Y/n's Pov
Five insisted on driving me home, and at some point, I gave up. Apparently, he was a very stubborn man that had to have things his way.
I walked inside the academy that's never felt like home, I quickly noticed that my family wasn't home either, they must've been looking for me or still at the bar. And I also realized we hadn't excepted phone numbers, so I mostly liked would never meet him again. And, for some strange reason, that thought sucked. Something about Five pulled me toward him as if he was a magnet. Something I craved to explore.
You fell onto your bed and closed your eyes to dive into images of him floating in your head. His dark hair contrasting his pale complexion, perfectly matched his strong jawline, and relatively narrow lips smirking to be side alluringly wouldn't leave your mind. He was so fucking handsome. You sank your teeth into your bottom lips as the memory of his firm. You weren't sure if it was his to-die-for azure gaze or a hit of darkness emanating from him that attracted you immediately.
I let out a deep breath.
I liked the sound of his strange name, I found it for his irresistible, luring-me-in personality.
Fascinating how the black-haired, mysterious stranger made me forget about my cheating boyfriend. I tucked myself into bed and fell asleep thinking of my newly met prince, hoping you'll see him again.
The following morning, I woke up earlier than usual. The night was pretty restless as the images of Ben making out with that girl in my dreams. Or rather nightmares.
Father wanted to detain me here here until I pass away or got married. Whatever would come first. I knew he was counting on me marrying Ben and being useful to our family, as he used to say, but I was looking forward to marrying to him because I loved him. Or maybe it wasn't love at all.
"Number eight! Let me in this instant." A few loud knocks rumbled through my room. Specking of the devil. "Number eight!" My father shouted, still banging at the door.
"What did I do now?" I asked sarcastically, through a slightly ajar door. But he didn't reply. Instead, he looked at me with a gave that could kill before he grab me by my elbow, squeezing so hard it hurt, and dragging me after him.
"Let me go!" I yelled, trying to yank your father grip.
As we were approaching the living room I saw all my siblings including Ben in a straight line, with their hands behind their backs looking at me. Once father drag me into the living room, I could here the TV. My father pushed me to look at the colorful TV and stood behind me with a deadly gaze. He was clenching his jaw, seething. Not that this kind of behavior was something new to me. I glazed at Jayme who had a worried look of her face, until I noticed her eyes went to look the TV. I followed her gaze onto the television. That was when I heard the lady off the news.
"Y/n Hargreeves, also know as Number Eight of The Sparrow Academy, was spotted entering a hotel room with a mysterious, handsome young boy. This boy's face hasn't been caught in the pictures one of the paparazzi has taken, but we've confirmed it wasn't her long-term boyfriend and Sparrow Academy partner, Ben Hargreeves."
My blood ran cold. I looked at the 100-inch TV showing pictures of Five and me entering his suite with shock on my face. My heart was pumping so heavily that it felt like it would jump out of my crib. I turned to face at Ben, who was staring at me spitefully look on his face, then I turned my father who had the same face expression as Ben.
"I been receiving phone calls all morning, and I disgusted the whole situation," my father hissed through clenched teeth. "What on earth made you think this was ok Number eight?"
"Maybe you should ask your Number two." I scoffed turning my gaze to Ben. I felt my blood boiling inside at the thought of Ben getting into some other girl's pants just a few hours ago.
"Listen, Number eight." He took a few steps toward me. "I don't care what happened yesterday."
I cut him off, "Of course, you never care about anything about me!"
"I'm not done speaking!" He shouted while it made me and all my siblings finch and we were all still were standing in the middle of the living room. "You are all over the news, Number eight! Not Ben! And I haven't put so much effort into raising you in vain! You won't ruin my life and the academy's because of some of your drama!"
"Excuse me?" I couldn't help but mock him. "Effort into raising me? You haven't done shit for me except for training for missions which I don't even go on. I shouted. "You didn't bother give me a fucking name! Jayme named me!"
"Stop your nonsense, Number eight!" he shouted aggressively, barely holding back from hitting me. "Liston carefully because I'll say this only once. You're going to marry Ben, and your engagement party will be held in a week."
