Chapter Three - From Where He Started
Page 147
Today I learned what it feels like to be angry. My friend, Tubbo. He's okay. His husband is not. I do not like his husband very much, actually. No, I do not like his husband at all. One of the many End gods, Ranboo. A real prick. I always have to don this uncomfortable smile when I'm around that man. I'm not one much for smiling, honestly. It makes my teeth hurt and my jaw tense. It's like eating a Tic Tac and chewing aggressively at the start instead of at the end. Like getting Jolly Ranchers stuck in your braces and having to slowly pry the candy off while leaving the metal on. That's what it feels like, at least. Maybe I'm overreacting. I shouldn't even be reacting... whatever. That's it for now, goodbye.
"Tommy? Can you stop writing in your silly book and come out here for a bit? You need to socialize with us."
There was not supposed to be an 'us' that day. There was supposed to be two consecutive I's that left each other alone, as per usual. The matter was pressing, of course. "Who else is there?" He heard himself ask. A sigh. "You'll just have to come find out, Tommy." That was not the reaction he most expected (nor preferred). "Fine."
When he walked out, there was a golden person sitting in their living room. Actually made of gold, they shimmered brightly besides a green and white smiley blob and what looked like Herobrine in teenage form. So a normal audience, then. He turned to look at Techno who despite being a pink haired (and skinned) lesbian was somehow his brother... ish. "What's going on, Techno?" He asked in a tone that had been on its way to sickeningly sweet but stopped at maliciously bitter. Techno of course bore no reaction.
"Foolish_Gamers, BadBoyHalo, DreamWasTaken and GeorgeNotFound. Deities, if you will." Tommy stared between the three split-second and then looked back at Techno. "I won't, thanks." And he walked away. A fourth person stopped him. Looming near the entrance, they stared down at Tommy from a far up height of what was about 20 feet and glared. That was definitely intimidating enough to convince any normal person to be nice. Not Tommy though. "You're a lanky one aren't you? Don't answer that. And get out of my way before I force your spine into an unaccepting scoliosis."
Techno glared at him for that. The person however merely sighed. Sitting down, they completely blocked the exit/entrance to the room and shoved him back in. "Hear us out first." They said. He rolled his eyes but nodded. "Fine. Tell me what 'I should hear'." The smiling blob spoke up, glaring at Tommy to add to the gazes upon him. "You're going to die next winter unless you can find a way to convince your father to bring mortals back. The Fates have already written this in their records long before so there's no use-" "Okay."
Tommy smiled slightly back at the forever-smiling blob and continued. "I won't protest what the Fates have written. If Philza does not allow them back then I shall accept my fate and die. None of you are to tell him I will die because of his choices, and if you do your consequences will be worse than mine." The golden man, tall demon and the Herobrine rip-off all exchanged a look. Then each nodded. "Works for me." "Yeah, I'm down." "I third that." All eyes on the smiling man. He frowned. "...Fine. But I doubt you'll survive this." Still smiling, Tommy nodded at him. "I know. You can leave if there's nothing else you way to tell me."
That was all he needed to say. Dream got up and left. Foolish followed. George stayed a minute and gestured what was also a rather lanky demon to leave. The dismissed reluctantly left the room. Turning back to Techno, he bowed. Techno did not return the favor. He turned to Tommy and did the same. Tommy gave a polite bow of the head and he left.
"That was boring." 'I prefer my diary over death threats from three women far too up on their high horses anyways...' He though as Techno gave him a slight nod. "In theory. But if you die, you know what that means. Don't you?" Tommy's smile faded and he gave a nod. "No more time travel. No more Tubbo. No more Nikki. No more- no more Phil and Wilbur and... you." Techno nodded solemnly, though Tommy didn't seem all too bothered after that. "But I'll get to see those we've lost- for those little we have. It won't be fun though." Techno stared at him but slowly nodded. "...Yeah."
I sat quietly in my tower room and listened to the voice reverberate around the walls. Not mine. Not anyone I knew. Of course, I must answer it.
I asked. A few seconds passed. A few more. As I was about to ask again, the voice responded.
"Can you help me?"
A question I wasn't prepared for. I got up, walking over to my chamber door. I peaked through the slot to find nobody there. So I would have to leave my room today after all.
"I'm coming. I promise."
A small giggle. A small and affectionate sign of life. I walked towards it, anywhere it sounded. Down one hall, on the shortcut through another, past one of many portraits... eventually it all led to one room. I couldn't read what it said, even at the age of seven. Damn my bad eyesight. The giggling stopped as I pushed open the door. There was dim light, and only that. I walked in anyways. What else was I to do?
I saw nothing much of anything. Then, eventually... an arm. Legs. Another arm. A torso. Want me to simplify? A body. In pieces, but a body. I would have thrown up if I wasn't used to this. Obviously, this was just another person to fix. They had the cutest curly hair... what a shame they might not get it in the next life. At least they had it then. I put my hand in their, staring down at them. I knew it was a boy, but I knew they might want differently.
Their eyes lit up first. Then their skin tanned down to a lively shade and they popped together simple as that. It was almost impressive. Not quite. Their eyes moved down a few tints and their skin started coloring differently. Black eyes with white pupils and a light pink skin. Little pink ears sprouted out to match. Pig ears. Oh boy, a hybrid. I knew I'd screw up somewhere... but at least they retained their curly hair. It was just raspberry pink. Well, there went any hope of reviving a normal person... at least they looked cool.
Someone rushed in, looking around in a panic before they spotted me. Then their panic turned to pure terror as they realized what I must have seen. Of course, I didn't know that that was the reason and I was worried. Why were they so scared? I hugged them, and even in the dim light I swore I saw them flinch. "I fixed the piece man!" I stated proudly— yes, I realize that's a stupid name now. Shut up. They stopped. "The p-piece man?" I nodded. "Yeah! He's right over there!" I pointed at the hybrid I had created. Let's just say that that was the end of nighttime pursuits.
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