Rose's pov?
Shadow in her mind is in bold
Rose is normal text
"They are only your friends because they were told to"
"That's not true!"
"You know it is, you were there!"
"Why do you do this to me? You know it hurts..."
"I'm only telling you the truth sweetheart"
"It's not the truth"
"Stop lying to yourself Rose"
"I have to go..."
"Shut up!"
"I love you too"
"Hey Rose, over here!"
"Oh hey Jess, Abby" I said. I hope what it said isn't true...
??? POV
"Hey Abby?"
"Yeah Jess?" She said
"Rose seemed out of it yesterday, I wonder why?" She wasn't being as social as she usually is, something has to be up! She barely said a word to us yesterday and still hasn't spoken to us...Did we do something wrong? Whatever it is I'll fix it, she's my best friend.
"Helloooo? Earth to Jess!"
"Hmm, oh sorry what did you say?"
"I said should we ask Rose?"
"Yeah, oh look! Here she comes"
"Hey Rose, over here!" We both shouted!
"Hey Jess, Abby!" She said.
"Umm, you seemed out of it yesterday. Are you okay?"
"Hm? Oh yeah, I-I'm fine..." She said. She stuttered and she never stutters. Something is up.
"You stuttered Rose" Abby said. I swear to god this girl is a mind reader!
"I'm fine" *her eyes start watering*Oh god, what do we do! Wait, is she crying? What did we say?!
"Rose.." I said
*Rose runs off*
"No come back!' we shouted
"Should we go after her?" Abby wondered
"We have to Abby, she's our friend" Jess explained
Rose's POV
"You stuttered Rose" Abby said.
"I'm fine" *my eyes start watering*Suck it up Rose, they'll get suspicious.
"Rose.." Jess said
*Rose runs off*
"No come back!' They shouted
I ran and ran and ran until I was outside of school. Thank god it's lunch time, the teachers won't be suspicious. I just couldn't stop thinking about what it said. that footsteps? Crap, they followed me! I jumped into a tree so they couldn't see me. They can't find out my secret...
Oh god, things just got real! hehe, did you see the pun? No, okay...I'll just go to my corner now xP. But in all seriousness, I hope you enjoyed the story. I'll try my best to post at least one a week. Fair? Okay. I'll see you lovelies soon!
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