Chapter 3: The Strongest Pirate Fleet! Commodore Don Krieg!
~~~~~~Edited on 03/30/2020~~~~~~
"I see, so that cook saved your life. And you were able to come back. Is that what you're saying Gin?"
"Y-yes, b-but... I never imagined the ship to be in such condition Don Krieg!" the man replies, on his knees. "I'll take you there, to the Sea Baratie Restaurant."
Back at the restaurant;
"Oi you damn geezer! I'm the Sous Chef! What do you mean you don't need me?" Sanji yells, at "Owner Zeff" as you've learned. "You cause a ruckus with the customers, you nostrils flare when you see a pretty woman, you can't even cook a decent meal. We have no need for you at this restaurant."
'What is Zeff saying? Of course Sanji can cook!! Still, Zeff does have a point; If Sanji wants to be with Nami that bad, why doesn't he just leave?'
"So go and be a pirate already and leave this damn restaurant." Zeff finishes. The conversation gets more and more intense. "Sheesh I stay quiet and there you go running your mouth you damn geezer. I could forget the rest, but you're not going to go trash talk my cooking! I don't care what you say I am gonna remain here on this ship as a cook! And that's final!" Sanji yells, causing you to reel back a little.
With that last bit, Sanji grabs Zeff by the collar of his shirt, all eyes are on the two now. But Zeff instead grabs Sanji back and sends him flying towards our table. Usopp and Nami quickly move the food and out of the way, but you're too slow and Sanji hits you. The two of you fall down along with the table. Sanji slowly gets up. You admit, it irritated you, and you wanted to give them both a piece of your mind, but this was their fight. You didn't want to get in the middle of it. "Damn you....... Quit screwing around.............No matter how hard you try to get me to leave I'll continue to work here as a cook until you die!" Zeff continues to walk away. "I will never die! I will live 100 more years!!"
"Alright! Now you have permission to become a pirate!!" Luffy says, patting him on the back.
"NO WAY!!!" Sanji yells to Luffy. Sanji quickly sets back the table and helps me up. He then proceeds to give a fruit macedonia to Nami you, along with pouring some wine. "Now then, sorry about that, I would like to treat my princesses to a fruit macedonia!"
"Thank you so much!" the two of you say in unison, clapping your hands together. "Where is our apology?!" Usopp yells. "I'm gonna sue you stupid love cook!!!" Sanji looks at Usopp, the hearts in his eyes gone. "I served you tea, isn't that good enough? Say thank you for that long nose."
"You wanna fight?! I won't go easy! Zoro, come fight!!!" Usopp says, shaking. "Do it yourself." he replies. "No, please don't fight because of me." Nami interjects, shaking her head. "Yes I'll stop." Sanji says immediately. You tilt your head in confusion. "Who said it was about you Nami?"
Nami quickly kicks you under the chair. You wince in pain and she stares at you with a 'let me do the talking' look. You roll your eyes but let her have at it. "You know, the food you have here is delicious...but it seems to be too expensive for me.~" She grabs Sanji's chin and brings him closer to her face. "Of course it'll be free." Sanji says with hearts in his eyes. "Thank you!" Nami says. Nami then looks at you and nods towards Sanji. You then understand;
'She wants me to hug him!!!'
You go over to Sanji and give him a tight hug. "Thank you so much Sanji-san!!!". The hearts in his eyes start to throb."Of course my y/n-chan!!" he suddenly turns to the guys. "You still have to pay." "WHAT?!?!?!?!" Usopp screams. Zoro sweatdrops. "You're too predictable." he mutters.
You look over to see Luffy staring at you. He has a weird frowning face. Finally Sanji pulls away from the hug and kicks Luffy's face. "What are you sitting around for?!! When a customer sits down, bring them moist hand towels." He then proceeds to drag Luffy away to the kitchen. You sweatdrop at this. Suddenly, Luffy stretches his arm, grabbing your wrist. "Shishishi! Come on Y/n! Let's go!" Luffy yells, pulling you away from the other crew members.
"E-eh!?!?" you scream as you're being dragged.
3 Days Later
Back on the Merry are Nami, Usopp and Zoro. "Geez this has been going on for three days now. When can we leave?" Usopp whines, leaning against the railing of the Going Merry. "Who knows?" Zoro shrugs. "Are Luffy and Y/n really going to work here as chore boys for a year?" Usopp hums. "Wait, why is Y/n even doing anything? She's not part of the crew."
"Luffy dragged her away. Remember?" she hops off of the railing she was sitting on. "And what's wrong with staying here for a year?The food here is free and it is comfortable."
