Chapter two
Dreams pov
I fell into the bed, not caring to remove my mask, what if techno came in and saw? What if someone else came and saw? I look so..weak. my features, my eyes, freckles, everything. I look like a depressed teenager. Even if I am an adult. I hate it. I couldn't let everyone see how I look. I just can't. I sat up slowly. Allowing the voices to fill in the silence, as if I could stop them anyways. "I' worthless."
I placed my bag quickly beside the bed.
I breathed in shakily. Everything was gonna be just fine, right? I wanted to just spill everything out right here right now, just to myself or something-...but if someone heard..
I grabbed a pillow and put the front of it (like the part sticking out from the pillowcase but the opposite side) over my mouth I couldn't help but think how much everyone else had been avoiding me. George and sapnap..they keep going out with everyone else,
completely leaving me behind. I don't blame them though. And bad has been hanging out with skeppy alot..bad liked everyone, or atleast tried to, but..why was he avoiding me?
Hot tears rolled down my cheeks. "Even techno..he...he..shouldn't have to put up with such a disappoinment. I even failed my parents the age of five.." I cry more into the pillow. I wished I could just stop. And lay down, as if nothing happened. But that's just not the way it works. I look up with my eyes closed. I couldn't stop.
"I..just have to keep myself together." I breathed out, curling up into a ball on the bed, sideways.
The voices wouldn't shut up. They kept going. my stomach felt as if it was being twisted and molded into something else. The pillow, currently not covering my mouth.
As a loud sob came out. I quickly shoved my face into the pillow, crying more. "This- this is why I'm such a mistake. Everyone always says "oh dream, you're so happy 'all' the time. And- and- they treat me as though I can't have my sad moment. My breakdown. My.." I sob in-between my words.
'I'll just..just go to sleep..' I thought as I sighed, facing the door, holding onto the pillow tightly. I'm supposed to be strong. If I'm not..I just need to learn not to cry anymore. Although, I used to barely cry, now it's just, hard not to. I close my eyes, tears still making their way down my face. I slowly stopped, sinking into the darkness of my closed eyelids.
Techno's pov
I was sitting on the edge of my bed. I couldn't help but think about how dream is just so different now. What could've happened? I mean, sure dream usually has a problem with telling people his problems..but this was different. Suddenly,
as I was about to get up and change into sleepware, I heard a sob coming from the other room. I stood, making my way out of my room and infront of the others door. 'had dream hurt himself?'
I gently knock on the door. "Dream?" I wait a moment, no response.. I slowly turn the door knob, opening the door, due to lack of response. Honestly, I usually didn't have to worry about anyone, since they could all handle themselves. But dream, dream changed. There's no telling what could have happened to him.
I slowly step into his room, seeing the other cuddled up with a pillow. Something, ofcourse, caught my eye. the tears tear marks. His mask was just above his mouth like earlier.
Probably gonna leave a mark on his face from sleeping with it on, but I'm not gonna go against his privacy and take it off. I slowly placed a blanket on top of dream, seeing how cold it probably was for him. I had gotten used to the cold a long time ago, but I can see how others are still effected by it. I made my way back to my room. I suppose it's best if we all get sleep.
Third person pov
Techno had awaken first, changing into his original king like outfit, and began walking down the stairs. He wasn't expecting to see dream there already. Dream was sitting at the table, mask fully on, and currently had his head in his arms on the table.
Dream slightly looked up as techno approached him. "Did you sleep good?" Techno didn't exactly show as much care for others.
Can you blame him? He didn't need friends, they disappointed him (like- like the vine). But dream, dream and him go pretty far back.
Dream sat silent, placing his head back into his arms. Dream was completely and utterly dizzy, he had made the mistake of waking up at three in the morning and falling down the stairs. He's been there since. Techno chuckled. Techno usually wasn't a heavy sleeper, although he did hear the thump at 3am,
He had just gone back to sleep after he heard the noises. "Are you hungry?" Techno wanted to make sure that everything was alright with dream. He didn't actually know what to say since dream agreed to hang out with him. He knew he had to be careful of what he said to dream, he always did. Anything mentioned about dreams face, earned silence from the blonde.
"Not really."the blonde was very tired, although the storm probably stopped around five in the morning and it's currently 10am. He could finally leave if he wanted to. "You sure? You haven't eaten anything since yesterd- did you even eat yesterday?" The taller one was quite worried for his shorter friend.
"I'm just not hungry." Dream said, standing up, his hands on the table, looking down. "Looks like the storm stopped." Techno didn't know much about confidence, he just knew to fake it. It was pretty easy actually.
Which, actually isn't that bad of a thing. He didn't mind faking confidence, tons of others did it. Plus, it helps create confidence within you. Dream relaxed a bit. "Yeah, I should be leaving." Dream sighed, he was going to tighten his mask, but stopped when techno spoke.
"Do you remember the way?" Techno wanted to make sure that if dream really were to leave, that he didn't get lost.
