Five's Pov
I was waiting in front of the academy, knocking on the door waiting for someone to answer. Until I decided to look through the window. I was fuming furious when I saw the son of a bitch forcing himself on Y/n. Raw rage flowed through like me like lava. I breathed heavily, I clenched my fists before I blinked inside the academy just at the right time before Y/n couldn't noticed.
No one touches a woman like that.
No one touch's my woman like that.
"Five?" Y/n trembling voice rang in my ears, snapping me back to reality. "Thank you." She furrowed her brows.
"You don't have to thank me, Y/n." I tired to sound calm and soft as possible. "Are you okay?" Did he..." I clenched my teeth, taking a deep breath before continuing. "Did he hurt you?"
She shook her head no, but her gaze dropped, and she sucked on cheek nervously. "Ben was acting mad because he was jealous, and his ego was hurt. But he wouldn't do anything."
I glanced at Y/n, taking a deep breath to calm my raging anger. "Something like this will never happen again. I will not let anyone touch you, Y/n. I promise."
"Five, it wasn't your fault." She looked at me, confused. "If there's anyone to blame, that's me. I made a horrible choice of a boyfriend. I—" She hesitated, and I grabbed her hand and cupped it in mine.
"Now you have me, and I promise to protect you, Y/n," I said, gazing into her eyes. "And I will not let a hair be harmed on your head."
Y/n watched me, slightly bewildered, but all I could think of my mission, how was i still gonna go through this?
But that's who I was. The boy. Stone cold. Ruthless. Bad to the core. A Hargreeves.
We entered the main hall of my house, and Y/n turned on her heel to face me. She set her uncertain gaze on me, watching me for a few seconds before bringing herself to say something.
"Five, I'm sorry." she stared, her tone apologetic.
"Sorry? For what?" I frowned, confused.
"I dragged you into this mess. I shouldn't..." She shook her head, her eyes sad.
I moved closer to her and cupped her cheeks with my hands. "Y/n, stop. Stop blaming yourself for everything." I said softly, caressing her soft skin with my thumb. She cast her gaze upward, locking it with mine. "You didn't drag me into this mess. I entered it of my own free will. You know why?"
"No," she whispered, shaking her head. "I'm racking my brain to figure it out, but I see no rational answer to this. You have anything Five, You could have had anyone, yet you're here stuck with the your enemy child. Why?"
"Because you possessed me, Y/n." I stated, my voice low yet soft. "You fucking possessed me, my body and mind. My soul, I didn't know it even existed until I met you. You unleash something inside of me. I buried all kinds of fucked-up emotions inside of me for so long that I thought they died, yet you brought them to life."
Y/n's eyes darted between mine, and I noticed a single, glimmering spark of hope in her gaze. The hope of a better tomorrow? Hope of not being alone anymore? I had no fucking idea, but this something danced in her eyes as a faint smile formed on her lips, making my heart skip a beat, and I knew I was fucked.
"You gave me under your spell, Y/n." I whispered, brushing me lips against hers, and she sipped every word from my mouth like a thirsty man diving into a long-awaited oasis.
"Kiss me, Five," she whispered pleadingly, seducing me with her gaze.
I slid my hand at the back of her neck and slowly pulled her her in for a kiss. A weird chill ran down my back as out lips touched. Something I hadn't felt in a long time. Y/n moved her hand to the back of my head, intertwining her fingers with my hair, deepening the kiss. I roamed my other hand down her back, as when I heard a soft moan escape her mouth. Fuck, the sound of her sweet moans was such a beautiful sound. I broke the kiss, looking at her in the eyes, while breathing heavily and slow.
I leaned down to her ear. "My whole life changed the day I met you, Y/n," I whispered before bring my gaze back to Y/n. She smiled and leaned in back into my lips.
I lifted her as if she weighted nothing. She wrapped her legs stung my waist my waist and I carried her toward the nearest wall, pinning her tightly against it. I pressed me lips on hers, kissing hungrily, slipping my hand in back to her neck. I trailed heated kisses down her throat, and she tilted head head back, resting it against the wall, arching her neck to give me better access.
"You're mine," I hissed against her neck before kissing her neck again.
