I hope you enjoy the sample of The Burden of Us.
Want to know why it's a sample?
- The Burden of Us was initially on Wattpad as a first and second draft back in 2020. In 2022 it was picked up for publishing, and came out.
Early 2023, the publishing house and I parted ways and I gained my rights back. Since then, I've been working hard on it, edited it again and now I've published it again!
It's available NOW on eBook and as part of Kindle Unlimited, and will be available very soon as a paperback to buy!
If you purchase, please consider leaving a review on Amazon or Goodreads - they're so valuable and appreciated!
Here is the universal book link inline [will take you to your Amazon store] >>>
Also: Shout out to -DeeIsDead- AKA The Undead Designs who made this GORGEOUS freaking cover. I am SO happy with it! Go seek out their profile for cover designs - they are SO amazing <3
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