hello 😂😂😂 long time hahaha HAPPY MONTH OF LOVE EVERYONE HAHAHA
sorry if this is not a chapter im planning something for my mother because her b-day was coming so yeah hahaha i'll update this month don't worry (wink)
so please be patience 😂😁
ellyn:so what's the plan perhaps surprise ?
author: im still planning idiot!!!
gray: do you need help ?
juvia: we can help yah !!!
author: awww thank you guys !!!! but their is a problem ?
mark:what is it ?
author: she was you know ... she is working at the other country so i guess we will just make a video for her hehehe and some you know sweet or something
ellyn: but your not ..
author: awww shut up !!!
juvia: and you don't want sweet stuff right
gray: unless it was a food (chuckle)
mark: yeap i agree
happy: aye sir !!
gray: (starled) (jump and hug juvia) how the hell did you get here ?!
juvia: am gray ? (blush)
gray: (blush) awww sorry (let go)
happy: (giggle) you love her !!!
gray: (blushing mad ) shut it stupid cat !!! (kick happy)
happy: (flying like an object) kyah !!!
author: ahahha bye
everyone: planning operation !!!
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