As I slowly slid her back down to the ground. I took my tie off above my head so I could have better access, to have her. I wrapped my hands around her waist and pulled her back to me and load growl escaped my throat.
"Fuck," I grunted, weaving my fingers in her hair.
"Five, I need to get—" she breathed, but I cut her off.
"I'm not don't with you," I said, supporting her chin with my thumb. Her eyes grew wider, and I smirked before lifting her again. Instinctively, she wrapped her hands around my neck and legs around my waist, and I kiss her lustfully while carrying her upstairs to my bedroom.
We sat by the bonfire we made on the beach by my house, chatting and laughing carefree. I watched Y/n's beautiful face gleaming under the moonlight and lit by the fire. The image of her as she lay under my duvet after we spelt together still on my mind. I smiled, satisfied I made her this happy, in every way. I could swear this woman put a spell on me and definitely had me in the apocalypse, again. I could not tame my desire around her.
"Five?" she said softly, snapping me back from my thoughts. "What's the reason for that war between our family's?" She tilted her head to the side, expecting an answer.
I took a heavy breath once more stunned at her innocence. I scanned her face.
"Your father never told you?" I asked, despite knowing the answer.
"You know my relationship with my father is complicated, to say the least." She sighed, avoiding my gaze.
"Hey." I grabbed my chin with my fingers, and our eyes locked. "You don't have to be ashamed, Y/n. I understand. More than you know.
She nodded, pressing her lips together, forcing a smile.
"We don't have to talk about it," I said softly, sliding my hand at her back, comforting her.
"He's never loved me." She released a heavy sigh, resting her head on my arm. "It hurts, but it's the truth. He's never loved as he does with my brothers and sisters. I don't know why they see the good in him, especially since they know damn well how he treats me on a daily basis."
For the first time during our short yet intense relationship, Y/n opened up to me, which blurred the lines between the plan looming over me like a dark cloud, and what I felt for her. I felt like a fucking asshole for letting her trust me, of all people. At the same time, I knew that at this point, I'd stop at nothing to keep her safe.
"Did he ever hurt you? I asked my voice dark like the memories we and my family dealt with too.
"Yes," she said shakily.
I closed my eyes, clenching my teeth, and I get
my blood boiling in my veins. "Why did he do to you?" My voice was low, deadly.
"He locked me up in a giant vault. When I woken up from my coma." Y/n's voice was trembling, even though she was holding her tears back, I was damn sure she wanted to release her tears.
"I swear I'm gonna kill him," I hissed, clenching my fists forcefully, trying not to lose composure.
I heard quite sobs, revealing Y/n was still trying to hold back the tears desperately wanting to stream down her beautiful, sad face. I stood up and gently grabbed her in my arms and pulled her fragile body against me gently as if she were made of glass. As if she was about to break, starter into thousands of pieces. I knew I couldn't let that happen because I wasn't sure if I would be able to glue her pieces back together.
"What else did he do?" I asked, feeling in my bones it wasn't the whole story.
"I'm so ashamed, Five," she whispered, a single year slid down her cheek. I slid my hand in back of her head and caressed her hair, hoping my touch would comfort her.
"You have nothing to be ashamed of, baby," I stated firmly, yet a soft tone.
"I'm so weak," she stated, her words breaking my heart.
"Bullshit," I opposed. "You are the strongest woman I've ever known. I admire you. Y/n. Do you hear me?" I cupped her cheeks with my hands and looked into her eyes.
She nodded, overlapping her hands on mine.
"What else did he do, baby?"
"He always used me for his benefit. I was nothing more than just a pawn in wicked games. He—" She paused, and I knew I wouldn't like it what I was going to hear. "He's played me with a relationship."
"You mean your relationship with Ben?" I was confused about how he could be so twisted.
"Yes, I just out of my coma and not aware it was arranged. I feel so stupid. I let my father trick me." She looked away, avoiding my gaze again—shame written all over her face. "I felt so broken when I just woken up and I was scared and alone. And even though Ben knew about how are father treated me, he still agreed to his stupid games. I was always just a contract, a pawn in someone's game, Five."
I clenched my teeth. Anger stirred within me. I brought my lips to her forehead, kissing it. "Don't torture yourself, Y/n. It's not you're fault, and most definitely, you aren't stupid for trusting your father. Or wanting to trust him, no matter the monster he is. And your ex..." I paused to put a filter on the words springing to my lips. "Was a fucking loser not to see the amazing woman he had."
