Chapter 23: All Out Battle! Luffy vs. Y/n!
The girl you now recognize as Vivi, her eyes go wide with shock and fear. The two agents then notice you. "Oh? A bonus! The capture of Water Bearer Y/n!" Miss Valentine laughs.
You tighten the grips on your twin swords, as you step forward, in front of the Alabastans, getting into battle stance. "I'm not going without a fight!"
Vivi's eyes widen. "Water Bearer! What're you doing?! Why are you helping us?!" she says. You roll your eyes. "This isn't to specifically help you: I'm doing this because they want to take me, and happen to be after you too as well," you argue. You weren't willing to say up front you were willing to fight for them.
"So this is the infamous Water Bearer..." Mr. 5 says, observing you. 'Igaram' suddenly pushes you to the side. "We don't need the help of a low life pirate! Now run Vivi-sama!" he starts firing again, only this time, you see something small fly from the two agents, and once it hits Igaram, there is an explosion. He collapses on the ground. "Igaram!" Vivi yells.
"Damn!" you curse. Miss Valentine swipes at Vivi, but she narrowly dodges, as her hair tie is cut, revealing her long light blue hair.
"You monsters!" she snaps, pulling out her Peacock slasher from before. You turn around and see Mr. 9 on his knees. "You're a princess, Miss Wednesday?!"
"Quit being dumb!" you two shout in unison. "This is one screwed up night....Have fun Y/n...." Zoro mutters as he runs past you with Luffy. "V-vi-Vi-sama...." Igaram says weakly. She turns to him. "Are you all right?!"
"Never mind me...Please, escape Vivi-sama.....our homeland......Please! Go!" he yells weakly.
Mr. 5 picks his nose, making you pull back in disgust. "You really think you can escape from us?" Vivi pulls out two of her Peacock slasher, spinning them around on her pinky. You hold your swords in the same position as before.
Except, before either of you could attack, Mr. 9 steps in front, holding out his metal bats. "I'm having a hard time figuring out what's going on here, but we've been a pair for a long time. I'll buy you some time!" he yells.
You gasp. You thought he would've turned on Vivi and ran away. "Get going, Miss Wednesday! Water Bearer!"
"Mr. 9!" Vivi says in shock. "Pretty manly, huh? Now bye-bye baby!" he does backflips toward the two agents. "Hot Blooded........." Mr. 5 has his booger on his finger and aims it like a gun. "We only need the will to complete our missions. It doesn't matter to us if there are extra people lost."
"Gut!" Mr. 9 yells, but once the booger is shot, there is another explosion and Mr. 9, goes flying into a river behind you with a loud splash. "Mr. 9!" Both of you yell.
Vivi's eyes widen, as she hops on Karoo. "Get on Water Bearer!" she says. You shake your head. "Go! I'll try my best to hold them off!" You noticed there was that river. You could use it to your advantage. "You're not going to get away from us!" Mr. 5 says. "Let's go, Miss Valentine!" the two start to sprint after Vivi, who takes off on Karoo. You quickly stop the two, as you aim your swords at them. "Hey. Don't forget about me."
"You really want to fight us?" Miss Valentine asks, giggling. You smirk, "Of course. I've always wanted a challenge." Miss Valentine jumps up and floats in the sky. "What the-?!" you stutter, but focus on Mr. 5 who launches another booger. You quickly slice it in half but regret it afterward.
"Ew! I just cut his booger!" you say in realization.
"Please! I'm begging you! Get the princess to Alabasta at the far east safely! I promise a large reward!" Igaram was begging Zoro at the moment to take Vivi to safety. "Screw that! You just tried to kill Y/n and I a few minutes ago!"
"A reward, huh?" The two men look up and see Nami sitting on a rooftop. "I'd be interested in that reward. How about one billion berries?" Nami says. "O-one million be-berries?!" Igaram says in shock.
Nami hops down, now standing before him. "In that case, if you're willing to safely deliver the princess, it would be best if you negotiate terms with her directly." Nami smiles. "That means, I have to start with saving her first, right?"
"Even as we speak, her life is in danger!" he yells. Nami stands up. "All right, I'll save your princess." Igaram's face lights up, but only for a brief moment as Nami points to Zoro.
"Okay! Go get her, Zoro!" Zoro's eye twitches at this. "Yeah right! Why do I have to go with all of your money making schemes?!"
"Geez, you're so stupid!" Nami whines. "My money is mine, but my contracts belong to all of you."
"That's the kind of logic a bully would use!" he argues. "What's the problem?" she says nonchalantly. "All you gotta do is cut those guys down!"
