Five's POV
Everyone gasped as I dropped down on one knee, holding the ring box in my hand. My eyes were on Y/n, who was looking at me like she was hypnotized, her lips slightly parted, confused written all over her beautiful face. I was sure some of my father was boiling inside, and so were Y/n's family, but who would give a fuck? When you find a love like this, nothing stops you; you fight for it, taking all the risks in the world. And for Y/n, I was willing to take that risk. I was willing to risk it all, including my life.
"Y/n Hargreeves, will you marry me?" I said, looking into the eyes of the woman that managed to burn down the thick's walls I'd surrounded myself with and find her way in, engraving her name forever in my heart.
She was speechless, and I couldn't blame her for that. She didn't expect any of this. Not so soon. I knew we'd only known each other for a couple of weeks, but did the time have any meaning? I was sure I wanted to spend my life with someone like her. Yes, maybe it was a bit rushed, but not hasty. I thought everything through. Not once, not twice. Over and over again, and I knew to protect her, I had to make her a Hargreeves, my family's Hargreeves. That way, I wouldn't have to worry about the most dangerous man I'd ever known—my father. He was twisted, but he had rules he would never break. But my family whether by blood or bond, a Hargreeves was a Hargreeves, each equally important and valuable. Untouchable.
"Five," she whispered, her sweet voice a little shaky. I got nervous that she would say no. After all, she was only 29 and still stuck in her teenage body, and we'd never talked about marriage. She opened her mouth, ready to give me an answer when a gunshot sounded loudly through the room, and everyone screamed, looking around in fear.
Just my fucking luck.
"Security!" Luther shouted, frowning angrily. Allison quickly held Claire next to her and Diego pulling out one of his knifes. People started freaking out, creating a fuss that wasn't helpful at all. "Ladies and gentlemen, please remain calm." Luther voice was commanding.
Y/n's eyes grew wide, and she struggled to catch a breath. I got up to embrace her. "Calm down, baby. I'm here," I whispered before kissing her forehead.
I was sure the gunshot came from the hallway. I quickly scanned the room and noticed Zachary was missing. It didn't take long to connect the dots.
"Fuck," I hissed.
"What is it?" Y/n asked, her body shivering.
"Diego, take care of Y/n," I said to my brother, who nodded, not questioning my intentions. We might not have had the best relationship, but it life-threatening situations, we had each other's backs, and I knew I could trust him.
"Five, please, don't!" Y/n shouted after me as I blink to the room I heard the gunshot fired.
MY BLOOD RAN COLD when I saw Zachary's body on the hallway floor, surrounded by a puddle of blood. An icy shiver swept down my back, and I hurried toward my friend. "Hold on, Zachary." I slid my hands under his head, lifting it gently. He barely kept his eyes open, mumbling something under his breath, but I couldn't catch a word. I assessed his body, spotting the gunshot wound inches below his heart. I placed my hand there to put pressure on the wound. "Don't you dare leave me," I pleaded, even though I was sure he couldn't hear me. I was sure he couldn't hear me. I was scared I could lose my friend. I swallowed, wondering if the bullet was meant for Y/n, and my hair stood on end.
"Zachary!" Y/n voice rang through the hallway.
I turned to see her running toward us, fear in her eyes. She managed to keep it cool, though. She quickly reached for her phone and called 911.
"Mr. Hargreeves." One of the bodyguards sprinted in our direction, and a bunch of others followed.
"Surround the building," I hissed, rage thundering inside me. "Get the shooter and bring them to me. Alive."
They nodded and dispersed to follow my order.
Y/n put her hand around my arm. "The ambulance is on its way," she whispered, but even her soothing voice didn't ease my pain.
I FOLLOWED THE AMBULANCE with Y/n by my side. She refused to stay behind. She was real queen, fearless and fierce, not leaving the side of her king. She squeezed my hand as we waited in the hospital hallway for who knew how goddamn long. I took a deep, heavy breath, running my fingers through my hair. I was drained. Not a single day could go smoothly. I peeked at the TV screen hanging on the wall in the waiting room right in front of us to see the whole situation had already leaked to the media. I watched the pale-skinned man with a neat haircut moving his mouth with a Breaking News bar at his waist height, saying: Five Hargreeves proposal to Y/n Hargreeves was interrupted by a gunshot. I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. Fucking press.
