"Thanks" Bella thanks me as she appears in the Forks parking lot, she's a bit embarrassed since when she parked the car near the entrance everyone was looking our way because of the farting noises coming from the truck "for accompanying me to school"
"Your lucky Coach Durham canceled basketball until further notice" we get out of the truck and Bella tries to cover her face since everyone is looking at us.
"Nice ride" Tyler mocks
"Thanks" Bella mutters
Walking beside her "Ignore the stares, after a week they'll find something new to fascinate themselves with" she keeps her head down as I lead her to the office, waiting outside for her to come out she looks my way "what classes do you have?"
"Why" she takes off her hood "are you being nice? You don't appear to be all that...happy with me here. Is it about what I did years ago?"
"I have no feelings about you being here" people who walk by, not so subtly look at Bella as they pass by and those who are standing around are pointing to her and whispering "I wish I could say I do, but I don't. You were a kid who liked shiny things, the important thing is that I have my necklace. I know what it's like to be the new girl and having people stare at you" holding my hand out "so, your schedule"
She hands me her schedule "We have English, PE, Lunch and Biology together. This way to lunch" she nods her head, we are both silent as we walk through the hall. Bella nervous while I keep my head held high, one thing mom told me is that when facing a problem you face it with a stiff lip.
"Mikaelsons don't show weakness" mom holds my chin with her hand "no matter how much you'll want to let your guard down, do not. Ever"
"Hi" snapping out of my walk through memory lane, I see Eric is here looking at Bella with a bright smile upon his face. Angela likes him, but I don't think Eric realizes it. He is head of the editorial, so whatever stories he likes he will publish. He has short black hair with light tan skin, black colored eyes and Asian fasted who stand just about as tall as me "your Isabella Swan. The new girl. Hi, I'm Eric Yorkie" I sometimes laugh since when I hear Yorkie I think about those adorable dogs and Eric has the same personality as them which is adorable and laughable in my mind "the eyes and ears of this place. Um...anything you need? Tour guide? Lunch date? Shoulder to cry on?"
He looks to Bella expectantly, so I lightly clear my throat. She looks my way before looking to Eric realizing he's waiting for an answer "I'm" she forced a laugh "more of the type to suffer in silence"
"Good headline" he waves his hand motioning a headline "for the feature, I'm on the paper and your news. Front page, baby"
"No I'm not" Bella stutters looking at him pleading "please don't"
"Woah, chillax" he holds his hands up assuring her, still smiling like a goof "no feature" looking my way "we can run how Mal here saved Nathan Scott"
Bella looks my way curious "Nathan collapsed and his heart stopped, I saved him" she is taken aback by that. It might not be put down on record but Nathan took drugs. I got Tim to confess after grabbing his dick and pulled it.
"Wow" Bella holds her hand out "your a hero for doing that"
"I just did what someone else would have done" if I hadn't did what I did, a body would have been buried. All because he wants to please his miserable bastard he is forced to call father.
"Hey Mikey" Eric smiles as he scoots closer towards Bella, I sit down next to Angela taking her camera before she takes a picture of Bella "I see you've met my home girl Bella"
Mike looks at Eric amused "You''re home girl? Huh?"
"My girl" Tyler ran over giving Bella a sloppy kiss on the cheek, she turns red as Tyler pulled out Mike's chair from under him "sorry I had to mess up your game Mike!"
"Tyler!" Mike ran after Tyler, we watch as they run outside.
"Oh my god" Jessica scooted towards Bella laughing bitterly "it's like when Mallory showed up. First grade all over again, you're the shiny new toy"
"Where's my camera?" Angela asks
She sees me holding it "Bella doesn't want to be on the paper"
"Oh" she looks upset "someone else is doing the candid for you saving Nathan, what do I write now? I could do another editorial on teen drinking?"
"Why not" Bella suggests taking a bite from her celery "go for eating disorders? Speedo padding on the swim team?"
Angela smiles "Actually, that's a good one"
"Kirk right?" Jessica smiles "that's exactly what I thought"
"Olympic size" I say
They nod their heads "There's no way" Jessica shakes her head "he's so skinny"
Bella I notice looked over seeing the Cullens come into the lunch room, they're a group of teenage vampires who live with their coven leader who works as a surgeon while his mate is a stay at home wife/architect. They duck at trying to blend in and pretend they aren't freaks. They also smell very sweet that it burns my nose sometimes.
"Who're they?" Bella asks
"They Cullens" I say
Angela and Jessica briefly looked over, Jessica smiles getting to tell Bella juicy gossip "They're um" lowly saying not wanting anyone else to overhear "Dr and Mrs Cullens foster children. They moved down here from Alaska like a few years ago"
"They kind of" Angela motions with her hand "keep to themselves"
"Yeah" Jessica smiles "cause they're all together, like together together"
"The blonde girl" I say "her name is Rosalie, she's Jasper's older sister and related to Dr. Cullen. The big guy she's with, his name is Emmett. He is related to Mrs Cullen and is Alice and Edward's older brother, he and Rosalie are seniors" Emmett has short dark brown near black hair with golden eyes and pale white big muscled skin who stands above six foot two. Rosalie has long blonde hair with pale white skin, golden eyes and is about the same height as Bella.
