Twenty Three
"So where's Chief Swan?" Nathan asks as he, Lucas and I are going through Charlie's bedroom since apparently there is a secret compartment somewhere here where the book is. Or more like a map.
"He is such a slob" Lucas shakes his head "wouldn't it be easier if you do your" he wiggles his fingers.
"Yes" I open the closet and move aside when clothes fall out "but he would know someone was in here and we need to make it seem like no one was, which means messing it up as badly as before. Plus I'd just clean everything up"
"No kidding" Nathan makes a face using a fork that was lying on the ground to move aside some underwear, I gag a bit seeing that "how is his office at the Forks Police Station more organized than his own bedroom?" Lucas takes a step and we hear this fart come from him "Gross"
"That was the floor" Lucas says
"Wait" looking back to him, walking over I take a step and the floor board is loose here. Removing the rug, I pull back the floor board to this small chest. The chest looks like a jewelry box but you wouldn't know since humans can rarely feel the magic emitting from the box "I think this is it"
Putting the boards back along with the carpet "Let's see" I try to open it but it won't open "a key is needed"
Nathan opens it with ease and we stare at him "Why did that just do that?"
"Blood magic" I answer "specifically human, only a human of the Swan bloodline could open this" pulling out the map along with a key "seems the map is hidden here"
"Where is here?" Lucas asks "I don't recognize it on any map I've seen"
"This map" looking this over "is centuries old, so there's a change that this map is based upon La Push or Forks but we'd need a bigger map to make sure. I'll do a locator spell at the apartment"
We hear the door slam and jump "Bella!" We hear a familiar female voice yell.
"Who's that?" Nathan asks
I put the chest back where we found it and put the map in my purse with the key, when we stand up and the door bangs open it's Alice Cullen "Where's Bella?!" She is all frantic and worried.
"Not here" Lucas says
I keep them behind me as Alice goes into Bella's bedroom "Don't" whispering to Lucas and Nathan "say anything about what she is, about knowing. Just trust me. Just try to act as normal as possible right now" we leave the bedroom as Alice is before me grabbing my shoulders.
"Where is Bella?! Where did she go?!" She screams
"How are we supposed to know?" Moving her hands away from my shoulders "She left the house just as we got here"
"Do you" she looks between us "know where she went? Where she could have gone? She couldn't have gone to La Push right?"
"We don't talk to her" Nathan says "so we can't tell you. Didn't your family move?"
Alice just ignored him and goes downstairs to open the door to the basement "Don't open that door!" We stop her when she tries to break the lock.
"Bella could be down there!" She screams
"We told you" Lucas shakes his head no "she left the house when we arrived, you don't believe three people who just got here?" Alice just fidgets all agitated.
"What is this about?" I demand "Hey!" Snapping my fingers before her "Alice? What is your deal?"
"Bella is going to commit suicide" I'm sorry? Say that again? "She's going to jump off a cliff"
"Are you sure" Lucas asks "she's not going cliff jumping for fun?"
Alice scoffs "Bella would never do something so dangerous, Edward told her not to"
"Don't they break up?" I ask
"Bella loves Edward" Alice firmly stated "and will listen to him" So delusional is a whole thing for that coven, besides wanting to remain human "What are you doing here? Didn't you get your own apartment with Brooke Davis?"
"We needed something" I say "and my uncle asked me to get him something from his room, did you come back to talk to Bella? Because they have things call cellphones"
"I" she stuttered "needed to talk to her in person, she can't go cliff jumping. She can't! She'll die if she does, I have to stop her" hearing a door slam outside "what was that?"
The door opens and we see Bella come in, I cover my mouth smelling the wet dog smell. It's very strong, I notice her messy hair and swollen lips "Bella fucked Jacob Black, I'll explain later how I know" I type on my phone showing Lucas and Nathan who stare at Bella who jumps into Alice's arms.
"Alice!" She cries holding her close "Oh my god! What are you"
"Bella!" Alice exclaims
Bella pulls away and tears start running down her face "How much" Nathan whispers to us "do you want to bet that Brian is going to have to recommit her?"
"I bet one week from now" I say
"Four days" Lucas bets
"I'm sorry" Bella apologizes to Alice stuttering "I just...I just can't believe you're here."
"Would you like to explain to me" Alice demands from her "how you're alive?"
"Yeah" they look our way "and why she thinks you jumped off a cliff?"
"What?" Bella asks
"I saw a vision of you" Alice is horrible at keeping secrets, well sometimes. Other times when it benefits her she'll keep secrets "you jumped off a cliff! Why in the hell would you try to kill yourself? I mean what about Charlie? What about"
"I didn't try and kill myself" Bella cuts her off "I was cliff jumping, recreationally. It was fun" she wipes away her tears.
"So extreme sports?" I ask
"I thought" Lucas asks "you hates sports?"
