Chapter 17: A Solitary Island in the Distant Sea! The Legendary Lost Island!
'This is great! A lost island, not on any map or sea chart, a Millennial Dragon, this is the best!' you thought giddily.
"Our destination: LOST ISLAND!!" Luffy shouts, pumping his fist in the air before the Going Merry continues their journey for Lost Island.
It was a peaceful day, considering all that had happened with the Navy yesterday. Luffy was with Grandpa Ryu on the raft, while Zoro, Nami and Usopp were trying to figure out how to get to Lost Island. Mist was talking with Grandpa Ryu, to keep him company. "Hey! Grandpa Ryu! Which way do we go?!" Usopp asks, despite how crazy it sounds in the first place.
There were a group of flying fish surrounding the raft. When Grandpa Ryu looked at them, he would see a flash of how he used to be able to fly, with the rest of the dragons he knew. It made him sad, as his eyes dimmed a little. Mist felt bad. "Don't worry. Our crew will help. You said it yourself; Luffy seems like a good person."
Grandpa Ryu growls softly, closing his eyes. Luffy looks at him, then looks back up at Nami, Zoro and Usopp. "I think he fell asleep again." "Sorry for the wait everyone!" The crew turns to see you and Apis running to them. You are carrying a large pot, with pink mitts on your hand. Apis is next to you. The three sweat drop, remembering her breakfast that she made last time. "Did Apis cook again?!" Zoro asks.
Usopp sighs, shuddering at the memory. "No one was waiting for her cooking." Sanji is behind the two of you, with a large basket and rope in hand. "Oh Sanji! Thank goodness! So you made today's mea-" Apis has a pouty face. When she walks by Usopp she steps on his foot, hard. Usopp cries out in pain, holding his foot while Apis walks by him, head high. You giggle. 'Apis is so cute!' you thought.
You walk next to her, until you both are by the railing. "Grandpa Ryu! Dig in!" You hold up the pot for to show it off. Luffy looks up at the two of you. "Oh! Food!" Luffy stretches his arms, grabbing the pot's handle. Your eyes widen as you try to grab the pot back. "Wait a minute Luffy!"
But it's too late; the pot's handle burns Luffy's hand, causing him to drop it. "OW! HOT!!" What you don't expect is for the pot of hot food to land on Grandpa Ryu's head. He wakes up from his nap, and groans in pain. Apis panics, sliding down the rope to where he is. You jump off the railing onto the raft. "Grandpa Ryu!" Apis cries, now at the dragon's side.
When you both are down there, you start cleaning off the food from his head. Meanwhile, Mist is trying to pull Luffy down into the sea by biting down on his red vest. "You dummy! Couldn't you see it was hot?! Y/n told you to wait!" Luffy was holding onto the mast for dear life. "GYAH!! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! But, I can't swim!! Don't drag me down!!!"
"Y/NNNN!!!!! HELP MEEE!!!"
"Mist, knock it off." you mutter, focusing on using a small towel to wipe off the food from Grandpa Ryu. Mist stops for a moment, looking at Luffy before proceed in pulling him. "Y/N!!" Luffy screams again.
Sanji sighs in irritation seeing the whole pot practically spilled. "Sheesh. I made all of that food and it goes to waste!" Usopp nods, looking at the large mess on the raft. "Can't you just make some more then?" Sanji has a tick mark on his forehead. "The point is we shouldn't waste food!"
You finally get Mist to stop. You told Luffy to pick up the pot, but to use his sandals as mitts. "Ooh! This is better! Thanks Y/n!" You roll your eyes and can't help but crack a small smile. "You're welcome!" Apis looks out at the sea, with a confused face. Nami follows her gaze. "What's wrong?"
"Lost Island....The Dragon's's east of Warship Island...." Luffy's face lights up, and yours does too. "So that's where Lost Island is?!" Both of you say in unison. Apis nods, hugging the senile dragon. "Grandpa Ryu said he just remembered!"
"We know where Lost Island is! Oi! Stop copying me! No you stop! You!"
Luffy and you pause for a moment, eyeing each other carefully before Luffy argues once more. "You copied me!" You shake your head. "No you copied me!"
"It's east of Warship Island!" Mist yells over you two bickering. Usopp takes the wheel, as the ship turns for Lost Island. Sanji looks at the pot of the leftover food Luffy is carrying. "You idiot, you better eat all of that." Sanji mutters. "Yep, leave it to me!"
"Let me have some!" you say going to grab the pot, only for Luffy to jerk it away. "No!" You were shocked. "EH?! Why not?!" Luffy huffs, looking away. "Because it's mine!" You instantly turn to Sanji, who was going to head back to the kitchen. "Sanji-san! Luffy's being mean!"
Hearing this, Sanji instantly turns to face your rubber captain, ready to give him a piece of his mind. "Luffy! Don't you dare be mean to our ocean princess!"