"I don't like being used, unlike that idiot cook!" Nami has her hands on her hips. "That's just because you're afraid you'll lose!"
"I'm not! Besides Y/n is fighting them right now!" he says. Igaram's eyes widen. "Water Bearer is?!" Zoro and Nami turn to him. "Yes. And?" he asks. "You have to go! Now!"
Nami raises an eyebrow. "Why? Y/n's strong. She can handle herself." Igaram shakes his head. "Unlike Vivi-sama, Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine aren't trying to kill Water Bearer, they're trying to take her."
Zoro becomes a little panicked but hides it. "Why?" he asks calmly. "The boss wants her. And part of their mission is to take her. Sure, they'll beat her up a bit, but they can't kill her." Igaram finishes.
Nami smirks. She felt bad for Y/n but knew she could use that to her advantage. "Now, you wanna go save your sister, Zoro?"
Zoro grits his teeth. He knew that Nami knows how much he cares for Y/n, as he goes sprinting off in that direction. "Damn woman! You're not going to die a good death!" he yells. She nods, watching him. "Yup, I'm going to Hell!" she yells back.
~~Back to you~~
You gasp as another one of the bombs hit you. You collapse on your knees, panting. You'd been trying to attack them at least once, but every attempt turned into you blocking them. Miss Valentine tries to kick you but you block it with your swords. At the same time, another explosion goes off. You cry in pain as you go flying into one of the houses, breaking it.
You wince, as the bullet wound you had earlier was throbbing, and you felt dizzy. You looked and saw Vivi and Miss Monday. The two girls look at you "Are you okay?!" Vivi asks worriedly. You try to get up but wince.
Miss Monday picks you up. "I'll hold them off. Please protect her." You nod, as Miss Monday stands you next to Vivi. You create a large water wall, blocking Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine temporarily. "Water Bearer!" she says in shock.
"Why?! Why are you helping me?!" there is another explosion on the other side, and you struggle to keep the wall up. "Does it matter?! Go! Hurry!" she turns away, as Karoo sprints away.
You drop the water wall and sprint away with Vivi. "It's pointless to continue to run..." Mr. 5 mutters. But the three of you don't stop running. "She's not going to make it," you say to Vivi. She turns to the side and glares at you. "What do you mean?!" The two of you aren't even ten feet away before a large explosion goes off.
Vivi stops running and turns around in horror as Miss Monday is there laying limp on the ground. "Miss Monday!" she screams. "We have to keep going!" you try to urge her on. Mr. 5 has his forearm out, and you notice it's still smoking.
"I'm a bomb man: I can make my entire body explode," he says. You notice that Miss Valentine floats up in the air. You and Vivi look up at her. She is twirling around her umbrella as she lets out another giggle.
"Using my Kilo-Kilo Fruit Power, I'll bury Miss Monday into the ground! I'm able to change my body weight at will! Right now, I'm light enough to be lifted by the wind!" She starts counting off, starting from 2 kilograms, as she speeds up, getting closer and closer to the ground.
You create water chains to grab Miss Monday, like the wrap around her forearms, dragging her to you and Vivi just as Miss Valentine slams into the ground. Vivi sighs with shock and relief. "Water Bearer......." Vivi mutters. You sigh, pulling out your dagger.
Your eyes turn ocean blue again, as your twin swords form again. Miss Valentine rolls her eyes and giggles. "Aww~ You ruined my fun Water Bearer, looks like we get to play with you more~"
Mr. 5 picks out another booger, flicking it at the two of you. "Nose Fancy Canon!" You get ready to cut the booger, but there is a flash of green and Zoro beats you to it, as the two explosions go off behind the four of you on either side. His nose scrunches up realizing the same thing you did earlier. "Mr. Bushido!" Vivi yells.
"Ew! I just cut his booger!" he looks at the blade in disgust. You smile. "Big bro!" you giggle. He turns to you, smacking your forehead. "Ouch!" you rub the red spot on your head. "What was that for you meanie?!"
"For letting these weaklings beat you up," he says smugly. You puff your cheeks, crossing your arms over your chest. "I was going to get serious! I was just going easy on them!!" Zoro laughs, messing with your hair. "Whatever you say Y/n."
You roll your eyes. "Anyways, what are you even doing here?"
"I'm here to save her 'Royal Highness'," he says pointing to her.
You raise your eyebrow at him. "Nami made you, didn't she?" Zoro tenses and his eye twitches in annoyance just thinking about her. "Shut up! Why are you here?!"
