Twenty Two
"What do you want Bella?" Brooke is out doing something while I'm making a smoothie to go with my breakfast "I'm currently busy"
"Eating?" She asks
Giving her a look "I'm eating for two now, in case you haven't heard" or didn't bother to pay attention "now...what do you want?"
"You're pregnant?" She stares at my belly that has grown some more, I look to be in the middle of my second trimester now. Lauren says my son is growing just fine "I thought you got fat"
Placing a hand on the table as I hold my fork with a piece of fruit on it, I could jam the fork into her eye and pull it out "What do you want Bella?"
"It's Jacob" she says, Jacob? Is she talking about Jacob Black? "He's been ignoring me for the last two weeks, I don't know why"
"Maybe" eating a few pieces of fruit "it's because you finally told him how you felt on what he thought was a group date?" Word travels fast around here and Mike told us about seeing the movie Face Punch with Bella and how pissed off Jacob got.
If I had to place a bet, I think Jacob is a wolf shifter. He's only shifting because there's this red haired female vampire that keeps coming around, she came near my apartment so I placed a protection spell around the apartment complex. I don't need some vampire killing me in my sleep.
Bella's leg fidgets as I stared at her "Can you come with me and find out what is going on? He told me last night about how I know, to remember the legends he told me about and that apparently you know? That you know what's going on? Tell me, please"
"I have no idea" lying to her, I don't need her trying to get back into this life and making things difficult again "what Jacob Black is talking about. Haven't spoken to that child in months"
"Just..." Bella places her hand on the counter looking at me pleading "I know something is wrong, it's because of Sam Uley. He has Jacob in his cult and it's a gut feeling, there isn't something right"
Sucking the blackberry jam from my middle finger, Dyson told me how those wolf shifters aren't going to stop until I do something. Which means revealing what I am or threatening them. That with Paul it has to do with what wolf shifters do sometimes, the human ones. A rare thing. It's called imprinting. Kind of like what a mother duck does but for a wolf, especially the wolf shifters it's to find their soulmate.
"Fine" Bella is taken aback, she has a smile on her face "but after I eat"
She nods her head "Yeah, sure"
It takes about fifteen minutes to get to the Black House in La Push. It's this one story red house with a ramp for Billy since he's in a wheelchair, you've got two garages or more like one large garage and one shed, all this open land surrounding the place with miles away a boat that I don't know if anyone uses. Then you've got the trees.
It smells horrible here, the awful wet dog smell. Why can't they be more like fae wolf shifters and know how to have proper hygiene? Before the smell was tolerable but now since I've become pregnant, it's gotten much worse.
"Now remember Bella" she looks my way as we got out of the car "I need to get a new car" right now I drive a corvette C8, it's why I was able to get here much faster since typically the drive from my place to here is almost an hour "but back to you" looking at Bella "don't interrupt my interrogation, don't say a word unless I give you the signal to, and most importantly don't try and stop me or else. Got it?"
"Yeah" she nods her head
Closing the door we head up to the front door and instead of knocking like a normal person, I muttered under my breath a spell opening the door. Why break the door and waste my money fixing it if I can just use my magic?
We walk into here and Billy Black looks at us from the living room "Girls" he came over "you can't just barge" I place my foot on his chest kicking him, he rolls back before falling over with a thud and groan.
"I don't give a fuck who you are" placing my hands upon my hips "all I see is the man who killed my father and that is all I will ever see! Now which way to the bedroom?"
Bella points one way and we head in, I slam the door open with a bang startling Jacob Black who looks our way from his bed since he was sleeping "Wakey wakey"
"Bella?" He asks standing up "Why" he looks at me narrowing his eyes "what are you doing here?"
Going over to him grabbing him by his arms then shoving him up against the wall "You're going to tell Bella why you decided to join Sam Uley's cult" he's a wolf shifter, I can smell the stench from him. Especially when he has the tribal mark logo on his upper right arm like the others "if you don't"
"You'll what?" He scoffs
I pull out my switch blade and have it right between his legs, his eyes widen "or else Jacob Jr and the twins go bye bye. Now, start talking"
"You're bluffing" he shakes his head even though his heart is racing.
Looking to Bella shaking my head "Why do people always assume I bluff? I don't bluff, I will hurt them. See?"
