I would be lying if I said I haven't been avoiding Emori for the past two weeks. But now I need to find her. There are so many things I need to tell her, one being that my vision is completely back.
Her car wasn't in her parking spot when I got here this morning, and I was late since I'm cleared to drive and took the long route to school. Emori is never late. But it isn't my place for me to wonder where she is. I'm just curious.
Actually, fuck that. I'm worried. She hasn't been talking to Travis, but Jackson and Lottie told me she's fine. Despite that, I want to leave school to go check on her. But it's not my place anymore.
So, instead of leaving, I stay at school and go to all my classes as normal. Emori must have shown up at some point because when I enter the cafeteria for lunch, I spot her making her normal salad.
I take my seat beside Travis and stab a fork into my own salad. The plastic gets stuck in the bottom of the styrofoam bowl, and I grumble as I pull it out.
Travis clears his throat. "Rough day?"
I still can't get used to seeing his face again. His hair seems curlier than the last time I saw him, and while it's only been roughly five months since then, it feels like his face has changed so much. The soft, baby-like features from before turned into almost all angles.
I shake my head when I realize I'm staring at him. "I'm fine. Just... I don't know."
"You miss her." It isn't a question. His eyes shift in Emori's direction, and he sighs. "I told you, you should just try to talk to her. Be her friend."
"I know. I just don't know how." I take a bite of my salad, eyes trained on the back of Emori's head. She laughs at something, and I catch a glimpse of her smile as she turns her head to nudge Lottie beside her. Another cheerleader, Delilah's, eyes meet mine, and she says something else. Emori turns around, and for a split second, time stops. Then she drops her head and turns back around.
"Intense," Travis comments.
I scoff. "Shut up."
Jackson looks up from his burger to add, "I could go talk to her if you want." He takes another bite, and when he swallows, he sets the burger down to stare at me expectantly.
I chew on my lip, staring across the cafeteria at Emori. If I let Jackson convince her to talk to me, she might not do it. It's something I have to do myself.
"No, I'm good. But thanks, anyway, man. I've gotta lay low for a little while longer. Give her some time, you know?" I take a bite of my salad and chew slowly, turning my gaze away from Emori's table.
"Well, there's gonna be a party after the game tonight if you wanna hang out there and get your mind off her," Travis offers.
A party. Of course, he thinks that will solve everything. But he isn't wrong. If I can just focus on the party and not everything else, maybe I can escape reality for a few hours. It's certainly better than the alternative.
"Sure. Is it at your place?"
Travis nods. "Yeah." He gives Jackson a look, and Jackson shrugs. Travis widens his eyes and jerks his head in my direction.
What are these idiots going on about? They're practically having a conversation without words.
Travis shakes his head one last time at Jackson, who sighs.
"We want to know if you wanna come watch our game." Jackson avoids eye contact with me. "You can sit with everyone else on the bench. If you want to."
Travis gives him another look, but neither of them speaks again.
I drop my fork and curse as the handle lands in ranch. I didn't think about going to watch a game now that I can see again. It should make sense. But I'm not sure that will be a good idea. What if I have another panic attack?
Travis and Jackson watch me expectantly. I have to go. If not for the game, then for them.
"Uh... yeah, I'll go, I guess."
They both break out in smiles and high-five me.
"Awesome. We're all gonna hang out at the diner to get dinner before the game, so you can come with us after school if you want." Travis stands up. "The bell's gonna ring soon, though, so I gotta go do something real quick."
Jackson and I watch as Travis leaves our table to go sit at another one full of girls from the volleyball team.
I roll my eyes and continue to pick at my salad. Food no longer seems appealing, and the thought of going to the game tonight has my stomach turning.
When the bell rings, I stand up quickly and leave for my next class without another word to Jackson.
The longer I wait for the guys to meet me at the diner, the more anxious I become. I've been sitting here since my free period started. I enjoy sitting at Tia Mia's, normally. With all its Latinx decorations and the kind people, it reminds me of family reunions in Guatemala.
"Pie?" Tia smiles as she walks up to my booth. "Apple. On the house."
I smile at her. She reminds me so much of my abuela with the way she always makes sure to take care of her regular customers. "Sure, Tia. Thank you."
"You've lost weight. You're practically skin and bones," she comments as she refills my glass.
"I'm the same I've always been, Tia. I just can't work out as much anymore."
She narrows her eyes at me. "Mhm. You just watch yourself, chico." She smiles and pats me on the head. "Such a good boy," she says to herself as she walks away.
I sigh, scooping a bite of pie into my mouth and checking the time on my watch. It's almost three-fifteen. Everyone will be arriving soon.
Part of me hoped I would get to play football again. We're halfway through the season, but my old gear is probably still in the locker room. If I practice and get back into shape soon, I might be able to play again this season.
I shake my head. There's no point in fantasizing about getting back on that field. Coach probably has new plays that I don't know yet, and Bain has it under control. As much as the kid gets on my nerves, he can play football. They don't need me. The thought hurts more than I thought it would.
"Hey!" Travis throws his hands up as him and the rest of the guys walk through the diner's door. They make their way to my booth and squeeze in around me.
This is the largest booth in the diner, but it's a semi-circle, so I end up getting pressed into the middle of the arch with Travis and Jackson on either side of me. There are only five of us - me, Travis, Jackson, Julian, and Parker - and yet the booth is packed.
Stupid football shoulders.
"Where's Bain?" I look around, expecting him to push open the door to the diner any second. He never misses a pre-game diner run. He has to be busy with something important if he isn't here.
"I told him not to come." Parker waves for Tia to come over to our table. "Besides, he's hanging out with Delilah and some of the other cheerleaders. Darcie's with them." He pouts.
"Aw, poor baby misses his girlfriend," Julian mocks, nudging Parker with his shoulder.
Parker glares at him and kicks him under the table.
"Ow, what the -"
"What can I get you boys today?" Tia interrupts, clicking her pen open.
We all jump at her voice. Parker and Julian's faces turn red as they list off their orders, then the rest of us take turns telling her what we want.
"Alrighty." She scribbles one last thing on her notepad. "I'll have your drinks in just a bit, but your food will be a little longer."
I thank her as Travis goes on with a story about some quarterback from school.
Listening to him talk about it isn't actually that bad. And the more time I spend with my friends, the less anxious I am for tonight. I'm actually okay with watching the game because I have the guys on my side.
Then Emori walks through the diner's doors and my heart drops.
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