"Oi! Don't take her side!" In the end, Sanji threatened to take away Luffy's actual dinner and he surrendered. Once Luffy and you finished off what was left of Sanji's food, you went inside to help Zoro and Sanji with dishes, despite, Sanji's protest. Sanji would wash the dishes, then hand them to Zoro, who would dry them and you would put them away.
"Here, Zoro." Sanji mutters, handing Zoro a clean plate. Yeah. He cleans the plate, handing it to you. "Thanks." And the process repeats.
"Here, Zoro."
"Here, Zoro."
"Here, Zoro."
"Here, Zoro." The next time Zoro takes the plate, he looks at the both of you. "Can't you hand them and take them without talking?" You frown at this. "What's wrong with saying thanks?" Zoro sweat drops. "You're not supposed to be happy about doing dishes....." Sanji gently takes the plate from you. "Y/n-chan, you can go now. You helped quite a bit; Marimo and I will finish up."
"What'd you say Curly Eyebrows?!"
"You heard me Moss Head!"
You laugh seeing the bickering was going to start again, but decide to take Sanji up on his offer. "Okay, okay. Thanks Sanji-san!" Sanji briefly stops fighting with Zoro and waves goodbye to you, "Of course my lovely y/n-chan~"
Zoro's eye twitches at this. "Hey! Stop flirting with her, perverted cook!"
"HUH?! What'd yo-" You close the door, cutting off Sanji and Zoro's bickering. You walking around the ship, humming to yourself. You see Nami and up on the mast. You climb up with them. Nami is the first to notice. "Oh, Y/n!" You smile, waving. "Hey guys. See Lost Island yet?"
Usopp shakes his head. "Not yet. Nami and I just went over the maps to check for any sort of land barriers. You nod. "Oh. Anything I can do?" Nami hums, temporarily looking up from her map to think about it. "Well, can you have Mist see if we're being pursued by the Navy?"
Your mood drops a bit. You didn't like the fact that you couldn't help like you wanted to. "Well, okay. I'll go tell Mist." Nami nods. "Yeah, thanks Y/n!" You smile at them both, climbing down the mast. You walk over to where Grandpa Ryu and Mist are. "Hey, Mist!"
He pops out of the water on your right. You lift the water under him up, so that he is at your eye level. "What's up?" he asks. "Can you go back and see if the Navy's following?" Mist nods. "Of course. If I do see them, want me to stall? Or come back?"
"Ummm, stay with them and tell me if anything happens that will affect us on our way to Lost Island." You drop Mist back gently into the water and he stops by Grandpa Ryu. "Good luck Grandpa Ryu."
Mist swims off, looking for the Navy. And once again, you are bored. You sulk, walking around some more. When you come back around, you notice Apis talking to Grandpa Ryu. You can't help but smile; she looks so excited that they're getting closer. "We're almost there Grandpa Ryu! We're gonna take you home!....You're so silly, thanking me!....We haven't even got there yet!"
Your vision suddenly goes white, telling you Mist must've found the Navy. When your vision comes back, you see the deck of a Navy ship.
'Wow, you're getting faster Mist.'
'Thank you.'
'What's going on?'
'Well, you were right to check; they followed us. And they're not too far behind.'
'Dang it! I guess that Sicko dude is pretty persistent.'
'Yeah....Wait, did you just say "Sicko"?'
'Long story. Just, let me know if something happens, 'kay?'
'You got it, girl!'
'Ew, so cringe.'
Your vision comes back, and when you look ahead, you see an exact reflection of the ship. Your jaw hits the deck and you are in total awe. Luffy of course was already pointing at it from his seat on the Merry's head. "So cool! Check it out Y/n!"
"I.....I already am....." You say, barely able to form words. "Look at me!! I'm going in!!" When you look up, Nami and Usopp scream in fear, comical tears running down their face, as the rest of the ship is going through as well.
'Hey! You guys just disappeared! What's going on?!'
'We don't know! But we're going to find out! Stay and tell me what the Navy's up to!'
'Can you get closer?'
Mist swims under water, swimming up to where the captain and Eric are. He pops his head up, ducking low so none of the soldiers notice him as you both continue to listen in. "Tell all ships to come to a full stop until my further instructions!" the captain yells. "Yes, sir!"
Eric sighs. "Continue moving forward." he says, leaning against the side of the boat and pushing up his thin glasses. The captain looks at the male in irritation. "You can't be serious! We don't know what's in those waters ahead! It could be dangerous!"
"That again? Tch. Very well. Have them prepare a small craft." The captain's eyes widen. "Don't tell me you're-!" Eric nods, though he didn't feel the need to explain what he was doing to someone so much lower than him, "That's right; I'm going on my own."
'Well, at least it's not a whole fleet.'
'That guy is dangerous.....'
'I can tell. Is this the one you call, "Sicko"?'
'He makes my stomach churn.'
'I can see why.....Well, want me to stall him?'
'No, considering how much of a slime ball he is, he might see you as another prize. Can you come back to the ship?'