Jacob screams as Bella yells "Mallory!"
I just cut off his pinky finger, he doesn't need that finger "Now" quickly moving the blade back to between his legs "start talking"
"You bitch!" He screams going to attack but the blade is cutting some skin and he stops.
"You'll find" tilting my head "men tend to be more honest when their favorite body part is on the line and if your dad tries to call for help" loudly saying for Billy to hear "I will hunt Rachel and Rebecca down then send their heads to him!"
"Leave my sisters alone!" Jacob orders
Looking over when rapid footsteps come in, I see Sam Uley here with his possy "Ah, here's the cult leader and his followers"
"What's going on here?" Sam demands
"Just a bit of an interrogation" looking to Jacob cutting off another finger "tell me what I want to know!"
"Ah! Ah! Ah!" I quickly got the blade to his throat, looking over to the wolves who tried to stop me "One wrong move and Billy Black looses a son"
"Look" Sam holds his hands up "we can discuss this like regular people, just put the blade down and we can talk"
Pulling the blade away as Jacob is lifted into the air "What's going on?" Bella asks
"I'll fry your brain later" waving my hand to her as I walk towards Sam who takes a step back "See Sam" holding my blade out "something you don't understand is this, I don't oblige to your every whim. What I am and what secrets I hold are my own. You try to force me to spill any secrets" it's starting to rain outside "or continue to stalk me and try to bug me till I spill that won't work. Because between what you call leeches and me, those leeches are easier to kill than me and will quickly kill you while I will take my time and make you suffer in ways you couldn't even imagine. Do you understand me?" He doesn't say anything, none of the wolves do. I may or may not also have my magic holding them against the wall keeping them from moving "Now this is what is going to happen, your going to stay the fuck away from me and my friends. Continue to harass me or my friends and I'll turn the storm outside into a tsunami wiping out all of La Push and every person here" a smirk comes to my face as their eyes widen when they hear the rain beat harder "do you understand me?"
"What are you?" He demands
Leaning in close to whisper "Your worst fucking nightmare" pulling away from him to look at Bella who is just standing there "and you" letting out a sigh "guess there isn't any way around this. Your friend can turn into a wolf, these children behind me can"
"How the fuck" grabbing my bag to pull out a needle and thread, I start to sew Paul's mouth shut. He screams as I do this.
"Oh you'll be fine" patting his face "don't you guys heal fast?"
Looking back to Bella who looks around then to me, her heart racing "Long story short. Their wolf shifters. The wolves you saw in the woods? It was them" her eyes widen as she looks around at them then to Jacob who is screaming "Get away from Bella!"
"Now" looking around the place "I think I've made myself pretty fucking clear, but for extra measurements" cutting off another finger from Jacob Black "Do not" going over to Sam Uley next "piss" cutting off one of Jared's fingers even though he is begging not to along with Embry "me" lastly going over to Paul "off" looking Paul in the eyes "I reject you Paul Lahote from being your imprint" his eyes widen and I can see the pain go through him "stay away from me" going over to Billy who is staring at me, narrowing my eyes on him "I meant what I said, ever piss me off anymore William Black and I'll send your daughters heads to you in boxes"
"Wait!" Bella stops me from leaving by asking "What—how did you just"
Looking her way "I'm a witch Bella, a damn powerful one who can easily take away these wolves ability to shift" Billy's eyes widen when I threaten to do that "and if I do that then any vampire can come onto La Push since there will be no one to stop them"
"So you're really part goddess?" Peyton asks "deities exist?"
"Yes" I decided it was time to tell my other friends about what I am. So I had Brooke, Peyton, Skills and Mouth come over and after a little show of magic by having the house hold cleaning supplies to do their own thing they believed me "you don't have to bow down to me or anything like that, only the really old gods expect worship"
"And" Skills asks "there are wolf shifters in La Push? Like the large beard we've been hearing about are actually wolves? Them?"
"Yup" crossing my legs as an float in the air
"I won't ever" Lucas points to me "get use to that"
"What about the kitten I've seen come around" Brooke asks. I shift into my cat form and Brooke makes an "Awe" sound as I jump up into her lap purring "I'm know I'm really freaked out but this is very adorable"
"Meow!" Licking her fingers as I purr loudly
When I shift back and put on my clothes "Yeah, also here" holding out these same silver twisted banded rings with gold on either side and tiny diamonds on them.
