Chapter 6: Their Plan
Evelyn followed everyone else into the room. She had no choice but to follow. She wanted was out. It didn't matter which way, out of the building or out as in life in general. Rubbing the temples of her pounding head she saw that Newt was pointing to a section of empty wall space and shelves.
"Look at the dust patterns. It’s pretty obvious that a bunch of stuff was taken recently. Maybe even within the last hour or so."
Thomas and Sonya went to inspected the area. The room was pretty dusty, enough to make Evelyn sneeze if she moved around too much.
"Bless you." Sonny whispered with a small smile.
She didn't return it. But the spots Newt pointed out were completely clean. He was dead on.
"Why is that so important?" Minho asked from behind them.
Newt turned on him. "Can’t you figure something out yourself for once, you bloody shank!"
Minho winced. He looked more shocked than angry.
"Whoa, Newt," Thomas said. "Things suck, yeah, but slim it. What’s wrong?"
"I’ll tell ya what’s bloody wrong!"
The room had gone quiet. Evelyn stood in the corner, her head jerking.
"You go all tough-guy without a plan, leading us around like a bunch of chickens lookin’ for feed." He threw a finger out at Thomas. Newt's eyes narrowed. He turned to Minho, "Minho, here, can’t take a bloody step without askin’ which foot he should use. And I gotta babysit my bloody girlfriend, cuz she can't control the buggen' Flare much longer, look at the shucked up klunk she did to that guard, Minho was suppressed to have, all 'cause she cranked!"
Minho had finally recovered enough to get ticked.
"Look, shuck-face. You’re the one acting like a genius because you figured out some guards took weapons from the weapons room. I thought I’d give you the benefit of the doubt, act like maybe you’d discovered something deeper than that. Next time I’ll pat you on the freaking back for stating the obvious. Also, you refused to let anyone else help get the crank under control! So don't start on me about your girlfriend's mental problems!"
Newt’s expression change. He seemed stricken, almost teary. Evelyn however was holding her head as it thrashed.
"Shut up shut up shut up." Evelyn whispered. She slid down the wall, holding her her tightly in her hands, trying to focus on the conversation in front of her.
"I’m sorry," Newt murmured, then turned and walked out of the room.
"What was that?" Minho whispered.
Evelyn knew Newt’s sanity was slowly being eaten away. She recognized herself. She whimpered, she knew she had given it to him. It was her fault. She had tried to warn him. Not to be near her, and to stop kissing her. It was her fault.
"Sure was you little murder. Now you get to watch the love of your life slowly slip into insanity. Won't it be fun!?"
Brenda spoke up. Evelyn focused with all her willpower on her and not the voice in her head. "You guys were missing his point.”
"Which was?" Minho asked, folding his huge arms.
"There had to have been two or three dozen guns and Launchers in this section, and now they’re all gone. Very recently. In the last hour or so, like Newt said."
"Yeah?" Minho prodded, just as Evelyn understood.
Brenda held her hands out as though the answer should be obvious. "Guards only come here when they need a replacement or want to use something besides a Launcher.
"So...Why would they all need to do that at the same time? Today? And Launchers are so heavy, you can’t fire them if you’re carrying another weapon, too. Where are the weapons they would have left behind?" Sonny asked.
Minho was the first to offer an explanation. "Maybe they knew something like this might happen, and they didn’t want to kill us. From the looks of it, unless you get it right in the head, those Launcher things just stun you for a while. So they all came and got those to use with their regular guns."
Brenda was shaking her head before he even finished. Minho looked annoyed. Sonya had come and crouched down beside Evelyn. She rubbed Evelyn's arms gently, trying to be of some soothing comfort.
"No. It’s standard for them to carry Launchers at all times—so it doesn’t make sense that they’d all come at once to get a new one. Whatever you think about WICKED, it’s not their goal to kill as many people as possible. Even when Cranks break in.”
Evelyn laughed. It was a wild cackling laugh, full of bitterness and darkness.
"Cranks have broken in here before?" Thomas asked, glancing at Evelyn while she shrieked in the floor with a twisted smile.
Brenda nodded solumly. "The more infected there are, the more past the Gone, the more desperate they get. I really doubt the guards-"
Minho interrupted her. "Maybe that’s what happened. With all those alarms going off, maybe some Cranks broke in and took whatever weapons were here, stunned people, then started eatin’ their shuck bodies. Maybe we’ve only seen a few guards because the rest of ’em are dead!"