"Mr. Hargreeves?" A man in his forties dressed in blue scrubs, approached.
"Yes." I nodded as I stood up from my seat. So did Y/n.
"I'm Dr. Zeng. Are you a relative to Zachary Madden?"
"I am his employer. He doesn't have any relatives," I stated. For a short moment, my mind drifted to the time when I met Zachary. He was just turning thirty, all alone after the tragic loss of his father in a car accident, only he survived. He was lost, getting involved with the wrong people. Months later after when me and family travel back to are normal timeline, I found him beaten up on the street after he involved himself in a fight with one of the gangs that used him to deal drugs, but something for fucked up, and they wanted to get rid of him. I didn't have to heart to leave him there on the street to die. So my a brothers dragged him to the car, semiconscious, drugged. After a few days, when he got better, I offered him a job as on of my errand men at first. He proved himself worthy, loyal and eventually replaced my former right-hard man. Ever since, I had felt responsible for him as if he was my brother, we had a special bond. Or so I thought.
The doctor nodded. "He lost a significant amount of blood. He needs a transfusion. ASAP. Do any of you have a O negative blood type? In this case, only the same blood type is compatible."
"I do," Y/n said, our eyes locked.
It felt like one gaze was enough for us to understand each other. No other words were needed. A faint, reassuring smile appeared on her face, and she squeezed my arm. I slid my hand at the back of her head and pulled her closer to kiss her forehead.
"Please, follow me, miss," the doctor stated, and Y/n hurried after him. I watched them leave, their voices fading. "We'll ask you some questions and run a quick test to make sure you're safe to donate."
I ran my hands over my head, trying to stay sane. I reached for my phone and searched for Wyatt's number.
The ring echo pin my ears before I heard a deep voice through the speaker. "Five?"
"What's the status? Did you get the perp?" I asked, my tone dark.
"Not yet."
I clenched my teeth, taking a deep breath. "Send someone to the hospital. I need someone to watch over Zachary twenty-four seven. I'll text you the address."
"I'm on the way, I'll be there in fifteen. I figured you'd need me there."
"Thanks." I hung up the phone, but I didn't even have time to put it away before it rang in my hands.
"Fuck me," I hissed, seeing Diego's number.
My family were the last people I wanted to talk to right now. I exhaled deeply before answering, "Diego?"
"How's Zachary?" His tone was flat. I was surprised he even asked.
"He needs a blood transfusion."
"At least he's not dead."
No shit
"Is that all?" I asked, glaring at the city that never sleeps through the hospital window.
Diego scoffed. "Don't fuck with me, Five. You know the reason I'm calling."
Of course, I knew. The moment I saw his name on my phone screen, I knew it was about Y/n. Or rather about me proposing.
"Can we not have this conversation right now? Over the fucking phone while my friend is fighting for his life," I hissed, anger rushing through my veins, but I kept my cool.
A few seconds passed before I heard his voice again. "Dad is going to the hospital to take Y/n. He raised hell after you left. Obviously not too fond of the idea of you being his son-in-law," he said sarcastically, and I started to believe my family could approve my plan after all.
"I'll deal with him," I replied dryly.
"Good. Well talk about your misdeed in private. After all of his calms down."
Misdeed? He's fucking ridiculous.
I nodded, clenching my teeth before ending the call. He was such a hypocrite. He would stop at nothing to get what he wanted.
"You alright, Five?"
I turned to face Wyatt, who watch ed me clenching my fist as I thought the rage growing in me. I knew my Diego of all people wouldn't approve of my relationship with Y/n. And I knew he would try his twisted game to separate us, but that was a ticking stab in the back.
"I'm fine," I growled.
"How's Zach?" he asked, diverting the topic.
"He lost a lot of blood. Needs a transfusion. What blood type are you?"
"O negative," he replied.
"You're a match. Go check in with the doctor. Y/n's there, but maybe they need more blood."
