Chapter 19: Cranking
It was well past midnight by the time Evelyn had finished her story. Her had Goose had consumed the food that was brought up, he had demanded more drinks, this time a few guys brought them in. It really didn't take 5 huge cranks to bring a few bottles but they all had huge eyes, with a very humble posture, almost bowing to Evelyn, when they handed her another drink. and asked if she wanted anything else. She raised an eyebrow at Goose who looked quite smug. A smirk grew on her face.
"Well a girl could get used to this." She cackled.
"Well...we don't ever get celebrities." Goose rumbled in amusement.
"Celebrities?" Evelyn raised another eyebrow.
"Yes, Princess ...Miss. You were part of the Maze were a survivor."
"You are also a godling, Miss." Another guy said, awe in his voice and eyes.
"Ah what now?" Evelyn frowned, she knew her memories had
"A godling." He repeated nervously.
"Explain." She demanded, turning her full attention to the huge Crank, this was the Crank from earlier, who had the Flare veins on his bald head.
"You better be carful with what you say Spider." Goose warned lazily.
The cranked bobbed his head and swallowed nervously. "Well...WICKED-"
Evelyn growled, and narrowed her eyes.
"Apologies, Princess." He held his hands up, "They...they called you something fowl and horrible, they wanted for themselves. You were given a gift from the gods!"
"Or a curse from the devil." She spat.
She held up her infected arm palm up; her hand, fingers and up her forearm had a permeant frost bitten look. All she had to do was stop trying to suppress her anger, and her hand glowed a blue icy white. She felt the cold tingle in her fingers, pain shot up her arm into her neck and up into her head and down into her chest.
Pain sliced through her mind. It was a white hot sharp pain, shooting back and forth, from the base of her skull up to behind her eyes. She gasped and grabbed her head. There was nothing more for her to do other than crumpled forwards. Crying out in pain as it got worse, building until she thought her skull was going to explode with the pressure.
Goose caught her before she fell off the desk onto the floor; she had tears rolling down her cheeks. Her eyes turned a frosty white, as the pain increased to a point where she couldn't hear or see or even breath. She screamed, as the pain traveled down into her chest, sending daggers into her lungs every time she tried to breath; it was like trying to breath with shards of glass rattling around her lungs. Her breathing was cut off abruptly.
It took her a heart beat or two to realize what happened. Her body stiffened and then it sagged, her good arm gripped the shirt tight in her fist, trying to pull herself back to reality, back from the pain. Another few heartbeats later he pulled away. Goose's dark eyes were staring into hers with worry.
"Not as good as your boy, but...seemed to help." He said quietly.
He was cradling her in his lap in the chair. His large hand held her face turned up towards his. He gently let her face go and her exhausted sore head flopped down onto his chest collecting herself. She had no idea what happened, except that the Flare was eating at that chip, making the Swipe malfunction, she now had flashes, nothing solid, but flashes. Memories trying to resurface as she drifted into madness. Maybe a mother before she was taken. Flashes of chaos and fear when WICKED took her away from her home. The tears and pain as a small child alone in a stone room.
Her body starter to shiver and shake. At first it was with the aftermath pain, and from sorrow of a horrible traumatic childhood. But then her body started to shake with anger. The rage filled her, like a switch was flipped. She sprung from Goose's lap and stood in the room panting with anger, her eyes pure white her one arm fully frosted up to the shoulder. She let out a wild feral scream of rage. Whoever was left in the room backed out real quick, absolutely terrified of her now. The only one left was Goose and surprisingly, Jonsey.
"Kitten?" Goose called quietly.
Evelyn had gone into the pit of madness; the Crank was in full control. She didn't hear anything that was being said, she saw Goose's mouth moving, but she couldn't hear. The blood ponding in her ears drowned everything out. She snarled again.
"Evelyn." He tried. "Hey, remember your happy memories?"
