Chapter 22: Don't Give up on Me
Newt stood frozen, still in shock, but threw his arms out to catch Evelyn when she flung herself at him.
"Newt!" She gasped, trying to repress a sob. "You came back?"
He pulled her tighter into him, his arms wrapped around her to sightly, his hands grabbed onto her, like she would disappear into nothingness. Evelyn felt his face burry into the crook of her neck.
"I'm sorry! I'm so bloody sorry! Lee, I left and it was the worst. Awful."
"I wont let you again. Ever. I can't without you." She cried, tears burnt her eyes.
She pulled away, she could feel the crank in her head trying to push through. She felt an overwhelming anger building up inside her, it bult in her chest, she felt the blood rushing through her veins, making a rushing noise in her ears. The crank was snarling, making Evelyn growl. Evelyn's head twitched, she tried fighting it, but it hurt. It made her body hurt and her mind had a sharp pain.
"You left." She snarled. "You left me. You walked away."
"I'm sorry." He whispered, hanging his head. "It was the worst buggen' mistake of my life."
"What about leaving me for Tommy? Where does that land on your list?" Evelyn spat.
"That wasn't me and you know it!" He snapped back. She could see the hurt on his face, he was trying to fight the anger now too. "What about this, then, huh?" He gestured to the huge cranks behind her. "How cozy have you been with them?"
"Don't threaten our Princess, boy!" Spider said. taking a protective step forwards. "You maybe a Maze survivor, but I wont hesitate to break a bone." He growled. Goose held up a hand, and Spider stepped back, but he was still growling like a guard dog. Evelyn smirked and backed up to sit on the desk, lifting her chin and gave Newt a smug look. Newt looked shocked, the blood drained from his face.
"I have a security detail, Newt. I'm a godling, right Ruffio?" She glanced over her shoulder.
"Yes. And she will be protected at all costs."
Evelyn looked back at Newt, crossing her arms she narrowed her eyes at him.
"You promised to hold my hand and guide me into the next life. And that's gonna be sooner than later. So you better as shuck make a decision now!" She snarled.
Her head twitched again. Pain shot through her head, the creepy crawling was horrible, spreading up her skull and now down her neck. She cried in pain and grabbed her head. The pain got worse; building up, making a pressure inside her skull so bad it made her want to throw up. She cried out again, hunching forward. She crumpled forwards off the desk onto the floor. She curled up, trying to squeeze her head, trying to make the pain stop.
"Go away. Go away. Go away." She whispered. "No no no no."
That was when the pain in her chest started again. She rolled onto her back, trying to claw at her chest. Her eyes flew open in panic. The first face she saw was Newt, fear and panic on his face. All the anger she had at him was gone. She kept her panic filled eyes on his big brown ones. The dry cough started, but it wasn't as dry as it was that morning. She knew what was next; the black goo was next. Evelyn clawed at her chest. It was hard to breath, the glass rattled around her chest and the pressure in her head.
"Hey Evey, slow down, Love. Slow down. You're okay. You're okay. Panicking makes it worse. Shhh. It's okay, you're okay. I'm here Love. I'm here."
Newt knelt beside her, holding her infected arm gently in his and held it close to his chest. Newt smoothed the hair away from her face. Evelyn slowly got her coughing under control, someone handed Newt a bottle of water, he helped her sit up and helped her with the water. She could hardly keep her eyes open, they fluttered closed and her head tipped. She felt arms hold her and heard a familiar thumb of his heart.
"Home..." she mumbled. "I'm home..."
Her world went black.
She woke up in a bed. Slightly confused she blinked a few times. She felt alright, her mind felt mostly hers. It felt a little mushy and confused, but the crank didn't have her claws in her mind. Her chest hurt, but the glass shards were gone. She moaned slightly when she turned her head, it was still sore. There was a person beside her. She started, but even in the darkness she knew it was Newt. She looked around the dark, shadowy room. It wasn't Goose's, this was a different room. She rolled onto her side and scootched closer to Newt. She snuggled as close as she could.
"Hey Love." His sleepy voice made her tummy flutter. "How are you feeling?" He rolled onto his side and wrapped an around around her.
"I have my own mind right now. But Newt...I'm slipping fast."
"I know, Love." He said sadly. He pulled her tighter. She wrapped her leg around his and his hand buried into her hair.
