Chapter 4: Prison Break
Evelyn felt life in her body again. Newt held her close. He pulled away again. Evelyn was still exhausted, hurting and confused, but Newt was here.
"I knew ya wouldn't have rolled over and bloody died." His tone was grumpier. His eyes were steady, but darker, she wondered what his trial 3 had been.
Minho had a smirk on his face, but a hard glint in his eyes showed that he’d been through an awful time. That he wasn’t quite himself yet, just trying his hardest to act like it.
"The mighty Gladers, back together again. Good to see ya alive, shuck-face—I’ve imagined you dead in about a hundred different ways. I bet you cried every night, missing me.”
Sonny didn't show anything on his face, it was a mask of hard solid stone. Thomas had a lost look, but his eyes also held a hard glint. Sonya smiled too big and laughed too long, Evelyn knew she wasn't alright. Still staying in Newt's arms, too exhausted to move, she looked around.
"Where's...where's everyone else?" Her voice was soft and croacky.
Brenda stepped forward, and crouched in front of Evelyn.
"May I? I'm actually a trained nurse..." She asked quietly.
Evelyn shrunk into Newt. Newt for some reason looked to Thomas. Thomas nodded and Newt looked down to Evelyn.
"Yeah. Tommy here says we can trust her..." Though he seemed skeptical about it.
Evelyn held out a shaky arm and Brenda quite gently removed the IV and tape. She removed the sticky monitors and the other IV that was sucking her blood out slowly.
"Ok...where is everyone else and what's going on?"
"Wait...have you been down here the whole time?" Thomas asked, his eyes going wide.
Evelyn nodded. "I woke up chained to the wall. Two weeks awake idea how long like that until you found me."
"I was thrown into a white padded room for a month."
"A month?" She whispered.
So she was on her knees, arms chained open for a week. Her sadness turned to anger. Her fear to rage. If she had the energy she would get up and find Janson and kill him.
"Okay," Minho started and folded his arms "long story short...WICKED lied-"
"As per bloody usual." Sonny cut in.
"As usual. Third trial, each of us had something different. And then they said we would all have the option to get our memories back. We called bull."
"Some wanted their memories. This group here," Sonny indicated to who was in the dungeon, "didn't want it."
Minho went on."Again, Janson shucken lied. Tried to force us. We put up a fight. Shuck them. They locked us in a room. Tried to force us again this morning. With the help of Brenda, we stole those...what did you call them?"
"Launchers." Brenda answered.
"Ya, and smacked a few guards around, found out you were still alive and came to find ya. And umm we found out-"
He paused and looked at Newt for a second, shook his head and then Newt
"Someone didn't bloody tell us you were chained in the basement like wild animal." He growled, glaring at Brenda.
She sighed, like this was something they had talked about before. "Newt. I had no idea! And we're here now, alright? Have I proved I'm on your side? I got us down here with minimal issues."
He growled again but nodded.
"Thank you."
" where everyone else is...Tessa, Nick and Harriet took the other group already." Minho answered.
"We knew something was up." Sonya added. "So very secretly, because they have cameras everywhere, we came up with a mutiny. We weren't gonna go down without a fight. We are SO done. was just easiest to do it this way. Tommy and Tessa can chat with their buggen' weird mind link noggens."
"Yeah. Tessa took the others. Were gonna meet them. So...let's get this show on the road." Minho added, glancing out the dungeon door.
"Yeah...were gonna need more weapons. So...up to the weapons room!" Brenda nodded.
"Can you stand Love?" Newt asked.
"I'll do what I have to." Evelyn whispered.
Newt helped her to her feet. Her legs hurt so much, her knees were stiff and covered in giant bruises. Her muscles screamed at her. She crumpled. Sonny and Newt caught her.
"Slight problem. It's gonna be a minute." She groaned.
They slowly helped her out of the dungeon and towards the dark stairs. There was a guard laying at the bottom of the stairs, apparently knocked out. She recognized him right away. The guard who held her down, the guard who strapped her mouth, and hosed her down. He was the one who stripped her of all dignity. Anger surged.
"Yes, my feral creature. He deserves it! Do it!"