Everyone would suddenly start to care about where dream was. Although, they really had a funny way of showing how much they cared. Ditching their friend, dream, all the, that really oozes out the essence of care and love, doesn't it? Dream looked up at techno. "Yeah. I'm,..I'm gonna head back." The blonde replied as he began heading for the exit.
"Dream,-" he paused. Techno was gonna say something along the lines of,
'we didn't get talk much.' and then suggest another time for them to talk. But instead, a monotone 'tread lightly' was heard from techno.
"You know I will." Dream said under his breath, whilst he exited the building and made his way begining to head back to where he had been before. Techno watched as he left, feel as though he didn't get to say much. But he felt like he would be seeing dream again, very soon.
Dream, while walking through the snow, felt empty once more. The feeling had only somewhat went away, when he had been around techno, or his friends. But, when he was away, he didn't know what to do. He would just be forced to listen to the voices, trapped within his own thoughts. He hated it. He looked up, seeing as how it would take some time for him to get back, he knew that
(Little time skip because y e s)
Dream, eventually found the woods, he felt a longing, a longing to turn around. Like he had to, like, something bad was going to happen. That's when he tripped over a random wolf, blocking his way. Dream fell onto the ground, slowly getting up. He looked over to whatever he tripped on. "Oh." He lowered his hairs, yet only a little. "You're cute. You don't looked tamed.."
Dream thought for a moment. "I guess I could watch over you. I wonder if techno would like a dog.." he mumbled to himself. "Come on-" he paused. He didn't know whether the dog was a boy or a girl- or perhaps, gender fluid. And God, he did not want to check. "Uh- this way- dog- wolf- thing-" he struggled, kicking a stick in his way, he made his way back to where his place was.
You'd expect him to go to where his house is where sapnap and george also stay, right? Yeah..dream eventually just made a hole in the ground with a matter and lots of space. In it, he had a double chest, a bed, crafting table&furnace, as well as a lantern, lighting up the whole place. beside the little bunker thingy, was a little hole, a hole he kept his horse in.
The bed was red (for anyone who wanted to know-). He stopped for a moment, standing above the place.
"I'll just carry you..I guess.." he sighed, picking up the small wolf, it looked like it was pretty young. He made his way down the latter, with the small wolf. Placing down the wolf, and putting a dirt block above the latter, making sure no one would know. Although, he wouldn't be surprised if someone came by and saw a dirt block surrounded by grass ones, sorta sus.
Dream began to think about the times when he'd go exploring and come back two days later to his worried friends, did they just not like him anymore? Believe it or not, this actually hurt dream more than he was letting on to it. He hasn't talked to wilbur or tommy for a while either, but this because dream was always thinking about his other friends. Can you blame him?
The man loved coming back to his friends, telling them about his adventures, going on adventures with them, causing them to scream at the top of their lungs, and the times they just lay down on the roof, looking up at the stars together, protecting one another from the mobs (which were mainly spiders) which got onto the roof.
Why did it have to change? Why did he have to lose it all. Why did he have to suffer just because a few people don't want to talk to him? Why did he have to feel lost? Why did he have to cry over them? Dream sat onto the bed, his legs hurt from walking, although he was used to it. But, perhaps sleep would be nice. He layer down, head on the pillow. The wolf jumped up with him, laying beside him.
The two fell asleep.
Meanwhile, techno blade had already had his breakfast, he now, was just sitting on the couch. Thinking about dream, how the shorter male wasn't acting the way he used to. Techno was all alone at the moment, mainly because philza was out, adventuring with the others. He would have gone, although he had to stay and watch the base. And, it's not as if they needed him on this one.
He thought about before, when him and dream would walk around just anywhere and talk for hours, killing mobs, finding loot, mining ores, or overall causing a massacre. But then e thought about the day that dream had just- gone missing. The day that no one knew where he was. When techno had found him, he tried to talk to him, but dream just walked away, ignoring him.
Techno decided that it'd be better if he just distracted himself with reading or chores. He chose reading. He stood up, going over to get a book, then back to the couch. He'd probably be reading for a long time.
(Yep. Another time skip, brought you by..let me give you a hint, it's not a boulder! It's a rock!)
Dream had awoken, cold. The torch had been blown out, it had been late at night, and the wolf was still by his side. Dream quietly got up, trying to remember where the torch was. He couldn't see very well even if the light was on. He grabbed his mask, which fell off whilst he was sleeping earlier, and put it on tightly that way it wouldn't fall off, ofcourse.
He put his arms out, finding the torch. He grabbed a flint and steal he had and tried to light it, but it wouldn't work. So, he just turned, placed some fire in the middle of the room, and looked around. Right behind him, was not only an emdermen, but also a piglin, someone had snuck down and pushed the mobs in. The piglin charged at dream, with his golden sword, the blonde moved luckily just in time, scooping up the small wolf and hurrying up the latter,
Quickly removing the dirt block, whilst taking a hit. He would've killed them, but didn't have time to go in his chest. Alright, now he just had to find an axe or sword to borrow. Or, perhaps somewhere else to sleep.. he sighed, placing a dirt block over the latter. He looked over to his horse. Seeing that no one took it, he made his way over to where george and sapnap live. He just needed a weapon. He would do it with his sword but, he didn't even have the time to get his armour on. So, it would be hard to fist fight.
