Chapter 10: Luffy in Big Trouble! Fishmen vs The Luffy Pirates!
~~~Edited on 4/3/2020~~~
"What a funny guy!" the octopus, Hachi says. "Yet, they walked by us so casually without any sign of fear......." Kuroobi, the one with a gi on says. "I think I've seen that girl from somewhere......" Choo, the one who asked where you were going mutters.
Nojiko and the rest of the crew sat in silence. Sanji and Usopp were shocked to hear what happened to Nami. Zoro was sleeping. "Do you know how painful it was of a choice for Nami to fight and try to survive on her own, at the age of 10?"
"For the only deal that could save the village....." Usopp mutters, looking down. Sanji suddenly stands up, with a fiery passion in his eyes. "I'll make whoever makes one of my precious flowers suffer-" Nojiko stops him with a strong uppercut making Sanji cry comical tears. "W-why Big Sister?"
"I told you already!" she yells "I came here to stop you! If you guys go around saying Nami is your friend, the Arlong Pirates will get suspicious! Then all 8 years of her fighting will be for nothing! Listen! Don't make Nami suffer anymore!!"
You and Luffy have just entered the village. You gasp when you see the village leader, leading the Navy somewhere. You pull Luffy's hat down further, so they can't see your face. "What's wrong Y/-" You put your hand over his mouth, dragging him back away from the Navy.
You point to the Navy and Luffy starts to sweat like a madman. You are going to drag Luffy away, until you hear the Captain in charge, Nezumi, speak up. "What does the Navy want with Nami?" the village leader asks. "Chichichi you simply need to lead the way quietly."
They go by, completely ignoring you guys. Luffy is calmer now, but he looks focused on something. "What's wrong, Luffy?" you ask moving your hand away.
"Why does...that old guy have a pinwheel on his head?" You deadpan, as Luffy has stars in his eyes when he sees the pinwheel spinning. "SO COOL!!!" You and Luffy sit down under a tree, waiting for them to come back. Except you hear the sound of yelling and shouting, and you feel worried. "A pinwheel huh...I just thought up a new move!"
You worries only grow worse when you hear the gunshot. "Hey Luffy. Shouldn't we go see if Nami needs help?" Luffy pulls you closer to him, so that your shoulders are touching as he hugs tightly on your chest. "No. She'll come back."
Before you can protest anymore, you see Nami and the village leader, coming back, carrying Nojiko. She has a bullet wound in her right shoulder blade. "Doctor! Doctor!"
"What is it Gen-san?!" he yells running towards the male. "Nojiko's been shot!" You immediately get up, Luffy loosening his grip surprisingly. You walk over to the crowd forming around Nojiko. "Who shot her?" you ask. Gen hesitates for a moment before answering, "The navy.." You grit your teeth, clenching your fist.
'Of course. That despicable navy.' you thought.
"Arlong has been working with the navy!" Gen says. "What?!" the villagers exclaim. "Meaning, he's been lying to Nami for the past eight years. He never intended to honor the promise!" You growl lightly. "That bastard...."
'So it wasn't Nami, but Arlong.'
Nami stands up, and Luffy finally makes his way over to the crowd. "Hey Nami!" he waves. "What's up? Need help with anything?" Nami turns around, to face the both of you, and she looks pissed. "Are you still here?!" Luffy looks panicked as Nami grabs his vest and starts to yell at him. You back away, unsure what to do. "This has nothing to do with you! Just leave THE DAMN ISLAND ALREADY!!"
Nami throws Luffy behind her, causing him to tumble on the ground. You stand there, completely unsure what to do at this point. The villagers seemed to have another idea in mind however, grabbing their weapons, with Gen leading them to war with Arlong. "We swore eight years ago to not throw away our lives!"
"But only if Nacchan was happy!" one villager interjects. "They hurt our Nacchan! I'm tired of being under their rule!" Gen raises his weapon in the air. "Then let's go!!" "Yeah!!!" everyone cheers in unison.
"Wait, everyone!"
You see Nami running toward the crowd. She is completely out of breath, but what hurts you the most is that she is smiling.
'Nami..........she's trying to make it look like everything's okay.......'
You understood now why Nami did what she did, and felt horrible for ever doubting her. "Just a little more! Just wait a little more! I'll work hard again! I'll save up the money again! It'll be easy this time! I'm used to it! I'll be fine! There's no need to worry! This is nothing compared to last time!" All of the villagers have a pained look on their face. You may not know the whole story, but their reaction tells you enough. "Everyone! I'm fine!"