Trick gave me a brief thirty minute lesson on cold one vampires and how they differentiate from fae who are categorized as vampires. The Cullens are Cold One vampires, the blood in their body stopped flowing and their hearts don't beat. They are extremely cold to touch, like they are ice cold and they sparkle in the sun. Their eyes turn black when they are hungry and red when drinking human blood while golden when drinking animal blood. They have venom so they have to kill. Also some vampires have gifts, special abilities like reading minds or inducing pain. They are what my Uncle Kol would call the gay version of vampires.
"I'm not even sure that's legal" Jessica whispers
"It's not" shaking my head no "but it would be worse if they like grew up together, from what I've gathered they didn't grow up together"
"And Jess" Angela reminds her "they aren't actually related, like Mal said"
"But they live together" Jessica complains "it's weird" We see Alice and Jasper come by "So the little dark haired girl? That's Alice, she's with Jasper the one who looks to be in pain all the time" he probably is new to being around humans, Trick told me that vampires need to have complete self control to be around humans and from what I've observed Jasper is close to loosing it near all the time.
Alice has short pixie cut dark brown hair with pale white skin and golden eyes, she is about as tall as Bella and from what I've understood is a complete control freak. Jasper has short blonde hair with pale white skin and golden eyes and is about as tall as me. I should probably clarify right now, all the Cullens have pale white skin and golden eyes. Best get that out of the way right now.
"Dr. Cullen" Jessica smiles "is this foster dad slash match maker"
"Maybe" Angela jokes "he'll adopt me"
"Who's he?" Bella stutters seeing Edward come in, Edward is the only single one of the Cullens. I don't find him to be particularly that handsome, but Bella here does. I can smell her arousal and her facial expression says it all.
Edward is like six foot with short dark brown hair with pale white skin and golden eyes, as I said I don't find him to be that handsome. He is the golden child of the coven, I don't know why but Trick says it probably has to do with him being the first vampire Carlisle has turned. For a cold one vampire to turn someone, they need extreme self control.
"Edward Cullen" Jessica sighs dreamily "totally gorgeous obviously" bitterness laced her voice "but apparently nobody here is good enough for him" she's asked him out over fifty times, rejected all the time.
"I don't see the appeal" they look my way as I sip my drink "he also could be gay or asexual" he stumbled before sitting down, looking my way flabbergasted.
"Oh my god!" Jessica exclaims "Of course! He's gay!" Looking to Bella who looked towards Edward "seriously, like don't waste your time"
What would help them blend in is to wear contacts, kind of hard to explain having the same eye color when you're not supposed to be related. Just saying. "Alice I find to be a control freak" feeling her eyes on me as the girls look at me "from what I've noticed she basically needs to be in control all the time, Rosalie looks down upon people, Emmett I notice is kind of like a big man child, Edward I find very ugly and needs a plastic surgeon" hearing Emmett burst out into laughter then get slapped by Rosalie while Edward glares at him "and Jasper? I don't know what his deal is with having a pained face. Maybe he was born like that, I mean some people are born like that. If you've seen Grey's Anatomy there was the one episode where a patient who had a tumor was very direct said how she had a pained face and she could have been born like it that if she wasn't irritated and—what?" Bella, Jessica and Angela stare at me "I'm very observant"
"You don't like the Cullens" Bella says
"I barely like anyone" I say as Jessica says "She barely likes anyone"
"Listen Bella" leaning forward being straight with her "I see the absolute worse in people because of shit you and those around me don't need to focus on, I didn't even trust my ex boyfriend"
"The teacher?" Bella asks as the girls eyes widen in shock.
"You dated a teacher?" Angela asks
"You dated a teacher?" Jessica's is all but jumping with excitement.
Giving Jessica a warning look having her shrink under my gaze, I can still feel the Cullens gaze on me "Not one word to anyone, am I clear?"
"Yeah" nodding her head
Looking away from her "This was years ago and if you must know, he's dead. My uncles killed him"
"I want to say" Jessica motions to me "I don't believe you but I can't. Oh my god, is your family part of the mafia?"
Leaning in to her "Do yourself a favor Jessica, don't repeat any of this to anyone unless you want to see what I do to my enemies" she gulps as I stand up from the table "I'll see you later Bella, Angela" a smirk is on my face as Jessica has a hand on her chest. Taking my tray since I'm all done, I have to put this with the others by the trash which is near the Cullen table. As I pass by the table, I ask "What are you all staring at?"
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