"For you it is." Zoro adds. Usopp looks over the ship to see Y/n and Luffy carrying garbage off the ship. "Hey Luffy! Y/n!" he calls. Luffy and Y/n look up at them. "Yeah?" Luffy replies. "What are you doing? Let's leave here soon." says Usopp.
"You know, I'm not even supposed to be doing this, so please just leave already!!!" you huff, throwing down the large garbage bag you had. "Wait a bit longer!! I will try talking to the Owner again!! And this time I have Y/n with me so maybe he will listen!" he yells back.
You deadpan. "How will I make a difference?" Suddenly, you look over as you see the fog clearing. There you can spot out a ship. You look to see that Luffy has also noticed. 'Now who can that be?'
A glass of wine is dropped, as a couple notice the ship coming closer to the restaurant. Soon enough, everyone begins to notice. "An hourglass- one on each side of the skull, a threat to enemies!!" the first customer says. "Th- that flag.................. that flag is.............. It belongs to the ruler of the East Blue........DON KRIEG!!!!!!" the second customer screams.
"W-Why are the Krieg pirates here?!?!" "You see Patty??!! They actually came here!!! You're gonna get rid of the right??" the chef named Carne yells to the taller man named Patty. "This is a mistake, right?!?!?! This is Don's 5,000 force fleet we are talking about!!! Would he really come here for revenge of just one man?!" he screams.
"It's no mistake!!! He really is here!!!"
Luffy is still out on the deck with you. He walks closer to Krieg's ship, mesmerized by its' immense size. "HEY!! Shouldn't we get out of here now?!" Usopp screams, his whole body shaking. Nami looks up at the large ship. "What a huge galleon!!"
Sanji steps out of the restaurant. Luffy is now over by Sanji on his left,and you on his right. "What a huge ship!! I wonder if Gin came back to repay you for his kindness!!" he says. You tilt your head in confusion. "Gin? The Man Demon? Still, it's strange........."
"What is?" Luffy asks. "Take a look at their ship. It looks like it's been through hell!! How is it still floating?!" You gesture to how the ship was practically shredded, and cut. "It doesn't look like they were attacked from canons..." Sanji adds. "Yet the damage couldn't be man made. Maybe a tornado or something?"
There is a large shadow of a man, walking down the boat. The customers are frozen in fear as Gin is coming inside, while helping a large man. He looks worse the Gin did when he arrived at the restaurant. He is a very tall, muscular man, with short hair and sideburns. You watch Don Krieg enter the restaurant, taking a seat, but cautiously. After all, he wasn't called the ruler of the East Blue for nothing, right?
After a few minutes of silence, the man speaks up. " S-sorry, can I have some food? And water? We have money, tons of money. I can't remember the last time I ate. Please, give me some food and water......." he says in a raspy voice.
You looked in shock. 'He is not forcing them? Begging? What is he up to..........' Just in case, you unsheathe my dagger to prepare for the worst. "So he's hungry......" Luffy observes. As Luffy says this, Sanji makes his way up to the kitchen. Don Krieg tries to move forward, but loses his balance and collapses.
"C-captain!! Please!! Someone help our captain!!!! He's about to starve!! He hasn't eaten in days!! He will die if he doesn't eat!!" You look around to see everyone glaring at Krieg and Ghin in absolute disgust. 'Is this for real??? Maybe Krieg is innocent....' Sheathing your dagger, proceeding to walk over to Krieg and Gin. Gin stares at you, with fear in his eyes, as he is pleading for me to help. You lean closer to him, so he can hear you.
"Don't worry, Sanji-san is making food as we speak, so don't worry." Hopefully, it'd give him some peace of mind, despite the fact you were strangers. Gin slowly nods, trying to keep calm. Yet it doesn't last, as Patty starts to laugh. "You don't see this everyday; the legendary Don Krieg in such a pathetic state!" he bellows. "We're paying customers this time!!" Gin says, pleading to the man. "Don't be ridiculous!! Hey, you there girl!! Call the Navy at once!!" he points at you.
"He's in a weak state right now. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity!!! We don't have to feed him anything! Just keep him under arrest!!". Gin clenches his fist tighter and tighter. "He's right!," one of the customers speak up. "We don't know what he will do once he gets his strength back! He has committed crimes!! He deserves to starve!" Gin looks like he has had enough. You stand up and stare Patty dead straight into his eye. His face shows fear and regret, like Usopp before, and then I look straight at the customers.
"Shut up," you snap. "Can't you see that he is just a regular man that is hungry? You think his crimes are bad, look at you trash talking a pirate. Just shut up."
