Ch 1: Stop The Bus!
(Y/N P.O.V)
The rain was drizzling, soaking into my clothes and bag. My (h/l) (h/c) hair getting stringy and damp. I sat down at the bus stop to free myself from the sky drool. I checked my things making sure nothing I had was wet. "Damn it.." I muttered to myself. It turns out this bag wasn't worth the 5 dollars I paid for it, and all of my belongings were wet. That includes my phone, I quickly snatched it out and tried turning it on. "Nothing.." I grumble in anger. I shoved the phone back into my bag possibly doing more damage than what had already been done.
I was jump scared by the tires of the bus screeching so abruptly, putting on my bag fast. I was rushing to get onto the bus and found a seat nervously. The bus started moving before a guy about my height started chasing after it. He was yelling but I couldn't make out what he was saying. "Stop the bus!" I yelled getting the driver's attention. The bus stopped at the curb and the man ran in dripping everywhere panting hard. "Are you okay?" I asked worriedly. "Yeah.....Thanks..." He answered between breaths. I sat back down in my seat and looked out the window, kind of shaken by the randomness that just happened.
I dazed off and started daydreaming, I was brought back out of my mini-vacation when the sun's rays glared into my eyes. Realizing that I was at my stop, I stood up and got off quickly trying not to cause another cliche. My bag was half dry, so I grabbed my phone and decided to try again. Nope, guess I could try some rice when I get home... I thought, sliding the phone into my pocket.
I opened the door with my hello kitty (or anything you want) printed house key and stepped in hanging my coat and bag up on the rack. Heading to the kitchen I opened the cupboard and grabbed an open bag of rice. Pouring it into a clear container and sticking my phone into it hoping for the best. I picked up a microwaveable meal, being too lazy and trustfrated to cook anything. I followed the directions and, set the correct time sitting down on the couch listening to the soft buzzing of the microwave.
Laying down staring at the ceiling made me think about somethings. Especially that random man on the bus today. It was nothing but a kind gesture but you still couldn't stop thinking about it. Until you had to by the repeated beeping of the microwave. I sat up lazily pushing the hair out of my face, to get my food. Maybe you were just being Hangry and needed some food in your tummy. Yeah, that's the reason...
Who is this mystery man? Is he important to the plot? Ofc he is you're not stupid. LOL, anyways thanks for reading this trainwreck of a first chapter. I want to take my time with this and not rush into everything like I always do. If you have any suggestions just DM me and I'll consider implementing them into the story.
Love ya, Shortie~
(532 Words)
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