|One Month Later|
"So Edward really tackled us out of the way?" Bella asks, she has an oversized black beanie hat on to cover the bald patch that is slowly growing back in place.
"Yes" she woke up a few days ago and now she's questioning Edward saving us because she knows he was across the parking lot, but with her head injury and brain surgery she isn't too sure.
"I need everyone's" looking over hearing Mr Molina "permission slips" taking her permission slip, she looks to the truck and how there is a slight dent in it. There isn't that big of a dent, more like a line that can be ruled out as part of the truck since this is a pretty old truck "let's go!"
Bella looks up and sees Edward, Jasper and Alice walking towards Mr. Molina. The Cullens have been trying to talk to me for over a month now, wanting to know how I know. They just haven't found the right time to talk to me since I've been making myself busy. The one time they could, was the auction night and I spent the night with the dark fae which was really fun.
Mike appears before Bella and I "Look at you, alive. Alive!" He acts like the mad scientist from Frankenstein who yells "Alive!"
"Yeah" Bella offers a brief smile "close call"
"You know" he stutters as he looks at us "I wanted to ask either of you" Bella is staring at Edward who is looking her way amused, I twist my hand a bit and Edward grabs Alice and Jasper feeling pain.
I look away since I don't need them thinking it was me again, I managed to make the Cullens forget what I did a month ago. Don't need them knowing anything. "What?" I ask
"Hmm?" Bella looks at Mike
"Prom" he repeats, looking between us "do either of you want to go...with me?"
"Prom?" Shaking my head no "I'm sort of...I'm not into guys our own age. Sorry" walking away with Bella's paper slip as Bella also declines mentioning going to Florida that weekend with a non refundable ticket. She then mentions Jessica wanting to go with him.
"Yo! Yo!" Mr. Molina waves us over "We got to go! We got to go! Green is what? Good!" Giving him mine and Bella's permission slips.
It takes us a few hours to get to the green house since it's in the outskirts of Seattle "Eggshells, carrot tops. Compost is cool!" Mr. Molina encourages Eric as he is mashing up some compost to make this juice stuff for the plants "stuff that in there"
"Yes sir" Eric smiles
"Very good! Very good!" He picks up this clear mug of brown liquid that smells awful "Now I just made a steaming cup of comport tea. This is recycling in its most basic form and guys don't drink it! It's for the plants!"
"Okay" Angela looks my way "so I was thinking about going to prom with Eric, but he isn't asking me. So do you think he likes me that way?"
"I don't know" shrugging my shoulders "one minute I think I know what is going through his mind and the next, I don't"
"I mean Mike is asking Jessica" Angela begins to complain "and..."
"We could go to prom together?" I offer, she looks my way shocked "as friends? Like why the pressure to have a date? Sure Eric's going to prom but he's kind of working as the DJ so if he's getting a date? Who knows? But to dance a dance if you ask him then, he could always play something and then dance with you. Do you get what I'm saying?"
"Yeah" she nods her head "I do...yeah, I'd love to go to prom with you"
"Great" seeing Jessica appear, Angela stops her who is smiling.
"Jess" Angela smiles "Mal and I are going to prom"
Jessica screeches "Really? With who?"
"Each other" I say
Jessica is confused then "What?"
"We're going as friends" Angela clarified and Jessica nods her head smiling, seems someone isn't okay with same sex couples.
"If someone" I say "wants to dance with either of us, neither of us will oppose" Angela shakes her head no "and this way we won't be alone during the prom"
"Huh" she stares at us "I didn't think of it that way—hi Edward" looking over seeing Edward who is behind us.
"Can I" he asks "talk to Mallory alone for a moment?"
"Yeah" they nod their heads, Jessica looks to me curious but Angela drags her away.
"What do you want to talk about?" Lowly asking him
"How you know" he says
Looking at a flower "Need to be more specific, I know a great many things" Edward stops me and gives me a look "take your hand off my arm or you'll regret it" he lets go of my arm and clenches his jaw "you guys aren't exactly subtle, I'm observant. For instance your eye color? The lighting?" A scoff escapes me "you should have told people that you like the gold colored contacts and that's why your eyes are gold when in reality they aren't or wear contacts"
"Contacts irritate our eyes" he complains
It's like I'm talking to a child, no no. Not a child. No, instead it's like I'm talking to a stupid moron "You all do shit jobs at hiding what you are, makes people wonder. Well smart people. Your lucky most of the humans in Forks are stupid fuckers"
"Will you tell anyone?" He asks
"You mean tell Bella, we'll talk more after basketball practice" seeing my peripheral her coming closer "for now just play with this" he's confused before I grab his shirt and pull him down for a kiss, I think about anyone else. Like my ex Penelope. She kissed MG to make Josie jealous or get a rise out of her, when in reality she didn't like MG that way.
Even though Edward is an ugly guy, he is a surprisingly good kisser. Not the best but good enough, I mean would I ever kiss him again? Probably not. Wrapping my arm around Edward's neck, he wraps his arms around my waist. We pull away when we hear a throat clear.
People are looking our way in complete and "After basketball practice" lowly saying only for him to hear "you and me talk then"
Walking out of the greenhouse "Oh my god!" Jessica and Angela run up behind me "You kissed Edward Cullen!"
