Twenty Five
"I didn't know!" Demetri runs around the couch, I found him in the upper guard suite hiding behind Renata. There's only one reason to why Demetri would know my soulmate and it isn't a good one.
"I thought" Heidi asks "you never wanted a soulmate?"
"Heidi" Chelsea hisses, she is being held by her soulmate Afton.
"I'm just saying" Heidi leaned back reading a magazine "like Demetri, Felix has made it clear he has never wanted a soulmate. It's why he chose Corin as his mate"
She gasps when I grab her by her throat lifting her up, no one else does anything "Jane owes me" her eyes widen as I drag her by her hair to Jane's room. When I enter as Heidi is pleading with me, Jane looks our way from her organization of beanie babies.
"Why are you here?" Jane demands
I toss Heidi to Jane "Eighteen twelve, that blood singer we both had and I let you have in exchange for a favor. I'm calling it in. Use your gift on Heidi for however long you'd like" Jane looks down at Heidi who looks at her terrified.
I close the door just as Heidi pleads "Jane, please!" She began screaming while I was heading back to kill Demetri when I run into Corin.
"I found you" Corin smiles up at me "I heard you found your soulmate" crossing my arms looking down at her "I think you should give her a chance"
Narrowing my eyes on her "Is this some sort of reverse psychology?"
She sighs "No" her smile falls "no, look Felix we both knew that one day we'd meet our soulmates. After a thousand years I've learned many things about you and I know deep down that even though it'll be painful, we both deserve happiness with our soulmates. They are rare" placing her hand on my upper arm "think about all the soulmates we've seen over the centuries, that kind of love that is shared isn't fixed or anything like that. Don't deny yourself your soulmate" placing her hand on my cheek "it was a nice last few centuries" she briefly kisses me before walking away. Corin has always been too kind for her own good. She can be mean when she wants but her generosity will get her killed one day.
Storming into the upper guard suite, Demetri exasperated demands "Not again!" I run around in circles trying to grab him but he just runs. When we ran out of the upper guard suite, I tackled Demetri a ways away from the room that the Cullens and human are in. The mind reader is currently being healed since I ripped his head off.
"Demetri couldn't have gotten her pregnant Bella" Demetri and I stop to look at the door both confused "she's lying"
"I'm telling you Alice" The human exasperated "Demetri is the father, I don't know how but despite not being that close with her I know her at times and her sleeping around with multiple people isn't something she'd do! She's pregnant with his child" What are they talking about? Letting go of Demetri to stand up "You said that you smelled blood from Mallory's mouth, the day I was visiting her to get answers for why Jacob was ignoring me do you know what I saw and heard? She was pouring the contents of blood from a blood bag into her smoothie, that baby she's carrying is half vampire"
"It's physically impossible" pixie argues
"Then why not do a test?" The human suggests "maybe Carlisle can try to do something to find out if the baby is in fact half vampire"
"How do we do that then?" The pixie demands
"Sedate her?" The human says "take some of that Demetri's hair, do a paternity test. It can't be that hard" Demetri and I share a look. That human is crazy, Demetri can't impregnate anyone and my mate is pregnant?! I may not know how I feel about all of this right now, but what I do know is that I don't want Mallory to be with anyone else and I don't want to hurt her by being with anyone else.
|Mal's POV|
"So" Brooke wiggles her eyebrows as I walk out of the bedroom in a black silk robe, my belly that even though makes me look like I'm near the end of my second trimester the baby I can literally feel weighs so much. I've been reading and apparently boys weigh more than girls "you had fun last night, I heard the banging from the wall"
"What can I say?" Grabbing a blood bag setting it aside "pregnancy makes me horny"
Hearing a knock on the door, Brooke goes to get it "Hi" she smiles "can I help you?"
"Where's your owner?" It's Olivia, I explained that some fae will refer to my friends as pets since that's how things are for most fae. They only see humans as food or pets.
"Hi Olivia" smiling as she walks towards me
"So good to see you" she and I briefly kiss before pulling away.
"Looking for more?" I ask
She lets out a laugh "No, I can still barely walk from our two days" oh yes, what was supposed to be one night turned into two days of fun.
"Hmm" motioning to sit down "what's up? This is Brooke, Brooke this is Olivia"
"Her hair is fantastic" Brooke stares at Olivia's hair
Olivia ignores Brooke and stares at me "I wanted to know if you could help me with a little problem, since you are impartial and aren't obligated to many of the rules of the fae"
"And this is where I leave you both" Brooke leaves when I give her a look, she quickly rushes out of the room.