"She did" Nathan shrugs his shoulders "start building motorcycles and tried to ride one"
"I'll be right back" telling the guys as I go over to Bella "Bella? Let's talk" yanking her away from Alice "in private" when we are in her bedroom, I have a silencing bubble up "if you dare mention what I am to Alice Cullen or anyone, I'll personally hand you over to Victoria"
"I don't see" Bella argues "why you can't just help the wolves? Your a powerful witch and"
"Not my shit to deal with" shaking my head "and she's only in the area because of you, as I see it it's more beneficial if she killed you and then left. If the wolves keep trying to interfere then all the people dying is on them just as it's on you" grabbing her neck having her choke "don't you dare tell Alice Cullen a single thing. Am I clear?"
"Yes" she wheezes out
Leaving the bedroom going downstairs, Alice looks our way and she sees my belly "Congratulations on the baby!" She holds her arms out and pulls me into a hug. She then pulls away and demands "How come I didn't see you get pregnant?"
Lucas and Nathan share a very weirded out look while I reply "Next time I'll send you a sex tape. Now how long will you be here?"
"She's welcome" Bella argues "as long as she wants to be here"
"This is Charlie's house" Lucas reminds her
"And mine" she argues
"And technically ours" motioning to the guys and I "I'm asking because given your track record Bella, it would be better if we stayed till Charlie returned. Right guys?"
"Yeah" Nathan and Lucas nod their heads
"It's alright Bella" Alice assured Bella when Bella was about to argue, Alice looks to the basement furrowing her brows before walking over to the couch. Lucas and Nathan sit on the other couch while I sit on the recliner "I have never met anyone more prone to life threatening idiocy"
"Really?" Nathan asks "never in your life?"
"That's shocking" Lucas mutters
"Ignore them" Bella doesn't look at any of us before asking "Did you...does he...did you tell him?"
"No" she sadly says "he only calls in once every few months. He said he wants to be alone" looking towards me "I can't believe you had sex with Dante Reyes, he's a sadist and he's apart of the cartel. You know? Mafia?"
I made it so that Alice can't see my future decisions, guess she doesn't know that "Edward's in Rio, Brazil isn't he?"
"How do you know that?" Lucas asks
"Dante is from Brazil" I explain to them "I had sex with Dante in Brazil, only explanation as to how Edward would know. If he saw me in Brazil"
"Is that true?" Bella looks to Alice expectantly "if he's in Brazil I need to go and talk to him" yeah, one of us should call Brian.
"Bella?" Alice wrinkles her nose "what is that god wet awful dog smell?"
"What dog smell?" Lucas whispers
"I'll explain later" shaking my head as Alice started to sniff us and then went back to Alice, she is so horrible at trying to keep a secret. Unless she knows but that is very unlikely since she can't see my decisions.
"That's probably me" Bella takes off the jacket she was wearing "'s Jacob"
"Jacob who?" Alice asks
"Jacob Black" Bella gives her a look, warily looking from us to her "he's sort of, kind of a werewolf"
"Did she really" Nathan asks "just say that?"
Shaking my head "I never said either of them were smart" they look our way "Nathan and Lucas know because there's a demon in the basement and their under the wolf shifter protection. There's a difference Bella between a werewolf and wolf shifter"
"Like what?" She asks
"Pretty sure the names for one" Lucas looks at us confused "what little I've learned is that wolf shifters can shift at any time and are more temperamental and still conscious, werewolves can't control themselves during a full moon and only shift during a full moon"
"There's a reason they are called Children of the Moon" I say "as for the demon, don't worry too much about it. Just don't go down into the basement or let Charlie know we know"
"Does my dad" Bella asks us "know what the Cullens are?"
"No" shaking our heads no
"You'd know if he did" laying back in the recliner feeling my baby move around "he just knows about the demon, nothing more but back to werewolves and wolf shifters. Get it right. Also the wolf shifters down in La Push can be horrible company"
"She's right" Alice complains "werewolves are not good company to keep"
"So ignorance" Nathan asks me "is something they enjoy having?"
"Apparently" clicking my tongue as Jacob Black appears sneering "Speak for your-fucking-self" he looks at Bella "I had to see you were safe"
"I thought" Bella has a brief smile upon her face "you couldn't protect me here?"
"Guess I don't care" he says
"I'm not going to hurt her" Alice argues
Jacob looks her way scowling "No, you're just a harmless Cullen. I'm talking about the other blood sucker who is trying to kill Bella because of you and her"
He looks my way and Alice is confused "Mallory? Mallory isn't a threat"
"Say one word" I warn Jacob Black "and I'll make good on my promise, exhibit your fingers" I see someone sewed Jacob's fingers back onto his hand, Jacob just has a pissed off expression "and everything would be better if Bella just died. Anyone else who thinks we should just hand Bella over, raise your hands"
Nathan and Lucas raise their hands with me and Bella looks at us hurt and taken aback "It's not my fault Victoria is attacking people!" Bella exclaims
"Bella is your cousin" Jacob complains "and you want her dead"
"Mal" Lucas crossed his arms "explained it to us. The Cullens killed the vampire's soulmate to save Bella who isn't a soulmate to Edward"
"The vampire bit her and she would have been turned but you saved her" Nathan adds "and killed that vampire, now this Victoria wants revenge. She's taking her anger out on anyone and everyone who stands in her path to make you Cullens feel her pain and want Bella dead"
"As far as we see it" Lucas and Nathan motion to themselves "it would be better for everyone if Bella just died. That vampire would leave and no one else in La Push or Forks would be in danger"
"Wait" Alice holds her hands out confused "Victoria? Victoria has been coming around?"
