And Through It All, A Survivor Is Born.
Most of the kids within the dropship had been moved upstairs, away from a very vexed Bellamy. The boy's gun was at his side – as per usual. His usually warm and welcoming eyes were flooded with rage. He had thrown curses at Murphy multiple times; Clarke trying to calm him down by stating that this was bound to happen. And it was.
Anya was doing this to show these kids that when she didn't get what she wanted the first time, she'd most certainly get it the second.
I couldn't help but feel a little guilty for bringing Murphy inside. I hadn't known him, and thought him to be someone in need of help. And while he was in need of help, he was also sent here to doom us all to our inevitable deaths – no. No, we were not going to die like this. Anya had already taken one too many lives; she would take no more. Not even Blades – who would be rescued by dawn.
Doubt flooded me, and I found myself questioning Kaden's orders. What if Blade was completely fine, and like I had thought before, Kaden was there to see if Blade truly meant something to me? What if Anya had sent him knowing full-well how kindly he acted towards me on the bridge? What if Blade was already dead?
What if this, what if that – I shut down my doubts. I had to take the risk. I had to ignore the look that covered his face that day in the cell. He had dug a knife into Keegan's side, but he did it to protect me. I hated him for it. But he had saved me. And if Kaden had been lying this entire time to draw me right into their gates again, I'd kill him – him and everyone else that got in my way.
I drew myself back to reality, having ignored Bellamy's constant threats towards Murphy as Clarke asked him to share any useful information. When they were coming; was anything spoken; anything he saw that could help us get the upper hand. He shook his head at all the blonde's questions. He wasn't lying when he said he was running from them, and he sure wasn't lying when he said he didn't know anything.
Camp Sky was screwed.
"They're vicious and cruel," Murphy spoke through swollen cheeks. You got that right, kid.
Bellamy let out a low growl, stalking forward. "You want to see vicious?"
Murphy crawled back, frightened. I rolled my eyes at Bellamy's threats, stepping in front again to stop him from going any further. Clarke stood a few feet away from us, eyeing the entire situation with those blue eyes of her. She looked tired – very tired. It appeared as if the infection had taken a greater toll on her in the past few minutes. Who knew what would happen if we didn't find an antidote soon.
"You take another step forward, B, and you risk getting infected." Bellamy stared down at me, taking a slight step back. "This thing spreads through contact. Just being in the same room as the infected is dangerous enough."
The dropship flap opened up; the sound of boots running in. Bellamy glanced over his shoulder, my eyes peeking to the side to see who had come in. Expecting it to be another kid bleeding from their eyes, I placed a hand on Bellamy and walked forward, protectively covering his body. I felt his eyes on me as I stepped forward, but he said nothing. No matter how much of a pain in the ass he was, I couldn't let him get sick.
However, it wasn't just another kid that came in – it was Finn. His eyes were distraught and flooding with concern as they fell on Clarke. "Clarke," He breathed. "I heard you were sick."
He began to step forward and Clarke only had to give me a look to stop him from getting any closer to her. Finn ducked under my arm, brushing past me and walking to the blonde. It was as if I didn't even exist. He didn't even spare me a glance.
Rolling my eyes, I let out a sigh. "What is it with you people?"
Clarke came to stand, stepping back as Finn approached her. "You shouldn't be in here." Clarke spoke to Finn. She looked to Bellamy and I before adding, "No one should."
"What the hell is this?" Finn asked, glancing over his shoulder to Bellamy and I in hopes of gaining an answer.
"We're not sure," I said. "By the looks of it, it appears to be some kind of haemorrhagic fever. I read about it once in my father's journal." I paused, taking in a breath before continuing. "It's been used before to weaken the battlefield. It's a temporary infection, but it lasts long enough to annihilate the enemy."
I heard Clarke suck in a quiet breath before she fell into a coughing fit. Red splattered from her mouth and onto her hand. I began to walk forward, ready to help her, when Bellamy's arm held me back. Finn was there in an instant, holding her up. "Finn, don't touch me." She pulled away from Finn. "You could get sick. Go wash your hands, now."
