Chapter 8: Electricity
Someone grabbed Evelyn's shirt and yanked her hard to the left; she stumbled and fell behind the cargo box just as the sounds of glass shattering and electricity crackling filled the hangar. Several arcs of lightning threaded around and over the crate, singeing the air. They’d barely winked out before a round of bullets thudded against the wood.
"Who let ’em loose?" Minho yelled.
"Hardly think it bloody matters right now!" Newt shouted back. "Evy? You okay?"
She had landed hard on her infected arm and had screamed in pain. Her crank tried to take over now that it was loud and wild again. Newt crawled over and pulled her close. The group crouched low, their bodies pressed against each other tightly. Sonny had wrapped himself around Sonya and Thomas around Brenda. It seemed impossible that they could fight back from such a position.
"They’ll flank us any second," Jorge called out. “We need to start shooting back!”
The onslaught had paused momentarily, and Thomas could hear shuffling footsteps and short barked commands. If they were going to gain an advantage, they needed to act quickly.
"How do we do this?" Thomas asked. "Shank, you’re in charge this time." He looked at Minho.
Everyone looked at Minho, including Jorge.
Minho gave them all a sharp look but nodded curtly.
"Okay, Thomas and I’ll fire right, Newt and Sonny fires left. Sonya and Brenda, you fire over the box. Jorge, Evy... you scout a way for us to get to your shuck Berg. Shoot anything that moves or wears black. Get ready."
Everyone knelt facing the box, ready to jump to their feet on Minho’s signal. Evelyn was right next to Brenda, with Thomas on her other side, with two pistols instead of a Launcher. Her eyes were on fire.
"Planning to kill somebody?" Thomas asked.
"Nah. I’ll aim for their legs. But ya never know, maybe I’ll hit high by accident."
"Ops." Evelyn said with a twisted grin, sliding her bloody axe out.
She flashed them a smile; Thomas was looking at with big heart eyes, and Evelyn was liking her more and more.
"Okay!" Minho shouted. "Now!"
They made their moves. Everyone lifted their launchers up and over the box. They fired without risking a good look, and once Evelyn heard the grenade explode she popped up to search for a way to the Berg. A man was creeping toward them from across the room, and Thomas aimed, fired. The grenade burst into lightning as it hit the man’s chest, throwing him to the ground in a fit of spasms.
Gunfire and screams filled the air of the hangar, along with the staticky sound of electricity. Guard after guard fell, clutching their wounds—mostly in their legs, as Brenda had promised. Others bolted for cover.
"We’ve got them running!" Minho yelled.
"But it won’t last long—they probably didn’t realize we had weapons. Jorge, which Berg is yours?" Sonny yelled.
"That one." Jorge pointed toward the far left corner of the hangar. "That’s my baby. It won’t take long to get her ready to fly."
The Berg’s large hatch door, which he remembered from the group’s escape out of the Scorch, lay open and rested on the ground, waiting for passengers to run up its metal slope. Nothing had ever looked so inviting. Evelyn just needed to hold on until they got to the Berg, then she could curl up in a quiet corner.
Minho shot another grenade. "Okay. First everyone reload. Then Newt, Sonny and I’ll cover while everyone else run to the Berg. Jorge, you get her fired up while the others cover for us from behind that hatch door. Sound like a plan?"
"Can the Launchers hurt the Berg?" Thomas asked. Everyone was jamming additional ammo into their weapons and pockets.
Jorge shook his head. "Not much. Those beasts are tougher than a Scorch camel. If they miss us and hit my ship, all the better. Let’s do this, muchachos. And hermanas!"
Newt pulled Evelyn close, "be safe. I love you!" He kissed her quick and turned when Minho started yelling.
"Go go go!” Minho yelled without giving any warning. He, Newt and Sonny started launching grenades like crazy, volleying them all along the open area in front of their waiting Berg. Evelyn held her axe tight.
A flurry of firing weapons filled the air, but there was so much electricity and smoke that it was impossible to aim at anyone. The others shot their weapons as best they could while running. Evelyn swore she could feel bullets blowing past her, barely missing. Launcher grenades exploded in a crash of glass and light to their right and left.
"Run!" Jorge shouted.
Our of the smoke and electricity a bulky body of a guard emerged. Evelyn hefted her axe over her shoulder and chucked it. It spun end over end and landed with a sickening wet shunck noise in the middle of his chest. As the group ran past she yanked it out if the still spazzing body of the guard.
The people around her shot into the nothingness they couldn't see. A ball of bright blue flew over her head it was so close she could smell burnt hair. Evelyn spun towards the direction it came and threw a hand out. Send her ice cold energy out that way. There was a wild scream that was cut off. And a thud of the guard.
Daggers of lightning shot across the floor from all directions; bullets pinged against the metal walls of the hangar; smoke twirled like fingers of fog in odd places. It all became a blur as she turned and focused on the Berg, now only a few dozen feet away.
She did her best, she took a few more guards down, either with throwing her axe or by chance her ice hit a guard. They were almost at the Berg when a Launcher grenade smashed against Brenda’s back; she screamed and fell, her face smacking the concrete floor as electricity spiderwebbed over her body.