Gen walks over to Nami, hugging her with one arm. You see a single tear stream down his face, the brim of his hat shadowing his expression. "You can stop......Even you know there's no point........You fought well.With the whole village's lives on your back...Joining the Arlong Pirates must've been even more painful than getting cut in the heart.
Nami's eyes start to pool with tears, as her voice wavers. "Gen-san....." Gen lets go of Nami, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Leave the village now." "What? Gen-san?!"
"Do it, Nami." Nojiko says. "W-what?" "You're crafty and you have a dream." the other villagers began to speak up. Nami raises her voice, and puts her arms out, to try and prevent them from going further. But what you don't expect, is for her to pull out a knife. "Stop it everyone! I don't want to see anyone else get hurt by them! You'll die you know!"
Gen grabs the blade of the knife, ignoring the blood coming from the cut. "We know." Nami starts to cry again, knowing well she can't stop them. "GET OUT OF OUR WAY NAMI!!" Nami gasps, pulling back as she is startled. Gen-san had never yelled at her before. Gen-san unsheathes his sword, and holding it up in the air.
"Let's go everyone! Even if we don't have a chance in beating them, show them what we're made of!!"
The villagers let out a war cry, while Nami is too shocked to move. When all the villagers have ran past Nami, she falls onto her knees, dropping the knife she was once holding. She can hear Arlong's cackling laugh, echoing through her ears. She looks at the Arlong tattoo, bringing one of her hands up to claw at it. "ARLONG!!"
She stabs the tattoo with her dagger over and over. You run to Nami, to tell her to stop, but Luffy beats you to it, grabbing her wrist, to stop her from plunging the blade in again. "ARLONG! ARLONG! ARLONG! ARL-" She looks up at you and Luffy.
She drops the knife again, turning away from you both. "What do you want?! You don't even know anything! You don't know what's been going on for the past eight years!"
"Yeah. We don't."
"This has nothing to do with you! I told you, leave the damn island already!" Nami is trembling, her whole body shaking, her nails digging deeper into the dirt.
"Yeah, you did."
She starts to throw dirt at you, but you ignore it, as it hits your f/c boots, all the way up to your long sleeved f/c shirt.
"Leave! I don't need you! Leave! Leave! Leave! Leave! Leave! Leave! Leave!"
The last two times she yelled to leave, her voice broke down into a sob. She put her hand over her mouth, trying to stop, but it would work. "Luffy, y/n......" Nami turns to look at you both, her cold, harsh look from before gone, and tears streaming down her face.
"Help me............"
You gently place Luffy's hat on Nami, and walk forward with Luffy. He takes a deep breath, pumping his fists in the air. "OF COURSE WE WILL!!!!" Nami grabs the brim of the straw hat, remembering that it's Luffy's treasure. "Luffy......."
You and Luffy walk to the guys, who have been waiting. Along the way, you pick up Nami's knife, it could be of help later. "Let's go!" you yell. "Yeah!" they shout in unison and all five of you head for Arlong Park. You turn to Usopp. "Fill me in."
He does, telling you the whole story with Bellemere, Nami's deal with Arlong, and now you understood what happened with the Navy men. "I see........"
When you get closer, you notice the villagers are already there. You are confused at first why they hadn't stormed the place, until you notice Johnny and Yosaku, beat up and guarding the gate. "Here they come!" Johnny says.
"Them?! Just who are they?" Gen asks, irritated they weren't letting them through.
Yosaku speaks next. "If they can't handle them......... then there is no hope for this village! Or for the future of the East Blue! The faces of those five men- I mean, four men and 1 woman, are here to change destiny. Burn their images into your minds!"
You and Luffy charge forward, Luffy kicks down the gate, as there is a large hole now. Luffy has his fist readied, and you stand next to Luffy, preparing for an attack. "Which one of you is Arlong?" Luffy asks, his expression seemingly calm. For now.
Your eyes land onto the purple fishman, with a ridged sword like nose. You remember seeing him when Mist had found Nami and Zoro. "You......" you glare at the fishman. "My name happens to be Arlong."
Luffy walks toward Arlong, you trailing not that far behind him. "I'm Luffy. A pirate." Arlong raises an eyebrow. "Luffy? And you?"
