Twenty Seven
Walking down the steps of the Cullen house to the living room, Paul was appearing at my apartment for the last two weeks asking me to prom since I don't know why. So for the next however long Felix and Demetri will be here is how long I'll be staying with them, which means having the Cullens around. Brooke is currently living somewhere else and I let go the apartment so I'll be finding a new place to live.
But tonight I'm focusing on being a teenager. Senior prom. Different from Junior Prom since it's sooner and it's the last dance where all the senior class will go to for high school. I'm going to prom with Felix, this will technically be our first date. We are going to have a really nice dinner then go out to prom, Demetri is on baby sitting duty.
I'm really grateful to Demetri. For the last week whenever Daniel woke up crying needing to be changed or held, Demetri would take care of him while I got my rest. Felix would hold me and for the first time in years, I've had a peaceful sleep. No nightmares or anything close to a nightmare.
I see Felix in a tux "You" he comes over with a bouquet of roses "look...I can't find the right words"
I'm wearing a strapless black evening gown with a gold top, it's this fit and flare style type of dress that hugs my curves. The dress is both simple and elegant with black strapped heels and I love it. My hair is up in a low bun with some gold shadow eyeshadow and red lipstick. My nails are these beautiful black painted nails with gold floral print upon it.for accessories I have a black onyx gold ring on my middle finger with two onyx gold earrings, everything I need is in my black wallet purse.
"You don't look so bad yourself" taking his arm as he leads me to the dining room in the Cullen house, it's all set up to be really romantic.
"The Cullens owe us" Felix explains, he then whispers "this is then trying to get on our good side"
"Ah" he pushes me into my chair before sitting down beside me, looking over when Emmett Cullen comes over in a fake mustache dressed up like a waiter "Good evening" he decides to have a fake French accent, oh god "I am Mademoiselle Emmett"
"Mademoiselle?" I ask "did you ever take French?"
"No" he lets out a laugh "why?"
"First" crossing one leg over the other "if you're going to try to fake a French accent go onto YouTube and watch French people speak then learn from that. Next take a basics class since Mademoiselle means Madam, which essentially you're calling yourself a woman. So unless your classifying yourself as a woman or that your trans, learn better French"
"You do know" he asks "your attitude can cause a regular waiter to spit in your food right?"
"And you know" I ask him "your not a real waiter and that if you don't give me some time with my mate, I'll use this candle and jam it so far up your ass that burn from the inside out. Now go and try not to piss me off any further"
Emmett runs off while Felix is smiling "You are really hot when you frighten people"
"You're really hot when you're all possessive and territorial" thinking about the night with the strip dance, how Felix was all gruff and animalistic. He acted like that main male character from those eroticas where he is just all you're mine and I'll fill you up with my babies and we'll live happily ever after while you remain locked away so no one but me sees you. He stares at me smirking "What?"
"You said that aloud" Oh, I turn a bit red from embarrassment and he is just smiling.
"Well in that moment it reminded me of that so..." I say
"Do you normally read vampire erotica?" He asks
Shaking my head no "Sometimes I read dragon shifter porn..." the food is brought to me and blood is poured for Felix, holding my hand out as this glow escapes the food "I'm making sure the food isn't poisoned"
"They'd never poison you" Felix promises "with me around"
Pressing my lips together "Years of paranoia, it's hard to stop some habits"
"Where did you learn French?" He asks
"Um" finishing a piece of steak "New Orleans, that was one of the three main languages I learned. The primary languages were English, Latin and Français"
"Do you know any others?" He asks
"Español" I confirm "Italiano and Old Norse the last two were for pleasure"
"Old Norse?" He asks "why?"
"On my mother's side" I sip my drink "she was a Viking of the daughter of a Viking, I got Viking blood" Felix and I are having a pretty good time until we leave for the prom, once here Felix dances with me. The principal and none of the adults do anything since I'm eighteen and Evony and one of her fae employees did something.
Everything is alright until I get this bad feeling, stopping dying the dance Felix furrows his brows "Is something wrong?"