"W-wait a second............. It's Water Bearer Y/n!!!! She has a bounty of 100 million and she has only been on the seas for three months!!" One of the customers scream, pointing at me. "EHHH?!" Patty screams at you. "WHAT?! No fair!! How come you got a bounty before me Y/n?!?!?!" Luffy pouts. You shrug. "It is a pretty small bounty you know, what's the big deal?"
"I won't do anything...."
Everyone's attention is on Krieg. He slowly starts to bow towards the chefs. "Once I eat, I promise that I will leave quietly. P-please, h-help me." he finishes, bowing towards the chefs. "Don Krieg, stop!! Don't beg!! It is not something you need to do!! Please don't do something so disgraceful." Gin yells, tears in his eyes.
"I'll take scraps, leftovers, anything will work.... Please, I promise." he begs. Everyone in the restaurant is left speechless. The Don Krieg is bowing and begging. No one was used to seeing the ruler of the East Blue in this state. "D-Don....." Gin stutters. Sanij starts to make his way down from the kitchen. Patty laughs, hands on his hips. "What? Are you trying to seek sympathy from us or something?"
"Out of my way, Patty." Sanji kicks Patty straight in the face, causing him to fall down with a large bang. Luffy stares in surprise. I turn to see Sanji carrying a bottle of wine and a large bowl of rice. "Sanji-san......." Gin stares at him, his eyes as wide as saucers.
"Glad you could make it." you say. Sanji sets the food down in front of Krieg. "Gin, Y/n-chan, let him eat." you take a step back, along with Gin. "Sanji-san......"
"Thank you!!" Krieg sobs, and begins to dig into Sanjiś food. One of the chefs, Carne, runs down to where Sanji is.
"Hey Sanji! Take that food away!! He is the ruler of the East Blue, the foul player, Don Krieg!! He started off pretending to be a marine soldier. He then took over a ship and killed the senior captain!! That is how he declared himself a pirate! He then raised the navy flag so he could attack innocent people. His own strength is very immense. There is no way he will just leave after-"
Before the chef could finish, Don Krieg slams down his bottle of wine, and proceeds to punch Sanji in the face. Before he can though, you grab my dagger, with the sheathe still on sadly, but it is strong enough to block Don Krieg's punch. "Y-Y/n-chan" Sanji stutters, seeing my quick reflexes."Tch. You know that is pretty dirty; Sanji-san here helps you by providing you food and this is how you repay him?"
Don Krieg smirks. "That's just how I roll girlie." He then grabs your wrist holding the dagger and punches you hard in the gut. You let out a gasp in pain, feeling your breath knocked out of you. He then punches Sanji knocking him to the ground. Finally he wraps his arm around your neck, bringing you closer to him. Gin only stares in shock and horror.
Luffy POV:
'What does that Krieg guy think he is doing!! Beating up two of my nakama!! He better let Y/n go right now!!'
Carne gasps. "S-s-Sanji!!" he stutters, going over to him. The customers gasp in shock, witnessing what just happened. One girl screams and everyone runs out of the restaurant in fear. "T-this isn't what we agreed to Don Krieg...." Gin mutters. I look to see Y/n trying to punch his arm, to get him to loosen his grip, but it only gets tighter, as she is struggling to breathe.
"I brought you here under the condition that you wouldn't harm this restaurant. And you already hurt Sanji-san and Y/n-chan!! They both saved our lives-" Krieg grabs Ghin with his free arm by the shoulder. There is a large sickening crack. Don Krieg wipes his mouth, smirking at Sanji and Y/n. "Yeah, that was delicious." "D-damn you y-you bastar-Gyah!!!"
Krieg is using enough strength to break her neck!! I don't understand what this feeling is though- my heart feels like it is being stabbed over and over again. He puts Gin down with that stupid smug smile. Meanwhile, Nami, Zoro and Usopp look to see the crowd of people leaving the restaurant. "O-O-OI!!! What's going on??!" Usopp asks, panicked. "We'll see once we go in there." Zoro states, walking off of the Merry. "What?!?! Are you serious?!"
"Yeah, you scared?" Usopp walks after Zoro. "Wha... Don't be ridiculous!" he tries to ignore his own shaking legs. Zoro looks up at the large galleon. "Hmph. This is strange....... There is almost no sign of anyone on that ship.
Back to the restaurant
'This is not good. I can't get out of Krieg's monstrous grip!' You look around to see that the customers have left. Now there is only the chefs, Krieg, Sanji, Luffy, Gin and you.
'Great, why's it always gotta be me in the middle of this?'
To be continued.....................................
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