I stood there, speechless. My eyes wandered all over my father's flushed face, hoping I'd find even the slightest trace of something that would imply he was joking, I even heard some of my siblings gasp too behind me. He couldn't be serious. He had no right to make such significant decisions for me. I glanced over at the TV screen that no longer showed the pictures of my pictures with Five, and I swallowed a huge lump in my throat.
"Over my dead body!" I stomped my feet for the first time in my life, so determined to finally stand up for myself.
"I will not argue about this Number eight," my father replied.
I took a step back, and my jaw fell wide open. I couldn't believe how effortlessly my own father would trade my happiness for his own benefit. I'd always wondered what I did that he was refusing me his love.
"You don't have much of a choice, Number eight?" He continued. "Everything is already arranged. As we talk, guests are invited, and the official announcement will be published at noon." He took a few steps toward, locking his dark eyes with mine. Then he hissed in a low tone so that my siblings couldn't here. "And don't try any tricks with me, Number eight. I'm warning you. I had to bribe the head of the TV stations to stop airing the news about you. You cost me way more than you're worth."
"I will n—" I tried to object, but he put his finger over my lips. His cold touch felt paralyzed.
"Ben is going to propose to you, and you will say yes. Do you I make myself clear?" He smiled in the most cynical way I'd every seen before moving back. He fixed his well-tailored grayish vest and reached for his phone from his pocket of his matching pants. He ignored me completely, having his eyes glued to the digital screen, so of course, he didn't see the pain written all over my face. "You are all dismiss now, training will start tomorrow morning at eight o'clock sharp" and with that he left the living room, I slowly turn to see my siblings faces which they were all surprised and shocked about what just happen. I quickly ran up stairs into my room slamming the door behind me, and dig myself into my blanket on my bed.
"Earth to Y/n!" Sloane article voice snapped me out of my thoughts.
Me and Sloane don't really talk as much as me and Jayme do, but i love to do yoga with Sloane since yoga isn't really Jayme's thing. It was a Saturday routine with me and Sloane. Yoga in the morning, followed by training and have lunch with the family together.
"What were you saying?" I breathed, wiping away the sweat from my forehead before fixing my ponytail.
"I said, how are you feeling, you know... after this morning." She looked me up and down, frowning. "I'm very sorry about what Ben did."
"It doesn't really matter Sloane."
"What do you mean?"
"My life is doomed, Sloane." I let out a deep breath. I sat on the floor, resting against the wall, staring blankly at the posters of me and my family hanging on the wall. Sloane gave me a worried look before she sat beside me.
"Y/n, I know we're not as close as you are with Jayme? But you can trust me." She squeezed my shoulder in a friendly, comforting manner, and I forced a smile.
Sloane might've been a kind and gentle soul, and even though we hung out once and a while due to our similar likings, I haven't fully opened up to her. She didn't know any of my struggles or how much father hated me. No one knew what happened after the incident that lead me into my coma. Not even Jayme, who was closest to my heart. I led my glamorous life carrying the darkest secrets alone. Pretending. Acting to the whole world that Y/n Hargreeves aka Number eight was okay when I wasn't.
"Thanks you, Sloane," I said softly, smiling. And usually, it worked. People gave up the second they heard what they wanted to. Because no one likes being engaged in the dark side of your life, no? But to my surprise, Sloane didn't give up.
"Is it about that guy from the news?" she asked hesitantly, knitting her brow.
"Well, partially," I sighed.
"Are you having an affair with him?" She gazed at me apologetically.
"No." I couldn't help but chuckle. "Although, I wish I had."
"What?" Sloane shouted.
I didn't blame her. After all, everyone who knew The Sparrow Academy called Ben and me a "golden couple" They perceived us as a perfect match, made for each other, cut from the same cloth. And until yesterday, I believe so, too.
"Never mind." I brushed it off. Knowing I had no choice but to follow my father's "orders,"
"We should get going." I stood up and grabbed my water bottle.