'Yeah. I'll go slow so no one notices.'
'Great. Be safe.'
Mist disconnects mind with you, and slowly swims through where the Going Merry went. After you disconnect your mind with Mist, you find your whole body soaked. It's pouring. "Is this a mirage too?" Usopp says looking up at the storming sky. Nami comes bursting out the girls' room with a rain jacket. "UGH! What's with this sea?!"
The whole boat suddenly tips, and you fall over, as Sanji, Apis and Zoro land on you too. "Sorry, Y/n!" Apis says quickly, feeling bad. "Come into my arms my ocean princess~ I'll protect you~" Sanji says throwing his arms open.
"Get off her perverted cook! And me!" Zoro yells. "Guys! Get off me and let me protect Apis!" Seeing them stop fighting, Nami doesn't waste another second. " Sanji-kun! Zoro! Let's raise the sails! Undo the ropes!"
"Yes, Nami-swan~" You stand up, holding Apis's hand, walking her to the cabin. "Stay inside," you begin only for her to pull away from you, running back to Grandpa Ryu "No! I'm gonna stay by Grandpa Ryu's side!" You chase after her, "You can't do anything staying next to him! Just stay inside!" you warn, trying not to run too fast due to the slippery deck.
"I know he's lonely! I have to be there for him!" Apis slips on the water, sliding across the deck. You were quick to grab the female as she slid across the deck past you, and lead her back to the cabin. "Stay here Apis-chan, please! Trust me!"
Apis was silent for a moment, before nodding. You grin, running out the cabin and heading for the railing. Once there, you raise your arms, making a large semi-circle motion. A large dome of water covers Grandpa Ryu's raft, and you try calming down the currents under the raft. "Wow......" Apis says softly, her eyes twinkling in awe.
The ship suddenly tilts again, as a large waves splashes on you and the ropes holding Grandpa Ryu's raft. You gasp as they are becoming undone. You lose focus on the dome, as it collapses. 'It's like....the sea is trying to push back the ship......'
Apis can't control herself any longer once she sees this. "NO! Grandpa Ryu!" Apis runs over to where the right rope is, but lets go as the rope burns her hand. You run over to the rope on the right, grabbing it. The rope tries to run through your hands. You cry out in pain, but you run and grab the one on the left too, holding onto them with all your might.
Apis gasps hearing the dragon's thoughts. "No! What're you saying Grandpa Ryu?! We're not leaving you! We said we're going to your nest together remember?!" You bite your lip in pain as the ropes feels like it's digging into your skin, your hands burning. "Apis get away! I can't protect you and hold onto the ropes!" you yell. "But I wa-!"
She stops, looking down at your hands, then down at Grandpa Ryu. Her eyes dim, but she looks back up at you and nods. She runs to the cabin. Meanwhile, you feel your grip slipping on Grandpa Ryu, as the waves are out of control.
You concentrate on the waves below the ship, calming the currents so the ship and raft are level. Your breathing becomes shallow as it's taking most of your strength to hold the raft. You hear footsteps and when you turn, Luffy is on the mast, as his arm stretches out to the raft. "Luffy!"
"Y/n, I'll help! Gum-Gum Lasso!" His arm wraps around the wheel on the raft, taking a little weight off of you. Sanji sees a light up ahead. "Nami-swan! There's a light ahead!" Nami gasps, narrowing her eyes as she tries to see through the thick rain. "It's the eye of the typhoon!"
Usopp looks through the telescope, trying to maintain a steady balance on the deck. "I think I see an island!" "We're going to land there!" Nami shouts over the harsh winds. You take a deep breath, using the rest of your strength. You create large water chains, as they attach to the raft, and you hold onto the opposite ends of the chains and rope. You pull them as hard as you can. "Come on! Just a little more!" you cry, making Apis shocked. "Y-Y/n...."
:Hey! We said we're taking him to the Dragon's nest, right?!" Apis felt tears pooling in her eyes, but is quick to wipe them away, a smile taking it's place. "Y-yeah!" The Going Merry sails through the storm. You notice that around the whole island surrounds dark clouds, and the storm you just went through. "So the whole island is surrounded by storms....."
"It's trying to keep ships away from the islands....." Mist mutters. "No wonder no one's found it." Nami says, starting put together the mystery of this island.
You try to catch your breath, as you let the chains go.They materialize back into regular water. Your hands are still tightly around the ropes. Luffy looks at you and notices you're sweating. He walks over to where you are. "You can let go of the ropes Y/n."
You do, watching them fall to the floor at your sides. You reach down to pick them up and try tying them back where they were, but you wince at the pain that shoots up from your hands to your arm, causing you to drop the rope. You look down at your hands and see a deep red cut in the center of your palms from the ropes. Luffy tries to look over your shoulder, but you turn your hands palms down. "Y/n let me see."
"Luffy's it's nothing really." you say calmly, hoping he'd just let it go. However, he his persistent. "Let me see!"
