Chapter Three
George's P.O.V.:
After Harry's (and soon after, ours) fainting episode had passed, me and Fred were being extra cautious with him. We've had some trouble trying to find out what happened to him, as everyone who knew kept it from us and was saying that 'Harry should tell you himself'.
I don't get it: what's such a secret that I can't know even when somebody is injured!
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Harry's raven-black hair and golden-brown cat ears.
"George... I know you're wondering about what happened back there, aren't you?"
"It's hard for me to say, but... you and Fred are my mates." Harry paused, " My 'dominant' mates, though I probably do seem more submissive than you anyway, since I'm a Neko."
"Wait- what!?" Fred had walked in as Harry was saying that.
"He said we're his mates, Freddie."
"Yeah, duh! I mean how does that work with three of us? I don't know that much about 'Nekos' but don't we have to, well... ya know?"
Harry flushed bright pink and shuffled his feet around, "I guess. But- let's not worry about that just yet, okay?"
I nodded: "Let's just go downstairs, then. We can worry about... it later."
Ginny practically skipped over to me. "Hey Harry! Wanna go to Hogsmeade later today with me?" I rolled my eyes at her pathetic attempt to make up.
"I mean, did you hear the twins earlier? Like, the idiots think they're right for you! We both know we should be together, so why not?"
Clearly, she didn't see my skin gradually turning red; glowing, almost. Like magic, Fred emerged from the doorway with narrowed eyes and clenched fists. Ginny was still unaware.
"Ya know, all they ever do is cause trouble. They're just not on your level! You deserve more- like me! Don't ya think I'm right for you? I--"
"Ginny." I snarled at her. "Shut up. Now."
"Huh? Why?" Tilting my head sharply in Fred's direction, she turned with widened eyes to see... Well, if looks could kill, she'd be dead a hundred times over.
Fred could've apparated and moved at the same speed. "What-" He seemed to be having trouble forming words, "The. Hell. Do you think you're doing, sister?"
"O-oh... I... Umm...."
"That's right. Nothing. Get over yourself, and stay away from my mate. Got it?"
Ginny nodded frantically, stumbling back in a useless attempt to get away from Fred and I. But I could sense it. George was coming; mercy almost forgotten.
A whoosh of air announced his arrival. "No! George, it's fine! I'm okay! Why don't we just go, you guys?!"
Fred grabbed my shoulders gently; "Harry, Ginny's our sister, but she crossed a line. She needs to know that."
Like an Imperius had been cast over me, I grew angry and upset that my mates weren't paying any attention to what I had to say.
"No!" Magic swirled around the room, building up, "You're not listening to me!"
My eyes grew stormy, my porcelain skin blossomed into a dark red.
As I dramatically left the room, I could hear the twins weakly calling after me. I didn't listen.
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