"Have you been secretly liking him this entire time?" Angela demands
"I knew" Jessica accuses me "you've always liked him, I knew it! Didn't I tell you?"
"Oh my god!" Brooke and Peyton
"We just heard!" Brooke exclaims
"What was he like?" Peyton looks at me expectantly "was he a good kisser?"
"Good enough" shrugging my shoulders "I was testing a theory"
"What theory was that?" Brooke looks over as we see Edward walking by with Alice and Jasper behind him, he and I briefly look at one another "are you two going to sleep together?"
"Probably not" I say
After god knows how long, at basket ball practice like always in the first one here. I see Dan Scott here "Where's Coach Durham?"
"He has surgery" Dan tells me "so I'm going to be your temporary coach, call me Coach Scott" Oh god, now I feel sick "Now, start laps" he blows a whistle "Run! And after today start wearing baggier clothes, those clothes are too much of a distraction" or maybe he's the one who is distracted which makes my stomach churn even more because I'm wearing a black sleeveless sports tank top with this black, purple, white ombré like leggings with black sneakers.
Running around the gym at an even pace, the others appear and have to run beside me. When will Whitey get back? I know being here, I'm not going to like Dan being here. Nathan and Lucas from what it looks like, they aren't loving this either.
When we are doing side shuffled, going from one end to the other with our arms in the air "Hold your position" we stop as sweat covers all our bodies "Where's Jagielski?"
"Sometimes" Tim snitches "coach lets him miss practice because of his baby"
"Sounds like Whitey" Dan sneers "there will be no more special treatment for anyone understood? So if you're having problems with your boyfriend's or your friends have complaints about their boyfriends or your going through PMS or are on your period, no thinking you'll get special treatments" he mocks being a girl before leaning down to look at me "Got it Mikaelson?"
"You think" I demand from him "Because I'm the only girl on the team I get special treatment?" Stopping what I'm doing to placing my hands on my hips looking at Dan "I'll have you know Whitey doesn't give me special treatment and I don't go advertising my periods to anyone!" The lights flicker when I try hard not to scream but Dan is really pushing my buttons.
He blows his whistles "Grab a weight plate and run laps! Now!"
"How long?" I ask
"Till I say so" flipping him off before going to grab some weight plates and begin running. As I run, I hear Dan yell "Now this ball control offense Whitey is running is out! From now on, it's run and gun. Players make plays"
"We're undefeated" Tim complains "by the way"
"By the way" Dan says "you're benched, anyone else? Good" I stop running to do pushups alongside the guys.
"Is this bad for your shoulder?" Nathan asks
"Probably" he says
When it comes to shooting baskets, Dan orders "Free throws! Make ten in a row! Miss one and you grab a weight plate and run! Nathan, you're up first!" He is tossed the ball and we clap our hands when he makes a basket "bend your knees"
"Why?" I demand "he made the basket"
"Whitey let you mouth off like that?" He demands, looking at Nathan "bend your knees" he does and misses the basket. This is punishment for Nathan not living with him anymore.
By the time practice is over, Edward Cullen looks my way from his car. "You look horrible" he says "and really? A kiss?"
"Got Bella to walk away" getting into the passenger seat when he got into the drivers seat, the guys from basketball see Edward drive us away "oh my fucking god, Dan Scott is a brutal coach. Now what did you want to talk about?"
"Will you tell Bella?" He asks
"No" rubbing my muscles "she doesn't need to know, her life isn't being affected by you"
"How did you find out?" He asks
"Figured it out" he brings me to Cora's Cafe and here he buys me dinner, great. People look our way and point "people think we're out on a date"
"You want them thinking that" he raises his eyebrow "because I said what I said"
He nods his head "True, I don't want people thinking I'm gay or asexual. So just pretend?"
"Fine" our food is handed to us, I notice Jessica and Lauren here and Jessica sees me and Edward. She points me out to Lauren who is shocked "oh god, do I want to know what Jessica and Lauren are thinking?"
He smirks "No...you've met other vampires before"
"Who do you think gave me my scars?" He stares at me as I drink my water "it's why I never reported anything, can't exactly report a vampires actions now can I?"
"My condolences" he offers, he shakes his head "you're the hardest person I've ever read before. Bella is easier to read than you"
"Very few people can see past the walls I have up" looking at Edward "if you want Bella not to find out, don't be so obvious. I know several humans who found out about vampires because the vampire wasn't careful" we are silent before I say "my mom was a vampire" he is shocked by that, like visibly shocked "that's how I know, she died after I was born" it's true, she was killed with a white oak stake then brought back with powerful magic just like with Uncle Kol "some vampires killed her a few years back, so...my only problem with your coven is the fact that you drink animal blood" it's a good thing we are far from a bunch of people "and the fact that you stare at everyone like amusement and deny what you are and I have many problems with many people"
"Clearly" I lightly punch him in the shoulder having him laugh. I start to laugh and I notice Jessica gasp "oh god I'm going to be hounded after school"
"Want to give them one more show?" He asks "last one, promise"
"Last one?" He nods his head "fine" we lean into one another and kiss.
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