"Yeah" Bella wipes away her tears "she's been coming around"
"I didn't see her" Alice places her hands on her hips "I didn't see you get pulled out of the water or you" she looks my way "having a baby"
"She does know how weird that is right?" Nathan asks
"Dude" Lucas gives him a look "she probably saw when you and Haley made my little nephew"
"I can't see past you" Alice growls at Jacob looking at him "and your pack of mutts"
"Don't get me upset" Jacob warns
"Hey!" I stand up snapping my fingers "not in the house! Have a fight do it outside!"
"Your going to make a great mom" Nathan says
"Seriously?" I smile looking down at my belly "I've been worried that I wouldn't and"
"Mal" Lucas placed a hand on my shoulder "you'll make an amazing mother"
"Oh please" Jacob scoffs "that child is going to be a freak like her"
"You're the freak" Nathan argues "I don't care if I'm human, I know where my dad's guns are and he's taken me hunting before. I won't hesitate in shooting a wolf shifter who deserves being shot at"
"Same here" Lucas agrees
"Hey! Hey!" Bella gets between them when Jacob and Alice were snarling at one another "Stop! Stop! Please! Just don't do anything"
"I'll give you a minute" Alice walks away
Bella looks frantic now "Wait! Alice!" Alice looks her way as Bella is afraid now "you're not going anywhere, you're going to come back right?"
"As soon as you out the dog out" she leaves then
Jacob and Bella look at us "We'll leave once Charlie gets here" Lucas says
"My dad won't be back tonight" Bella says "Harry Clearwater had a heart attack and he's now planning the funeral for Sue"
"Then we'll stay till he leaves" I point to Jacob
"I'm not leaving while you're here" Jacob scoffs "I don't trust you"
"Please" it's my turn to scoff now "if I want to, you'd be dead by now. Now say your piece then leave, as soon as you leave the sooner we" motioning to the guys and myself "can leave"
"Who else is here?" Jacob asks Bella as we wait in the kitchen "Are there others? Are there anymore Cullens here?" Didn't he just ask the same thing but in different ways? "How long are they staying?"
"What happened to his fingers?" Nathan asks
"I cut them off" they stare at me "they obviously were sewn back on...long story short, the La Push wolf shifters kept harassing me so I needed to make it clear that they leave me alone and not harass you or the others"
"No" we hear Bella say "it's just Alice and she can stay as long as she'd like"
"Are the rest coming back?" We hear Jacob ask
"No" Bella sighs as she and Jacob are here in the kitchen "not that I know of. Anything else?"
"That's it" he says
Bella scoffs "If that's all then you better go running back to Sam"
"I've done it again" Jacob sadly says "I keep breaking my promise"
"You don't have to do this to each other" Bella hopefully says, I mean she has a small smile on her face.
"Should one of us" I whisper to them "call Brian?"
"Yes" they nod their heads
The phone goes off as Jacob and Bella kiss, I motion to crazy as the guys have flabbergasted looks "Hello" I answer "Swan residence, Mallory Mikaelson speaking"
"Mallory?" I hear a guy ask "it's Edward"
"Oh hi" I look at the others mouthing "Edward Cullen"
"Seriously?" Lucas mouths
"What do you need?" I ask
"Where's Charlie?" He asks "is he there?"
"No, he's not here" Jacob and Bella pull away from one another "he's arranging a funeral"
Putting the phone back as Bella asks "Who was that?"
"Edward" Lucas answered
Bella's eyes widened before screaming "What?! What do you mean that was Edward?!"
"Bella!" Alice comes into the room crying out "Bella! It's Edward. He thinks your dead, Rosalie told him why I came back here"
They look my way and Bella screams "Why didn't you let me speak with him?!"
"He didn't ask for you" I say
"I don't care!" She screams
"You" Nathan and Lucas got between us since Bella was about to jump on me "were also playing two timer like our dad" Nathan says "by kissing Jacob here"
"Bella! Bella!" Alice has her look at her "He thinks you're dead, he's gone to the Volturi. He wants to die too"
Bella looks my way "You have to come with and stop him!"
"No!" We all say but Jacob who is more looking at Bella pleading with her not to go "Not my fault he made an assumption, I'm not saving his life"
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