"What do you need?" I ask
Olivia smiles "I want you to kill someone" Kill someone? Who? Why? "Let me explain since it seems no one has told you. When you mate for life, your life is measured in centuries so you find ways to make it work"
"Such as inviting others into your bed?" She nods her head "whether it's fae or"
"Mainly fae" she confirms taking the coffee I pour for her "it keeps things exciting, but we've always had a rule—no snacking behind each other's backs"
"What happened?" I ask
"Samir and I" she sips her coffee "own an event planning business, the girl is a human florist we used on one occasion. Her name" she sneers "is Jenny"
"What does she look like?" She shows me a photo of her and my lips purse "She isn't even that pretty"
"I know" shaking her head as she took the photo back "I went to that Bo to help"
"Shouldn't have done that" I say "Bo will most likely try to help the human, I'll kill her but mainly because I have this bad feeling about her from the picture. Where does she work, I'll end her"
"Perfect" she smiles, standing up from where she was sitting writing down the address "that human, Brooke? Even though Samir and I rarely take humans to bed, she's the kind we would. I wouldn't mind keeping her around"
"She isn't for sale" I say
"Shame" we briefly kiss before she leaves, Brooke comes out as I go to change. There's a knock on the door and I hear Brooke say she'll get it, meanwhile I went to take a shower then put on some makeup and dry my hair which I need to cut. It's down to my butt and I've been getting lazy about having my hair cut, I need it cut.
Leaving the bathroom naked I grab the door frame steadying myself seeing someone who I had no idea was even in the area. Why is he here? "Demetri" He looks down to my belly and how there are a few bruises from the baby kicking me hard "What are you doing here?"
"Curious about how you were doing" he continued to stare at me as I grabbed my clothes I had set on the bed, putting on my underwear first then white off shoulder long sleeves top and lastly my black overalls with dark brown ankle boots "how far are you?"
"Third trimester" Demetri helps me with my shoes "thank you. If your looking for a booty call or something like that, I'm kind of busy and you'll have to wait"
He chuckles "No. No..." grabbing my purse and filling it with different items "um...congratulations on the child, do you know what you're having?"
"A boy" leaving my room, Demetri follows behind me "Dis Brooke leave?"
"She did" he nods his head "it's just us" we stare at one another silent until Demetri asks "why are you drinking blood Mal?" He opens the trash "you're hiding empty blood bags" he washes his hand after that "and I smell the blood from your mouth"
"We can get a paternity test if you want but I haven't been with anyone else in the time this baby was conceived" going to the door, Demetri follows me as we leave the apartment "I have somewhere to be but can we talk about this more later? Dinner?"
Demetri agrees after some silence "Meet here around four?"
"Yeah" I agree, pulling out my phone calling Dyson "Hey Dyson? I need a favor"
"What's the favor?" He asks
He knows I don't ask favors too often, not like Bo "There's this human I need to know about, her name is Jenny Smith. If her name is an alias then look up Samir this fae event planner, you'll find her through him"
"What's going on?" He asks
Driving away from the apartment to the bar "Bo is trying to protect a human that I have a bad feeling about" I just know Bo is going to protect the human, at all costs "if my suspicions are correct then tell her about it, if she doesn't believe me then be prepared for a dead succubus"
By the time I find Jenny, Bo is indeed with her. Jenny is at the broken down house that Bo and Kenzie live in. "Stay away from her" Bo has a katana in her hand, that Kenzie has even an axe with her "I don't want to hurt you but Jenny is innocent"
Crossing my arms, the weapons fly out of their hands and into the wall "Oh shit" Kenzie breathes out. Tilting my head, the two are flown into the wall and are held up there while I have some knives from the kitchen pointed at them.
"Woah! Woah!" Bo looks at the blades fearful "can't we just talk about this?"
Looking at Jenny who is standing up afraid, I pull out my phone and record what I'm about to do. She screams as I use my powers on her, lifting my hand I make a fist and she explodes all over the place. Her guts flying and hitting the walls and on Bo and Kenzie, I had a barrier around me keeping her guts from hitting me.
Putting away my phone looking at Bo and Kenzie dropping them "You" Bo points to where Jenny was looking at me "you just..."
