Chapter 40: Off To The Desert Kingdom! Port Town Nanohana!
"Don't be discouraged! Journeys always accompany a farewell! But don't ever forget this!" He turns to the side, briefly wiping away a tear. "Friendship, has nothing to do with how long we've known each other!" and with that he hops off the ship, gracefully landing on his own.
"Now, let's go men!" he says, directing the crew mates, as the ships' gears turn and make a speedy farewell from the Going Merry.
"Yes, Mr. 2 Bon Clay-sama!"
Upon hearing this name, the crew let out a unanimous gasp, everyone finally realizing just who it was that was on their ship. "Baroque Works Agent Mr. 2?!" Vivi cries in horror.
"I thought you knew what he looked like Vivi!" You turn to the female, watching as she slumps down onto the deck in both fear and shock.
"No! I've never encountered Mr. 1 or Mr. 2 before! I didn't even known their powers!" she cries. "I'd only heard rumors! They said he wore makeup and talks like a girl and wears a swan coat that says 'Bon Clay!' on the back!"
"Are you blind?!" Luffy, Usopp and Zoro all shout at once. Vivi lets out a shaky breath, resting her right hand on her forehead. "One of the faces he showed was my father's! He was able to mimic my father's face! What does that mean?!"
You grit your teeth, looking down. "This is bad. He could try to mimic the king....Damn we really screwed up this time, letting that guy get away."
"Meaning he's our enemy." Mist crosses his arms over his chest. "This is bad. Once he realizes we're his enemies, he can now disguise himself as one of us."
"That may be true," Zoro puts a hand on Luffy's shoulder. "But Luffy, I don't think we'll have to worry about him. This was a lucky encounter. Now that we know his power, we can prepare a counter measure."
You blink a few times in surprise, the bitter feeling from earlier disappearing. "Woooow Big Bro Mossy, you actually thought about that all on your own?"
".......I'll kill you."
However, before Zoro's 'great idea' could be furthered explained, a large silhouette appeared under the Merry, before out of the water rose something no one in the Straw Hat crew had seen; a large white cat, with pointy ears and a green scaly stomach, with one paw slightly bent and posing like a crane neck. It had a large menacing smile, with it's slit eyes staring down at it's residents for a meal.
"It's a Sea Cat!!" Vivi gasps seeing the large creature, as Chopper and Usopp both scream in fear, " A SEA MONSTER!!"
This, was not the case for the Monster Trio, as Luffy and Zoro were quickly at the stern of the boat. "OUR FIRST MEAL IN DAYS!!" Zoro yells with hungry eyes as he draws his blades.
"FOOD!" Luffy yells with the same hungered look, already reeling his fist back. "Y/N! COME ON AND DRAG THIS MEAL OUT OF THE WATER!!!"
"You got it!!" you grin wickedly, already getting ready to activate your Devil Fruit.
Meanwhile, at the bow, Nami held the Alabasta Eternal Pose in hand, "We're on the right track...Looks like we'll be there pretty soon." she mutters to herself, unbeknownst to the craziness at the back of the ship.
Once the Sea Cat sees the three of you, it visibly pales, backing up slightly. "It backed up! Have the ship go back! Go back!!" Luffy yells. Sanji appears out of the kitchen, joining this madness. "Don't let it get away!" he rolls up his sleeves, ready to fight. "How should I cook you, damn cat?!"
You start to create a large water phoenix in the water behind the monster, ready to attack it when Vivi grabs a wooden broom and smacks all four of you into the railing. "NO!!" she shouts. The Sea Cat takes the opening, swimming away to safety.
"What the hell was that for Vivi?!" you hiss, wincing at the red lump on your head throbbing. "YEAH VIVI YOU JERK!!" Luffy yells.
"You can't eat it!" Vivi huffs, putting down the broom, "The Sea Cat is a sacred animal in Alabasta!"
"Wow...! There are so many creatures in the sea!" Chopper says, having calmed down from his fear earlier. Usopp's legs were still shaking. "Y-You got scared from something like that? Y-Y-You've seen nothing yet!" Suddenly he regains his composure, standing proudly. "Did I tell you about the time I fought Sea Kings in the Calm Belt!!"
And that is all it takes for Chopper to be absorbed in the male's stories. Vivi joins Nami at the upper deck, seeing as they were closing in at Alabasta. You look over at Luffy as he bites down on the railing, crying comical tears.