"One of my friends is in danger" I say, lifting my skirts leaving the prom quickly with Felix behind me. By the time we get to Peyton's house, I kick the door down and look around the place before going down to the basement when we hear screaming.
Running upstairs I get to Peyton's bedroom where Derek is on top of her, holding my hand out throwing him off of her. He is in the air with his arms out "Don't ever touch my friend again!" He screams as I use my powers to rip his limbs apart.
First his arms come off and blood sprays out, then his legs are ripped out and blood sprays out from those holes. I drop him when his heart stops beating and Peyton hugs me, looking over seeing Brooke who has bruises on her face.
"How" Felix asks me "did you know they were in trouble?"
"Magic" I say
"Someone takes after you" handing Daniel to Demetri after feeding Daniel "being a Boobivore"
Demetri lets out a laugh helping Daniel burp "A what?"
"A boobivore" sitting down next to Felix, he is staring at my breasts "like this one"
"You have amazing tits" Felix puts his face into my tits and I shake my head rubbing my fingers through his hair "God, I love your tits" he wraps his arms around me and I just shake my head smirking while Demetri chuckles looking down at Daniel who has grown so much in the last few weeks.
"Bella?" I hear Carlisle ask while I notice Felix and Demetri both tense "I thought you were grounded? Who's this?"
"Where's my cousin?" I hear a voice I haven't heard in years, managing to get up from under Felix.
"Mal?" Felix asks as I walk towards the stairs, walking down the steps I see someone who I haven't seen in almost two years. Her red hair is a bit darker towards a brunette color, her blue eyes are still the same with warm ivory skin that goes with her hourglass body that is more full than mine.
"Hope?" She looks my way and she has tears as she smiles, running towards her as she runs to me we embrace in a hug. I would be angry with her but without what she did I wouldn't have the life I have now.
"That's her cousin" I hear Bella say "Hope"
Hope pulls away and looks at me "I couldn't find you in Malivore so when I got out since I made him sick I tried to find you and you weren't anywhere so I remembered your human remember me?"
"And you remember me" I say "god" wiping away my tears "I hate crying"
"I know" Hope wipes away her tears "I hate it too, who are the red eyes and why can't I hear their hearts and why do they smell so sweet and why" she stared at Demetri who is holding Daniel "why is there a baby here?"
"They are the gay version of vampires" I explain to her as I bring her to the living room holding her hand while Felix and Demetri stare at her along with the other Cullens who look at her warily "the ones with golden eyes drink animal blood and the red eyed ones drink human, the big one and the one holding the baby is apart of their vampire government"
"Vampires have a government?" She asks
"Yeah" nodding my head "I know, the big is also my soulmate and the one holding the baby is my baby daddy and the baby is my baby"
Hope stares at me stoically "Josie and Landon are dating"
"I'm about to graduate high school" I say
"Why do they keep staring at me?" She asks
"Werewolf" Felix is behind me
"And?" Hope demands "there a problem"
"Hope" she looks my way when I grabbed her arm yanking her back to sit down "ignore them, be nice. Play nice" going over to Demetri taking Daniel from him "trust me"
Demetri is nearby as I sit down, Hope scooted over to beside me and looked down at Daniel who is awake and staring at her "Hello" she looks from me to Demetri "so, you stuck your cock inside my cousin?"
"Hope" growling at her warningly. She looks away from him to me, then behind me to Felix "Here, focus on my tits" grabbing his hands with one hand and putting his hands on my tits. He moved his hands to my hips lifting me up then setting me down on his lap, he wraps his arms around me grabbing my breasts with his hands, he looks at Hope as his head is in my neck inhaling my scent.
"He reminds me" Hope looks at me "from those Eroticas you like to read, about territorial supernatural men who like being all animalistic and that with their human mates" she grabs a pillow and opens it having feathers come out, she uses magic to make feathers float around us.
Daniel laughs seeing this and I smile before realizing "Hope? What are you going to do now?"
"I don't know—keep staring at me" she snapped at the Cullens who stare at her, her eyes flashing golden "and I'll kill you" they run off and she looks at me shaking her head "can I hold him?"
"Carefully" I say
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