Wyatt nodded and headed toward the designated room. At the exact second, I noticed Y/n's Siblings and dad heading toward me, all with frantic looks o n their faces.
Fuck me twice!
I took a deep breath, preparing myself for the tantrum they were about to throw.
"Where the hell Y/n?!" Marcus roared, seething.
"She's being examined by the doctor," I replied dryly.
"Why? What happened?" Sloane's eyes grew wide in horror. I glanced at her.
"She's okay." I calmed her down. "She's going to donate her blood. My friend needs a transfusion."
Y/n siblings all breathed a sigh of relief. Some of them sat on the chair, rubbing her temples. They weren't as strong as Y/n. Maybe that's why they never found the strength, the courage to be in change of their own life.
Dad 's harsh voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "Once they're done, Y/n is going back to California with us."
I tilted my head to the side, looking at Reginald straight in his raging eyes before saying, matter-of-fairly, "She's not going anywhere with you."
He gave me a spiteful look. "How dare you speck to me like that! Im her father, and you? You don't own her, Hargreeves!"
I scoffed. "I'm aware. Unlike you."
Dad was the type of the man who couldn't take being challenged. He locked his hands and crossed them.
"She's coming back home with us." Ben's harsh voice butted in.
"I'm not going anywhere." Y/n's soft voice caught everyone's attention. I looked back to see her closing the door to the room before she approached me. Her siblings stood up, their hands shaking. Y/n stood beside me, staring at her father resolutely, saying, "I'm staying here. With Five."
"I'll never approve of your relationship!" Dad yelled, still having his arms crossed. I noticed some of her siblings barely holding there tears back, watching the whole commotion, their brows furrowed in concern.
"I don't need your approval," Y/n retorted. "Nor permission. I'm staying here when I belong."
"Cmon, Y/n." Alphonso pleaded.
"Y/n, please. You can't," Marcus added. "What about your life? The academy?"
"My life?" Y/n scoffed. "The academy? It was always you guys. I've never had my own life until I met Five. I can start over. Here in New York, on my own terms."
I silently watched Y/n, proud of her. That was the first time she'd been so determined, as if something had changed. I thought it was a because of the proposal or because I confessed my love to her. She felt more secure knowing she wasn't just a same to me. And partially, I was right. Partially.
"If you stay with that man," Dad started, boiling inside. "Or worse, marry him, you can forget you ever had a family!"
"Dad," Sloane gasped, her eyes wide.
"Okay," Y/n stated, her tone barely above a whisper. She nodded, looking at her father. "It's not like I've ever had a real father anyway."
I reached for Y/n's hand and intertwined her fingers with mine. I saw how hard it was for her to have this conversation, and I wanted her to know she wasn't alone. She had me, and I would stand by her side no matter what.
Sloane burst into tears, covering her mouth with her hands, while Alphonso head her back. Ben, in contrast, smiled cynically, scoffing, "You'll regret your decision faster than you think, Y/n. Apparently, you don't know who you want to marry. You're not aware of what kind of people him and his family are."
Y/n didn't speck. She pressed her lips together, fighting back the tears before she cleared her throat and squeezed my hand, giving her father a stern look.
"Don't bother coming home." Reginald threw out harshly before turning on his heel. "Come along children."
"But Dad!" Jayme called out.
I couldn't understand why her family let that abusive motherfucker rule them like that. And I couldn't stand that power he had over that broken, intimidated family. I focused my gaze on the family. "You're all also welcome to stay with us."
Y/n glanced at me, a spark of hope gleaming in her eyes, but it was killed faster than it appeared.
"If any of you stay with that spoiled brat, then don't bother coming back home either," Dad hissed out loud so they all could here, they all gave Y/n an apologetic look before turning on their heels and, with no words, walked away beside their toxic father.
I swear I could hear Y/n's heart breaking in two as she watched her family walking down the hospital hallways until they were no longer in sight. She inhaled deeply as a single tear dropped down the corner of her eye, and Y/n quickly wiped it away. I slid my hands around her trembling waist and pulled her in for a hug.