About half an hour later, freshened up after doing yoga with Sloane, I headed toward the kitchen to grab my smoothie are robot mother Grace makes me after my workouts, but when I made my way to the kitchen to grab my drink I noticed Ben talking to Marcus. In an instant, my smile washed off my face, and a stone cold gaze took its place on me.
I scoffed out load so Ben and Marcus could here me, as I turn around to leave the kitchen since I couldn't take my anger. I pushed the door to walk out and head to my room, but unfortunately I heard Ben trying to catch up with me.
"Y/n, wait?" He took hold of my arm, stopping me from going upstairs. "Baby, please, let me explain," he said pleadingly.
Fei came out of the hallways and noticed Ben holding my arm. "What's going on here?"
Me and Ben focused went to Fei standing in front of us. I clenching my jaw and fist. I let a heavy breath, trying not to lose it.
"I tired to call you—"
"Leave me alone, you fucking asshole!" I hissed, firmly yanking out of his grip, and Fei smirked proudly since it was was the first I stood up for myself against Ben. "And don't you ever call me baby again."
"I'll give you give a moment," Fei uttered. "Come on now," she whispered to her crow to follow her.
"Thank you, Fei."
Ben glanced over at Fei and rolled his eyes angrily.
"I'll see you around, Y/n," she muttered, giving a death glare look at Ben, and left.
I set my gaze back to Ben. " I don't want to listen to your stupid excuses, Ben."
"Give me five minutes," he whispered, somewhat annoyed, somewhat pleading.
"Fine, five minutes," I sighed.
"Good. Come on, let's go somewhere else to talk." He turned to the door and walking out of the Academy. "Let's go."
Ben chose a safe place, ensuring I wouldn't make a scene because he knew I could kill him instantly with one swift of my power because he took me to my favorite outdoor coffee cafe and order my favorite drink I always chose—playing a loving boyfriend, huh?
"Y/n, it was a fatal misunderstanding," he reached for my hand but I didn't hesitate to instantly removed it so he could touch me.
"A fatal misunderstanding," I scoffed, shaking my head. "I always knew you check other girl's out, but I didn't think you were fucking one behind my back."
"Lower your voice, please," he hissed, and I burst into derisive laughter.
"Or what?"
"I guess you don't want to make a scene here, do you?" I knew he brought me here to avoid a real conversation.
"How long, Ben?" I looked him in the eyes, and even though I tired the hide pain he caused me, I knew he could see it. "How long have you been cheating on me?"
"I'm not cheating on you, Y/n," he replied firmly, adjusting himself on the chair. "It was a mistake. I was drunk and frustrated. Guys kept mocking me that they get laid more than I do even though they're single."
"Oh, poor you." I pouted my lips, making a sad face. "Of course, it's a good reason to cheat on your girlfriend. Why am I even mad?" I was dripping with sarcasm, and he rolled his eyes.
"Baby, I'm sorry, okay?" He tried to sound repentant. "But nothing happened. I swear."
"Nothing happened because I interrupted you." I sneered. "You know, Sloane was the one who told me she saw the girl walk into the private room after you."
"Okay, I won't lie." He rested back on the chair, signing. "I don't know what would've happened if it weren't for you and Sloane, but I'm glad you found us, Y/n. I don't want anyone else but you, and I couldn't forgive myself if I lost you."
"Too late, Ben," I said dryly. "You already lost me. No matter what happens next, I'll never be yours again." Even if it meant leading an unhappy life beside the man I don't love. Just like father.
"But we're getting married—"
"So you knew about it." I scoffed.
"Father mentioned that to me some time ago," he admitted reluctantly.
"So you're just like him. You take part of his games. Let him manipulate me."
"It's not like that, Y/n." He furrowed his brows, trying to grab my hand again, but I didn't let him. I didn't want him to touch me. I was disgusted that I trusted him while he played me this whole time. "I thought you'd be happy. And I didn't tell you because I wanted to surprise you. Baby, I've always wanted to marry you. I love you."
"Save it, Ben." I threw a napkin that I kept squeezing in my hand and stepped away from the table. "If you loved me as you claim you do, you wouldn't have put your hands down some girl's pants."
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