Dust To Dust;
There's a picture of Quinn's outfit in the section above. Just remove the jacket on the left hand side, and imagine her wearing only the jacket on the RIGHT hand side ;).
Gyda hadn't said a word since we left Camp Sky. There was no doubt she knew something had happened when I didn't stop to see if she was following me. I had stormed out of the camp, anger and sadness, regret and guilt consuming me. I hadn't even bothered to glance back and see if Bellamy or the others had run out to see me leave.
It was not the time to be doubtful. I finally had the man who killed my family within my grasp. The Sky Crew finally had their chance at survival. I would have prayed for things to turn out the way I wanted them to, but praying never did me any good in the past. I had given up on such a thing long ago.
Gyda broke the silence, "What's your plan now?"
Words fell from my mouth before I could stop them, "Why do you care?" My response was harsh, blunt and curt.
Gyda glanced over at me, reaching her hand out and pushing me to a stop. I let out a sigh, rolling my eyes at the woman.
I stepped back, pulling away from her touch and clenching my jaw. "What?" I snapped.
"Cut the bullshit, Quinn, and stop being such a child." I pierced my lips. "What's your plan? You just going to storm right through the gates to my home, hunt down whoever it is you want dead and kill them?"
I shrugged, "Yeah, is there a problem with that?"
The woman laughed, shaking her head. "If you want to get yourself killed then no, there's no problem with that." I crossed my arms over my chest. "But if you want to live another day to see the sun rise with your sky friends, then I suggest you snap the fuck out of it. You're angry and that anger is making you reckless."
"If you look the way you do now while entering that camp, they'll gut you before you can even let loose a breath. You escaped once, Quinn, and they're still mad about it. You won't be going anywhere but a hole two foot wide and six foot deep."
I uncrossed my arms, "Then what do you suggest I do? I'm running out of time here."
"Your appearance needs to change. They know what you look like, even the children."
I let out a snicker, "Wow, I'm pretty popular, aren't I?" Gyda's solemn expression didn't falter. "You can't expect me to just go along with this, Gyda. There's no time. I'll just wear a mask and change my clothes like I did with Kaden, not one person noticed."
"There is time if you shut up and stop arguing against me," Gyda's voice rose with each word. "They may not have noticed at first, but when a very dangerous, psychotic prisoner disappeared with two others – one carrying the name of a female warrior who had been dead for years now – and a man found dead and naked outside the camp, they knew something was up and have been on high alert ever since."
My lips were sealed shut. I could see the frustration and weariness in Gyda's eyes as she stared at me. Her eyes were burning in plea as she silently begged for me to listen.
Gyda continued, "Kaden was sloppy. I won't make the same mistake."
I stared at Gyda, holding her gaze. "Why are you helping me?" I asked.
The woman before me swallowed, her eyes focusing on the dark, empty, wood behind me. In that moment she was there, but her eyes told me that her mind was elsewhere. As she stared out into the endless web of darkness and trees, Gyda's eyes became lost in thought, when—
"Tristan killed your family," Her eyes met mine again, any sign of the annoyance and dislike towards me from before completely gone. Instead, guilt was found swimming within her eyes. "Keegan made a promise... that he would find out who committed the burning and make them pay. Obviously, he never found out who did it and couldn't make them pay. You can though. You know that Tristan ordered the burning – that he killed all those innocents. You, Quinn, can get revenge in the name of Keegan, your family, and all those others." She paused and licked her lips. "I am helping you because it is what Keegan would have wanted."
My lips parted. I went to speak, to say anything, but no noise exited my mouth. I was left speechless, unable to think of a reasonable response or argument against Gyda. Keegan had gone through endless torture for years because he believed that I was still out there somewhere, alive. Despite having betrayed me, Keegan – in the end – tried to save me from Blade in his own way. Keegan wanted revenge for the murder of his family. However, he was no longer here to go through with it, so it was up to me now. I had to be smart about it.
I swallowed, "We don't have much time. Do whatever you need to make me not... me. But we need to hurry."
Gyda let out a relieved sigh.
"Keegan was right about one thing: you're stubborn as hell."
The moon was at its peak when Gyda and I walked through the gates of the Grounders camp.
We hadn't any time left for me to do a double-take of my new self, but by the look on Gyda's face, I knew that she was more than pleased with her effort. I was clothed in black from head-to-toe: jeans, knee-high boots; as well as a jacket that Gyda had found from God-knows where, and gloves with the fingers cut off.
The clothes were not what sold the look though. It was my hair. I had been known for having my father's thick and dark hair, but now, one of the few physical traits of his I had been given was stripped away, and replaced with a light brown that appeared as if it had seen sun every day since the day I was born.
