The ride back home was tense for the couple. Jason was talking excitedly about Tiara while Liz couldn't help the ugly feelings seeing her stirred. She had never seen Jason's dead wife or really bothered too and Jason didn't speak much of her but seeing her twin in the flesh ripped open a wound she didn't know she had.
Jason let his hand dangle on Liz lap a habit he couldn't help as he steered the car. They were supposed to go to the astrology spot and lie under the stars until Liz said "let's just go home please." He didn't understand why she had been excited to go back there all night.
Suddenly he was noticing how quiet she was and how she didn't sing along to the songs playing as usual. So he put off the stereo player and parked by the side of the road.
"What's wrong" he turned to face her worried. Liz shrugged her shoulders to let him know nothing was wrong. When in reality she was jealous of the perfect Latino who her husband had invited to finish desert with them, exchanged numbers with and had history with.
"Talk to me Ife," he implored gently knowing how much she loved it when he used the Yoruba endearment on her, "I dont read minds babe if you dont talk to me how will I know what's wrong."
Liz has never seen herself as the jealous type so she didn't know how to say she didn't like the way he hugged her tight. Or the way he smiled at her. It wasnt his usual smile he gave everyone it was the smile he reserved for her only and she didn't want to share.
"So are you going to tell me about the Tiara you invited to finish our anniversary dinner with?" Liz asked and bit into her lip.
Jason stared at her strangely not understanding where the attitude was coming from. He let a silent prayer to God that his bed surprise was still on for tonight because this man has needs and that quick play they had before dinner didn't satisfy his appetite he missed his woman too much
"Its been really long we've seen each other so maybe I let my excitement get the better of me. I'm sorry if I let her ruin our dinner okay?" He kissed her cheeks gently and started the car but Liz wasnt satisfied. Women could smell rivals a mile away even if men couldn't. That woman stared at her man like she had stars in her eyes and it unsettled her.
Jason removed his hands from Liz thighs now and concentrated on driving home. Seeing Tiara tonight was a reminder of a part of his life he tried to forget, he had loved Tiana with his heart and Soul her death crushed him and if not for Tiara he wasnt sure they were both going to survive it. Even though Tiana had screwed them both over and used them the way she pleased.
Tiara fell in love with Jason first in College but somehow he had ended with Tiana and she made sure she got the only thing she wanted from him; His money and body.
Jason shivered slightly as he remembered the last time he and Tiara saw and what happened between them. They were in a really vulnerable place and it was Tiana's one year death anniversary. In the heat of the moment they had sex.
It had been a one time thing, a part of him still felt he betrayed Tiana even though she was dead. Fast forward five years later they meet again and he was so glad she was happy and healthy.
Liz threw Jason a quick glance and didn't know what he was so deep in thought about. Jealousy the green eyed monster was planting little seeds of doubts in her and she didn't like the outcome especially as a therapist.
The love making that ended the night was frantic. She wanted to be sure she had a grip on him, when all she should have do was ask him what was wrong and Jason who wasnt suspecting anything was gladly enjoying the night.
"Hey babe" Liz called out standing at Jason's study door in one of his shirts. A large tube of ice cream was balanced in her arms and glasses was perched on her nostrils.
She looked so cute standing there Jason couldn't help but smile. She has been moody a little since they got back from their anniversary dinner.
"Come to paapi" he called out and winked. She chuckled at and bundled into his arms. It was almost two in the morning. Jason was busy working on something but she had woken up to a nightmare and tried to work on her session notes but to no avail.
"Ah" he opened his mouth widely indicating that he wanted her to feed him and she did. It was plain chocolate chip with vanilla ice cream.
They stayed like that for a while. Liz feeding him ice cream as he worked and she was content to be here, safe in his arms.
"Why are you up? Did you have a nightmare" Jason asked as he typed furiously. She nodded and he kissed her cheeks gently the gesture of his cold lips making her giggle.
"Wanna talk about it?" He offered knowing she was going to decline but trying his luck anyway.
