot to lock the door. Maybe they were trying to use reverse psychology. Or was it reverse reverse psychology? Reverse reverse reverse psychology? Percy snuck out of the room and tried every door in the corridor. If whoever had saved him had saved him from dying, (or maybe they had just brought him back to life) maybe they had saved Nico too.
Percy was so busy trying to pick the lock of a door that he didn't notice a finger tapping on his shoulder. He turned around. "Yes? I'm trying to save my friend here, make it quick." Then he mentally facepalmed. Stupid ADHD! Why did he always blurt stuff out without thinking? (Anyone else who also does this? Comment over there. -->) He liked to blame stuff on his ADHD to make him feel better. It didn't work.
"Ahem." The person behind him cleared his throat.
"Ah. Right." Percy turned around. "Who are you?"
"I am Chaos." 'Chaos' said.
Percy scoffed. "Yeah right. And I'm Nyx. There's no way you're Chaos. You've got to be kidding."
'Chaos' smiled. "No, Percy Jackson. I am not Kidding. I am not Joking either. Those are my sisters. I am Chaos. See?" He produced a name tag that said 'Hello, my name is _____' He took out a black Sharpie and scribbled 'Chaos' on the blank. He pinned it to his chest.
Percy was now half-convinced. Only Chaos could manage to pull off a joke that bad without looking stupid. "How did you know my name?"
"Because of that." Chaos pointed at the name tag on Percy's chest.
"Help, my nanny is Prissy." Percy read. "Oh, so that's why Clarisse keeps getting it wrong. Yep, I believe you."
"Good," said Chaos. "I was going to tell you your ID card number, your bank account password and your email password next, and I wouldn't want anyone to overhear."
"So, um, Chaos, aren't you supposed to be the bad guy? You know, because Chaos? And Order is the good guy?"
Chaos sighed. "People keep getting that wrong. My mom (Do they have a mom?)thought it would be fun to mix our names up. My sister was always pushing me off my tricycle when we were kids. I used to be Order, but thanks to my mom, I'm now, ironically, Chaos."
"Next question: Where are we?"
"We're on another planet, in another galaxy. Planet Chaos. Nice place. Plants don't eat you."
"Wow. So why did you save me?"
"I like you. You're nice and powerful. Loyal, too. There's also the part where I want to adopt you as my son and get you to be a commander in my army."
Percy's jaw dropped and his eyes popped out of his head and rolled away. After Percy had put his body parts back where they belonged, he asked, "So how about my friend Nico? Did you save him too?"
"Nico? Oh, you mean the emo kid who looks like he should get out more?"
Percy nodded. "You saved him too?"
Chaos led him down the corridor to a door that looked exactly like Percy's door. "Yes, I did. Good adoption and commander choice. Nice kid. Kinda scrawny though. Willing to do anything for his loved ones. Are you two dating?"
Percy blushed. "No."
"Shame. Anyway here he is. I'll let you two have a private moment." Chaos closed the door.
Percy looked at the sleeping demigod on the bed. His blanket had skulls on it. Reyna had said that it he looked creepily like an actual angel when he was sleeping. Percy believed her.
"C'mon, Nico. Wake up already. I have McDonalds. Hades brought Bianca back from the Dead. You're in Elysium and can see Bianca again.I have McDonalds."
Nico started to snore.
Reyna had also said that once Nico was sleeping, it was nearly impossible to wake him up.
Percy sat on Nico's bed and waited for him to wake up.
Nico woke up to the smell of salt. Sea salt. That reminded him of Percy. Percy... Wait, wasn't he supposed to be dead, Yep, as dead as a doorknob. Nobody had ever survived Zeus' master bolt before. Well, except Titans and deities. How was he alive?
He rolled over and saw Percy sleeping next to him. Oh gods. Percy Jackson, sleeping next to him. Nico slapped himself and scrambled out of bed. Any girl would kill to sleep with Percy Jackson, the hottest guy in camp, but guys? No way. I mean, sure, Nico could name a few boys he'd met who had totally fallen in love with Percy, but sleeping with him? That pretty much earned you a one-way ticket to Avoid-you-at-all-costs land. Nico already had a bad reputation being the son of the creepiest god who had kidnapped a pretty girl (I mean, come on, he was lonely), but if people found out he was gay, he'd probably be given the boot out of camp faster than Percy could eat a blue cookie. Besides, Percy wouldn't love him back. He likes Annabeth! Or rather he used to like Annabeth, his brain said hopefully. You still have a chance. He could be bi. Nico groaned.
While Nico was having a conversation with his uncooperative brain that was involving a lot of colourful language, Percy woke up to the smell of pomegranates and the sound of somebody groaning. He looked up and saw Nico slapping himself and muttering to himself. Wow, he looks cute. Percy was tempted to slap himself too. Since when did he think guys were cute? Since now, said his brain unhelpfully. Look at his beautiful chocolate brown eyes. You like chocolate, don't you? Yes, especially the chocolate part, but there's no way he'll like me. He said I'm not his type. Oh come on, do you really think he was telling the truth? Gods, you really are a Seaweed Brain.
While both boys were arguing with their brains, (Wow, boys are so weird) they somehow managed to shuffle closer to each other until their arms touched. they then proceeded to perform a sort of awkward stumble away from each other. They stared at each other.
