Twenty Four
"Eeeeeh!" Smiling as Trick hands me another bloody milkshake "Give me! Give me!"
Trick chuckles as I drink more of the milkshake "Craving?"
"Yes" nodding my head, this bloody milkshake is basically a strawberry milk shake but you add a pint of blood to it. I was asking Trick for a bloody milkshake. That it's very popular amongst pregnant fae vampires "Blood has been something I've been craving more and more recently"
The milkshake looks like any other strawberry milkshake but more leaning towards a dark pink color since most strawberry milkshakes are a light pink color, this has a thick red chocolate flavored sauce that is on top of the whip cream. I've had three of these so far and I can't get enough of it.
We hear laughter and look over seeing Bo and Kenzie all dressed up, Bo removed Kenzie's arm from around her shoulder "Okay, this is me in a bar and this is me going back to bed"
Kenzie stops her from leaving the pub "Oh no, no, no, we are not wasting two hours of dress up" pushing her towards the bar "I don't care if I have to slather you with faerie dust" Is that even a thing? Faerie dust?
"You know" Bo argues "I don't think that is an actually thing"
"I don't care" Kenzie says
"Special occasion?" Trick asks them
"Yeah" Bo forces a smile upon her face "it's girl's night out"
"Here" coughing on my drink pointing to a bar "wouldn't it be better if you have girl's night out? No offense Trick but I think a girl's night out for you would be better in a human bar, you'd be able to practice your abilities"
"No offense taken" Trick assured me
Bo looks between us both "Everyone is safer" Kenzie explains "if Bo's with her own kind"
"Everyone would be safer" going back to my milkshake "if Bo learned to accept who she is and learn to control her abilities, the sooner she does that the safer everyone around her can be"
Bo and Kenzie stare at me as Trick asks "Should I start you on a tab?"
"Yes!" Kenzie hits the counter "start us a tab, Trickster"
"One drink" Bo orders
"All right" Trick goes to get two shot glasses while Kenzie hits the bar repeatedly "make it two two"
"How have you been Mallory?" Bo asks me "your pregnancy? Everything going alright?"
"Yes" briefly looking her way as Trick pours this green alcohol into the shot glasses "according to Lauren by graduation I should give birth, maybe some time after" since my pregnancy is a bit faster than your usual nine months, I've been trying to stay calm and be prepared for my baby. I still can't believe I'm going to be a mom.
We are silent even after Trick poured them another glass of that green stuff "Do you" looking over at Kenzie "know what you're having? A boy or girl?"
"Boy" I say
"Got any names?" Bo waves her hand to my belly "for the baby. Like do you have any ideas for what you'll name him?"
"Daniel" I say "after my dad David"
The two are confused "If your dad's name is David" Kenzie asks "then how is it Daniel?"
"His middle name was Daniel" there was already one David, I want my baby named after an amazing man as my dad was but not outright give him the name David. I don't want him to be compared to my dad all the time, I hope my son will be like my dad David. Personality wise, but also be his own person "there was already a David, now there will be a Daniel"
Bo and Kenzie drinks their fifth shot of whatever that was, the both of them groaning and smiling at the same time "Oh my god!" Bo covers her mouth for a moment then smiles showing us her white teeth "that is good! That is good! This stuff is making my throat tingle"
"I don't think" Kenzie slurs "I have a throat left" slapping the counter "this is some good shit Mr. T!"
"Mal?" Trick asks "What will you tell Charlie when his daughter is gone?" That is a good question, what will I tell him? Maybe have her go missing.
"I'll just kill him" shrugging my shoulders "make things look like an accident, there have been hikers winding up dead so we'll just blame the dead human on that"
"Seriously?" Bo asks "How can you kill your own uncle?"
"I'm not close with him" she just stares at me "you wouldn't understand Bo because you have a big heart and care about everyone, possibly even murderers and rapists"
"I do not!" She exclaims in anger "I just think you should tell him the truth!"
"And what?" Placing my hand on my hip "he'll try to get revenge then he dies too, either way he dies. Better to lie if his kid doesn't come back, it's mercy. You are oblivious and naive to the world Bo! You like living in your own little delusional world! So don't come talking to me about morale when you are just as bad as the Cullens. Focus on yourself, I won't care if I killed you" standing up handing Trick some cash, I'm going to go over to the other end of the bar away from him not wanting to be near him.
"I hope" looking over seeing Lauren appear "that is just a normal milkshake"
"A bloody milkshake" correcting her as I sip the drink "given the time, I'm going to go home after this"
"Well" she hands me a pamphlet and a few brochures "this is the number to a Lamaze for fae and lactation classes, given how far you are I think it would be good if you go to one. It's for both light and dark fae and it's on neutral grounds"
"Thanks" I put them in my purse "is there anything else?"