With a snarl, she ruled her self from Newt and Sonny's arms and lunged at the guard. Her hands already cold and covered in frost. Her arm shooting pain, she wrapped her cold hands around his neck and his life was sucked within a few seconds. Like she was starved, she sucked his life so fast. She pushed off his cold and lifeless body and stood over him with a twisted smile.
"Good job little Murderous Witch. You did good."
She turned to the group, they looked at her slightly leery, but didn't seem overly bothered. Newt walked over and pulled her close and kissed her dirty grimy forehead.
"He did awful things-"
"You don't need to explain. The image of you when we found you was enough." His voice was quiet but harsh.
She nodded. She turned and with the help of Newt again, followed the others up the stairs. Brenda in the lead. It was slow going. She had to stop a few times. Her legs were on fire, and all her joints were protesting.
The top of the stone stairs abruptly meet with the bright white WICKED liked so much. It was a stark contrast. The dark cold old medieval like stone dungone and the fresh harsh white sterile futuristic corridor.
"The shuck?" Evelyn muttered. She had to blink many times. The bright harsh lights hurt her eyes and made her head hurt.
"Hey, over here guys!" Thomas called.
There was a door with a clear panel of glass. He pushed it open. Inside there was a small lab set up. It looked like it had all her medical information, vials of her blood and other fluids they took.
Anger bubbled to the surface again. She also saw her weapons sitting on a back table. Her journal was also pulled out of her bag, the pages looked like they were fuffled through. She grabbed it and shoved it back into her bag. She wished there was a fresh change of clothes. She was grateful there were her boots, why WICKED kept it all, she would never know. And frankly, didn't want to know. But she would deal with that later. She also grabbed her file and notes, shoving it into her bag, there were sealed vials, and tubes. Whatever she could she grabbed and put into her bag.
She slowly picked up the hatches. With a twisted smile and a wild glint in her eye. She swung the axe feeling the familiar weight and feel. She slammed the ace head into the nearest science monitor, making it spark and turn off. She slammed into the next one and the next and the next. She threw the glass vials at the wall and smashed all the other equipment. She flipped the tables. It must have been the crank in her, but she had wild strenyand energy after being chained to a wall for month. Her mind went blank for a little.
She was slammed into a wall, with someone pressing their body on hers. His lips pressed to hers. She blinked a few times. Newt pulled back, both breathing heavily.
"Dammit Newt." Evelyn yelled. "I told you not to do that anymore!"
"To bloody bad." He snapped back, "I told you I'd crank out with you! And I'm going to bloody keep that promise!"
She froze, her eyes wide and her heart jumped into her throat and her stomach dropped to the floor.
"What? ...what are you saying?"
"I'm saying you and I. We get to bloody crank out together. I have the damn flare. And before you get all shucken worked up, it was air born. I have it. End of shucken discussion. Nothing we can do about it. I was placed in the oody maze just so they could tell the difference between Immunes like Minho and Tommy and none immunes like us."
"Dammit." Evelyn cursed.
"Slim it."
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me. I said slim it!"
"Evy, I’m not worried about the bloody Flare. I never thought I’d still be alive at this buggin’ point—and living hasn’t exactly been...all that great."
"Well, nice to know how much I ment." Evelyn rolled her eyes. Newt still had her arms pinned above her head, and his body pressed to hers.
He looked down at her, the wild hard glint in his eye was mixed with his usual soft gentleness, she could see the struggle.
"That's not what I shucken ment and you know it." His voice calmed slightly, she could hear the old gentle calm even toned Newt. He took a breath, "But's you and me."
The weird twisted creepy grin hadn't left his face though, so she grinned to match his. "If you’re cool with slowly going crazy with me and wanting to eat small children, then I guess I won’t cry for you, it'll be a date."
“Good that,” Newt responded; the smile disappeared, though.
"So...what? What do we do? Try and find Mary?"
"I don't think there's a cure. You got that serum and you just bloody cranked! I had ta send everyone out and I had to slamm ya I to the wall!"
The wild twisted smile grew on her face.
"Ya...ya you did."
