⚠️warning: this is the episode in one tree hill where a student brings a gun to school⚠️
|Months Later|
"How's Bella?" Haley asks me
"How should I know?" I haven't really talked to her in months or payed much attention to her, I mean why does everyone assume I care about Bella. Maybe at first, then she became a selfish bitch and decided to kill one half of a mated pair.
Karma has a way of being a bitch since Edward dumped Bella three days after her birthday deep in the woods, she nearly died from hypothermia. That was a few weeks ago, she's been in this zombie coma like state since then. People have gone over to try to talk to her but she refuses to talk to anyone.
Well she didn't pull the trigger but she's the cause, she should have allowed the venom to take her. I know if I was there I would have kept the Cullens from sucking the venom from her, then that nomad wouldn't have been killed.
"Didn't you visit her, yesterday?" People start to come into the tutor center, I agreed to help Haley with tutoring people today. Whitney is allowing me to skip practice this one time because Lucas and Nathan need to work together as a team, this is a team building exercise practice.
But only for today since this entire year has been very hectic and stressful. First with loosing basketball games since the team doesn't know how to work together aka Lucas and Nathan. Then you've got what happens after high school, I've made a decision and am standing by it. I'm going to bartending school in Seattle, then I'm going to start working as a bartender.
"No" we snap our heads to the door when we hear something really loud go off, like a gun. Listening closely, I hear people scream about someone having a gun.
"Code Red" the principal's nervous voice fills the school over the PC "Code Red! This is not a drill. Please go to a designated lockdown area or exit the school immediately"
"Everyone" Haley goes over to the door, turns off the lights then sits down against the wall, placing my hand on Haley's arm reassuring her as I sit down between her and Skills.
Looking at the five four other people here besides Skills, Haley and I. When their breaths have calmed down a bit and have realized the direness of the situation "We'll be fine guys, just close your eyes and take a nap"
"Close our eyes" Marcus demands "and take a nap? Are you fucking serious?"
Jabbing my thumb behind my shoulder to the door "That door would need three people to break it, there's no way in from the windows since the courtyard is closed in. It's just really pretty there. The guy with the gun is most likely out there. So" holding my hands down to relax "sleep"
"No" Marcus shakes his head "we need to get out of here"
"No" Haley argues "we need to stay put, it's procedure. Lockdown. We have to wait till it's safe"
"And" Marcus shakes his head "I'm saying lockdown is crap. Whoever is it there is a student and they know where we are at"
"That isn't true" listening closely, there isn't anyone else out there in the hallways. Most people are in classes or somewhere hiding "the shooter would have had to been close by to even think about us being here"
"What about the windows?" Rachel asks "we could break the windows and get out"
"It's like Mal said" Haley shakes her head no "it's just goes to a courtyard, it's enclosed. It's just for light"
"And besides" Skills sighs "we get to breaking all the windows all we do is draw attention to ourselves"
"And you done think" Marcus demands "a locked door is gonna tell whatever psycho is out there that we're in here?"
"We could always throw stuff at the shooter?" I suggest
"What?" The nervous girl Abby asks
"Throw stuff" Skills nods his head "yeah, we throw stuff and the guy with the gun will be too distracted and disoriented. We make our escape then"
"Why" we look over to Jimmy who is the only one who doesn't seem nervous "would you call him a psycho?"
"Something to do" Marcus snaps "with them trying to kill us all fat ass" Jimmy clenched his jaw and he isn't nervous but angry, why?
"Maybe" Rachel suggests "one of us calls the police? Your uncle is the chief" we grab our phones and see there is no service, normally there is service here.
"No service" Skills says
"Probably cut down the service" putting away my phone "so that the shooter couldn't call for any backup if he or she has backup"
Everyone tensed as the door jingles, then we see an ID be slid under. Haley grabs it and sighs "It's Nathan" we stand up as she went to answer the door.
"No way" Marcus stops her "we don't know it's him"
"No" she shows us his driver's license "it's his driver's license"
"How do you know" he demands "that someone don't kill him and take his ID? Okay? You're the one that said this is a lockdown, every man for themself"
"She can't leave him out there" Rachel argues
"Don't open it" Abby stands up begging
"Wait!" I hold my hands out "there's a way to know" going over to the door and I call out "Nathan is that you?"