"Rings?" Mouth asks
"In the fae world here, if a human knows" I say "your memory will be erased unless you're claimed. Like an owner claiming their cat. These are my rings which will show any fae or supernatural creature that you are off limits, that trying to hurt you will result in me killing them. You're under my protection. So please, this is my secret and I don't want it revealed to anyone else" their nod their heads.
"Of course" Skills assured us "you can trust us"
"Thanks for the rings" Haley looks at the rings before taking one along with the others "wait! What about all those killings? The dead hikers and campers?"
"The undirected" I say "cause of the Cullens and Bella"
"What do you mean?" Peyton asks
"The Cullens are what you or my uncle if he were here basically call the gay version of vampires" Uncle Kol would definitely make a joke or more about what breed of vampires the Cullens are "but instead of drinking human blood they drink animal blood"
"Animal blood?" Brooke makes a face "okay, I don't know about everyone else but the thought of drinking blood if I had to choose would be human and from a blood bag"
"That's what many vampires do" they stare at me "drink from blood bags, those who hunt humans it's because the blood is still fresh and warm. Like if you go to the store and want fresh cut steaks"
"Can you go back to the Cullens?" Lucas asks "I'm sure everyone here will love" sarcasm in his voice "to hear why the Cullens even were here"
"What do you mean?" Nathan asks
"The Cullens viewed you all as reality tv" I say, they stare at me "they refuse to admit that their vampires, hey migrate to small towns frequently because they like watching you humans"
"Oh and tell them what Edward Cullens does" Lucas adds
"Are we going to like it?" Mouth asks
Shaking my head no "those rings also protect your minds from being read or if someone tries to compel you, compulsion is an ability vampires from my universe can do to make someone do something they don't want. Like say a female vampire wanting information she can easily get it by just using her ability or if a male vampire wants sex and you say no, they can just compel you to agree"
"So these rings" Peyton asks "also offer protection for our minds? Giving us free will that could easily be taken?"
"Yes" I confirm "and Edward Cullen? He's a lazy vampire who has the ability to read minds, he doesn't bother to control his gift since he likes reading everyone's minds all the time. Finds what you all think amusing"
That causes an uproar and I simply drink my smoothie "Wait! Everyone QUIET!" Brooke yells, everyone does as she looks at me "If the Cullens were her watching us, how does the killings relate to Bella? Is she a vampire too?"
"No" shaking my head no "she's human like you all, she just likes sticking her nose in where it doesn't belong. For instance her dating Edward? It's because she can't read her mind, she's a natural shield. A shield is someone who can basically create shields, for her it's mental. Edward found her interesting since he couldn't read her mind, the Cullens fed her imagination that they would one day turn her into a vampire"
"But they won't?" Haley asks
"No" I say "she was actually Edward's blood singer. A blood singer is someone whose blood is so irresistible to a vampire that the vampire has to drink their blood, like an addict who relapses. Every time a vampire meets their blood singer, they'll kill the person. Though I don't know what's so appealing since Bella's blood smells horrible"
"You can smell her blood?" Skills asks "I don't know about y'all but I'm curious about what it smells like?"
"Best thing...rotten eggs" I say "Oh! Before I forget? The Swan House? In the locked basement, it holds a demon. Dan Scott and Charlie knows about it"
"Our dad" Nathan demands "knows there's a demon in the Swan House? What are they planning to do with it?"
Shrugging my shoulders "I don't know, but who does know more is your grandma. May? She knows about the creature so ask her about it, though please try to be discreet. I've been trying to exorcise that demon and can't do it unless I know how it even got here"
"I think I need a drink" Peyton rubs her brows
"Not just you" Brooke goes over and brings the bourbon I bought.
"How" Nathan asks me "did you get me out of that deal with the loan shark?"
"What loan shark?" Haley demands
"Before" snapping my fingers, they look my way "you get into that and what Nathan did, I'll tell you what I did. I essentially killed him. I got involved with the mafia and a crime lord's son killed him, so I indirectly killed him. Like the Cullens did with all the dead hikers and campers"
"You never" Peyton reminds me "told us how they are responsible for those deaths"
"Trust me" I snap my fingers having bourbon be poured for all of them but Haley, I give her a smoothie "you'll need these"
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