"Our lunch got away..." he sniffles. You let out a small sigh, shaking your head, but it didn't stop a smile from rising on your expression.
"Don't worry Luffy, we'll find some other food." you give him a small pat on the shoulder, sitting next to your captain. Seeing your warm smile cures his sad feeling and he instantly cheers up. "Really?! What kind of cat will appear this time?!"
"Hmm maybe a..... Flying cat?" you say with a small giggle. "Then we can sling shot you up and catch it!!" Luffy grins, clearly liking the sound of this.
"Sounds good! We should go on an adventure together in Alabasta!" he grins, making your heart flutter for a second.
'Just... the two of us...?' Odd. That sounded quite... Nice actually. The sweet feeling doesn't last however when you look up and notice several small ships in the distance, all with 'Baroque Works' written on the flags. "Looks like we're in Alabasta..." you say with a grimace.
Luffy lets out a small 'hmm?' in confusion before following your gaze and standing up, looking in awe. "There's so many ships! When did that happen?"
"It looks like they're the Billions..." Vivi says, now worried. "It looks like there's about two hundred men in total." she grimaces, "This won't be like the bounty hunters at Whiskey Peak."
Usopp makes a mad dash for the canon, already sweating from panic. "Should we start firing at them?!"
"I can sink the ships," you offer with a shrug.
"No," Zoro cuts the two of you off. "There's no point in dealing with the small fry. Anyways, let's prepare that counter for Mr. 2's devil fruit."
And with that, everyone drew the black 'X' on their left arm, and were now proceeding to tie the bandages around it tightly. You finished putting on yours, and noticed Luffy was struggling to no end, pulling at it with his teeth only to rip it and have to start again.
"Here, captain, allow me." you walk over to the male, taking a fresh strip of bandages and wrapping it around his wrist.
"Thank you Y/n!" Luffy flashes you a bright toothy grin, making your cheeks flush up just a bit, and tightening the bandage. "OUCH!" He suddenly screams. "TOO TIGHT!!"
"Ack! Sorry Luffy!" you exclaim, loosening the bonds quickly. He makes a pouty face to you, looking at his red wrist now.
"Why did you do it so tight?!" He shouts making you flinch and apologise immediately.
"Sorry Sorry Sorry!! It was an accident! I just got distracted!!" You explain hoping he wasn't too upset about it.
"ANYWAYS!" Nami shouts, trying to gather the crew's full attention. "Now that we know what we're up against, we're going to have to plan carefully."
"What should I do??" Chopper asks raising a hoof.
"Just do whatever you can," Usopp replies, finishing the bandage around his wrist, "If you can't win, it's okay to just run! Just do your best!" Sanji, who was putting a bandage around Karoo's wing sweat drops hearing this. "That's your motto Usopp?"
"Whatever I can do?" Chopper repeats. "Okay!"
"We're getting close to the harbor," Mist points out. "Let's anchor in the cove to the west. That way we can hide the ship better."
"Right!" Luffy stands proudly, thrusting out his left arm that now had the bandage. "No matter what happens from here on out, our left arms will bear the sign of our friendship!"
You can't help but smile with the rest of the crew, as everyone puts out their left arms in a circle. Friends. Vivi herself, looked down at her and Karoo's wrists, and can't help but smile. She felt more than overjoyed that she had friends like this.
"Let's go ashore! TO EAT!" Luffy shouts proudly, "And then Alabasta."
The ship comes to a stop at the town called Nanohana. Luffy's nose starts to twitch as he can smell food from this distance. "FOOD!" He shouts before he instinctively grabs you and drags you along off the ship.
"LUFFY WAIT!!" You and the rest of the crew shout, but it's too late as he already is drooling, and his eyes are lit up as he speeds through the town, with you in tow flying around like a rag doll. "Why me...?" you cry comical tears, not wanting to continue being dragged by your captain.
Vivi lets out a sigh with both worry and exhaustion at the thought of Luffy's stupidity. "What are we going to do...? Nanohana is a large city..."
"Don't worry Vivi," Sanji says, lighting another cigarette. "We'll just look for the noisiest place in the town. He's bound to be there." Sanji suddenly tched, "And I'll beat his teeth in for taking our lovely ocea-"
"Yes yes that's enough of the nicknames!" Nami cuts the male off, "We'd better hope those two don't cause a ruckus! After all, they've got bounties on their head!"