"What happened?" She mumbled into his chest.
"You passed out. Brought you to a room to sleep. Those guys refused to leave your buggen' door."
"Spider, Rex and Ruffio?"
"I guess, the three cranks in the while you slept I went to talk to Noah."
He hummed.
"I need to tell you-"
"Stop. No." He said sharply. "No you don't."
"I said no. I can guess, but were all cranks, Lee. We have no control sometimes...and were just.. surviving at this point. We ain't bloody living, this is just survival. And I've talked to Goose, Noah...whatever his buggen' name is."
"You talked to him?"
"Yeah Love. We swapped buggen' stories."
"What happened? What story?"
Newt explained what happened with Keisha and how she had left Dante and how her daughter was still alive. Evelyn had sat up, her eyes wide and her throat feeling sticky and tight. She tried to swallow around the lump in her throat. Even before Newt finished telling her everything she was nodding.
" I came to one, bloody find you, and to talk to this mysterious Boss, who turns out is a bloody ol' chum. So it made it easier. He agreed. He also said it would work great to try and get this new repressive drug market up and going..."
Evelyn let out a long sigh. She knew she wouldn't last much longer. But at least she can try do one more thing for someone before she died. She closed her eyes and let a few tears slid down her cheeks.
"We can one last good thing. I'll help you get it started."
"Started? You wont help finish it?" His big brown eyes were wide with worry and fear.
"Newt I'm...I'm dying." She reached fir his cheek, holding his face in her good hand, "Trying to remember their names is getting harder with each day. I have to try really hard now."
"Please..Evey..don't give up on me!" He pleaded, she could hear the heart break in his voice.
She looked down at him, he had curled up, his head in her lap now, his arms wrapped around her waist. "I'm being realistic Newt. I have maybe 2 or 3 more days at most."
"Evelyn..." She saw a tear leak out of his clamped eyelids.
"Newt...will you come watch the sunset one more time with me? I want one more happy try cling to."
They got up and pulled the blanket off the bed, Newt grabbed his backpack and they pulled the door open. Ruffio and Rex stood on either side of the door like body guards. They looked around and both their faces light up.
"Princess! How are you feeling?"
"I'm fine Ruffio. Thank you."
He bowed, his cheeks slightly pink.
"Don't you have something better to do then stand outside my door?"
"There is no greater honor, Princess."
"Rex! I think that's the first time I've heard your voice." Evelyn smiled up at the huge crank. He was probably one of the biggest men she had ever seen- probably why they called him Rex...but his voice was soft and gentle. He blushed such a dark red, Evelyn had to suppress a giggle.
"Where are you going?"
"To the roof." Newt said, "To watch a sun set."
Evelyn saw Ruffio's head twitch, and his body shudder.
"Ruffio? What's wrong?" Evelyn reached out and took hold of his arm. He was breathing hard, he ripped his hands away and grabbed his head, he slid down the wall, crouching on the floor. Evelyn's heart felt a stab of pain. She crouched down, and pulled his head to her chest and held him.
"I...I had a girlfriend..." He panted. "We...we were going to get married..." his voice was strained and full of pain. "I was going to...I had a sunset...I was going to ask her..."
"That sounds beautiful." Evelyn said quietly. She looked around to Newt, tears in her own eyes. This virus ripped people and families apart. Her heart felt like it just couldn't anymore. Newt crouched down beside her, placing a hand on her back.
"I can see the old Evey. I see the heart broken, soft healer Evelyn. She's in there. I see her trying to buggen' fight her way through." Newt spoke gently. "Remember all the times you healed those...shanks back in the glade?"
Tears sprang to her eyes. She listed as many of them as she could.
"Remember how you changed a beetle blade into a real lizard?" Newt asked, "Remember his name?"
It took Evelyn a moment, She frowned trying to remember. Pain shot through her head, from the back of her skull to the front, right behind her eyes. She saw a little siler and red lisard scurrying up a wooden table leg, over her books and onto her lap, up her arm and nestled in her hair on her shoulder. She smiled, even with the throbbing headache now.
"Hephaestus." she whispered, "His name was Hephy."
