2 become 1?
Friday 10th September
With his arm around me, I laid my head in to the nest it had created. Oh how I dreamed that he would seek out my every crevice, to use his firm hands to caress the softness of each of my body's gentle curves, but forever he resisted, causing the minutes to elongate, tick tock, tick tock. My neck was starting to hurt. Come on Harry, get your carpe diem on you dim-wit!
I do want to kiss him, of course I do, it's just that I don't want to be the one to instigate it. Maybe his arm will go dead and so he'll hurry up and get it over with already?
But his fear prevailed and more minutes passed. Oh why do I always have to be the one to do everything? But I needed to compose myself; I can't let my impatient temper ruin this long overdue encounter, these things are supposed to take time. I believe they call it creating a romantic ambience?
I inhaled, closing my eyes and tilting my head to a gentle angle, hoping to evoke the image of a seductive Goddess, full of freelowing tendrils and bee stung lips. As my nose rubbed against his face his cheek tensed. Great, now he'll that I've gone all Eskimo on him, about as far from hot slinky beast as you can get. Way to kill the mood Simone!
But instead he surrendered, his face moving to meet mine, and our noses touched. He was an Eskimo too! As our lips joined our tongues set about their quest of discovery. After all this time, I was again kissing Harry Styles, but at last in a good way. Still, I pulled away, shocked to be enjoying the sensation. No longer did it feel that I was kissing that awful piece of liver, but instead it felt just simply terrific. Kerr-ching! But what could be different now? Why who cares for theories at a time likethis, for oh wow, my tongue was moving more freely than ever before. Who knew I could be so bold? Way to go Simone!
Monday 13th September
Descending in to Brambles, I stood on my tip toes, searching. I'd come here for just one thing, the only thing desired enough to lure me across the threshold, and in to the dungeon.
'Harry, are you here?' I pined, 'I'm going for a walk.'
'Fine then, I'll be okay without you,' I left Natasha alone to cogitate over the wickedness of her best friend, for how dare I be having a better time than her?
Searching every room, I surveyed the complex network of caves, forever without success, unable to find him amongst the slime drenched bodies and smoke filled air.
'Over here!' He beckoned as I floundered, about to give up. He glowed like an angel, my own angel, whose light was guiding me, through the hazy darkness, towards salvation. Swinging his arms around me he kissed my now burning forehead.
'Can we go for a dance?' I was eager to taste his mouth again, and without hesitation we were kissing, my back pressed to the wall, any nervousness of the previous occasion long ago subsided. Oh dear Lord I thought I might climax right there, in the club, but clung to the reality that we were being watched; forever holding myself back, and just like my dream I reached up to touch the looseness of his curls, pulling him closer, never to let him go. I longed that we were alone, so that he could lift me up, and I would wrap my legs around his body, but we remained suspended in the purgatory of the night club, our wanting sacrificed for decency and etiquette.
Tuesday 28th September
It seems that we have kissed on every corner, oh how easy it is now. Why I could do this all the time, if only I wasn't routinely distracted with such mundane tasks as eating and sleeping and homework; so many pointless activities stealing away from time which could be spent perfecting our craft.
'Wow, the windows have steamed up,' I broke my lips from his only momentarily, before the depression of the separation pulled me back in.
We had been sitting in Harry's car, parked outside my parent's house, for nearly an hour, but that didn't matter, we didn't need to be anywhere else, so long as we could sit comfortably enough to allow our lips and mouths to unite.
His tongue, once so repellent, was now enchanting. Like an olive that I had forced myself to eat, I found that the bitterness was now delicious, and all I wanted was to consume more. My new found confidence allowed me to try different movements with my tongue, I enjoyed using it to investigate, first vigorously, and then more slowly, like a feather blowing in the wind, and all the time he was unable to resist moving his own tongue faster, but it was such a thrill to hold back, taunting and nudging him to exasperation.
'You're driving me wild,' I was smug that he couldn't take it any longer.
'I'm sorry,' I lied.
'So does this mean that you're my girlfriend now?'
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