"Possibly." Sonny nodded.
Brenda sighed. 'I hate to say it, but you might be right.” She frowned, clearly thinking. She finally sighed, "Seriously. That would explain it. Someone came in here and took a bunch of weapons."
"If that’s it, our problems are a whole lot worse than we thought."
"Glad to see the guy not immune to the Flare isn’t the only one with a brain that still works."
Newt stood at the door beside Evylyn who was rocking back and forth, holding her head and whispering to herself.
"Next time just explain yourself instead of getting all snippy," Minho said, his voice empty of compassion. "I didn’t think you’d lose it so fast, but glad you’re back. We might need a Crank to sniff out these other Cranks if they really broke in. Clearly she's just about Gone."
Everyone in the room went silent. Including Evelyn. She went still. Her eyes glued to Minho. There was no expression on her face.
"Past Gone?" She whispered. "I shouldn't be. I shouldn't have gotten this far. Someone made me a promise." Her eyes flicked from Minho to Sonny. "I shouldn't be this far gone. Past Gone...past Gone...past Gone.... no...I shouldn't. Someone broke a promise."
Newt was stiff beside her. He wasn’t happy, that was clear by his expression. His hands opened and closed into fists. Newt stood and watched Evelyn, with a blank expression. He finally looked up when her eyes flicked to Minho and Sonny. He narrowed his eyes.
"You never know when to shut your hole, have ya, Minho? Always gotta have the bloody last word." Newt finally said, looking back up.
"Shut your shuck face,” Minho replied.
His voice was so calm Evelyn paused in her rocking and whispering. The tension in the room was almost palpable.
Newt slowly walked over to Minho and stopped in front of him. They glared at each other. Then, quick as a striking snake, he punched him in the face. Minho staggered back and slammed into the empty weapons rack. Evelyn cackled. Then Minho rushed forward and tackled Newt to the ground.
It all happened so fast. Evelyn sprung up and jumped into the mix. Thankfully she forgot her axe, but she was wild. Newt was strong and fast.
Sonya, Brenda, Thomas and Sonny ran forwards, and started pulling at everyone.
"Stop!" Thomas screamed, but the three Gladers continued flailing at each other, arms and legs everywhere. Evelyn was screaming, the boys were grunting. It was chaos.
Sonny and Thomas managed to grab onto Minho with solid enough grips and yanked him away. Sonya and Brenda had wrapped up Evelyn, pinning her to the wall.
"How stupid can you get?" Thomas yelled, while he and Sonny pinned Minho’s arms behind his back.
"We’re running from at least one enemy, maybe two, and you guys are gonna brawl?" Sonny growled.
"He started it!" Minho snapped, spit spraying everywhere.
Sonya wiped her face. "Say it don't spray it! And What are you, eight years old?" Giving him a look of disgust.
Minho didn’t answer. He struggled to free himself for a few more seconds before giving up.
"Control yourself slinthead! You're acting like a shucken child!" Sonny growled.
Newt got to his feet, gingerly touching a red spot on his cheek where Minho must’ve connected. He glanced at Evelyn, who had sagged and was sobbing in Sonya's shoulder.
"It’s my fault. Everything’s just tickin’ me off. You guys figure out what we should do...I need a buggin’ break. Come on Live. We both do." He took Evelyn's hand, and pulled her from Sonya and he turned and walked out of the room again.
Evelyn heard voices explode behind them. Newt just kept going down the hall. He found a room with the door open. He pulled her into it, and sat her down on a chair. It looked like a small waiting room.
The lights were still off and the red emergency light was still flashing. It hurt Evelyn's eyes, but it was quiet. She lowered her head placing it into her hands.
"I can't hold on much longer. I just want it to end! It's so hard, Newt! It so hard to hold on. The sane parts are fewer and fewer. Whatever serum Janson was giving me on a regular basis did seem to keep the Flare at bay, or at least slow it down."
He came and crouched in front of her. He gently tucked a dirty strand of hair out of her face.
"It's only been a few hours since you guys disconnected that IV and I've lost it too many times."
She finally lifted her tear stained dirty hallow face.
"I'm not safe anymore Newt. And you know it. They know it."