"No" she looks over to Bo and Kenzie "I better go check on Bo, make sure she doesn't become too intoxicated"
"I don't understand her" Lauren looks at me "she acts like she's better than everyone else, just because she's unaligned. That all human lives are worth saving, no offense but they aren't. Some humans just deserve death. Like murderers and rapists. Why can't she learn to control her abilities 'Oh woe is me, I'm Bo and I can't control my abilities'" mimicking Bo "bitch please, learn to control your abilities. If some people die then that's okay"
Lauren rubs my back "Try to think of something else, this stress and anger isn't good for you"
Like the hot guy with short black hair, facial hair, tan skin and dark colored eyes walking my way in an expensive three piece light grey colored suit "A woman" he has an accent, god I love older men especially ones with accents "as lovely as yourself shouldn't be drinking alone"
"Technically I'm not drinking what you think I am" I say
"Yes" he looks at my drink "bloody milkshakes, a favorite amongst those who are pregnant with future vampires or female vampires who are with child. Congratulations by the way, you are absolutely glowing"
"Aren't you a flirt?" Smiling as I stare at him "got a name flirty? I'll think of a better nickname"
He smiles holding his hand out "I'm Samir"
"Mallory" we shake hands
"I know" he eyes me up and down "everyone knows about the famous Tribrid, doesn't belong to the fae yet protects us as she herself is like us. Doesn't choose a side. It's exciting" he turns to motion to a woman with long dark brown lightly curled hair, blue eyes and light tan skin. She's very beautiful with a very gorgeous body "that is my wife Olivia"
"Your wife is very beautiful" I say
"Glad you think so" he smirks "we were hoping you'd join us for a drink back at our place"
"Are you sure just a drink?" I ask, placing my hand on his chest pulling him closer "or more" our lips touch and we share a brief kiss, pulling away to look at that Olivia motioning for her to come over. She smiles getting and glides over to us, like a model on a cat walk showing off the clothing piece she's wearing "Hello Olivia"
"So I take it" she looks between us "it's a yes?"
"Yeah" nodding my head
|Felix's POV|
Demetri and I are waiting in the hallway listening to that human blood singer who smells like a horrible smelling human wolf shifter talk to that mind reader. I swear, why do human wolf shifters smell so horrible? It's like they don't bother with taking baths. Then again humans can be lazy.
Demetri motions to vomiting when he hears the human say "I needed to make you see me once, you had to know I was alive. That you shouldn't feel guilty about anything" she began to whimper "I can let you go now"
"I never did it out of guilt" The mind reader sighed "I just couldn't live in a world where you don't exist"
She's not your fucking soulmate! She's your blood singer! The only good thing is that I'm killing that dumbass piece of shit vegetarian vampire, his entire being is a crime against our kind. I mean who confuses your blood singer with your soulmate? Who?
This is part of the reason for why I don't want to find my soulmate, because of the pain she would be in if I died. I know if she died then I would do whatever to get revenge for her. Another reason I don't want to find my soulmate is because I don't want to get my hopes up, finding your soulmate is rare. You can have a chosen mate but it's not the same as a soulmate.
"I can't live" Demetri whispers making a constipated face "in a world where you don't exist"
A chuckle escapes me as we hear the vampire say "You believed me so easily"
"Because" the human stutters "it doesn't make sense. For you to love me, only I'm human. I'm nothing. Nothing"
"Bella" he sighs "you're everything to me. You're everything" And I'm going to be sick, physically sick. You kill your blood singer, nothing more.
Demetri and I leave walking down the hall to see the mind reader holding the human in his arms "Aro wishes to see you again"
"I won't be needing your services after all gentlemen" the mind reader says "no rules were broken"
He does know we have eyes right? We can see the human in his arms. The same human he was so willing to die for and the same human who was left human "Nonetheless we should take this conversation to a more appropriate venue"
The mind reader pales in realization "Fine...Bella? Why don't you go enjoy the rest of the festival"
"The girl comes with us" I say
He shakes his head snarling "Go to hell"
The door that was locked breaks and in comes a small pixie vampire. She has pale white skin, short dark brown hair with golden eyes that were hidden behind sunglasses "Come on guys" she smugly smiles "it's a festival, we wouldn't want to make a scene"
"There won't be much of a scene" I say
Hearing heels click from behind us, the mind reader and Cullen look down in fear "Jane" Jane...she's been in a bad mood since Alec accidentally knocked over her collection of beanie babies.