I tired to comfort the broken woman whose life I was supposed to destroy—burn to ashes. How ironic was that? I could feel my heart breaking in two, listening to what my father did to Y/n.
She led a seemingly perfect, luxurious life every kid would dream of if they were in The Sparrow Academy, while behind closed doors, all she had were lies, pain, and even more lies. She lived with are cruel father and in captive in a carefully crafted facade of abuse and deceit called her life.
"They were both plain dumb not to see your worth, Y/n," I said, and she chuckled softly.
"There's more, am I right?" I asked, hoping my intuition led me astray this time.
"My accident," she started. "That led me into my coma."
"What happen?"
"Me and my family were on a mission, a bank robbery," she whispered, still looking down. "Sloane was trying to defuse the bomb, while me and the Marcus were trying to get rid on the robbers. I don't even remember that much of that day, but I knew it Sloane couldn't stop the bomb for ticking..." she paused and I was watched her looking for words. "We got all the people out the bank before the bomb was gonna to explode. Until we all got out we realized my sister Jayme was stunk inside.
"What happened after? I whispered.
"I quickly ran inside to save her before my siblings could stop me. I found her unconscious on the ground, not moving. I ran to her and pick her up and right when I was about to leave, I noticed the bomb was about to go off and I knew we wouldn't have time to escape. I did want to lose Jayme, so I used my protective shield on Jayme before the bomb exploded.
"Shit." I muttered.
"Yeah." She said with her voice breaking. "Don't remember much after that, but I heard my family call me and Jaymes name after the explosion. Until I closed my eyes, and then woken up years later in my teenage body, realizing I was in a coma for years.
"Did your father do anything about it?" Y/n refused to look at me in the eyes. "No. He didn't."
"What?" I couldn't hide my frustration "What that hell, Y/n? Why not?"
She was silent. She wiped the single tear dripping from her cheek away, and I took a heavy breath. I was fucking mad at myself that I couldn't keep my emotions in check.
I took her chin with my fingers and gently tilted her head back, and out gazes locked. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scared you."
"You don't scare me, Five." she muttered. "I'm just ashamed of being so weak. My father..." She paused again, escaping my gaze. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have mentioned it. I don't know why I told you that."
"No," I opposed, tilting her chin gently so that she looked at me in the eyes again. "I'm glad you told me. It means you trust me, Y/n."
"Can I trust you, though?" she whispered, slightly furrowing her brows.
"Yes," I stated with no hesitation.
She let out a heavy breath, directing her gaze to the ocean. It felt like she was ashamed to look at me for some reason. I couldn't grasp why, though. None of what had happened was her fault. And she was wrong if she believed she was weak. She was one of the strongest people I knew. She endured all this pain and went through hell with no one by her side, and it didn't her. She was standing there right in front of me, fighting her own battle like the true warrior she was. Many would give up, but not her.
Y/n might have seemed fragile like a rose, but sure as hell, she was fierce like it's thorns.
"Why didn't your father take care of it?" I carried on. fooling myself by assuming are father would do the right thing for once.
"He did... on me." she said dryly.
"Once he found out about the incident, he was furious. I felt ashamed because my siblings were getting in trouble, when I was the one who choose to run back in the back and saved Jayme. So I convinced my father that it was all my fault, so he would get off my siblings ass, and he would punish me instead. And he did.
"Please tell me that's not what I think it is?" I hissed, hoping I wasn't right, hoping to hear her object.
"That's exactly what you think," she whispered. "He tortured me in a faint vault in the bottom of are home. He tortured me for seconds, and then seconds turn into minutes, and minutes turn into hours, hours turn to days, weeks turn into a month. Until one day my body gave up, I passed out one day and woken up years later in the same room, in my same teenage body.
"I've heard enough," I hissed, plotting the way I'd teach that motherfucker a lesson in my head."
"Y/n, Listen to me please. You know that I won't let anything happen to you, ever. I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you again." I said, and her eyes darted between mine.
"Promise?" she breathed out.
"I promise." I stated before kissing her forehead softly as I held her in my arms.
Sir Reginald, I'm coming for you.
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