You shrug. "Because I want to be. Plus, she" you point to Miss Valentine. "Annoys me to no end and I want to shut her up." Miss Valentine sends you a nasty glare but quickly puts back on her smug smile. "So you're the swordsman who cut down all of the employees in this lowly village."
"Why are you helping the princess of Alabasta and Water Bearer Y/n?" Mr. 5 asks.
"I've got some circumstances of my own...." Zoro mutters. You snicker, whispering to him. "I knew it was Nami."
"Well, no matter. You're our enemy either way. You're in our way."
"Yes, he is! And so is Water Bearer.....Are you sure we can't kill her?" Miss Valentine pouts. You roll your eyes. "Hmph. Please, as if someone like you could ever dream of killing me."
Miss Valentine glares at you. Mr. 5 sticks his finger in his nose. You and Zoro draw your swords, getting ready to fight.
Everyone turns to see Luffy, bloated up, a few feet behind Miss Valentine and Mr. 5. "Now what?!" Vivi says.
"ZORO!! Y/N!!!"
You wave to Luffy. "Hey, Luffy!"
"Luffy! Thanks, but we don't need any help!" Zoro replies. "Or does that wench have you in debt too?"
Your eyes narrow as you notice Luffy is out of breath. He had a mad expression and seemed to be glaring at the two of you. Zoro notices too, as he stopped smiling.
"I'm gonna make you pay for what you did! Let's fight!" Luffy yells. You and Zoro look at each other, then turn to Luffy. "HUH?!" you scream in unison.
"What the heck are you talking about time?!" Zoro yells.
"Shut up! I'm gonna kick your ass for being an ingrate!!"
"'Ingrate'?!" you repeat. Luffy nods. "Yeah!" You think about why Luffy would want to beat up Zoro.
'Hmm, we didn't steal Luffy's food........Was it because I used his stomach as a trampoline??' You shake your head.'No, we did save everyone from the bounty hunters though....Bounty hunters....'
You facepalm realizing what Luffy meant, but just to be sure; "Luffy, please tell me you're not going to kick my brother's ass for cutting down the bounty hunters....." you mutter.
"Everyone in this town welcomed us with yummy food! But you and Y/n cut them all down!" Luffy was pissed. You sigh, shaking your head. Zoro starts to sweat nervously. "Yeah, but.."
"No buts! You're going to pay!" Vivi was watching this whole thing go on. "Just how much of a dull-headed person can he be?!" she yell whispers. Karoo nods his head in agreement. You turn to her. "There's no limit to Luffy's stupidity."
Mr. 5 sighs. "This is so lame."
"Let's just kill everyone who stands in way of our mission!" Miss Valentine suggests. Zoro sighs. "Hold on Luffy."
"Listen to us Luffy," you begin. "Those people were bounty hunt-"
"No excuses!" Luffy charges at the two of you, fist up. "WHAT?!??!" You and Zoro scream. The fist almost hits Zoro, but he narrowly dodges, as it crumbles a large piece of rubble on the ground near him.
"Are you trying to kill me?!" He yells. "Yeah! Die!" Luffy pulls back his fist. He tries to kick Zoro, who dodges. "Dammit listen to me!" he yells. "Or at least Y/n!"
Suddenly Zoro gets an idea. He smirks, turning to you. You raise an eyebrow at him. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Hey, Y/n. Remember that time you made that Ero cook fight me? And I said you owed me......" your eyes widen realizing what he was saying.
"No way! Absolutely not! You're the first mate! You should deal with him! Besides, he's mad at yo-"
You're cut off as Luffy punches you hard in the gut. You were so 'lucky' that it hit where your bullet wound was. You double over, clutching your stomach in pain. Luffy's eyes widen, realizing he hit you. "Y-Y/n! I-I mean!" he shakes his head. "Bring it on! You cut them down too!"
A dark aura forms around you. You growl lowly, facing Luffy. He swallows nervously but stands his ground. "Zoro. Go." He rolls his eyes. "Please. As if I'm going to miss a fight this exciting." he sits down next to Vivi, watching how this plays out.
"It seems that they're not going after us." Mr. 5 says. Miss Valentine nods. "Yes, now let us complete our mission." The two run over in the direction of Vivi. You dodge one of Luffy's punches and kick him hard in the stomach, and he goes flying hitting Miss Valentine and Mr. 5, and the three crash into a house, breaking it.
"Looks like I can't talk sense into you, Luffy. Then it looks like," your expression goes dark, and when you look up at Luffy, the normal bright sparkle in your eyes is gone. Your eyes have gone dead.