Meanwhile, in the town, Luffy looks ahead and sees the restaurant he smelled before. "Found it Y/n! Let's go!" he stretches his arms over to the doorway. "Gum Gum..."
"Luffy...." you sniffle holding onto him tightly. 'Dear God... If you exist, make sure in my next life I can watch from the sidelines or a safe haven....'
And so, you and Luffy go flying into the restaurant where he crashes into a very large man, though you couldn't see who it was. He and another man with dark raven hair and an odd hat go flying four walls back. You were still holding tightly to the male by the neck for dear life, thankful you didn't go flying with them at the time.
"A restaurant!!" Luffy chants happily yet again. "Man I'm so hungry! Mister! Food! Food Food!" He sits down at the counter, and you do as well, letting out a sigh as you rest your hand on your cheek.
Speaking of the two men flying through the wall, the first was recognizable as Smoker, who was still on the chase for Straw Hat Luffy and Water Bearer Y/n. The second man, was shirtless, wearing black baggy shorts and a deep purple beaded necklace around his neck. A green handled knife was attached to his belt, with a proud "A" at the front, and two tattoos. One on his back that was the purple Whitebeard Pirates symbol and the other was on his left arm with "ASCE" written on it, the "S" crossed out.
"Damn..!" he cursed getting up, dusting the rubble from the walls off of him. "Who the hell did that?" He looks over and sees a small family eating a meal. "Oh, sorry to interrupt." he bows politely before walking back with the holes in the walls as a guide.
Smoker had also made his way back, lighting a cigarette. It was at the same time the two saw Luffy sitting there, stuffing his face full of all the plates of food in front of him. "Luf! Oi Luf-"
"STRAW HAT!!" Smoker slammed the man's face into the ground again before running up to you and Luffy. You nearly choke on the water you were drinking, slamming the cup back down.
The two men stared at one another in silence, with only Luffy's eating being the noise heard. "So you actually showed up." Smoker began.
And more silence. Oh, Luffy finished two steaks at once. More silence.....
"QUIT EATING!!" he shouts, making you deadpan looking over to Luffy.
"Luffy luffy...." you whisper in his ear. "You remember this guy right?"
It takes Luffy a moment, before his mind flashes back to LogueTown. Luffy spits out his food, and you cringe as it sprays all over Smoker. "MUR DA MOKEY MUDE*!" he shouts muffled. "BHAT'MR U MOOING HEO*?!"
"Why you..." Smoker growls. Luffy then swipes up the food with his arms, stuffing it into his mouth all at once, then picks you up, throwing you over his shoulder once again and making you yelp.
"Banks mur ma mood!" He bows before breaking off into a sprint, his cheeks still rather large as he tries to devour it all, with one hand on you to keep you from falling off. "Luffy! Put me down already!" you whine.
"I know your Gum Gum attacks don't work! But what excuse is that to carry me?!"
"Well fine if you wanna run for it but put me down!!"
Smoker continues to pursue the two of you, not that far behind, "Tashigi!" He yells seeing the female ahead. "Stop Straw Hat!" he yells.
Immediately the female pulls out her katana. "Yes sir!" She swipes at the two of you, but Luffy easily jumps up onto the rooftops.
"Damn it!" And with that Smoker changed into the smoke, easily floating up to where the two of you were. Seeing this, Luffy only went faster which made you panic. "LUFFY! DON'T YOU DARE DROP ME!!" You hiss seeing the height below and feeling like you were going to barf.
"Tashigi! Assemble the troops around the town! They need to search everywhere!"
"Yes sir!"
"White snake!" Smoker's smoky arm is thrust forward and Luffy tries to run faster with no avail as it gets closer and closer to grabbing the two of you.
You pull out one of your katanas, swiping at the smoke as it dispersed, and that half second gave Luffy the opening to jump down from the rooftops, only for you both to scream seeing even more Navy soldiers at the ground below.
The large crowd continues to chase you around town, Luffy desperately trying to get out and you smacking him in the back of the head over and over again for getting you involved in this situation.
Meanwhile, back at the restaurant, the man from before was even more irked having been slammed into the ground. But seeing Luffy ahead gave him all the more reason to join the chase for him. "Luffy!" he shouts, "It's me!"
Now just who was this man?
To Be Continued.........
A/n: *You're the smokey dude! What're you doing here?!
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