"Hey! You two! Look!" Luffy turns in the direction of Nami. He takes one last look at you, but runs up to the others, you trailing behind him. When you look at Lost Island, you see that it reminds you of a sunken castle. There are stone pieces that look like they were from buildings, floating in the water in front of the island.
"Whoa! Check it out! That one looks like the shape of a dragon! This must be where the Millennial Dragon lives after all!" Usopp says eyeing the pieces, and surprised they were even still alive. "Wow! Dragons are so skillful!" Luffy says, only to receive a smack from the tangerine headed female. "You dummy! It's obviously man-made buildings!"
Once landing on shore, everyone gets off, except for Mist of course. "I'll guard the ship." he says, receiving an "ok" from you. "Just don't let Sicko see you." Mist nods and ducks back under water, swimming where it wasn't as shallow. Meanwhile, Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, Nami and Sanji have gotten off, with Zoro and Sanji pull the raft where Grandpa Ryu rests, with Apis sitting next to him.
Sanji looks around, watching as they walked past ruined buildings. "Does anyone live here anymore? The whole place has been swallowed up by Mother Nature." Nami hums, her eyes darting around the area. "Where do you think the dragon's nest is?"
Usopp is about to answer but Apis starts to yell at Grandpa Ryu. Everyone turns to her "Hey! Grandpa Ryu! I'm talking to you Grandpa Ryu! Sheesh! We're at the dragon's nest so come on! Wake up!" Azul sits on Grandpa Ryu's head, staring at him. He opens his eyes for a quick second, but slowly closes them again. "What did he say?" Luffy asks.
Apis grimaces. "He said he's unsure......This might not be Lost Island......" Sanji nearly drops his cigarette. "What?!" Zoro yells, nearly letting go of the rope attached to the raft. "You can't be serious!"
"We went through that stormy sea just to get here!" you whine, before Usopp notices something in the distance. "Apis! Look at that top over there!" Usopp points to the top of the mountain.
"Ooh, we could see the whole island from up there!" Luffy says, already excited. Nami nods, hands on her hips. "Yeah, trying to figure things out here won't get us anywhere! Let's go have a look!" Luffy goes to grab your hand, but you hide behind Zoro. "What're you doing....?" Zoro mutters.
Luffy pouts, running around Zoro to try and grab you. "Come on Y/n!" You shake your head furiously, continuing to circle your brother around. "No! I'm staying with Zoro this time! Last time I was with you, you got lost and then I got kidnapped!"
Luffy whines, "It was just one time!"
"THERE SHOULDN'T BE A ONE TIME!!" Zoro and you yell. "How about this? Next time, I will go with you!" you say, praying that he would agree. Luffy stops, thinking for a moment. "Hm.....Okay!" He walks ahead and you let out a small sigh. Nami and Apis are walking behind Luffy, who is in the front, while Sanji and Usopp are pushing the back of the cart.
"Stupid Nami...." Usopp grumbles. "She makes the men do all of the work......" Nami turns to the long nosed male. "Hey, you! Less complaining and more pushing!" "Don't start getting cocky!" Usopp yells back. "Stop complaining and pushing! Nami-swan is so nice when she's snappy~"
"Why did I decide to stay back?" You cry comical tears, since Luffy was going to pull the front of the cart with Zoro originally, but you offered to stay back, and wound up pushing the cart with Zoro. You didn't tell anyone about your hands, and it seems that Luffy forgot. You grit your teeth, as your hands were shaking from the pain of grabbing the ropes again.
"Hey, you okay?" 'Shoot! Zoro noticed!' You chuckle nervously. "I'm fine! I'm just really weak that's all." Zoro rolls his eyes, "Says the girl who saved a senile dragon from floating away....." The four of you continued to push the cart up, but as you started going up the steep concrete ramps, you noticed that the broken buildings made it look like a city. "Did people really used to live here......?" you wonder aloud.
"Obviously, given all of the houses." Zoro says. Usopp temporarily slows down, trying to study the breakage of the buildings. "Then why is there nobody here now?" Nami shrugs, "Who knows? Maybe they found a better island to live on."
Apis looks at a small toy with a small painting of a dragon on it. "The Millennial Dragon mark.......Did the Millennial Dragon play with children here on the island?" Three small green birds fly around Apis, above her. She looks up at them. "Hey! Are you guys friends of the Millennial Dragon too?"
Nami notices Apis was a bit behind. Not wanting the small girl to get lost in such a ruined city, she calls to Apis. "Come on Apis! Don't get left behind!" Apis runs up to Nami, while the four of you continue to move the cart. "Guess what? The birds told me something! They said there's a building on the summit with a dragon mark! It might be the dragons' nest!"
Nami smiles watching Apis run up to the four of you. Out of the corner of her eye, she notices a small whirlwind. 'Wait that looks familar....' She is snapped out her thoughts, hearing Luffy. "Nami! Come on!" Nami lightly jogs up to the rest of the group. "Wait for me!"