Thomas skidded to a stop as he cried out her name, Evelyn scrambled to a stop as well. Thomas dropped to the ground to make himself a smaller target. As did Evelyn. Tendrils of lightning-like electricity snaked across Brenda’s body, then dwindled to smoky wisps as they raced out along the floor. Thomas lay on his stomach several feet away, dodging the errant streaks of white heat as he searched for a way to get closer. Evelyn stayed on her knees but ducked low, doing her best with her power to deflect anything else that came close to the three of them. Her head continued to jerk. The crank in her head was getting louder.
Newt, Sonny and Minho had obviously seen the disastrous turn of events and given up on the plan. They were running toward them as they continued firing. Newt has his eyes glued on Evelyn who was trying to deflect the lighting away from Thomas and Brenda, but she was thrashing her head and yelling at the unseen voice to shut up.
Jorge and Sonya had made it to the Berg and disappeared up the hatch, but Sonya came out again, shooting a different kind of Launcher; its grenades exploded into spouts of raging fire when they made contact. Several of the guards screamed as they erupted in flames, and the others pulled back a little because of the new threat.
Thomas waited anxiously on the ground next to Brenda, cursing, he had also seen how Evelyn was desperately trying to keep it together. They had to wait for the electricity to die down before anyone could grab her and start dragging her to the Berg, but there wasn't a lot of time. Brenda's face had gone completely white; blood dripped from her nose and drool trickled from her mouth as her limbs spasmed and her torso seemed to bounce in place. Her eyes were frozen wide with shock and terror.
Newt, Sonny Minho reached them, and dropped to the ground.
"No!" Thomas shouted. "Keep going to the Berg. Take cover behind the hatch door. Wait until we start moving, then cover us. Fire like crazy till we get there."
"Just come on already!" Minho yelled back. He grabbed Brenda by the shoulders, and winced, several jagged bolts of lightning arced up his arms. But the energy had weakened considerably and Minho was able to stand and begin pulling her along behind him. Thomas scrambled up and helped Minho. Newt grabbed Evelyn's arm and pulled. Sonny came behind them, firing and watching their back. It was slow going.
The hangar was a world of noise and smoke and flashing light. A bullet grazed Evelyn's leg: a hot score of pain, then oozing blood. An inch difference and she might’ve been hobbled for life or bled to death. She let out a furious scream and imagined everyone in black as the one who’d shot her.
Then the crank in her head screamed. She could have had an easy death. She froze and tried to turn around. Maybe if she just stood still she could be hit by a real bullet and die.
Newt apparently knew what she was thinking, because his grip tightened and he yanked her hard. His eyes dark and angry, his jaw clamped hard. He was strong, and he yanked her again, making her stumble forwards. Sonny had shoved her forwards as well.
"Go!" He kept yelling.
"Let's go Eve! Move!" Newt was screaming.
Thomas had somehow lifted his launcher while pulling Brenda and was firing his launcher any which way.
They reached the foot of the hatch door. Sonya immediately dropped her huge weapon and started to slid down the ramp to help.
"No! Stay there!" Sonny barked, "use the gun!"
Sonya scrambled back up the ramp and continued to shoot.
Thomas released his hold on Brenda's shirt and let Minho and Sonny yank her up into the ship, her heels thumping against the raised traction molding.
Newt shoved Evelyn into the Berg turned around and started firing his weapon again, releasing grenades left and right until he ran out of ammunition. Thomas shot once more and his Launcher emptied as well.
The guards in the hangar clearly knew that their time was about to run out, and a horde of them sprinted for the ship and opened fire once again.
"Let's go! Come on!"
Thomas turned and scrambled up the ramp. His head had just crossed the threshold when something made his back arch. Evelyn screamed and reached a hand, as if she could try and reach him. Thomas fell backward and tumbled end over end until he landed on the floor of the hangar, his whole body convulsing.
Evelyn screamed again. She was fighting with Sonny who had jumped in the way of her. She wanted to go help him. He was twitching and convulsing, screaming in pain.
"Move!" She snarled.
The deep thumping humming kicked in. Her feet started to vibrate. Jorge had started the engine.
"No! We can't leave him!" Evelyn screamed.
"Were not! Look!" Sonny yelled over top of her, the Berg engine and the continued crackling of electricity.
He had Evelyn trapped against the Berg wall, but he moved his arm enough that she could see. Minho and Newt had scrambled down the ramp and Sonya had started the firinf the flame thrower gun.
A fresh wave of fear washed over her and she started fighting even more. She was going to loose Newt. He had run head long at a guard who was standing over Thomas. Minho doing the same the two Gladers, her two pillers, the two she relayed the most on, had thrown themselves back at the guards.
"No!" Evelyn screamed so loud she thought Newt may have heard her and twitched his head in her direction.
Sonny had to throw her into the floor and judo wrestle her hold her down. Evelyn couldn't fight the crank in her head anymore. Her heart was racing so fast she thought it was going to explode out of her chest. She kicked and screamed, flailed and slammed her head. She just wanted to get to Newt.