A happy tear slid down her face, and a stirring in her chest, made her gasp in surprise. She hadn't felt that in a very long time. It wasn't hot like it used to be, and as it travelled through her body, and down her infected arm she felt the heat melting the freezing ice. The hand she had holding Ruffio to her chest felt tingly. He took a big sigh of relief, his shaking stopped, and he relaxed, the tension in his body left. Evelyn felt the power leave her and her body instantly sagged, and she crumpled into Newt, who caught her. Ruffio sat up, he looked calmer, his eyes were wild anymore, they weren't filled with pain from the Flare or his past. Now they were filled with awe and wonder.
Evelyn could hardly keep her eyes open. "I didn't...know I could still do that." She whispered.
"I did." Newt smiled down at her. "It's always there. When you have an overwhelming sense of love it comes out." He smiled gently at her. "Just like when you didn't think you could in the scorch to help Winston."
She gave him a tired smile. He leaned down and kissed her forehead.
" used your powers on me." Ruffio whispered.
Evelyn looked over at him. Rex was standing in the hall, his mouth wide open and eyes wide. Spider and Goose stood just behind, looking about the same, shocked and awed.
"I'm sorry!" She whispered, "I didn't...I didn't mean to!" She felt drained and wanted to sleep again.
"Don't be! The godling used her powers on me! I am now forever in your debt, Princess. I am more than honored!" He paused and then frowned. "You are pale and weak! What can I do? What do you need?"
"Water." She croaked.
"And some pain meds." Newt said, looking up.
"No." she said sharply. "No. I don't what am addictive drug."
"It was buggen' forced into her system before." Newt added as a small explanation.
"As you wish Princess."
Evelyn and Newt sat on the roof, the wild sounds of Central Zone was a constant noise. The thumbing of the club on the main floor made the roof vibrate, but the rooftop was quiet other wise. Spider, Rex and Ruffio stood at the bottom of the stairs, on the other side of the door, blocking anyone from coming up. After the episode in the hall, he was zealous in his willing to serve her. It wasn't a big rush of her old healing power, but it was enough, it also helped clear her mind even for a little while. She felt calmer.
Newt had pulled her journal out and she just about cried in relief. She spent the next while writing. Writing what happened to her, her thoughts, feelings, fears. Newt sat beside her doing the same. She wrote until her hand hurt and her mind felt still. She closed her book and lay down, her head in Newts lap. He finished writing as well, and sat quiet, his hand playing with her hair.
"I love you Evelyn."
Evelyn turned her head to see him. He was looking back at her, his big brown eyes were filled with sorrow. She reached up, cupping his face.
"I love you Newt. Always-"
"And forever. Completely." He finished, with a sad smile.
"It's not the end. Not really. There's still a whole new adventure...on the other side, Love. And I'll wait for you. I'll reach and hold your hand from the other side. You hold mine here and guide me there and I'll guide you there."
"Evelyn.." His voice broke, tears slid down his face.
Newt shifted. He hovered over her, and then slowly lowered down on top of her. Her good hand snacked into his hair, while her infected arm gingerly held his face.
"One more good memory." He whispered, tears sliding down bother their faces now, he kissed her gently, hesitantly at first. But they longer he stayed, the more needy they both became. She had a handful of his hair, pulling him closer. Without hesitation he followed, laying his full weight on her. She slid a hand under his shirt, feeling his shin break out in goosebumps. She ran her nails gently over his skin, causing him to shiver. She smiled into their next kiss. He tugged off her shirt, carful of her infected veins. She pulled his off. Gently running her fingers over his dark ones that ran over his chest and up his neck.
"They don't hurt?"
"No. It's just my buggen' brain...and my chest feels tight."
She hummed, looking back up into his eyes. They looked like his. The crank wasn't there right now. She pulled him back down. She wrapped her legs around hips pulling him as tight to herself at possible. His hands ran down her white veins so gently gently, her skin broke out in goosebumps this time. He slid further down her body kissing slowly down her body. Making her arch into his touch and moan his name quietly. He made her feel alive again, at least for a moment.
He kissed her hard, but it was gentle. He was needy but tender. He kissed her like it was their last. very well could be. Her time was running out. They lay panting quietly wrapped in a blanket on the roof of a crank mafia gang head quarters. Evelyn let the tears slowly fall. Newt pulled her tighter.
"Don't give up on me yet Evey."
"I'm doing my best." She whimpered.
She felt the pain building in her head again. She curled up tighter, holding her head, Newt held her tight as she struggled against the Flare. She eventually fell asleep.
She really didn't have a lot of time left.
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