"So, um, care to fill me in on the details?" Nico asked.
Percy filled him in and waited for it to sink in.
"So, Chaos is really adopting us and making him his commanders?"
"Is he any better than the gods?"
"Well, he has sass (Persassy and Sassico whooooooo)and I don't think he would do that."
"Good enough for me. Now what?"
"I guess we wait for him to pick us up 'cause the door is locked and I dropped my hairpin earlier."
"Hello boys. Follow me to the throne room to you know, get legally adopted and to get commander and deity powers." Chaos stepped in and looked at the two boys standing in opposite corners of the room.
"We get powers?"
"We're gonna become deities?"
"Yes. Follow me."
"Wow." Chaos' throne room was even bigger than the Olympians' throne room. The place was like fifty football fields big.
After walking five minutes just to reach the throne part of the throne room, Chaos turned around and started lecturing them on how the son-of-Chaos/commander-of-Chaos thing worked.
"So, as you know, you're going to become commanders in my army-that's the highest rank-and my adopted sons-you'll be the ones with me, my kids never visit me-BUT what I didn't tell you is that you 2 are both the second most powerful people EVER. Like, seriously. If I for some reason die or can't rule the universe. You 2 can rule together, or if you get together and have a kid (Bahahahahahaha) or if you want to rule alone, you could just do rock paper scissors or something to see who gets to rule the universe. Now kneel down and brace yourself."
Percy and Nico knelt down.
"Alright, 1-2-3!"
"OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" Percy and Nico crumpled to the ground. (Ouch.)
Percy and Nico stood back up woozily after passing out for 5 minutes (Chaos woke them back up by splashing water in their face). Chaos produced a mirror and let them see how they looked.
Percy: Hey, Nico. Let's let the author describe us. We've been talking so long.
Nico: Ok, sure.
Me: EEEEEEEEEEEE! Warning: My vocabulary becomes very limited and I get bad-grammar-itis when I do stuff like this. Ahem.
Percy and Nico looked so cool! They were kinda like angels, except you really wouldn't want them to hang around you. They both had super big wings, which were luckily folded up or they would've probably smacked me and Chaos in the head. Percy's were this pretty shade of blue which melted into turquoise which melted into green. And Nico's wings were so black you could probably mistake it for a black hole. Not that I know what a black hole looks like. They had this cool armour which matched their wings and were super tough. While the guys were knocked out, Chaos let me bang on it with stuff and use weapons and power tools on it. Heck, even their boots looked awesome. There were spikes and stuff on it, so if some monster grabbed onto their feet when they were busy dealing with somebody trying to strangle them, they'd be fine. Purse and Nikki, not the monster clinging to their feet. He'd/She'd be dead.
Percy and Nico: Don't call us that!
Me: Pwease? Pwetty pwease?
Percy and Nico: Awwwwwww. Okay. Wait, what?
Now time for their weapons! Oooooh, this is the best part other than the wings! Apparently, when Chaos gave them their cool new looks, he also blessed them with super healing powers, immortality, these wicked weapons skills and other cool stuff! Now Percy can fire arrows and hit the bullseye with his eyes closed! It's a big improvement from when he would hit Chiron's butt instead of the target. Percy had these twin swords strapped to his back and Nico had this cool sword and twin daggers strapped to his sides. There were also bows and quivers on their backs! It was the coolest thing EVEEEEEER!!!!!
Percy: oKay....That's enough.
Me: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
After Percy and Nico had recovered from their transformation, they turned on Chaos.
"Because, if I told you, you would chicken out."
"That actually kinda makes sense."
"You guys also have to pick code names, you know, to hide your real identity, like Superman."
"Okay fine, how about Hurricane?"
"That doesn't sound too bad."
"I'm thinking either Coffin or Graveyard."
"Okay, we're done. I picked Seahorse."
"Seriously? But I get it.Hmmmm. Having mixed feelings here. But whatever you want."
"I picked Gravestone."
"Ah, yes, that makes a lot more sense.Moving on!"
"Come and meet your fellow commanders." Chaos said, and led them to another big room, the meeting room, Nico assumed. Five people in hoods and cloaks were standing there. One silver, one blue, one green, one pink, one orange.
"Meet Hunter, Swordsman(Sorry I couldn't think of anything else), Angel, Goddess and Fireball."
They all lifted their hoods. Everyone gasped.
"Hey, Beckendorf!"
"Hi Zoe! Sorry I lost your sword."
"I thought you were reborn!"
"You all know each other?" Chaos asked.
"Yes, unfortunately." Nico glared at Zoe.
"You guys are commanders too?" asked Luke.
"No, we're here to take sewing lessons. What do you think?" Nico was still death glaring at Zoe.
"Well, you might want to take flying lessons, or when you run off a cliff chasing me, you'll be feeling pain. A lot of pain." Zoe glared back.
"Zoe. Calm down. You can't break all his bones the week before our wedding. He'll be in hospital so he won't bring us a wedding present!" Luke tried to stop Zoe from doing something violent and painful to Nico.
"You guys are getting married?" Percy asked.
"Duh. You have to bring us a wedding present."
"Right. Um... Do you mind showing us around? I think I'm already lost."
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