It was a surprise when she stuffed her mouth full of ice cream, let out a huge sigh and began. "Lately its the same dream. It starts of with me in a pink top and converse walking home. Then I start to run, every time I look back to see who is pursuing me all I see is darkness. A large empty void, but the fear its so real I could almost taste the tang on my tongue. The more I run the closer it gets and then when it finally gets to me it feels like I'm drowning in a bottomless pit, worse thing is the only part I can remember of the darkness is a laugh; loud, empty a promise of pain. Whenever I get up and try to remember I get the head aches so sharp I drop the memory instantly."
Jason winced as she spoke. The dream chilled him to his bone and before he could reply he heard her soft sniffle "Lizzy____" he started before she cut him off quickly.
"All this stupid head of mine has to do is remember. I know its about that time of my life I can't remember" Liz hit her head violently as the tears rolled down and mixed with snort. "I just want to remember, how do you heal from something when you dont know the cause of the pain?"
Jason felt his blood go cold at her last statement, he wanted to say "You were raped again Liz. By that monster who was released too early on Parole" but he didn't because saying that was revealing the source of the information.
"Babe. What if you're investing too much of your future in the past. It it has so much power to hurt you its why you keep pushing it down in the recesses of your mind."Jason said gently eyes scrunched up in concentration and worry.
The crazy thing people dont understand about dealing with people with mental health is that some days are hard for their partners and loved ones cause they can't physically give them anything.
"I suggested Brain Mapping to my therapist. Its a Lens therapy that studies my brain waves and send new inputs to replace and learn new happier patterns" Liz said and shrugged cleaning her face with the edge of his shirt.
It felt like so much growth to be able to open up to him this way and Jason was grateful and scared. At this point he never wanted her to find out, scared that the news will destroy the balance and the little family they've created.
"I got you okay. I'm here for you no matter what" he littered tiny kisses all over her face and she chuckled through her tears.
He was right she didn't need any superman all she wanted was him making her smile through her tears as he promised on their wedding day.
"Sing for me" she adjusted herself in his arms as she did and counted her blessings.
2 Days Later.
On days like this when time stretches and you sit opposite your miniature version, you begin to doubt yourself, your calling, your abilities.
Liz stared at the little girl holding tightly to her hand with tear stained cheeks and wondered why of all people this innocent girl just like her went through a similar trauma. And with the responsibility came doubts.
Why Psychology? God knows she was a mess herself. Suddenly a plan she has been working on began to take root. Starting a huge private practise and organisation for children.
They had a hard time trying to calm down the young child who was kidnapped and was rushed to the E.U today. She had refused to say a word to anybody and finally out of her four colleagues who tried she was able to break through to the young girl.
The girl had finally been sedated but she had held tightly to Liz's hand she couldn't help but feel a lone tear slip down her cheeks. If one way she could make this girl another child regardless of the sex better, happier then she was going to give it a go. If possible channel her own pain into seeing them thrive.
Liz finally pulled into their garage. It was a little late at almost eight. All she wanted was a long hot bath and to cuddle up to her dog and husband but fate wasnt having it.
The aroma of the freshly cooked jollof rice and grilled fish hit her first followed by their carefree laughter. They looked like a happy couple as she sat on their dinning table with Jason dishing her food.
Anger couldn't begin to explain what she was feeling. It was more hot and explosive as she stared at Tiara and her husband get chummy.
What the hell gave Jason the right to invite Tiara into their home without her permission.
"Hey babe! You're finally home. Look who stopped st the office today, so I invited her for dinner." Jason said with a huge smile on his face.
"Hello wifey" Tiara called out, white pearly sets of teeth on display.
At this point the fuse in Liz's head must have disconnected but still she sent her a cold smile "hi" and walked past the duo upstairs not acknowledging the empty headed man with a bowl of Jollof rice in his hand.
Another one because one chapter is not enough to say sorry😂😂.
Imagine coming home after a stressed day to meet Tiara if it was you. For me I'll smile my stupid smile and greet them both then drag my husband by the shirt and then let the madness begin😂😂.
Do you think Jason should have told her about her past here already?
Also Jason and Tiara have sexual history😂😂😂 I didn't see that coming sha.
Bye bye or maybe another update you never can tell😂🙌
I love ya guys
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