It's then you remember that Eric was coming. "Zoro, cover me!" You let go of the rope, running to the back towards Nami. Zoro stammers, now pulling the cart all by himself. "OI!! Y/N!!!" Nami grabs your wrist, pulling you back. "What're you doing Y/n?"
"Nami, there's something I forgot to tell you!" you try to wriggle out of her grip, but she tightens it. "Not now! We've just reached the summit!" Apis waves goodbye to the bird that lead them the way. You make a pouty face at Nami, wanting to tell her but she's already moved on.
"This painting is of the Millennial Dragon, right?" she asks Apis, who nods, looking up at the painting. "This buildings is the dragon's nest?" Sanji questions, feeling something off. "This place?" Usopp repeats, studying the painting as well, and trying to catch his breath from pushing the raft.
"Wait a sec! Where's the entrance? How do we get in?" Nami wonders. "You're gonna pay later Y/n." Zoro mutters. "This is the door!" Luffy points to the painting of the Millennial Dragon, which is pretty much just a wall of stone. "You idiot! There's no handle or keyhole anywhere! How're you supposed to open it?" Nami scolds.
You look closer at it, and notice a small triangular hole. It reminds you of Apis's pendant. You turn to Apis, who has already figured it out. She walks closer to the small hole. "It's the key that opens the door! To the dragon's nest!" she says. Apis tries to reach up to the hole, but is too short. She turns around, her cheeks pink and her eyes watered up.
You gently pick up Apis under her arms, lifting her to the hole. "Better, Apis?" Yet she still can't reach the keyhole. You suddenly feel the ground start to shake, as it collapses under the crew, and you all fall down. When you hit the bottom, everyone's eyes, including Grandpa Ryu's are wide opened, looking back up at where they fell.
Usopp groans, "We're alive........right?" Sanji groans, sitting up, and wincing from falling on the rubble, "Say, what was that about it being a key, just a minute ago?" Apis lets out a nervous chuckle. "Well, in any case we're inside now." Apis gives a thumbs up, "It worked out!
Zoro looks up at the top, Luffy goes next to him, and looks up too. "But......what is this place?" Usopp, Nami and Sanji look up as well. When you look up, there are strange paintings at the ceiling. "Wow.....What a huge picture!" you say, trying to figure out where it started and ended.
Usopp hums, "It looks like a map of some sort...." Sanji lights a cigarette, before looking back up at the painting. "But it's too worn out to make any sense of."
"Hey guys! Look, a picture from the ceiling fell down!" Luffy grabs the large piece, with a green painting on it. "Yikes! It's huge! We better get out of here! This whole building's falling apart." Usopp declares, already getting bad vibes. "But this may be the dragon's nest." Apis says.
"I don't see any dragons around here, do you?" Nami interjects between the two, stepping forward as it was starting to make sense. "Hold on a second. This might not be Lost Island.... " You look up at the ceiling, and then it hits you. "The ceiling pictures! It looks like a map!" you say, pointing up in shock.
"Right on, Y/n. It's a map that marks the location of Lost Island. That dome-like picture, it's this building." she says, pointing to the first picture. "The people surrounding it, are the people that once lived here. I bet they're Apis's ancestors." there were small stick figures surrounding the building. "Our ancestors?" Apis repeats.
"Do you remember what old man Bokuden told us?" Nami asks the female. Luffy shakes his head. "Nope! I was asleep!" Nami groans. "Come on! He said the people of Warship Island had traveled there from another island." You and Luffy tilt your heads in confusion. "He did?"
"Come to think of it, he did say something like that...." Usopp pauses. "Then does that mean the dynasty he kept blabbering about was on this island?"
"Probably." Nami continues, "On the way, I couldn't help but wonder at the statues and the paintings with the Millennial dragons. In any case, I can guess the people that lived here would worship them as a god. I bet the Millennial Dragon used to fly over this island long ago."
"So that lowers the chances of the dragon's nest being on this island...." you mutter, "But, if that's true, where's the real one?" Zoro narrows his eyes. "Wouldn't it be that island with the dragon drawn on it?" he asks pointing to it. Everyone looks up at the drawing. You give Zoro a pat on the head. "Good Mossy, you got it right!"
"What'd you say?!" he yells. "Anyways!" Nami yells, quickly putting an end to the bicker session. "There's an island ahead of where this island's people are praying. That's the real Lost Island! The dragon's nest must be there too! But-"
You take a closer look at the island. And the shape reminds you of...."Warship Island!" You and Apis both exclaim in unison, looking up at the painting of Apis's hometown. "Yeah, assuming this map is correct, the dragon's nest is on Warship Island." Nami declares.
"But I thought Warship Island didn't fit the bill?!" Usopp stutters, trying to find some clue on the map that said otherwise. "But that's what the map says! Or are you implying that these people long ago drew random nonsense?!" Apis huffs.