"I do, Love. I do know. And as soon as we get out of WICKED, you and I will leave. Clearly, I'm bloody loosing it too."
She sniffed. He dried her tears. She placed a hand over his. She closed her eyes. Taking a deep shaking breath.
"You need to know something."
"What's that Love?"
"I asked Minho and Sonny to end it if I get too far. I don't...I don't want to turn into a fully Gone monster. I don't want to turn! Please....Newt, please don't let me become one of them! Minho clearly can't handle it. Sonny....I don't know. But Newt...please, you gotta understand..I can't -"
He cut her off by leaning forward and kissing her. She kissed him back for a moment, but pulled away with a frown.
"I understand." He said quietly. His eyes glossing over. He stared at the wall for a moment and then turned to her.
"Notebook?" He held out a hand.
Frowning, she shook her head.
"Left it in the other room."
He hummed and got up. He rummaged around in the desk by the door. He pulled out a paper, ripped it in half and wrote something on both and came back over. He handed her the paper. Written in his loopy neat writing was a note.
Kill me. If you've ever loved me, kill me!
"Give it to me when you can't hold on anymore." He said.
Evelyn looked up at him, relief washed over her. He crouched down again, in front of her.
"I of all people understand. If Sonny can't, I will. I don't want to pass the Gone either."
"What's that one for?" Evelyn asked, indicating with her head to the note in Newt's hand. He sighed, ran a hand through his shaggy hair. He sat back, leaning on the wall. But held the paper up for her.
"It's for Tommy." He said quietly.
Kill me. If you've ever been my friend, kill me!
Evelyn looked back at Newt. Deep sadness and broken determination mixed together in his normal gentle eyes. She slid out of the chair and crawled into his lap, wrapping her arms around him while he held her tight. He placed his head on top of hers.
"Newt I love you so much. I'm...I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"Newt...I gave you the Flare."
He picked his head up and started to protest. She placed her fingers on his lips to keep him quiet.
"No, it's true and you know it. It's air born, sure. We kissed. A lot. I gave it to you and I'm sorry. I really wanted to have a quiet peaceful life outside the Glade. Instead, we're chaotic and dangerous. But either way...I love you!"
"I love you too."
Evelyn placed her head on his shoulder. A tear slid down her cheek. They sat wrapped around each other, leaning against the wall.
"Newt? Evy?" Thomas was calling.
Newt and Evelyn both groaned. Thomas's head poked into the room. When he saw them huddled together on the wall he came over.
"Don’t say a bloody word," Newt grumbled when Thomas joined them. Thomas just jumped right to it.
"Listen, something weird’s going on, either WICKED is testing us or we’ve got Cranks running around this place killing people left and right. Whatever it is, we need to find Jorge and get out of here.”
"I know." Newt said blankly.
"Then get up and come back in there to help us. You were the one all frustrated, acting like we didn’t have time to mess around. And now you want to sit out here and pout?"
"I know." Newt's voice was so hopeless..
Thomas looked at them with broken dispair in his eyes. But Evelyn didn't feel so alone anymore. She knew Newt unstood her, maybe not as fully yet, she was way further then Newt. But he understood.
"We’re all going a little craz-" Thomas stopped, and cringed at his use of words, he cleared his throat. "I mean …"
"Just shut it," Newt said. "I know something’s started in my head. I don’t feel right. But you don’t need to worry your buggin’ panties off. Give me a second and I’ll be fine. We just needed a break. The noise, the lights...too many people...We’ll get you guys out of here and then we can deal."
“What do you mean, get you guys out?”
"Get us out, whatever. Just give us a bloody minute."
Evelyn saw Thomas frown. His eyes flicked to her and then back up to Newt. His frown deepened and his eyebrows pulled together. He looked like he was trying to figure out a puzzle.
"You know we can’t waste any more time. The others are gathering ammo. Newt, you’ll need to help carry it to the Berg hangar."
"Will do." Newt nodded. "Just give us a minute Tommy."
Thomas sighed and got up and left. Newt and Evelyn watched him go. He gently turned her face to his.
"Are you okay with our plan?" He asked her.
"Yes. Please just end my miserable life before I hurt someone. If Tommy chickens...we do it together. But we leave first. Keep them safe. Your sister safe. Sonny will take care of her." Evelyn nodded, tears in her eyes.
He leaned down and kissed her again gently.
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