"Yeah" he loudly whispers "it's me and Mouth" Haley opens the door to Mouth and Nathan, they come in after Skills kept Marcus from blocking the door.
"Thank god" Nathan hugs Haley while I look outside to see if anyone else is out there "are you alright?"
"Yeah" she nods her head "what's going on out there?"
"I don't know" he has a baseball bat, really? Well, better than nothing "but we're getting out of here. Okay? All of us, let's go"
"Don't!" Jimmy is up and he has a gun in his hand, I knew there was something off about him. His hand is shaking as Jimmy looks around "no one is going anywhere and if anyone tries to grab or throw something, I shoot. Got it? Get away from the door"
"Jimmy?" Mouth asks
"Do it Mouth!" He screams
"Alright" Nathan holds his hand out keeping Haley behind him "Alright, just chill out"
"Everyone get away from the door" I only listen because Jimmy has already shot a bullet today and who knows if it hit a person. Also what if he shot someone before coming here.
"Oh Jimmy" Mouth worriedly asks "what'd you do?" Mouth and Jimmy use to be close friends, but people grow distant over time.
"Move back Skills!" Jimmy orders
"Or what" Skills demands "you gonna shoot me? We use to be friends dog"
"Yeah" he agrees "use to be"
"So it's like that?" Skills asks "okay, alright"
"Jim" Mouth pleads "you can't do this"
"It's a little late for that, Mouth" he says
"I can't be here" Abby cries
"Look man" Marcus asks "just let us go, I'm sorry I called you fat ass"
"It's a little late for that too!" His hand is shaking and he looks ready to cry. So he didn't kill anyone. Phones go off and he orders for our phones so we toss them towards him. He answers one of them when it keeps ringing "You come here and your kids die!" Looking to Nathan pointing the gun at him "how about you hero? You scared?"
"Yeah" Nathan confirms "I'm scared"
"Tape a line" Jimmy orders as Nathan and Skills have a line be formed with duck tape, he stays behind the line by the teachers desk. He is pacing around and slams the desk closed when the phones keep calling "Alright" he orders "anybody who crosses the line, just done"
We are all sitting down away from him "Or what, Jim?" Haley asks "would you really do that? Would you shoot us?"
"Don't talk to me Haley" he orders
"Cause" Haley shakes her head "I don't think you would"
"Right" he scoffs "when's the last time we hung out? You're" he points the gun at Mouth "as bad as my best friend Mouth who totally blew me off!"
"You don't want to" Mouth cries a bit "do anything"
"Tell yourself that" Jimmy shakes his head "but you changed and you know it" waving his gun around "you became just like the rest of them"
"Don't do that" Rachel pleads "don't make him feel bad for living his life, this is not his fault. This is your fault" Why say that to a nervous guy with a gun? That's really stupid.
"Are you sure he changed?" Jimmy looks my way as I have my feet up on the table reading a book, I don't give a fuck if he shoots me. I'll come back, but I will hurt him. Maybe even kill him "I observe Jimmy and do you know what I saw about you? You became more isolated"
"Shut up!" Jimmy yells
"You became isolated and you would blow off your friends because of something" I say "and"
"I said shut up" he takes the book from me putting the gun to my head "are you scared? With the gun to your head?"
"No" I know his hand is shaking and he pressed the gun deeper to my skull "and besides, if you did kill me you'd have to deal with my cousin"
He scoffs "Bella? She's nothing more than a weak twig"
Turning my head looking at Jimmy in the eyes "No, I have another cousin who is more vicious than me. Who has killed more people than me" taking my feet off the table "then you have my aunts and uncles"
"Stand back" he orders as I stood up, he backed away a bit but I'm not doing anything but standing.
"You'll be lucky if my maternal family doesn't find out about this" taking a step closer and he yells "get back!"
"You won't shoot" I say
"I will!" He insists
"Then go" I order "shoot me"
"No!" The others yell
"Yes" walking closer to Jimmy "go ahead Jimmy. You want to be a man, a big strong man who can do anything? Huh?" His hand is shaking as he yells "Stay back!" Going back to my seat back down smirking "Even if you leave, the others will get you and why are you smirking?"