"Yeah you guys! Nami-swan and y/n-chan would never say anything that's wrong! That means it's somewhere on the island. We'll figure it out if we go check!" Sanji argues. "However," you cut off Sanji. "It could mean the island is sunk at the bottom. "That's actually more than likely." Nami admits.
Apis runs over to Grandpa Ryu. "Grandpa Ryu! Think back, Grandpa Ryu! Where's the dragon's nest?! We thought it was here, but there's nothing! There's only a painting Grandpa Ryu! Does the painting bring back any memories?! Our only hope now is if you remember something Grandpa Ryu! Come on! Please! Remember, Grandpa Ryu!"
Everyone stood there, waiting for something; anything; a sign that Grandpa Ryu remembered. The senile dragon looks up at the paintings, his vision trying to focus on the drawings. The flock of birds Apis had talked to earlier fly in front of the drawings, and Grandpa Ryu's eyes open wide. He sees himself, flying with his friends; over the island, going to Warship Island, and seeing the dragon's nest. It all comes back to him. "Grandpa Ryu....." she says softly.
Luffy grins, seeing the senile dragon remembered. "Yosh! So the dragon's nest really is on Warship Island, then?!" Apis turns to him in shock. "How did you know what he said Luffy?!" Once again, a mere shrug. "I just did."
"Well, you're not wrong. Grandpa Ryu said he remembered. He says the dragon's nest is on an island east of a peak that looks like a warship...."
"Man, why does he say that after all the hardship we did to get here?!" You flick Usopp's nose. He cries out in pain, looking at you. "Shut up! You're gonna make Apis feel bad!" Apis looks down. "I'm sorry.... I'm sorry for dragging you all the way out here, for something that might've already sunk into the ocean..... It was all for nothing......."
You smack Usopp again, making him hiss. "I get it alright?! And there's no telling for sure unless we check it out, right?!" Nami nods furiously. "That's right! Being discouraged this easily isn't like you, Apis!" Sanji gently ruffles the top of Apis's hat. "You'll never get anything done if you're afraid of failure."
You are about to say something, when your vision goes white, but this time, it doesn't show any vision of Mist's. You see nothing but white.
'Mist! Mist! What's wrong?!'
'He found me....'
'What?! Are you okay?!'
'Y-yeah... He just," Mist lets out a cough. "cut me a bit.....'
'You dummy! I told you to stay away from him!'
'That's not important! Right now, what you need to know; he's on the island!'
'Yeah, he was following you guys the whole time, he's probably wherever you are now! You have to warn everyone!'
'Understood! And, Mist?'
'You are so dead when I get on the ship.'
'I figured.......'
Once your vision comes back, you see Zoro, with his katana out. Nami, Sanji, Luffy and Usopp are all tense. Apis is shaking with fear, you now surrounded by the crew. Slowly, you look up and see Eric, standing on a higher part of where the crew had fallen. Your growl at the male, remembering how he hurt Mist. "You......"
Eric smirks. "Thanks for the explanation. Now I know where to find the dragon's nest, and the Dragonite. But there's no point if it's at the bottom of the ocean. So it would seem I have two options; take your Millennial Dragon......"
Apis immediately shouts, "NO!!" But Eric pays no mind. "Or, I could take the girl that controls water...And she could lift the island for me.." You narrow your eyes at him. "Are you stupid? You really think I'd do something like that for someone like you? Sicko."
"It's Sickle Sickle!!" He yells back. Usopp gasped. "'Sickle Sickle'? Does that mean he's a Devil Fruit eater?!" Zoro walks forward, standing next to Luffy, not daring to take his eyes off of you and Eric. "Luffy. You go on ahead and take Grandpa Ryu to the ship!" Zoro turns to Luffy, with a glare on his face, as a small smirk forms. "I'll catch up with you later."
Luffy grins. "Got it!" Usopp waves his arms around furiously, trying to slow the two down. "W-w-whoa now! The ship?! We don't even know where the exit is!"
"Then we can just......make one!" Luffy zooms past Usopp, running to the other side of the room. Nami grits her teeth, balling up her fist in frustration. "You're not really gonna-!" Luffy rams his head into the concrete wall, but it does nothing as he falls back down, his forehead red.
"Huh? I thought it would bust open...."
The whole crew sweat drops, muttering 'Oi, oi oi...', yet not even two feet away from where Luffy crashed, the wall collapses, and there is a new hole. You sweat drop, but then burst out laughing. "He really made an exit! Hahahahahaha!!"
"Yeah! You see? It all worked out! Let's go guys!"
"Oh no you don't!"
You were laughing so hard, you forgot that Eric was still present. Eric repeats the same motion from earlier, "Sickle Sickle.....Whirlwind!" Zoro's eyes widen. "MOVE!" he yells and you barely have enough time to drop to the ground, narrowly missing his wind slashes. Eric takes the chance and jumps down, already preparing another attack.
