"You need to stop asking about the basement" Uncle Charlie orders
"Why?" I ask "Do you have a hostage down there? Or have some embarrassing secret?"
"Just drop it" he repeats "I mean it Mallory, you live under my roof you abide by my rules and when I say you need to drop this I mean it. If you don't like it then find another place to live, now get ready for school" he leaves the room then and I shake my head.
I mean, I could always get my own apartment. I have the funds. I have the trust that my paternal grandparents left me but I can't access that until I'm eighteen and I'm planning on using it to pay for college. Then there's the money I took from the Mikaelson account, there's like a trillion dollars in the account so missing ten million? They wouldn't miss it. Sure it's a lot of money but the bank knows that if you're a Mikaelson then you don't ask questions, you just give the money. Compulsion at its finest.
"I'm going into the basement" Looking back to the house seeing Uncle Charlie on the phone as I join Lucas in his truck.
"The basement?" Lucas asks "you mean the locked one with the padlock with the skull on it?"
"Very same" I confirm "then I'm moving out"
"What?" Briefly looking my way "why?"
"Basically my uncle told me that if I look in that basement, I'll have to find a new place to live" Lucas is silent "and I wish I could give it up, the curiosity but I can't. There's this...there's this feeling that I feel. Like I need to go into that basement and find out what's down there"
"So say you go down?" He asks "how will you pay for a new place?"
"I have money" laying my head against the window "don't worry about that" I have to know what is in that basement, wait a fucking minute. I'm a god damned witch, I'll just make myself invisible and do a spell to unlock the door to the basement. Why didn't I think about this sooner? Fuck! "Actually...promise you won't tell anyone what I'm planning?"
"Promise" he nods his head "so what happens after you find out what is in the basement?"
"I don't know, but whatever is down there I'm going to see with my own eyes" I'll find out what is down there and when I do, I don't know what I'm going to do next.
Uncle Charlie is in a deep sleep, I made something and slipped the mixed herbs into his can of beer when I had myself cloaked. He'll be out for hours, now heading down to the basement.
Finding the key to the basement was hard because it was in my uncle's room and my uncle's room is a mess, when I mean mess I mean how he manages to find anything is a miracle.
Using a flashlight I open the door and this strong rotting odor escapes, my eyes water as I inhale the scent "Fuck" using the flashlight going downstairs, looking around the place. The basement is pretty much empty, when I find a torch I snap my fingers causing a flame to spark and the torch I lit is connected to the rest of the torches that have the room shine brightly.
Looking around the place, I find it to be like any other basement but with books around the place. Hearing a clanging, going one way I stop finding this woman with a chain around her neck, the chain leads to the ceiling while her wrists that are bound are bound to the floor.
The woman has pale white skin with long white hair and black eyes, she smells really bad as she has these deer like antlers upon her head "Your blood" she smiles showing pearl white teeth "smells so good"
"Who are you?" I ask
"Who are you?" She mocks, giggling a bit. As I look around the place, there's a bed in the back with sheets that look to have been recently made "WHO ARE YOU?!"
"What are you?" Walking around the place, she studies my movements very carefully. Holding my hand out using magic, she cries in pain grabbing her head "who are you?"
"Nancy!" She cries, lowering my hand as she looks back to me. She chuckles and I'm confused before the hairs on the back of my neck raise when the lights start to go out. A little bit away I see these bony white fingers grab the beam and this woman appears looking like a nun but with demonic yellow cat like eyes.
Holding my hand out, my hand twists and I cry in pain as my hand wrists around. Glaring at the thing, the thing flies back when I unleash some of my power. Once I run upstairs hearing the woman scream about me not giving my name. Once I'm upstairs, that nun tries to follow but I close the door using my extra strength and manage to lock the door.
Falling to the floor having my back hit the door, I watch as the door knob turns but doesn't open. Hearing a banging on the door, I wave my hand putting a silencing bubble around the actual. What the actual fuck? What the hell was that? I know it wasn't anything I've seen before, so what was it? What was in chains? Why was she in chains?
By the time I get to school, Lucas looks my way "So? What was in the basement?" He asks
"My uncle's secret man cave" whatever was in the basement, it was not human and I'm not telling Lucas the truth. Maybe Trick would know what the creature in the basement is? Or maybe there's something in the attic, there are a bunch of old stuff there.
At the game tonight against Cove City, Nathan's heart is racing and he's doing pretty well. But something isn't right with him, he's been acting out these last few days. More rage filled. I heard him yell at Haley and it was a pretty dick thing for him to do.
Just as I pass him the ball, Nathan grabbed it and he looked dizzy. Listening closely, his heart is rapidly beating before stopping and my eyes widen while I run to him. When he falls people gasp, I check his pulse and yell "Call nine one one!" Good thing I have CPR training.
When the defibrillator is here, we have to shock Nathan. His dad is here along with Lucas "Come on Nathan" I shock him one more time, putting more power into the machine to shock him with. He gasps when I did that, people are relieved.
"Thank you" Dan looks my way as the paramedics arrive, they take Nathan away. Looking over when Tim looks really sick, what did he do? Why does he look sick?
"He's" Haley comes over to us "going to be alright, right?"
"His heart stopped" looking to Lucas worried "if he has a heart problem...does this mean you have one?"
"I'm fine" Lucas assured us
"I'm going to follow" looking to them "check in on him, Haley? Can you call his mom? I don't know if she'll be informed given how Dan is" Whitey let's me leave since I was the one that just saved Nathan, by the time I get to the hospital Nathan is being run for tests.
Walking into the hospital room, Nathan is in bed and Dan is talking to the doctors "Hey" Nathan sees me come over "how's the game?"
"How are you?" I ask setting my bag on the chair "Nathan? I know you took drugs, the rage from the last few days" he gulps not looking at me "you need to breathe, clear your mind"
He cried a bit, wiping away his tears as I hold his hand "I don't know what to do anymore"
"If you" we hear Dan warn "label my son to be some sort of addict, you'll destroy his future. So you better have the right results or I'll sue you so hard"
"I'll handle him" patting his chest "you rest" going over to the door, with my arms crossed when Dan tried to come in "Sorry, Mr. Scott but no"
"Move" he orders "Nathan is my son"
"He is also Mrs. Scott's son and she is who Nathan wants to see right now" that isn't true, but right now he needs his mom more than his father. Especially when his father is Dan "he doesn't want to see you"
"Bullshit" he warns me "because you saved his life I'll ask you kindly to leave"
"I am not scared of you" shaking my head "know when your not wanted"
He looks to a nurse "I want security up here, remove" he looks at me "this teenager from my son's room"
"I'm staying until Nathan's mom gets here" shaking my head "he's here because of you" I catch his wrist when he tries to hit me, just as security arrived.
"Good" Dan looks to security "remove this teenager from my son's room"
"Remove him also" I order "the patient doesn't want him here, he wants his mom"
"I'm his father" Dan yells "you are nothing to him, your just some mistake that my cousin made seventeen years ago"
"Dad" Nathan is standing up and here "go, I want mom here"
"Nate" he says
"Nathan" I catch him when he stumbles "you need to go back to bed"
"Nathan!" We see his mom come over crying, she hugs him and Nathan hugs her "Oh thank god"
Looking to security "I'll leave once Mr. Scott leaves"
"Leave Dan" Deb orders her husband "you've done enough here" looking to me hugging me since Nathan is back in bed after some nurses help him "thank you"
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