Her body started to shake in an entirely different way, almost like she was having a seizure, her eyes rolled up into her head and when they came back, they were white.
She let out a manic laugh. The crank was in control. She didn't see what had happened out at the bottom of the ramp. But she didn't see Newt and that's all the mattered right now. She snarled at Sonny. Trying to bite anything that came close. She couldn't fully process what was happening anymore. Sonny was now straddling her, and holding her wrists, pinned to the ground. Somehow she managed to lift her hips just enough, and twisted them that Sonny lost his balance. He toppled sideways and Evelyn scrambled up.
Evelyn screamed and cackled, her head twitched oddly. She grabbed her hatched from the ground. And started towards Sonny. He scrambled to his feet, his hands held up. She lunged, swinging her deadly weapon when something solid made contact with her again. It flew threw the air and took her back to the ground. She landed on her infected arm and screamed in pain. Tears sprung to her eyes and poured down her face. The thing that collided mid air with her was Newt.
He had knocked the hatchet out of her hand as they landed. Still laying where they landed on their sides on the floor of the berg. He wrestled and rolled on the floor with her until he managed to wrap his strong arms around her and hooked a leg around both of hers. He grabbed her head and pulled her close, pressing his forehead to hers.
"Evelyn. Love, I'm here. Come back! Come back to me. I'm here! It's over. Its all over."
"He's gone he's gone he's gone."
"I'm here. I'm right here. Come on, come back to me. Please please come back." He desperately held her face, brushing dirty matted hair out of her face.
Newt threw all caution to the wind and yanked her face rough up and kissed her. She fought. And then froze. Her body unmoving except the odd twitch. But slowly very slowly her muscles relaxed, she stopped fighting. That's when the tears came, the tears of realization. She tried to hurt Sonny. She had tried to take Sonny out with an axe.
"I can't anymore Newt. I'm too dangerous. I shouldn't even be on the Berg."
"Shhh. It's over. It's all over." Newt hushed her, holding her tight. He held her tight for a while, not bothering to get up off the cold metal floor of the berg.
She ignored the shuffling and movement around her. She had no idea what was going on. But she didn't care. She tried to kill one of her best friends.
"Newt...I need a shower. I need away from others."
Newt slowly untangled himself and slowly got up, he gently picked her up and ignoring everyone and their questions he led her down the little hall. On their way he found a storage closet. He pulled some stuff out, Evelyn didn't bother looking she had her head down just going where ever Newt led her. She was exhausted, ashamed and terrified of herself.
Newt opened found a shower and ushered her in. Closing the door, he turned the water on, and then gently helped remove the dirty, disgusting clothes. She saw him wince at her battered and bruised body, her skinny malnourished frame. He helped her into the shower and then sat against the wall, and let her sit in the shower. It was the first shower she had had in so long. Probably since Goose's, she didn't remember the WICKED Berg or what they did to her and she didn't have one at the Right Arm.
She sat letting the hot water hit her back and wash over her head. She slowly washed her hair. It took a few washes of the shampoo to get everything out. Blood, dirty, grime, sweat and sand still from the scorch. The water swirling down the drain was nasty. She put conditioner in, but couldn't anymore. She was exhausted. She melted back down to the shower floor, pulling her knees up.
"Newt?" She asked quietly.
"Yes Love?"
"Can you help..?" The curtin moved and his tired and sweaty face appeared, but his warm gentle eyes were there.
"What can I help with Love?"
"...hell comb the tangles..." She mumbled quietly.
He smiled in understanding. He picked up the comb and got to work. Her hair was matted and tangled it took him awhile, even with the expensive amount of conditioner.
She was now showered, cleaned and in clean clothes. They were big, but they were clean and they were warm. Newt quickly jumped in and washed off and pulled on some clean clothes. He then took her to one of the rooms he had seen that had a few bunk beds.
He sat her down on the bed and pulled up her pants leg and gently wrapped some gauze around her leg where the bullet grazed her. And then around her infected arm.
"Still hurts pretty bad?" He asked gently.
"Only when I pick up anything heavy, or I touch it or bend it or use it in general..."
"Oh, so no buggen' problem then. I shouldn't be so bloody worried." He gave her a small smirk.
"Definitely over reacting." She nodded. She shivered, wet hair in a chilly Berg and not any more meat on her bones she was frozen.
"What about you? You don't have a point of infection, do you?" She asked, she gently ran her finger tips over his cheek.
Newt shook his head. "No, but my chest has them. The veins starting. He lifted his shirt. Right over his heart dark veins had started to spider web out.
"Does it hurt?"
"No, actually. So I'm thinking yours was because of the scratches, of because of your powers mixing with the Flare."
Evelyn shrugged. Too tired right now to figure it out.
"Come on..I've waited a while month to sleep with you beside me." He kissed the palm of her hand and imbed onto the bed beside her. She lay down flat, for the first time in a month. He turned onto his side and pulled her as close as possible, she snuggled even closer, throwing a leg over his hip.
And Evelyn was out in seconds. Finally back in the arms of Newt.
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