"Y/N!!" everyone yells, seeing there was no way you could doge. However, you hear the sounds of Zoro's katanas hitting Eric's longer than normal nails. "You bastard..!" he growls. "Luffy! Grab Y/n and get going!"
"Yeah, let's go Y/n!" Luffy's hands grabs you by the back of your outfit, as he pulls you to him. He throws you on his back, and before you can even register what's happening, you are grabbing onto his neck for dear life as you notice you are falling. Usopp, Sanji and Nami are on the back of the cart, with Apis clinging onto Grandpa Ryu. You scream, as Luffy has one hand on the rope, while the other is holding down his hat.
"LUFFY!! PUT ME ON THE BACK WITH THE OTHERS!!" you scream. Luffy doesn't notice this as he keeps laughing. "This is so fun!!" The cart is sliding down large thick roots that surround the building as the cart continues to speed faster and faster. You cry comical tears, seeing as you couldn't move from the position Luffy has left you in.
Usopp chuckles nervously, trying to not be afraid of the rushing island. "W-w-we always make it out alive, don't we?!" Nami instantly shoots down his "positivity" " It's not for certain this time! That idiot!" "Luffy! Don't you dare put Y/n-chan in any danger!"
Zoro and Eric are still fighting, until Eric is struggling to keep Zoro's swords back. "Damn you! Get in my way and you'll pay!" he yells. "Really? I'd like to see how you're going to make me 'pay', considering, this is personal." Zoro responds. Eric smirks, realizing Zoro's soft spot for you.
"That thing means something to you?" Zoro grits his teeth, attempting to cut Eric, but he jumps back, avoiding the attack. "Yeah, and you've put me in a bad mood. So, come on. Let's see how I'll 'pay'." A vein pops in Eric's head, as he charges at Zoro.
Back to you............
Luffy POV:
'Yahoo!! This is so fun!! I'm kinda sad, since we're on the ground now, but we're still going so fast! And Y/n is practically choking me shishishishi!'
Usopp sobs, "I'm pretty confident right now we're the fastest moving thing in the world!!" Sanji was still holding onto the raft secretly for dear life. "What kind of thing is that to brag about?!"
"Y/n! Stop that idiot! We're gonna wind up in pieces before we reach the ship!" Nami yells. I turn back to look at Y/n. She has completely stopped moving and I panic, shaking her, trying to get her to snap out of it. "GYAAH! NAMI!!!! Y/N ISN'T MOVING!!"
Apis looks ahead and screams. "LUFFY! LOOK AHEAD!!" I stop shaking around Y/n and look ahead; There is a cave. I pull down Y/n so that her face is against my shoulder. "Not good!"
Apis screams, "Don't give us that! Hurry and do something!" But it's too late as we go through the tunnel, and burst out through the end. I throw my arms in the air, letting out a whoop. I look down at Y/n, who is still passed out. "Shishishi! Don't worry! We'll make it back!"
I pat her on the head gently, but Nami tells me to look up, as there's another dead end. "Want me to break it?" I ask. "No! I'm pretty sure that up ahead is the cliff we followed on our way up! If we do that, we'll fall over it head first and we're goners!"
"Think we can fly?" Apis's eyes widen, "NO!" But we got lucky! Nami was right about the cliff, but we slid down just fine! I then look to see a blob of pink. I instantly recognize it as Y/n's dolphin! "Oi!! Pinky! We're back!!"
The raft comes to a stop. I turn around and see that we hit a rock. But, now Nami, Sanji and Usopp are laying in the water. Pinky stares at us in total shock, then decides to swim back to behind the ship. I turn to the rest of the crew, and scold them. "What're you guys doing?! Stop playing, we gotta set sail! Let's go!"
"No more....." Nami cries comically.
"That airhead....."
"You're totally........going to pay....."
I grab Y/n, carrying her gently on the ship. I set her down, when Apis calls out to me. It looks like she just finished talking to a bird. "Luffy! He says Zoro's in trouble!" I look back to where we were, and yell as loud as I can. "ZOROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" I stretch my arm out to where Zoro his, and I caught him! "Bingo!"
Apis is looking through binoculars, and her eyes light up. "Awesome!"
Back to Zoro.........(This is so necessary to describe)
Author POV:
Zoro panics when he feels his back being grabbed, by that oh too familiar stretched out arm. "I'm starting to see a pattern....." Luffy pulls Zoro back. "Here we goooooo!" Zoro screams, "I told you to stop doing this!!" despite the fact it was completely pointless.
Eric watches in complete shock, as Zoro is flying back to the ship. He lands on the ship with a loud thud! shaking the whole ship. When Zoro lands, the ship sets sail, as it passes through the mirage again, revealing the waiting Navy ships.
'That idiot.........I'm going to cut him up someday!' Zoro looks down and notices he landed on you. "Oh, sorry Y/n-" He gets up off of you, then notices the frozen expression on your face. It takes him a few moments to register, but then he panics. "Oi Y/n! Speak to me!"