Evelyn's head twitched. The pounding in her head was terrible. The pain shooting down her arm was almost enough to make her crumple to the floor. She sensed movement beside her, spinning towards the shadow she let her power go. Jonsey was quick for a huge crank. Her power hit the bookshelf. It exploded in cheap wood, metal and ice, books and paper flew all over the room. She was slammed from behind and she fell to the ground, landing on her bad and arm, her scream of rage turned into a scream of pain. She curled up, trying to protect her arm. She felt a heavy weight holding her down, she tried to break through the crank. She struggled, it was like her mind was drowning in the madness, in the wild reckless rage. But she tried, she tried to push through.
A deep voice started to whisper in her ear. She didn't hear at first, just feeling the vibrations of his chest when he talked. A few words stuck in her mind, her rational part, the small part that was still her, that was still Evelyn grabbed onto it.
"Ag...again..." she struggled to say. But he seemed to understand and Goose started to talk again. Evelyn shifted slightly under him, he was still pinning her to the ground, but she pulled her arm into her chest and moved more to her back.
My name is Evelyn. WICKED calls me a Healing Witch. I have powers to heal the broken. I am wounded. My power is destructive now. My home was the Glade. There is no more Glade. I am an infected Crank. And I'm dying. I'm not scared of dying. It's forgetting that scares me.
Newt. Minho. Chuck. Nick. Sonny. Jeff. Tommy. Frypan. Tessa. Sonya. Jorge. Jaz. George. Jack. Gally. Alby. Clint. Winston.
These people are my happy thoughts when the crank becomes too much. My friends. My family. My love. My home. I say them over and over; like a prayer. Trying to keep me sane; trying to hold on.
"Noah...Keisha...Dante..." She whispered, her voice was dry from screaming.
She had slowly felt the Crank relinquish her strong on her mind, retreating into the corners of her mind. The creepy crawling feeling settled, her eyes slowly turned back to their bright emerald green. Tears pooled around her lashes while she had her eye lids clamped shut.
"I haven't heard that name in a long time." Goose said sadly.
Evelyn felt the weight lift off her. She felt arms slid under her and pick her up. She kept her eyes closed and her head on Goose's chest. A door was opened and she heard many voices, all of them deep and rumbly.
"Is she okay?"
"Is our Princess hurt?"
"Boss, are you okay?"
"Silence!" He roared, making Evelyn flinch. "Our Princess is fine. We all experience the Crank episodes. You all know this! We are going to bed. No one will disturb us. Business is done for the night." He paused, "Keep an eye on her boy and the mother and child. NO ONE will bother them. Am I understood?!"
"Yes Boss."
Evelyn felt him turn and walk down the hall. She heard a door open and close and then she placed on something soft. She finally opened her eyes. Her vision was slightly blurry from the headache, but she saw a small room with a bed, couch, table and chairs. Goose's room. He had placed her down on his bed.
"Kitten? How are you feeling?"
"I have...access to Bliss...?" He said hesitantly.
Evelyn hesitated, thinking back to how it made her feel, floating through the clouds, but then she remembered that it was very addictive.
She shook her head gingerly.
"Got any aspirin or Tylenol?" She asked quietly, "and water?"
He nodded, his face fell and puffed his cheeks out, he almost like he was relieved. He gave her a smile, "that I can do, sit tight."
He left. And Evelyn sat up slowly, holding her head. She glanced around. Seeing a door off the main room, hoping it was a bathroom, she slid off the bed and made her way over. She was not disappointed, the water wasn't high pressured, but it was enough, and Evelyn was able to splash some cool water on her face. It helped.
She rummaged through the cupboard and found one of Goose's t shirts. Changing quickly she folded her new clothes and placing them beside her boots. She glanced into the dirty and cracked mirror and cringed. The girl looking back was definitely a far cry from the girl in the Glade.
Evelyn leaned on the sink, hands on the edge , arms locked, her head bowed. It was only then did the tears of heartbreak come. Newt had turned and walked away from her. He wasn't here now, he chose to go play house. She let the tears fall. She was getting worse. Her sane moments were few and far between, and she wasn't with Newt. Her other half, her heart physically hurt.
"Hey...Kitten?" Goose's deep voice rumbled. She heard footsteps and then a hand was placed on her back, her body was shaking with silent sobs.