I inhaled deeply as Gyda and I walked alongside one another into the camp. A few eyes found their way to my hooded figure, probably curious as to who was hiding beneath the hood of my jacket. I glanced over at Gyda, watching as she ignored the stares completely and kept her pace. All we had to do was keep moving and make it to Anya.
As Gyda and I passed numerous people and stands – only metres away from where we were headed – a male voice called, "Gyda?"
The woman slowed in her steps. She glanced over her shoulder, giving me a look that told me to hold my tongue, before the man jogged over. I kept my head low, my eyes analysing our surroundings for any ways I could break away from this conversation that was about to play out.
"Malakhai," Gyda spoke, her voice coated in surprise.
When the name registered in my head, I swore under my breath, "Oh, you've got to me fucking kidding me." The two paused their conversation as the words fell from my mouth. My eyes widened, and I noticed the glare Gyda sent my way at my failure of keeping quiet. "S-Sorry, I just remembered something that happened this morning." I put on an act, stumbling over my words and letting out an awkward laugh. "Excuse me, Anya called for me and hates when I'm late—"
Gyda rolled her eyes, letting out a laugh before speaking, "Lux, don't be so rude. Take your hood off and at least introduce yourself before leaving."
"Right, sorry," I removed the hood, praying to whoever was listening that Malakhai didn't recognise me. "I'm Lux." I gave the young man a forced smile, meeting his blue eyes and holding his gaze, holding the mask of 'Lux' with two invisible hands.
The slight smirk that had been plastered on his face faded as he ran his eyes over my features. My heartbeat picked up in my chest as his brows furrowed. I kept the smile on my face, throwing a casual glance over at Gyda to find her resting her hand on the blade at her side — casually.
I let out a breath, watching Malakhai steadily as he stepped forward. The man eyed my figure up and down with a look that would've had any other woman on their knees. "Have we met before?" He asked, meeting my eyes once again.
I bit down on my lip, pretending to try and remember if we ever had. I looked at him, pouting and scrunching my brows. "Hmm, I don't think so." I shrugged, before speaking up abruptly, "Well, I mean, I've heard of you, but I don't think we've ever formally been introduced."
I fluttered my lashes, forcing another sweet smile as the dark-headed, blue-eyed, man held my gaze for several seconds longer before suddenly sighing. "It's a real shame, Gyda." Gyda slowly turned her eyes on to Malakhai with a look of confusion covering her face. "I thought you'd actually kill your friend here after what she did to your husband."
All of a sudden, it felt as if every pair of eyes in the camp turned their attention to where we now stood: in the middle of the path, in the open, with Anya nowhere in sight to stop whatever was about to happen from going down.
"Hello, Artemis." Malakhai grinned like a wolf. "Or should I say, Quinn?"
My name rolled of his tongue as smoothly as silk felt; like he'd rolled the name off his tongue over and over for hours on end.
The mask of Lux slipped from my mental grip like water, and was replaced almost instantly with my true self. Once again, I was the enemy; the daughter of the traitor. Malakhai saw my current situation as if I were surrounded by a pack of wolves. The other members of the camp circled around, caving in on Gyda and I to try and intimidate us. Malakhai stood with his arms crossed, his legs shoulder-lengthen apart from one another; chuckling as he watched us, cornered.
Malakhai spoke; uncrossing his arms and beginning to circle Gyda and I. "There's no where to run this time, Quinn. You're surrounded; and you've dragged Gyda down with you."
I glared at Malakhai; my rage pulsing through my veins. "I'm not running."
The male Grounder circling us chuckled at this. "How brave of you, but you're cornered like a sheep. You know what happens to sheep when they're surrounded by a pack of wolves, right?"
"You're asking the wrong question, Malakhai. What you should be asking is: do you know what happens when that pack of wolves realises the sheep they are cornering is actually one of their own in sheep's clothing?"
I smiled, devilishly.
Malakhai slowed in his steps. He began to reach for the tomahawk at his side—
"Harm either of them, Malakhai, and you'll pay with your life."
Everyone jumped at the voice, looking behind Malakhai to find Anya walking through the crowd. The people parted, making her a path as she entered, and lowered the weapons they held. Malakhai bowed his head slightly, stepping back from Gyda and I as Anya came to stand a few feet before us.
Anya's eyes met mine, reassurance flooding her brown irises as she took in my figure. Her eyes lingered on my hair, something like sadness flashing before them for a split second, before she tore her gaze from mine and turned it to the surrounding crowd.
"You all have work to do," Anya yelled. "Get back to it."
The crowd dispersed almost immediately, scurrying away to do whatever 'work' they had to complete. Anya's presence didn't prevent the suspicious whispers from escaping their lips, or the glares they threw my way.
Malakhai took a step back, ready to disappear with the others.
Anya stopped him with only three words: "Not you, Khai." The Grounder kept his eyes on the ground. "Quinn, Gyda and Khai — follow me."
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