He starts shaking you around, slapping your face, trying to wake you up. Nami sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose and shaking her head. "Where's Mist?" Mist pops up, and has a cut or two on his body, shocking Nami. "What happened?!"
"Sicko did. Now what's the- OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED?!" Usopp sweat drops. "Luffy happened." Mist looks in awe. "Wow.......She hasn't passed out like this since that....." Mist sighs again. "Alright I'll wake her up..."
He dives underwater briefly, and when he comes back up, spits a mouthful of water onto you. "AAHH! COLD! SPIT!" you scream, headbutting Zoro and causing an uproar of laughter from the ship.
Luffy continues to laugh along with everyone else, but your expression goes dark. When the crew sees your expression, they stop laughing, backing away from Luffy to the other side of the ship. You stand up, walking toward Luffy, who is still laughing. You get right into his face, and slam your hand down on his shoulder. He stops laughing and looks up at you. "Y/n-Gah!" He screams when he sees your expression. You have a murderous glare, but a small smirk forms and you can't help but chuckle lightly. "Luffy~?"
Luffy gulps, terrified to look away from your gaze. "Y-Y-Yes?"
"What's so funny?"
Luffy can't answer as you start punching and kick him. The crew turns away, hearing Luffy's cries for help, and the sound of your punches. At one point, you even summoned your water hammer and started pounding him with it. When you finish, you walk into the girl's room, slamming it closed. The crew turns back to look at Luffy. He is laying down, his butt in midair. His fingers and legs are the only things barely twitching. His face is swollen, with large purple bruises on his head, cheek, lips. There is steam coming from his head, and his clothes are also soaked a bit from your water attacks.
Zoro shudders. "Whoa........How about-"
"We never-" Nami continues, followed by Sanji, "speak of this-"
"A-a-a-again?" Usopp finishes.
Everyone turns to Mist. He was hiding behind the outside of the ship. He pops his head up and nods. "Y/n's scary/scwaby(scary) " everyone concludes.
There is a loud shattering sound coming from the girl's room. Everyone turns to the sound, but no one dared to go near you at this point. Well, except for Luffy. Never did seem to learn. He opens the door, and sees there is glass scattered everywhere in small pieces. He sees that your hands are all bloody. He then remembers your hands from earlier. "Let me see Y/n."
"Luffy, don't worry about it. I'm fi-" Luffy grabs your left wrist, forcibly turning your hand up. Your cut from before was deeper, and now there were a few pieces of glass stuck, with some blood dripping. You wince a bit, and when you look up at Luffy, he looks mad. "You gotta be careful Y/n!"
"Zoro! Can you get some bandages for Y/n's hands?" Zoro slowly enters the room, making sure the coast was clear. "What happened to her- whoa" He looks down at your left hand, then grabs the right. Once again, you wince. He drops your hand. "Be careful Y/n!" he scolds. "Like I haven't heard that before....." you mutter.
"I'll be back with some bandages." Zoro walks into the cabin, leaving you with Luffy. He still is gripping your wrist, and pretty tightly. "Umm, Luffy? Can you let go of my wrist? That hurts." He says nothing, but loosens his grip. Zoro comes back with bandages and a bottle of antiseptic. "Here. Let me do it."
Luffy shakes his head. "I got it." Zoro raises an eyebrow at Luffy. He turns to you. You simply shrug. Zoro hands the stuff to Luffy. "Be careful." he says. "Yeah, I will. Let's go, Y/n." Luffy sits down on the bed next to you. He gently pulls out the small shards of glass. He then takes a small cloth, pouring a small amount of antiseptic on.
"This might hurt....."
"I'll be okay."
He gently dabs it on the open cut. You wince at the pain, clenching your right fist tightly. Luffy sees and stops. "What's wrong?" you ask. Luffy opens your fist, intertwining his fingers with yours. Your hand was burning, but the pain seemed to melt away, as Luffy was gently holding your hand.
"See? Isn't this better?"
He flashes his goofy smile at you, and you feel your face heat up. You manage a small smile, nodding. You give Luffy's hand a small squeeze. "Yeah, thanks Luffy."
"Shishishi! No problem Y/n!"
When Luffy finishes cleaning the cut, he gently wraps the bandages around so it covers your whole palm, down to the beginning of your wrist. You unwind your fingers with Luffy's, and he gently grabs the bottom of your hand, cleaning it. When he finishes, you try flexing the bandages around your wrists. "Not bad. They're loose, but not too loose. Thanks, Luffy!"
"Yeah!" he grins. You smile at Luffy, and you don't notice the small blush tinted on his cheeks. You stand up, walking out of the kitchen, Luffy stumbles getting up, following you. You don't notice the very sneaky Nami and Apis watching you two through the window. "Is this what they call true love Nami?"
"Yeah, 100%~" she giggles mischeviously.
To Be Continued.......................
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