"He left me Noah! He left me! He chose to leave!" Evelyn sobbed.
She turned and threw her arms around his shoulders, burying her face into his shoulder. He held her close. He didn't say anything, just held her while she cried. Once she was drained of tears and she was hiccuping and sniffling did he gently pull away and held her face looking down at her. He was so much taller and bigger than her, especially after her month in a stone prison without proper food and rest. He could easily wrap her up and she could disappear.
"You're as big a bear. Goose is a silly name." Evelyn said sadly.
He chuckled. "It was my nickname as a kid."
Evelyn smiled. His thumb swiped a stray tear.
"Come on Kitten, you look like you need sleep."
Evelyn felt her body sag and her eyes felt incredible heavy all of a sudden, like she was now allowed to sleep because someone said she could. Gosse pulled her over to the bed, once she was sitting cross legged in the bed he handed her the pain killers and water.
"Will you telle how you got from Crank City at Sinners & Saints to here?"
"A bed time story?"
She nodded and crossed her arms pouting like a little child.
He kicked his boots off, shrugged his leather jacket and shoved her over, making her tole sideways.
"Scoot the butt, Kitten."
He lay down, an arm behind his head and his other one resting on his chest. He yawned and was quiet for a second, collecting his thoughts. Evelyn lay back down, curling up beside him with the blanket pulled up around her chin, she closed her eyes and listened.
Switch Blade had apparently went past the Gone not too long after the Gladers left the city. Amanda or Flower ended up ending it herself. Leaving Goose in charge of Saints and Sinners. His new second in command, is still in Crank City, keeping things running there while he purposely got himself caught and brought here to expand his gang and the underworld empire.
" have ways of coming in and out?"
"That I do." He gave her a sly look.
Evelyn cracked an eye open and peeked at him. "You have one...or a few Munies in your pockets... don't you."
His sly grin turned mischievous, bordering on evile. Evelyn just laughed.
"It's like...Crank mofia!"
Mofia...the word made her frown, and then her eyes went blurry and a sharp pain shot through her head. Shredding her mind apart. Even sucked in a sharp breath, her eyes clamped shut, she squeezed her head, almost like she was trying to squish her skull.
A girl sitting in a small stone harden with a big book on her lap flashed through her mind. A mechanical lizard scurried up and and the wall, the girl with golden hair read out loud.
The memory faded and the sharp pain turned into a throb. She knew the word Mofia from a book.
"Eve? Are you sure your okay?" Goose asked, he had propped himself up on an elbow.
"The Flare is eating away at that damn chip they stuck in my brain. My shucken memories are coming back and it hurts like hell."
They were quiet, he lay back down and Evelyn curled back up.
"What am I gonna do now Noah?"
He was quiet. He ran a hand down his face.
"Well...we won't abandon Newt. Or that mom and kid who came here with you. I have guys watching their place. But... you're welcome to go if you want. You ain't a prisoner, Kitten. I just wanted to see you- I couldn't believe you lived through that bullet! It's not like I need to pretend to have you. I'm in charge, and you come and go as you please. You'll always have that protection." He looked over at her, "but you're also welcome to stay. You got a sharp mind-"
"It's cranking fast." She interupted with a sigh.
"So are the rest of us." He shrugged. "But your welcome to stay, be the Gage Princess. The guys here pretty much worship you."
"I do like the sound of being worshipped." Evelyn giggled. She dropped her smile.
"I really don't wanna see any more Miss Muffit's on your desk. Like eww. Come on Noah! I know you're better than that!"
He just rolled his eyes, "we have a deal?"
"What, I stay and be Princess and you promise no more Lola's and Miss Muffit's?"
"Yeah, all right. Not like I got anywhere else to go, and a lotta time left."
With that, she rolled onto her side and closed her eyes.
"That you Noah."
"For?" His deep voice rumbled in her ear.
"Being the only friend I can trust."
He hummed. His arm wrapped around her tiny frame and pulled her into his chest, where she slept all night.
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