"I'm going to have to get serious," you say. You see a few explosions go off, and Miss Valentine appears in the air, flying again.
"You bastards! I'll kill you with my Kilo-Kilo Fruit power!" she continues to rant on, and on. When the dust clears, Luffy appears, now his normal size, with Mr. 5 being dragged by his left hand. Vivi's eyes widen seeing him. He is missing a tooth and has a bit of blood running from the right corner of his mouth and forehead. "N-no way! M-Mr. 5!" she stutters.
Miss Valentine becomes irked, seeing she was being ignored. "Don't ignore me! 10,000....Kilo Press!" She falls at a rapid speed, but you merely dodge as she hits the ground, getting herself stuck quite deep. Luffy pats his stomach, his hat shadowing his expression.
"That was a good workout. Now I can fight, for real," he says.
"Hold on a sec! What's going on here?! Aren't the three of you nakama?!" she yells. Zoro looks up at her.
"Yeah, but that dimwit is too stupid to understand. That's why Y/n's gotta knock some sense into him," he says. He didn't truly like the idea of you fighting Luffy, but you did owe him, and he still needed to get you back for the situation with Nami earlier.
"Hope you don't regret this, Luffy!" you charge at him.
"I won't! Gum-Gum...."
"Twin Sword......"
"Bazooka!/Water Slicer!"
There is a large rupture as the houses behind Luffy are all cut down from the impact. Luffy's hand are holding your swords by the blades, and the strong grip the both of you were using was keeping you from moving. You notice blood draw from Luffy's hands but pay no mind to it. "Looks like we get to see who's stronger," you say.
"Yeah! Let's find out!" he yells.
You tilt your right sword, then swipe it quickly to the left, as a large water whirlwind appears, sending Luffy airborne. "Water Whirlwind!" Luffy reels back his fist. "Gum-Gum..... Pistol!"
Luffy's fist hits your face, sending you flying into a nearby house. Luffy falls on a rooftop, head first, as there is a hole where his head lays inside. Zoro was a little panicked but didn't freak out too much.
"She's gotten this powerful, huh.....?" he mutters.
Vivi looks in awe, seeing how much destruction the two of you caused. "You should go," Zoro says.
"Huh?" she looks at him, then at the place, the two of you had been fighting. "But is it safe?" she asks nervously. Zoro shrugs. Vivi hops on Karoo, and the duck slowly walks through. It quiet for about ten seconds before you and Luffy burst through the rubble, letting out a battle cry.
Luffy goes to punch you, but you block it with your sword. You swing your sword and end up cutting Luffy's cheek. He punches you in the gut, as you wheeze in pain, nearly dropping your swords. The small bottom of your shirt up to your chest was now soaked in blood.
The fight continues on, and Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine become more and more annoyed. "How dare they make fools of us! This will put Baroque Works to shame!" Mr. 5 snaps. "Yes, let's show them how truly terrifying we can be!" Miss Valentine says.
The two charge at you and Luffy once again. "Don't take us lightly!"
"We're Baroque Works Agents!"
You and Luffy stop fighting, turning to the duo. Miss Valentine squeaks in fear, and Mr. 5 tenses seeing your expressions. "Shut up! You're being so damn annoying!" the two of you say in unison.
"Quit interrupting....."
Luffy punches Miss Valentine and you punch Mr. 5, sending them flying once again. "Our fight!" Vivi and Zoro's eyes widen, seeing the two of you. "What strength......" Vivi says in awe.
"Damn, who thought Y/n was that strong?"
You smirk. "The problem is finally shutting up. Let's settle this, once and for all!"
The grip on your swords tighten, and Luffy's fist clenches tighter as well. There is a spark of lighting between the two of you before you let out another battle cry, and charge. Just before the two of you are about to strike again, there are two large brown eyes that belong to none other than your navigator.
"Knock that off!"
She punches you and Luffy, as you both hit the ground. Vivi's eyes dilate seeing how easily the two of you went down. Zoro winces, watching you go down. "What the hell are you two doing?! It's a good thing you managed to keep the princess safe!" Nami walks over to Zoro, punching him too. "You almost let a million berries get away from us!"
She picks up the two of you, holding you both up by the back of your shirts. "Understand?!"
"Um, what are you talking about?" Vivi asks from a distance. "Why did you save me?"
Luffy tries punching you and you kick him in return. Your twin swords had turned back into your dagger so you just had to fight unarmed. He kicks you back and you punch him. "Right! We need to talk about that!"
You pull Luffy's lips, stretching his mouth. He pulls your hair. "Basically, would you like to make a contract with me?" Nami asks. "Contract?" Vivi repeats.