"Did you check Jenny's house Bo?" I ask
"No" she stutters
Tossing some case files to her "What are these?" Kenzie demands
"Cold cases on murders" I say "Jenny here was a serial killer"
They look at all of the files "even ask Dyson about her. It's like I said Bo, if the person is human you'll do anything to protect them. Even if they are complete serial killers. There's a difference between keeping innocent humans safe and protecting guilty humans, you think all humans can be helped but they can't. Just like some fae can't be helped" leaving the two to take in my words or not, I don't care. I have bigger issues to worry about.
At the apartment, Demetri looks my way as I rub my belly feeling my son kick rapidly. Like he's playing soccer or some shit "Easy kid, you're really packing a punch"
"Everything alright?" Demetri looks to my belly
"Your son" going into the apartment and instantly sit down on the couch "is making my life hell right...dinner?"
"This way" he motions
We head to a restaurant in Port Angeles, Demetri and I are silent while we eat or I eat. Demetri just stares at me "How come you believe me? I thought for sure you'd want a paternity test"
He gulps "I can track people, one of the best trackers on earth. So when I heard you were pregnant with my baby"
"Who told you?" I didn't tell anyone but the girls and I doubt...was it Bella?!
"It doesn't matter who told me" he says "what matters is the fact that I know, I believe you and...I want to be there. There for you and the baby"
"You're hiding something" he stares at me "I know when people are keeping things from me, what aren't you telling me?"
"If I knew who you were" he shakes his head "I never would have had sex with you"
"Great" nodding my head biting my lip "who told you about what I am? Do you think I'm an abomination? The baby?"
"No" he shakes his head "what are you talking about? I mean how your my best friend's soulmate"
Shaking my head "I'm sorry? What? I'm who's what?"
"You're my best friend's soulmate" he says "he wants to meet you, he's currently at the Cullen house right if you want to come with me"
"Let me" holding my hand up "process this, like a day? I've had a lot of crazy to deal with and I need things to just cool down"
"That is reasonable" he texts someone "I'm telling Felix what you a boy?"
"Yeah" rubbing my belly feeling the baby kick "if you want to feel..." he places his hand on my belly and he stares in awe. My phone goes off next and I cough on my drink surprised.
"Something wrong?" Demetri asks
Waving my hand for the check "I'm going to a strip club, there's this thing and I have to see my friends there" it takes twenty minutes to get there, I sit beside Haley while Demetri is behind me.
"What's going on?" Haley asks me "do you know?"
"Why else am I here?" I ask
Music begins to play and we watch a bunch of men who are completely embarrassing dance in their underwear, we laugh as we watch each of these men go by. "You might" Demetri whispers in my ear "be meeting your soulmate sooner, one of the Cullens told him how you're here at a strip club"
"What?" Looking back to him confused as he walked away, when he comes back it's with this extremely hot man who has got to be almost seven feet tall with short dark brown hair, red eyes that are hidden behind brown contacts and pale white skin. He has these muscles that look ready to rip apart his clothes if he moved the right way.
"Holy fuck" Rachel looks over interested "he's hot"
"Back off bitch" I snap at her "he's mine"
She scoffs "Oh please, he'll want someone with not as much baggage as you" she went towards him but he ignores her and comes over next to me and kneels down beside me.
"Hi" I say
He leans into my ear "If anyone even reveals their cock or shows a boner" his voice is all thunderous and masculine that I try really hard not to embarrassingly moan to "I'm killing them and locking you in a room never to be seen by any man ever again" I am really fucked up since I find that very hot and sexy.
"Mal!" Peyton shakes my shoulder "look"
Hearing the speaker present "Double Trouble" we see two guys fully clothed with their backs to us as the song "Tricky" plays through the room. When we see the people I burst out laughing covering my mouth seeing Mouth and Nathan dancing.
I can't hold back my laughter or tears as I watch them unzip their jackets then use their jackets to rub their asses, Lucas is just rubbing his eyes embarrassed unable to forget this moment. Once they are in their boxers and are swinging their pants around above them, Skills joined them and I just hold my soulmate's arm needing a moment to breathe.
I have to leave when the guys wiggle their asses, Demetri and my soulmate are beside me. "I told you" Demetri looks at my soulmate "nothing to worry about, just a bunch of men dancing in their underwear" My soulmate simply grumbles what sounds like a growl "Mallory this is Felix, Felix this is Mallory
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