Finn gave one last glance at Clarke to make sure she didn't fall over herself before washing his hands with alcohol. Just as he did, a boy to his right fell into a fit, coughing up blood as he rolled onto his stomach and used his arms to push himself up. It was as if he was vomiting his insides out.
The four of us – completely forgetting about Murphy – stared at the boy. Clarke, being the only one that could touch him, rushed over. But she was too late. The boy let out a final cough before he fell face-first onto the floor of the ship. Clarke bent down, reaching for a pulse. We waited, anxiously, for the boy to stand back up and go back to sleep.
"Is he—"
"Dead," Clarke confirmed.
The other kids on the bottom floor had fallen utterly silent. They stared at the boy; to one another; then back to the boy. I could only imagine the thoughts that raced through their minds: How long do we have left?
I looked to Clarke as I spoke. "We need to get this under control." I said, catching Clarke's attention.
She nodded, "Quarantine."
"Right," I began. "Round up everyone who had contact with Murphy. Then, we try and find an antidote for this bug before the Grounders lay their wrath upon us."
"And if we don't find an antidote?" Bellamy spoke from behind, his voice lacking hope.
I turned around, giving him a defiant stare, before turning that stare to Clarke and Finn, Murphy and all the other kids who were listening in. "We'll find an antidote."
It hadn't taken as long as I thought it would to round up the kids. But there had been more than what we had hoped who were infected. Everyone who had ventured out last night to find Murphy was rounded up, too, even if they hadn't come into contact with him. Everyone except Octavia – who was nowhere to be found.
As the last of the kids were rounded up, I let out a sigh. Now was not the time to worry about Bellamy's sister. She could take care of herself, something her older brother didn't realise. Although from what I could remember, Kemp had been just the same around me. But now was not the time to think about that either. I had to have a clear mind. Once we found an antidote for this sickness, I'd be off to save Blade's ass and hopefully the Sky Kids would find a way to stop the Grounders from taking their camp.
I watched Bellamy disappear behind the dropship flap before venturing into Clarke's tent – which she had so kindly let me borrow to get some rest. The bed was made though slightly crumpled. Unlike some other tents I had been in, she had made the effort to place her belongings to the side. Other than that, the tent was fairly empty and blank. It only reminded me of how far away all of them were from their home – their families. They were a bunch of teens that should have been worrying about boys and girls or being found out by their parents for sneaking out to a party, not sharpening their weapons, loading their guns with bullets, counting down how many days they had left till the Grounders ripped into their camp and took everything they had built, and everyone they cared for.
I glanced to the floor, my eyes falling on my katana that rested away from everything else. I had cleaned blood off it far too many times now. And I was doomed to clean more, especially with this war to come. But maybe less blood could be spilled if I could convince some other people to join the Skaikru's cause. People like Blade, Kaden – Gyda, even. The woman loathed me, but Keegan was just important to her as he was to me. I had saw that much by the way they looked at each other, and the complete agony that had reverberated through her cries as she found her husband – blood-stained, colourless and dead – on the ground.
I let out a shuddering breath before another wave of dizziness hit me. I felt light as a feather, my head pounding and my world spinning. I let out a gasp, reaching for the bed and falling onto it. I held my head in my hands, blinking to rid the blurriness from my eyes. Everything began to multiply once again. My skin began to heat up, the room seeming to shrink. I bent over, heaving, just as the flap to my tent opened.
Bellamy was before me in an instant. "Hey – Quinn, what's wrong?"
I watched him as he began to walk forward, ready to lay his hands on me when I flinched back. He halted in his steps, hurt flickering before his eyes. "Don't... Don't touch me, B." I said, finding it difficult to breathe. "I don't want you getting sick and ending up like that kid in there." His lips parted. "I know, it's hard to keep your hands off such an attractive person." I retorted, forcing a smile.
Seconds later, another wave of dizziness hit me. "Did you bring in Murphy yesterday? Did you touch him at all?" Bellamy asked suddenly, concern dripping from his voice.
I looked up, trying to calm my aching stomach. "Yes, I brought him in, but I didn't touch him."
"Are you sure?" He asked, brows rising. I gave him a stare. "Ok... I still want Clarke to examine you though. From the looks of it, you're not bleeding from anywhere but you're showing weird symptoms." I nodded, not having the energy to argue with him.
He stood silently for several seconds, watching me. I knew he had a ton of shit to say to me, and if it weren't for all the chaotic events that were taking place around us, I would have yelled at him to spit it out. I was sick of the tension, sick of the awkwardness. I hated that I couldn't get close to him, but he had to know there was a reason why. Otherwise, this was never going to end.
"You have to understand, B," I began. "I never wanted to hurt you."
He was quiet, and I almost expected him to pretend he didn't hear me and walk right out the tent. A part of me wished he did when he said, "I don't know what you're talking about." Blunt. Curt. Cold; his response had been every one of those words. It almost tore me to shreds. He knew full well what I was talking about, but was trying to forget that it ever happened. Half of me was glad, the other half was heartbroken.
Rising from the bed, I let out a grunt. I looked to Bellamy one last time, taking in his shut-off gaze. Whatever had happened between us that night in the woods and that night in the village seemed like a dream. I knew he tried to hide behind those walls he had built up again, but I could see through the cracks. Brushing past him, I stalked out of the tent with a sour look on my face to hide my pain.
I had hurt him. And I hated myself for it.
I strode to the dropship, the sour look still plastered on my face and suggesting that anyone who came near was going to have to deal with a whole lot of hell.
I don't know what you're talking about.
I let out a scoff, shaking my head. I was not going to let a boy get to me. Not during this time. I had better things to deal with then these – feelings. Whatever happened, happened. It was over between us. Besides, whatever 'it' was hadn't even begun.
I can't believe I had even thought for a second that what was between us could have possibly been love. Love didn't hold a place in my world anymore. There was only blood, pain and rage. I wasn't someone who dealt with love – hadn't for over ten moons now.
Too caught up in my own overwhelming thoughts, I didn't notice the body that stood in my way. I bumped into the figure, letting out an annoyed grunt and ready to tell the person to move out of the damn way when my eyes fell on Bellamy's younger sister. Great; if I wasn't dealing with one, I was dealing with the other.
"Sorry," She muttered, her eyes alighting as they turned on me. "Quinn, hey." She threw me a half-hearted smile, taking in my demeanour. "Let me guess," She began. "Bellamy's being a pain in the ass."
I felt my gaze soften. Octavia may have been Bellamy's sister, but she was Octavia. She wasn't Bellamy. I let out a light laugh, giving her a stare that said you guessed right.
She chuckled. "Yeah, he's been a pain in my ass lately, too."
The girl glanced behind her. I only realised now what she had been so caught up in – a dead body. Her gaze tightened, her face losing its light-heartedness. Drawing her attention away from the body, I placed a hand on her arm and focused her gaze back on me. "Wanna come with me to get examined by Dr Clarke?" I said, trying to lighten the mood. "Just to be safe." Octavia smiled lightly, nodding. I motioned for her to walk in first, my eyes lingering on the young boy's lifeless body. It only reminded me of Keegan.
Tearing my frightful gaze away, I looked up to find Octavia waiting in the entry for me. I shook away my nightmares, walking forth into the dropship. I felt another light wave of dizziness wash over me as we entered the ship, taking in the sight before us. It smelled foul in here, of blood, vomit and sweat. I was met with the sight of pale faces, bloodied cloths and the coughs of people who sounded like they were coughing up their lungs. Everyone in here looked so – lifeless.
I didn't even feel Bellamy's warmth behind me till a firm hand was placed on my upper back and pushed me forth. I took two steps forward, moving from his touch and throwing him a glance over my shoulder. Octavia didn't meet her brother's eyes when he came to stand beside me, the three of us now standing before a clearly-exhausted Clarke. The blonde leant on the ladder that led to the next level, the infection getting the better of her. She looked like hell.
I tried with all my will to ignore the glances Bellamy threw me every few seconds as Octavia was examined. My stomach was tightening, my muscles aching and the nausea increasing from the stench of this place. I only wished to be out of here soon and to get even just an hour of sleep. The last few days had been packed, but I'm sure the ones to come were deemed to be far worse.
Clarke was finished examining Octavia when she moved onto me. I swallowed, fighting off the aches and pains. A cloth was placed over the blonde's mouth as she took a look in my mouth, looking for any swelling or sores.
After several seconds, Clarke removed the cloth from her mouth, and very tiredly spoke. "We're done. There are no signs of swelling or bleeding."
"So we're all clear?" Octavia asked, Bellamy's eyes flicking onto Clarke in questioning.
The blonde let out a shaky breath, her eyelids drooping. "You are," She said to Octavia.
I felt my blood flood with fear.
Turning to me, she said, "Quinn, however... You show no symptoms like the others, but you're looking very thin and unwell." She paused, taking in another breath. "When was the last time you got some proper rest?"
I blinked. When was the last time I had gotten more than an hour of sleep?
I shrugged, shaking my head. "You may be a Grounder, Quinn, but you're still human." Clarke said, speaking to me like my mother used to. "You need rest. You're wounds aren't even fully healed yet and you've been through hell this past week."
I went to intervene, to argue back that I couldn't sleep when there was so much going on, till Clarke turned her attention to the two siblings. "Octavia doesn't have symptoms now, but that could change. We'll keep her in here for now—" Bellamy gave her a look that suggested there was no way in hell he was letting Octavia stay here. "—if you want to stop the spread, Bellamy, she has to stay. I'll keep her on the third level with those who aren't symptomatic yet." Clarke pursed her lips before adding, "Think of it as a way to stop her from sneaking out again."
Octavia let out a sigh and rolled her eyes, sending a glare Clarke's way. "Screw you both," She said.
"I'll let you know if her condition changes." Clarke said, ignoring Octavia's comment.
Bellamy hesitated longer than Octavia liked. He gripped onto the cloth he held in his hand, taking in the view around him. His eyes were wide in fear. He had every right to be afraid. This disease was sent right to their doorsteps so that the Grounders could storm their camp.
But what if there was a possibility that they could find an antidote and prevent the Grounders from slaughtering them all?
Then I remembered – the Grounder that Octavia had been standing with on the bridge. I couldn't remember his name, and could barely remember his features. He was a part of the Trigedakru, and was for the Sky Kids and the Grounders uniting. He had an antidote for the poison on Finn's blade; maybe he had one for this.
I had to let Octavia know, and only Octavia. It was clear Bellamy was not a fan of working with the Grounders, and Clarke didn't seem to like the idea of Octavia running away again. If it was kept between Octavia and I, we could prevent the infection from spreading anymore. We could obliterate Anya's plans, and then Kaden, Blade and I would destroy her even further as we took Blade. I was sick of them always having the upper hand. If they wanted to hit us like this, we'd hit them back thrice as hard.
Bellamy left the ship without a single goodbye to either Octavia or I. That made it all the more easier to keep this plan from him. I reached out for Octavia, beginning to pull her away to somewhere quieter so I could ask her to tell me about this Grounder, when Clarke stopped us with the clearing of her throat.
"Quinn," I looked over my shoulder. "I need you to do a favour for me."
This time, my entire figure turned as the look in her eyes caught my attention. "Name it," I said, letting go of Octavia's arm.
Clarke licked her lips, stepping forward before speaking. "I need you to sneak out. Octavia, go with her, too. I need you to find Lincoln." Just by taking in the tone of her voice and the look in her eyes, I knew exactly what she wanted me to sneak out for.
I smirked. "I guess the saying's true: great minds really do think alike."
Moments after Clarke had asked me to sneak out, she nagged me about coming back quickly so that I could get my much-needed rest. I only shook her away, telling her that this was far more important than sleep at the moment. I could sleep tomorrow once everything was dealt with. But as I trailed behind Octavia, for the first time in my life, I found myself lagging behind. The nausea and aches had stopped for now, but the tiredness was slowly taking its toll on me.
Octavia glanced over her shoulder, slowing her pace. "Keep moving, O." I said, slightly out of breath. "If Lincoln has this antidote, we need to get it fast. Don't wait for me."
"I could've done this task by myself," Octavia said, turning her gaze back onto the woods ahead. "You should've listened to Clarke and gotten some rest. You look like shit." I let out a laugh, agreeing with her comment. "You make shit look good, though. And I'm sure you could still kick-ass." I was taken aback by her compliments. As she looked back to me, grinning, I smiled.
I managed to catch up to her after a few minutes, though my breaths were coming out short. I knew she noticed, but even when she began to slow down her pace or tell me if I needed a break, I pushed her forward and shot her a stare. She obeyed almost immediately, walking forth and leading me to Lincoln's home. I only hoped we weren't interrupted on our journey there. My katana was relaxing on my back, sheathed, but I was in no shape to take on an entire army of Grounders right now. I wasn't even sure if I was in shape to rescue Blade tonight.
I cursed myself.
After minutes of silence, Octavia blurted out, "You and Bellamy are good for each other." I halted in my steps, taken aback by her words. "I know things are tense between you two at the moment, and it's not my place to push but... he seems more content when he's with you. And you with him."
I let out a scoff, catching her gaze. "Bellamy and I together are far from content – in fact, we are the complete opposite."
Octavia smirked, speaking in a swoony voice, "All part of the love bundle."
I almost choked on my saliva as I swallowed, letting out a hysterical fit of laughter. With her comment and my tiredness combined, simple things were become far funnier then what they would have originally been.
"We are not a love bundle – whatever the hell that is – if anything we're a hate bundle. God, sometimes I can stand him and other times I want to strangle him so hard and shut that damn mouth of his."
"And that is the perfect representation of true love, Quinn."
"Quite frankly, True Love can kiss my ass." I retorted.
Octavia went to reply, but something else had caught her attention on the path ahead. I noticed a small smile creep onto her lips. Following her gaze, my eyes landed on a path of white flowers. "C'mon," She said, running forward, "This way."
Before I could even suggest we take it slow and scan our surroundings to find out if we were walking into a trap, Octavia was disappearing down a hole in the ground. I let out a curse, running after the girl. I gave a final glance around to make sure we weren't being followed before disappearing down the hole with the girl.
I realised after a few steps that this was the same place Octavia had been held prisoner. It was a lot warmer in here then last time we had paid a visit, and as we ventured down the tight hallway, the sound of crackling flames was heard and their light illuminated the room we entered. I leashed my fear, trying to ignore the flames that called to me in their satanic crackles.
I hated fire.
"Lincoln?" Octavia called out as she walked further into the space, circling in search for the Grounder. I stood in the doorway, keeping clear of the room with my katana gripped in my hand. I tried ignoring the flames and focused on keeping an eye out for any danger.
Octavia went to call out again when suddenly, a tall man appeared from the shadows. Clad in black clothing he stalked toward the girl. His focus was entirely on Octavia, and when he finally realised that there was another person in the room, his eyes darkened. His posture stiffened, readying for an attack until I walked out from the shadows and my face came into view. He seemed to relax a little, though it was clear he didn't like me being here in his home.
"Quinn." Lincoln said, giving me a small nod in greeting.
"Lincoln," I replied, sheathing my katana. "It's nice to see you without an arrow protruding from your chest." He let out a small scoff. "Anyways enough with the small talk; we're here for an antidote."
I watched as fear flashed across Lincoln's gaze. The light-heartedness in the air dropped. Octavia looked to Lincoln, who suddenly started examining her – pulling away her hair from her ears. A hurt-filled look crossed the girl's features, and pulling away from him, she whispered: "You knew."
"I tried to get you out of there. Did you see the flower?" He took hold of the girls arm.
Octavia slowly pulled away and took a step backwards. "Yeah, I saw it. Right before we found the kid your people sent to infect us."
Lincoln went to say something, probably an apology, but an apology wasn't what was needed. "People are dying, Abraham." I said, earning a weird look from the Grounder. "Where's the cure?!" I asked, tired and randomly running out of patience. Clarke was sick because of him, and countless others. He may have been there that day on the bridge, but he had known this entire time and had sent no warning whatsoever.
"You're very different from how my people describe you." Lincoln said, his brows furrowing as he stared at me. I threw him a glare. He waited another moment before speaking up again, saying something I wished to never hear. "I'm sorry, but there is no cure."
Octavia, having fallen silent shook her head in disagreement. "You were just going to let my people die?" She spoke, her tone filled with anger and betrayal. "You were going to let me die?"
Lincoln sighed. "Few are immune." He explained, looking to me then back to Octavia. "It passes quickly."
I crossed my arms over my chest. "Tell me something I don't already know, Abe." He shot me a look, clearly pissed at the nickname.
"Everything I know, you know." He said, his tone curt. "It's used to soften the battlefield. So when Anya and her men come storming into your camp at first light, they will have little to fight against."
Blood was planned to be spilled – a lot of it.
Octavia had started to pace around in circles, running a hand through her hair. "Help us, Lincoln! There has to be some way!" She stopped pacing, facing him with desperation dripping from her every word.
Lincoln shook his head, "There is nothing I can do. My people think I'm a traitor now."
I flicked my gaze upwards at his words.
The brunette stepped closer to him. "Is it because of the bridge?" She asked. "You were trying to create peace between us so no more blood would be spilled for unnecessary reasons." Something in Lincoln said that the bridge wasn't the reason why. And as Octavia's hand fell limp to her side, I knew she had figured that reason out. "It's because of me, isn't it?" She spoke, her words barely a whisper.
Lincoln stepped forward and placed both his hands on Octavia's shoulders. I felt myself slowly fade back into the shadows, giving the two the privacy they needed. I kept my eyes off the flames, and instead thought back to the conversation with Bellamy and I. Had he even noticed that I was gone? Did he even care?
I tore myself from my thoughts as Octavia's figure stood before me. I blinked, straightening myself up and giving a final look to Lincoln. His eyes were on the brunette. His features seemed to soften when they landed on her, his entire tough-demeanour crumpling because of a girl. It was freakishly similar between Bellamy and I—
"Quinn." My eyes flicked upwards, landing on Lincoln.
"What?" I said, taking in the look in his eyes.
"You can trust Kaden." I was taken aback by his words. "But, be careful around Blade. He isn't all that he seems."
My lips parted. I was ready to ask him how he even knew about Kaden, Blade and I, but I held my tongue. I did so because of the certainty in his words and the look of defiance in his eyes. He wasn't lying. He meant what he said. I nodded in understanding, Octavia looking between the two of us. The girl was completely lost, but now was not the time to explain everything to her.
I took a hold of the brunette's arm, practically dragging her away from Lincoln and heading back to camp. I wasn't sure how we were going to break the bad news to the camp; all I knew was that it had to be done. Everyone had to know what was awaiting them.
Yells and screams erupted through the air as Octavia and I entered through the gates. The camp was crowded with kids, all eyeing each other as if anyone one of them were alien. The sun had risen a few hours ago, early morning having passed. However, it was hard to tell whether it was late morning midday from the overcast weather. The clouds covered any speck of light from the sun, hovering over the camp and matching the mood that filled the air. Finn and Bellamy were yelling at kids to drop their guns as they pointed it to each person that had even a speck of blood on them.
"Put that gun down!" Finn yelled at a girl. "Put it down!"
The camp was in utter chaos.
The kids who were without weapons clung to each other; some eyeing the people they stood beside in fear. It seemed Anya's plans had worked far too nicely for anyone's liking. She hadn't only weakened her enemy, but had them turning against one another. She already had the upper hand, and with anger boiling through my veins, I wasn't going to let her continue to have it.
I let out a snarl, barging a few kids out of the way without any care as I walked to the girl who held the gun. She pointed it at me, shaking. I reached forward, landing a punch to her face before snatching the gun from her hands. It was a weak punch, one that required little effort and harm. The girl fell to the floor anyway and crawled away from me, holding her right-cheek.
I pulled the trigger three times, everyone ducking as they looked around the camp until their eyes fell on me. Everyone and everything fell silent as I glared at the crowd of teenagers. Panic rippled throughout the crowd. I inwardly laughed, wickedly – a Grounder with a gun, what a sight.
"This is exactly what the Grounders want!" I yelled at the Sky Kids. "Don't you see that? They don't have to kill you, if you all kill each other first!" I stole a glance towards Bellamy and found him staring at me with annoyance, and a hint of relief. There was no doubt he wasn't happy with my sneaking out and his sister tagging along, too.
Out of my peripheral vision, I noticed a familiar shaved-head push through the crowd – Glover. The boy stalked forward, pointing a finger at me. "How do you know what the Grounders want? Where the hell have you been? " He strode forward, looking to the crowd as he began his accusations. "She's been working with the Grounders – I told you all so." The hand with the gun in it fell limp beside my body as I rolled my eyes. "I found her sneaking out last night with Octavia trailing foot behind her. You know what they both have in common? Grounders."
"Go fuck yourself, Glover." Octavia yelled from the crowd.
Glover turned his attention angrily to where her voice had come from. I watched Bellamy as he began to step forward, his jaw clenching. He looked far more than just simply 'pissed'.
I strode down the ship's ramp, stepping foot on the ground. Glover spun on his heels, glaring at me with disgust and hatred. Dropping the gun I held in my hands on the ground, I took a few more steps forward. "You wanna know what we were sneaking out for, asshole?" The boy opened his arms out, motioning that he was ready to hear my response. "An antidote to save all your ungrateful asses."
Whispers erupted through the crowd.
"So," Glover said. "Where's our antidote, Grounder?"
"There is no cure."
Everyone's attention was drawn from the boy and I to Octavia Blake as she pushed through the crowd and came to stand beside me. I glanced over at Bellamy again, his expression transforming from pissed to disbelieved. His eyes found mine, is it true?
I let Octavia explain. "They don't use the virus to kill."
"Is that so?" Bellamy called from where he was standing. "Tell that to them." The curly-head pointed to the bodies on the ground, and Octavia swallowed, looking away from the bodies and turning her nervous gaze on me. "I warned you to stay away from that Grounder." Bellamy said, walking towards us both.
The girl turned on her heels, throwing her brother a look. "Yeah, well I have a warning for you, too." The crowd fell silent again, each and every one of them seeming to hold their breaths as they waited. "The Grounders are attacking at first light."
The past few hours had been hectic. The camp had fallen back into a chaotic zone as orders were thrown around to ready those who could fight for battle. After all, there was nothing else they could do to stop the hell that was to befall their home. Running was an option, but Bellamy and Clarke had both dismissed it within seconds. I was glad they did so. Because running would only mean victory for Anya, and an endless chain of fleeing from them again, and again – till they eventually caught up and slaughtered them all.
There was also the fact that almost the entirety of the people occupying Camp Sky were far than just 'suspicious' of me working with the Grounders; they even suspected Octavia. It frustrated me that they could even suspect Octavia. Yes, she was more than just allies with Lincoln but Lincoln had broken his relationship with the Grounders for these people – people that saw him as an enemy.
I had dragged Octavia into the dropship with me to get a break from the accusing stares for a bit. Also, so Clarke could get some rest. For now, the both of us and Murphy would be helping around. Clarke had been on her feet the entire day, helping almost everyone but herself. The blonde deserved some rest; I could barely watch as her eyelids dared to droop anymore.
Stepping away from one of the patients, I wiped my forehead free of sweat. My jacket had been removed due to the stuffy, warm air of the ship. The smell from before seemed to have died down, but I was sure it was only because I had been in here for so long already and I had gotten used to it. I glanced over at Octavia, checking on her before walking over to disinfect my hands.
Thankfully, the nausea and headaches from yesterday had disappeared. I only hoped they stayed gone so that I could rescue Blade without slowing myself or any of us down. I let out a sigh, rubbing my hands dry on my pants and walking over to a free spot on the floor, clear of any blood and vomit. I whistled, catching Octavia's attention and motioning to say that I was going to get some rest. The girl gave me a thumbs-up before moving onto her next patient.
Finally, sleep.
My eyelids drooped shut as I got into a comfortable sleeping position. I let out a breath, when the dropship flap was opened suddenly; the sound of someone stumbling in and coughing, roughly. I swore inwardly, rising to find—
"Bellamy?" I breathed, rushing to my feet as the sight of blood dripping from his mouth came into view.
I raced forward, catching his body just in time before he fell to the ship's floor. His sister was in front of us in a second, each of us taking an arm as we led him over to where I was lying a second ago. He fell onto the cushioning, widening his eyes as if he were trying to rid blurriness from his vision.
Placing a pillow under his head, I spoke to Octavia, "O, go get some water for him!" The girl nodded at my order and raced to the table across the room.
Bellamy's body fidgeted as he coughed once more, blood splattering from his mouth. I let out a curse, turning him on his side so that he didn't choke on his own blood. I rubbed and patted his back as he let out gasps of breaths. Taking in his paled features and fearful look, I felt my heart clench in my chest. I fought back the tears, holding myself together so as to not worry any of us. He was going to be fine.
"You're gonna be okay, B." I ushered as Octavia raced back, some water tipping over the edge from her running. "You're gonna be okay." I said again in defiance, to keep both him and myself certain.
The boy rolled onto his back, exhaling and staring at the roof above. He swallowed, shutting his eyes for a moment before opening them up again. Brushing his hair out of his face, I lifted his head up carefully and placed the cup to his lips. He took a sip of the liquid, Octavia gripping his leg as if to say that she wasn't going anywhere.
Resting his head back down with a grunt, I gave him a tight smile and placed the cup beside his bed. His eyes turned to me, holding my gaze. He didn't have to say anything as I read the apologetic look within his stare. A tear slipped from my eye, catching me off guard. Bellamy reached his hand forward, gripping mine that rested beside him. Octavia watched in silence.
"We... We have a plan to stop the Grounders." He spoke, his voice strained.
My eyes widened. "What?" I said, disbelieved. "How?"
He let out a laugh at my curiosity, which only resulted in him falling into a fit of coughs. After several seconds he caught his breath back and explained, "Blow up the bridge." He said, smiling, his eyes weary.
I blinked. "That's, that's a great plan, B."
No, it wasn't.
That bridge was the one of the most important factors in the rescue that was to take place. It was the fastest way across. If that bridge was destroyed, it would be at least three days trek to reach Camp Sky. There was no doubt that Blade had probably been beaten during his time in their prison, and that would count another half-day of slow walking. And if the Grounders caught up to us – we'd have no way back.
"Bellamy, I..." I stopped.
I was almost about to tell him that I was about to leave him to go save the man who tried to kill him. And the fact that his plan of bombing the bridge would lead to fatal consequences for Blade and I. But I held my tongue. I was not going to be a greedy, selfish girl and force him to wait till we had crossed over and risk the lives of his many people. This only meant that Kaden and myself had to be quick. We had to sneak in, get Blade, and get the hell out of there. If I had to drag the both of them through that icy-cold lake filled with ugly creatures that were only ever heard of in literature then I would.
Bellamy and Octavia stared at me, noticing as I got lost in my thoughts. I blinked, sucking in a breath. "Rest up, soldier." Giving his hand that held mine to Octavia, I got to my feet and gave the two some space.
"Quinn, where are you going?" Bellamy said, beginning to push himself up.
He let out a grunt and gave his sister as she pushed him back down, carefully. I gave her an appreciative nod before replying, "Don't worry about me. Just get some rest, okay?" I said a final good-bye to the both before I exited the drop-ship and walked out into the evening air. Shrugging on my jacket and swinging my katana in its holster over my shoulder, I set forth to complete the task ahead.
@ Quinn: why the fuck you lyin'
why you always lyyin' hhhooomygoddD
stOp fucKin' LYin'!!!11!1!!111!!!1
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