The enderman, wasn't that big of a problem. Ofcourse, it had his crafting table in hands. It still wasn't too big of big of a problem. Dream snuck into the house through the broken window that had been smashed back when george, sapnap,and dream were all attacking mobs whom were in the house. He turned over to see gorge and sapnap asleep in the beds.
He made his way to the chest, placing the wolf down, slowly opening said chest, making a small creak. He grabbed an enchanted axe and looked for anything else he could use.
he then made his way silently out the window after he saw that there wasn't much of his stuff there.
He had gone back to his place, the plan was to kill the piglin, but instead, he had stepped on a pressure plate that he didn't see outside of his house. The wolf followed behind dream. "Oh sh-" he backed up, as the loud sound of tnt began, alerting him that it was indeed being blown up. Who would've done that? Dream picked up the wolf again, holding onto the wolf tightly. He watched as the place blew up. Only a few items from hiss chest survived.
Dream sighed, going to see what survived, placing the wolf beside him. "Arrows..a golden apple.. enchanted golden apples..and..that's it. Alright.. wait. Where's my-" he paused. He remembered how he left his bag back at Techno's. That was smart of him, atleast his stuff was still there. He thought about sneaking into the antarctic empire in order to get stuff, although, he didn't want to risk waking up techno. If he was asleep..
But still, techno was either farming, sleeping, or,, well, that's all dream knew he really did. He looked to his horse that was harmed by the explosion, but not dead. And he fed the horse the golden apple. Seeing how his horse was wearing diamond armor, that probably explained why he was only badly damaged. He would need his bag, that actually had alot of his stuff in it, in order to even make another base. Unless he wanted to start over.
Having his stuff, especially when it came to the paper crown. Techno only had known about when he made it for the blonde, but didn't know how much it actually meant to him.
Dream hesitantly sighed. He knew he was going to have an anxiety attack if he didn't do anything about it, and being out here in the middle of the night, didn't help at all, he could be killed by a mob. He slowly got onto his horse, picking up the dog who was on the dirt block beside the horse, putting the doggo on his lap. Perhaps he could surprise techno with the dog while he's at it.
Dream was usually great at pvp, and fighting mobs in general. Although, he didn't really have much, and didn't feel like risking his life at the moment. But if he had to fight, he would. He headed in the direction of the attic empire, although..a skeleton shit up at him, just barely missing his head. There wasn't just one, there were five skeletons,
all shooting towards dream and his horse. dream steered the horse past them, signalling for the horse to go faster, next up were the zombies. Dream kept steering past all of the mobs. although another skeleton approached dream, chasing after him. The horse got hit right in his leg, which scared the hell out of his horse even if the armor was on the horse.
The horse suddenly kicked, going a different direction. Dream didn't know exactly which direction the horse was trying to go. Coming out at night wasn't the best idea. the horse ran right over to a huge selection of broken ice, dream tried steering past it. But the horse didn't listen until last moment. The horse turned, slipping on the ice, falling right into it. Dream manages to throw the wolf off before the horse fell.
When the horse had fallen into the hole, the horse fell to it's side, dreams leg being under the horse, was painful enough. But, dreams leg had also been cut badly by the ice shards when the horse fell in. Because of the fact that dreams leg was on the side of hole, inside of it. Where the sharp part of the ice was, get it now?
What dream didn't know about this wolf, was that it had already been in contact with several of the people around. It just never accepted all the bones. The wolf preferred potatoes.
Dream, submerged into the water, slipped under the hard ice, unable to get through.
He couldn't swim.
Techno heard the sound of loud barking. He thought it was just some wolves fighting their prey. But the barks didn't stop. He huffed, putting the book down, he had been reading for hours. Making his way over to where the barking was coming from.
Dream, was still conscience, slowly losing it. He didn't see a need to try and punch through the ice. It wasn't like it would work. But..could it hurt? Dream couldn't even reach the ice. He was sinking, deeper and deeper into the water. He refused to let go of any of his remaining breath. Something wasn't right.
He noticed the body of his horse's corpse, why didn't it poof away? It was on the ice.
Techno made his way there and looked at the small wolf whom was barking. Techno could see the panic in the wolves eyes and hear it in his bark. He looked over to what the wolf looked back to. The ic- but dreams horse was there. Atleast, it looked like his horse. "Huh-" he paused when he heard the wolf's barking get louder and over near a specific part of the ice.
That's when he saw it. Dream, he saw dream. In the ice, pretty far down too. Techno straight up took off his crown and cape thingy, jumping into the water, and swimming over to rescue the blonde male.
3,211 words.
A/n: hello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If there are any typos at all, I'll fix them if you tell me where they are. The next chapter will come out as soon as I can get it out.
Now that I've written all of that message. The words used more numbers for words. As well as this message.
3,274 words. See you all in the next chapter, adventurers.
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