"Enough!" Jane snarls. We look over making way for her "Aro sent me to see what was taking so long" she looks between us before looking to the human and inhales deeply "such a delectable smell"
"Really?" I ask, looking at the human "all I smell under the horrible wolf stench is rotten eggs"
"More for me then" she smiles licking her lips, out of the entire elite guard she has the least self control when it comes to blood she wants.
She walks away then and the three go by, I shove a red cloak into the mind reader while inhaling the human's scent along with the pixie's. There's this beautiful alluring scent of ambrosia which in itself is this golden honey and creamy vanilla mixed scent with little bits of a light fruity flavor, then you also have the scent of black cherries and the best wine you'll ever taste.
"Where is that scent from?" Looking at Demetri, he looks my way.
"What scent?" I snarl when he went to smell it, no one smells that scent but me. I'm going to find that owner of that scent, it's mine. No one else's.
The mind reader and other Cullen share a worried look when they look at me, why? The human looks at Demetri "Your Demetri right?"
Demetri smirks "Why yes, I am"
She looks him up and down and I don't think she realizes it because she mutters "With how they described him, I expected more"
"Bella" the pixie whispers "you said that aloud"
She turns a bit red and her heart races, she holds the mind reader closer "Who" Demetri growled a bit "described me to you human?"
We stopped as she fidgets "Not to me, more like my cousin's friends talked about you near me"
"Keep walking" Jane orders
In the elevator, I can't help but focus on that scent and snarl wanting it "Who is the owner of that scent?" I demand
"No one" both Cullens say at the same time, if it's no one then why did they say that at the same time. Once we enter the throne room, I just watch as the ancients decide the human's fate. I try to remain focused but I can't help but think of that other scent.
"Felix!" Snapping out of my thoughts to Caius who is snarling "End her"
"Don't be so harsh" Aro waves his hand "Felix is just focused on his soulmate's scent"
"What?" I ask
Everyone looks from Aro to me in shock "Oh yes" Aro smiles like the Cheshire Cat "Didn't I mention? The Cullens have been hiding your soulmate from you" They have been what?
Snapping my gaze to the Cullens letting out this deep snarl, this undeniable rage fills in me. They have been trying to hide her from me! Make a decision that is mine to make! Oh, I'll enjoy killing this human now.
"Where is she?" I demand
Aro shakes his head going back to his seat "Kill the human then Demetri will take you to her, they've met"
"They have?" Snapping my head to Demetri as Demetri is confused asking "I have?"
"The Cullens" Caius reminds me "and their human"
I run at the human who looks at me terrified, the mind reader for up and defended her when I was about to grab her. When he tackles me to the ground, the only thing I can feel is rage. Undeniable rage.
Tossing him off of me then slamming him into the ground, ripping off one of his arms causing him to scream in agony. The human gasps in shock and I stand up, they try to take my soulmate I'll take away something precious to them.
Grabbing the human by her throat, I inhale my mate's scent one more time before tossing the human into the wall. We hear many cracks along with blood, god that blood is rancid. Alice is see is being held by Demetri while that mind reader runs at me but I throw him into the wall.
"Stop! Stop! No! No!" The human cries as she got up while I held the mind reader by his neck. Grabbing the top half of his mouth and slowly ripping his head off, he screams in agony.
"Felix" Aro holds his hand out stopping me, you have got to be kidding me " would give up your life for someone like us? A vampire? Someone who isn't your soulmate"
"He is my soulmate" Oh god I'll barf.
"It's such a shame" Aro says "that the Cullens won't turn you"
"Wait!" The pixie yells "Bella will be one of us, I've seen it. I'll change her myself" Demetri lets her go and gives Aro her hand, he takes it and after a moment lets go.
"To see what you have seen" he says "before it has happened is so mesmerizing" looking at the human who has a hopeful look "turn her then"
"Not now" The pixie shakes her head "she has a father"
"He will be taken care of" Caius waves his hand
"It will make things more easier" the pixie begs "after Bella graduates"
"Go" Aro agrees "make your preparations...but Felix and Demetri shall accompany you. Introduce your cousin to him"
"Mallory?" Beautiful, what a beautiful name "but isn't she mated to a werewolf?"
"What?!" I demand. Mallory is mine. Mine alone.
She flinches back from my tone, we all stare at her as she looks around "My friend said that this werewolf and her are meant to be together"
"So she hasn't accepted that bond" Marcus says "let the Cullen go Felix" after a moment I do, he falls to the floor and the two females go to him while I have my hands turn into fists "let us be done with this. Heidi will arrive any moment, thank you for your visit"
"You will leave at midnight" Caius says "and you better make good on your promise, we do not offer second chances"
"Goodbye" Aro smiles "my young friends"
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