"Water Bearer Y/n."
Hachi sees you two and points at you. "It's them! The couple that likes to take walks!" "C-couple?!" You feel your face start to burn, but you ignore it, and focus on the matter at hand.
"Oi, where do you think you're going?! You need to run things by us first kids!" Two fishmen come and each of them put a hand on your shoulder. You grab their heads, smacking them together. "Move! After you, captain." Luffy walks up to Arlong, who is still peacefully sitting in his chair. "What does a pirate want with me?"
Luffy winds his fist back, then punches Arlong so hard, he goes flying out of his seat and crashes into a concrete wall. You can't help but smirk. The fishmen and the villagers are all amazed at Luffy's strength. When the dust clears, Arlong is still conscious, and looks irked. "Who the hell are you?"
Luffy's nostrils flare. You remember seeing Nami, crying asking you for help. You dug your fingernails into your skin, feeling horrible that you couldn't do anything to help Nami..........But you know for sure you're going to kick Arlong's ass! You steal a glance at Luffy and he looked mad.
"Don't make our navigator cry!" That made you flinch. You had never seen Luffy mad. But you take it as a good sign, knowing Luffy will teach him a lesson.
"Why you........How dare you hurt Arlong-san!" The remaining fishmen jump out of the water. You prepare to attack, when Sanji kicks them all down. "Butt out small fries!!" Sanji walks over to you and Luffy. "You just had to run off."
"It's not like I'd lose on my own. Plus, Y/n was with me." "Idiot! When did I say I was worried about you?! What would you do if you hurt Y/n-chan?!" Hearing this, you merely deadpan. "I can fight just fine Sanji-san....... Besides, if I stayed back, Luffy would be hogging all of the prey!"
Usopp walks up to you, trembling. Followed by Zoro, with a smug look, staring at Usopp. "I-I don't mind if you hog them all t-though!" "You've got some guts." Zoro admits. "Gyah! That's him! He's the unknown swordsman!" Hachi points to Zoro now.
"It's Roronoa Zoro." Kuroobi says. "Yeah, yeah I thought so. He tricked me!" " Look! It's Long Nose!" one fishman points to the long nosed liar. Hachi lets out a surprised noise. 'Just how stupid can one be?!' you thought. "D- Didn't Nami kill him?!"
"He's alive....." Choo mutters. "That means.."
"I knew it. " Kuroobi finishes. "That girl is a traitor!"
Arlong chuckles. "A pirate huh? I see.... You were after Nami from the start. But what can you five inferior species do?! Well, the only one who could put up an entertaining fight, would be you, Water Bearer." You roll your eyes. "Don't underestimate my captain or me! You'll pay the price later."
"Fools! You aren't worth Arlong's time! He'll be more than enough!" Hachi makes a trumpet noise, pointing out to the sea. The ground starts to shake, and the villagers are panicking. "What the- What the- What's going on?!" Usopp screeches.
"The whole lot of you will be food for him!" Arlong however, interjects. "Hachi. I want you to spare Water Bearer. You can let him take care of the other four." "Huh?!" you exclaim. "Okay Arlong-san! Come out Momoo!!!"
"Oi! Who said you can have Y/n?!" Luffy yells, as if you were property.
You are going to protest that you weren't anyone's "property", but are cut off when you see the sea monster rise. At first, you felt a bit of panic, until you notice it's the same sea cow that you, Luffy and Sanji had beaten up earlier.
"A-a monster! It's the Grand Line monster that destroyed the town of Gosa!"
When Momoo rises, he still has a large bump from Sanji and crashing into the wall. The cow has tears in its' eyes, but starts to panic when he sees you, Sanji and Luffy. "Oh, it's him?" Luffy says not really caring. "He's a friend of the fishmen?" Sanji spoke calmly.
Momoo recalls how you and Luffy punched him, and Sanji kicking him in the neck. Without needing any more convincing, Momoo turns around, and starts to swim away. "Smart cow." you mutter. Hachi gasped. "Wait Momoo! What are you doing?! Come back!"
"Momoo. What are you doing?" Momoo stops, his eyes wide with fear hearing Arlong. "Though, if you want to run away, I won't stop you. Understand, Momoo?" Momoo turns back around, facing the five of you, with his teeth bared, and the fish men charging after Momoo. