★ • One
Ares hastily scribbled down a few words, cursing to herself each time she made mistake in her spelling. She really just wanted to get out of class on time, but knowing Mr. Bendadit, he wouldn't let her out until she had copied his writing right down to the last comma.
"Ms. Chever, please write the notes neatly," a familiar withering voice sounded from behind her. She glanced backwards to see Mr. Bendadit hunched down close to her shoulder, his chapped lips pursed disaprovingly. "Not that chicken scratch."
Ares rolled he eyes, gritting her teeth. "Yes, sir." She snarled, trying to keep the frustration out her tone.
Clearly she had failed miserably, since Mr. Bendadit scowled at her. His brows furrowed as he grumbled, "Stay back at the end of class, Ms. Chever. I'd like to have some words with you."
"Whatever, ya cuntsucker." Ares mumbled under her breath..
Jackie tapped his foot, waiting at the doors of the cafeteria for his friend. "Jesus Christ, where is she." Jackie groaned, taking out his phone, about to call his friend. "Jackie, hey!"
A familiar siren-like voice called out. Suddenly, Jackie was a pile of blonde hair and blush. His best friend - and crush - Ares ran towards him down the corridor, shoving past seventh years. Her untamed mess of brown curls waved behind her, and her hazel eyes shined with - or at least what he hoped was - happiness.
"Uh- hi Ares." Jackie said calmly, cursing to himself as his voice cracked.
"Ugh, I'm so ready for food, oh my god." The girl of his dreams laughed, pushing open the cafeteria doors, dragging Jackie along with her. I'm such a pervert... he thought, looking at the way
His friend's breasts bounced as she ran to the food line.
"Quit staring at the pretty lady, dickhead!" A sarcastic voice whispered from behind him, the breath of the disembodied voice crawling down Jackie's neck. "Piss off, Felix!" Jackie hissed back as he spun around to meet the voice face to face. "What's got your nickers in a twist?" Jackie's - annoyingly funny - older brother, Felix, giggled. "She's gonna get with me first and you know it!" Jackie spat back, huffing angrily.
Felix gasped, a hand to his heart like he had been shot. "You really have such little doubt that this pretty face could charm that gem?" Felix dramaticly cried.
"Yes, I do doubt that, you slut!" The younger poked an accusitory finger at the taller blonde. "Don't slut shame me, dingus!" Felix huffed. "Oh, hey Ares!" He suddenly switched to the handsome and charming boy the whole school knew. Just like how they knew that he had his sights set on Ares Chester. "Hi Felix. We have chemistry at third period, right?" She smiled at the older of the two brothers, the other pouting at no attention.
"Yeah. Do you wanna be me Chem partner?" He asked offhandedly, but Jackie could see the sly look pointed his way. "Ah, sorry. No can do, Veronica and I already made plans. Maybe next project?" Ares laughed, grinning apologeticly to Felix.
"Sure thing. See ya." Felix waved goodbye to the pair before strutting over to a lunch table with other eleventh years, food tray in hand.
"I hate him." Jackie groaned, collecting his food tray.
Ares looked at him curiously. "He's your brother?"
"Exactly." The blonde sighed exasperatedly.
The duo sat down in a three seated table in the cafeteria, beginning to eat their, frankly disgusting, burritos.
"Are we meeting at the subway again this afternoon, or not?" Jackie murmured to Ares as she scribbled on the back of her paper, mindlessly drawing an eye.
"Obviously, you wank." She replied, halfheartedly chewing her gum. Jackie nodded, copying a few numbers from a calculator.
"Class, please begin to pack up now. The bell will be going in three minutes." Suddenly, the whole class was filled with chatting and laughter in a matter of moments, the students all clearly eager to leave the hellhole.
But for Ares, it was more than simply going back home to see her pet dog, or her father. It was rushing to her room and dawning a suit she was too familiar with.
Just as Ares had finished stuffing her pen and notebook inside her all-too-small backpack, the bell ringed, subtly echoing through the classroom.
All the students, Ares and Jackie included, rushed to the door and pushing past fellow teens. "Meet me at seven, right?" Jackie demanded, unchaining his bike from the fence.
"Got it. Don't forget your helmet, ya Dumbass!" Ares giggled, already strutting away from her friend.
Jackie looked out across the harbour. He scanned the area, before his eyes finally landed on Ares, who was whistling carelessly, rocking back and forth with her hands stuffed six feet deep into her pockets. Jackie raced up behind her, jumping on her back. "Oi! Get off, you twit!" Ares screeched, reaching up and grabbing at Jackie. Unfortunately, all she could reach was his legs, along with gods forbidden banana. He felt her delicate and soft hand stroke against his third leg, and he could feel heat rushing to his face. He quickly hopped off of his friends back, trying to hide th blush on his face.
"Hi, A." Jackie laughed. "You're a bitch." Ares scoffed. "C'mon, I've got to get suited up." She grabbed Jackie by the ear, painfully tugging him along behind her.
She chose to ignore his yelps, and she pushed open the sea container. Her hand released from Jackie's ear as she stepped inside, watching the fluorescent blue lights light up, and revealed the glass display stand with a suit, seemingly coming from a comic strip.
"Look away." She told her friend sternly, as she unzipped her jacket. Jackie turned his back to her, heading over to thethe computer and entering the overly complex passcode.
Ares whistled, and he turned back around. He was sure he was going to start a shrine dedicated to this girl.
She was dressed in a tight-fitted latex suit, exposing her bellybutton and lower half being covered by mini shorts, and many straps holding all sorts of weapons. With glowing red highlights, and thick black boots, spikes attached to the bottom. In the center was a Glowing red tire mark, her signal.
"You ready, J?" Ares questioned as she flipped down the dark blue visor of her black and red helmet.
"Operating and in action when you are, Flashfire." He mockingly saluted to his friend as she hopped onto her motorbike and sped away from their base.
1094 words
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