Newt gave her a crooked grin.
"Maybe after we escape WICKED I'll do it again."
"After I shower."
He growled and buried his face into her dusting neck. There was a banging on the door.
"Munnies are calling." Newt spat bitterly. He pulled her from the wall and with his hand holding hers tight they slowly made their way to the door.
"Smash something. Makes you feel better."
He hummed and picked up something that wasn't yet broken and threw it at the wall. He watched it smash and fall to the floor.
"Your right."
"I usually am."
Evelyn and the group followed behind Brenda. She left them around a few halls. She was the only one with a launcher, and Evelyn was the only one with any kind of weapons. Newt had to help her a few times. The more she moved, the more her muscles and joints loosened up. She was starving, and getting quite hangry. But right now their number one goal was get out. The group rounded a corned and came face to face with a few gaurds.
Brenda didn't hesitate and pulled the trigger of the gun. Evelyn leapt forwards swinging her axe. She took out one guard, burying the axe head into his chest.
Evelyn stared, stunned at what the Launcher did to a person and amazed that Brenda had shot it without hesitation. If she had needed further proof that Brenda wasn’t totally committed to WICKED, she’d just seen it. She looked at her with a twisted grin
She returned her gaze, the slightest of smiles on her face.
"I’ve been wanting to do something like that for a long time. These idiots!"
She bent over and took the unconscious man's key card, slipped it into her pocket.
"This’ll get us in anywhere."
"Come on. What are you standing around for?" Brenda cocked an eyebrow. Thomas and Sonny picked up the fallen weapons.
They sprinted through a couple of twists and turns in the hallways, Brenda leading. It reminded Evelyn of following Minho through the maze. She had to fully trust him, and she had to fully trust Brenda now.
Brenda swiped the key card and pushed the door open. They came face to face with none other than Janson.
Thomas and Sonny and Brenda had their launches trained on him and Evelyn tried to swing her axe, but Newt and Sonya had grabbed a hold of her.
"Give me your key card, then get on the ground, hands on your head." His voice sounded pretty steady.
"This is complete lunacy," Janson said.
He handed his card to Thomas. He spoke quietly, seeming amazingly calm under the circumstances.
"You have zero chance of getting out of this complex. More guards are already on their way. I saw on the camers you had gone after the Crank. And...ahhh there she is. They won't let you kill me?"
Evelyn knew their odds were bad, but it was all they had, she wanted to kill him so bad. But Newt held her tight, he gave her a sharp look.
"After what we’ve been through, this is nothing." Thomas smiled.
Evelyn realized it was true.
"Thanks for the training you Rat."
"Now, another word and you’ll get to experience, how did you put it earlier? The worst five minutes of your life’?"
"How can—"
Thomas pulled the trigger. The high-pitched sound filled the room, followed by the launch of a grenade. It hit the man’s chest and exploded in a brilliant display of electricity. He screamed as he fell to the ground, convulsing, smoke streaming off his hair and clothing. The room filled with an awful smell—a stench that reminded Evelyn of the Scorch, when Minho was struck by lightning.
"That can't feel good." Thomas muttered.
"It doesn't. Trust me." Evelyn spat.
"It supposedly won’t kill him," Brenda said.
"That’s a shame," Minho replied. "The world would’ve been better off."
"I'll volunteer to end his miserable life." Evelyn whispered, she watched him twitch and scream without an ounce of remorse or feeling. She stood blank faced and watched with no emotion. Everyone but Newt looked at her with worry.
Thomas turned his attention from the twitching man at his feet. "We’re leaving. Now."
"I’ll bloody drink to that," Newt said.
"That’s exactly what I was thinking," Minho added.
"Ah bloody men." Sonya nodded.
Sonny placed a hand on Sonya's back and guarded her after Brenda and Thomas. Minho right behind. Newt had to pull Evelyn away from the still screaming man on the floor. They hurried down the hall.
"I hate these people just as much as you,” Brenda said. "Lets go find Jorge!"
"What's the plan?"
"We’ll make it up as we go." Clearly, Thomas didn't have a clue.
"Typical." Evelyn muttered.
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