"Why bring a gun to school today?" I ask "huh? Doing this all but seals your future that any college you want to go to won't allow you to. Any job will be wary to hire you. This will be on your permanent record. Anyone can access it since your eighteen"
"You really think" he demands "I'm the only one? Then ask yourself this, you ever treat someone like crap in this school? Or left anyone out? You ever broken up with someone in the time it takes to pass a note and disappear? Or talk trash behind their back? Or maybe you just ignored it all. You know? Why you and everyone else worry about the big game or the prom or...the bake sale for the pep club. You ask yourselves that and then you tell me if I'm the only one! Stop smirking!"
"What? I can't smirk?" I ask "cause from where I sit, I see someone who all but changed his life permanently. Plus I doubt you'll shoot any of us, your hand is shaking too much and your heart is racing"
"Shut up!" He yells
I move forward and he flinches and I laugh while he cries "What is wrong with you?" Rachel demands "he has a gun"
"She's right" Marcus got up "your not going to shoot us"
"Get back!" Jimmy yells. Marcus went closer, Skills had to punch him while Jimmy wipes away his tears when Marcus is pulled back.
After we hear the helicopters flying over head, keep Jimmy calm long enough and maybe he'll walk out of here and SWAT will get him "Can I ask you something?" Nathan asks "what do you want to happen?"
"What did you want to accomplish from this?" I ask
"I want to crap a million dollars" he says "and a plane to Bolivia"
"Maybe you could just give up?" Rachel suggests
"Give up as in die?" I ask her "or give up as in turn himself in?"
"Turn himself in!" She exclaims "I don't want anyone to die!"
"Are you sure?" Getting onto the table and laying down "because you are that self destructive, wanting to take down everyone around you for your own day"
"You can get a do over" Rachel looks at Jimmy "you didn't hurt anybody. Did you?"
"Did you shoot anybody Jimmy?" Mouth asks
"I don't know" he mutters
"You're a good student and you're a minor" He is? Then I take back what I said, those under eighteen have sealed records.
"Yeah man" Nathan agrees "maybe this isn't as bad as you think"
Marcus lets out a laugh "Are you kidding? This guy shot up a school"
"Would you shut up man?" Skills demands
"You shut up" Marcus orders "I'm not lying for him. He pointed a gun at my head and threatened to kill me, told all our parents that he'd kill us"
"But he didn't technically shoot anyone" looking over to Jimmy "by that black eye that is fading you were beat up weren't you? You can claim self defense, that this school wasn't safe for you"
"It's seven hundred days of high school" Rachel shakes her head "out of twenty or thirty thousand, can't you see past that? It's only seven hundred days"
"Yeah" he scoffs "and how many of these days do I get back? Do I get back the days I got spit on? Or the day I learned to look at the floor when I walk the halls? Or how about the day my dad came to pick me up and saw me getting my ass kicked on the quad and realized his son was a loser? Huh? You ever see the look in your father's eyes when he realizes that?"
"What about the look your mother will have" I ask him "when she's informed you brought a school today? What will go through her mind? Thinking she's a failure"
"Don't talk about my mother" he orders, lifting my hand giving him the bird "Your a bitch. You're all assholes! This isn't the breakfast club! We aren't going to smoke a joint and be best friends after this! I mean let's face it! This is the most any of us have talked about in four years!"
"Everyone is making their own life Jimmy" I say "is this what you want to do? Get a criminal record? Live in jail where you'll definitely get beat up some more than here? Did you think about that?" He doesn't say anything "of course not, in prison you better find the biggest badass and become his bitch"
"Mal!" Some of my friends exclaim
"No" sitting up looking at them then to Jimmy "I'm not going to give you some false sense of hope, since coming here I have not done that. There is a good chance Jimmy you'll go to jail, how long? I don't know. But if you didn't shoot anyone or nearly kill anyone then it'll be a little blip on your record. You're a minor so you can get a job, they just can't access your records from high school and before. You might or most likely will do community service as payback. But will definitely happen is your life and your mother's life and your father's life will change. Hopefully you can learn from this, stop wallowing in your own self pity" he is crying now "so what's it going to be? You leave us or kill us, you could also end your life but it would just hurt your mother more. Would you do that to her? Hurt her so much like that? Before you decide to shoot anyone think about life, actually think about it. Think about the future"
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