"I'm so sorry." I whispered, wishing I could take her pain away.
Y/n inhaled deeply, rubbing her eyes. "It's nothing. I'm use to it."
"It's okay, Y/n. You can cry," I said, cupping her cheeks with my hands, our eyes locked.
"My father is not worth my tears," she stated dryly. I could tell she was hurting, but she didn't want to show it. She didn't want me to pity her.
"You're right. He's not." I stroked her cheek with my thumb. "You should rest," I said, realizing she'd just donated her blood and must've felt dizzy. "Did the doctor say anything about the transfusion? Is Zachary better?"
Y/n's eyes darted between mine before she realized, "I... didn't donate my blood." She seemed abashed, and I frowned. "It turned out I have..." She hesitated. She didn't sound convincing at all and to be fair, I got suspicious. "A minor infection and they didn't want to risk transmitting the virus."
I nodded, deciding it'd been a hell of a day for both of us. I didn't want to add more stress than she already had to cope with. I didn't believe in the minor infection because, first off, I spent the past few days with Y/n, and she seemed perfectly fine. Second, she was a bad lair. But I couldn't deny she got me worried. "Is it something serious?"
"Nothing to worry about." She forced a smile. "I'm glad Wyatt showed up. He's a match, and the doctors went with him. I was worried they wouldn't find another donor fast enough. Wyatt was like a gift from heaven."
"You're very concerned about Zachary," I stated, and Y/n seemed perplexed.
"He's your friend. Of course, I worry about him."
"Mr. Hargreeves." Dr. Zeng's voice caught our attention, and we both turned to face him. "We managed to stabilize Mr. Madden's state. We took out the bullet and stopped the internal bleeding. The blood transfusion went well. He's stable now."
"Oh, thank God," I said with relief. It felt like a huge weight was taken off my shoulders. "Thank you, doc."
The doctor smiled, shaking my hand before he headed for one of the rooms. Y/n's eyes brightened, and she smiled, looking at me before I hugged her.
"I love you, Five," she whispered as I held her in my arms. "I love that you care about your close friends. That you aren't entitled like other people in our society. I'm in love with you."
I gently pulled back to look into her eyes that were gazing at mine relief. "I'm in love with you, too, Y/n."
After my men arrived at the hospital, Y/n and I went back to my penthouse. Y/n was oddly quiet on our way back there, and I wondered what was on her mind. Ever since she left the doctor's office, she seemed pensive. I assumed it was because of the bitter goodbye she had with her family. Y/n went to the bathroom to change, and I threw the tux jacket I'd worn on the couch. I got a rid of the tie. I undid a few buttons and rolled up my shirtsleeves before pouring myself a glass of whiskey when my phone screen on the table lit up.
"What now?" I breathed out, exhausted with the never-ending issues. I clenched my teeth, staring at the text that made my blood boil.
From: Ben
This isn't over.
Sent Sunday 1:22 AM
I drank the whiskey in one go, anger flowing through my views. The audacity of this, he had no boundaries.
"I'm gonna head to head to bed." Y/n seductive tone rang in my ears, and I look at her. She leaned against the wall dividing the living room and the hallway.
"Alright, I'll be right there," I whispered. "I'm just gonna hop in the shower before I join you," I said teasingly, my eyes still on her.
"She chuckled softly. "Ok, I'll be in the room," she whispered before she turned and made her way to the bedroom.
I put the glass I was holding aside and started unbuttoning the rest of my shirt as I made my way to the shower.
I MADE MY WAY OUT OF THE SHOWER, where I noticed Y/n laying down in bed. I admired her natural beauty before I slowly made my way to the bed and quietly entered the bed sheets. I looked into her eyes that were closed as I kept pushing her hair beside her ear slowly kissing her forehead.
"I love you, Y/n." I whispered into her ear.
I don't why? But I feel like this chapter was kinda boring. I don't know why I just do 😂😂😂 I hope this didn't bore you, my apologies if it did.
Question of the day...
"What type of books do you like to read?"
Mine: Dark romance or Mafia || don't judge please!! I love Mafia Men 🖤
The Breakup
Words Written : 3386
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