Nami slams the two of you into the ground again. "Quit fighting!" Karoo shakes nervously, scared at Nami's power over the two of you and Zoro.
Luffy bursts out laughing, hearing the real reason you and Zoro killed the people of Whiskey Peak. "Why didn't you guys just say so?! I thought you killed them because they didn't serve you food you liked!"
"Don't compare us to you!" you both shout. You wince, as Zoro's grip gets tighter.
"Sorry," he mutters. Zoro was bandaging your bullet wound from earlier. He'd gotten the bandages from Vivi earlier and was fixing you up while Nami, and Vivi were talking about their deal. You were still mad at Luffy. After all, he did try to kill you and Zoro. "Don't sweat it! Oh, yeah, sorry Y/n!" he flashes a grin at you.
You glare at him, turning away and crossing your arms. Luffy blinks a few times, surprised at your attitude. "Shut up you three!" Nami yells, and the three of you instantly shut your mouths. "So there you have it," she says. "As payment, we want one million berries."
"I can't!" Vivi says. Nami blinks in surprise. "I do appreciate you saving me. Truly."
"What's wrong?! You're a princess! One million berries shouldn't be much........right?" Nami asks. "Do you know the kingdom, Alabasta?" Vivi asks. Nami shakes her head. Vivi's eyes dim, and she looks down.
"It's a peaceful kingdom known as a great civilization and nation. Well, used to be."
"Used to be?" you spoke up. "What about now?"
"It's in the middle of a civil war," Vivi continues "for years now, signs of a revolution have begun to appear. The people revolted and the kingdom fell into total chaos..... Then, one day, I heard the name of an organization...."
Vivi's fist clenches tighter, and she looks up with an angry expression. "...Baroque Works!" she spat venomously. "I learned that the populace was being manipulated by this group. But there was a tight lid on any other information and there was nothing I could do. That's when I asked Igaram, who always meddled in my business since childhood, to help."
Luffy holds up his cupped hands to the sides of his head. "The old tube hair guy?" he asks. "Tube? Yes." Vivi says. "I asked him if there was a way I could infiltrate Baroque Works. Because we could see who was behind all of this and what they wanted with Alabasta."
"You're a pretty high spirited princess," Zoro says. "So? Did you figure out this goal of theirs?" She nods. "The founding of an ideal nation. That's what Igaram said anyways," she replies."
Nami makes an 'O' shape with her mouth. "Oh, is that what..."
"Yes." Vivi looks down. "The boss says it's to create an ideal nation, but it's an enormous lie!" she yells. "The true goal is to take over the Alabasta Kingdom! I have to hurry back, tell everyone the truth, and stop the fighting!"
"I see," Nami says. "Now almost everything is connecting," You tilt your head in confusion. "What?" Nami points to you. "You. Why is the boss after Y/n?" Nami asks Vivi. Vivi grimaces, seeing you.
"The boss wants to take Water Bearer as part of his plan," she says. You blink, still confused. "But, why me?" She shakes her head. "I don't know. All I know is that the agents at Baroque Works were told if you were spotted to report it and attempt the capture."
Zoro's eyes narrow. He didn't like the idea of a whole organization being after you. Luffy didn't like it either. He'd just had a fight with you, and you two hadn't been acquainted for that long, but he was still quite possessive. "Well, looks like they're gonna come for you," he says ruffling your hair.
Vivi screams in surprise, remembering earlier what Zoro had said "You're siblings?!" You nod. "Yeah. Why?"
"Don't say that out loud!" she panics. "What if they try to use Zoro as leverage against you?!" You laugh. "Please! I know very well my brother can handle himself, no matter the enemy."
"Who is this boss anyway?" Luffy asks. Vivi's eyes widen and she tenses. Nami does the same. "Th-the boss's identity?! You shouldn't ask that!"
"Now I'm curious. You know his identity, right?" You say, giving her a nudge on the shoulder with your elbow. She waves her arms panicked. "Don't ask me that! Anything but that! Or your lives will be put in danger too! Well, not for you of course." she says gesturing to you.
Nami chuckles nervously, waving her hand. "I think I'll pass on that! After all, these guys are trying to take over an entire country! They're obviously insanely dangerous people!"
"As strong as you people may be, you'd never stand a chance against one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Crocodile!" It goes silent until Luffy speaks up. "Who now?"
Nami and Vivi's eyes go wide with horror as Vivi slaps her hand over her mouth. You laugh, realizing she let it slip.
"You just said it," Zoro says.
To Be Continued..............
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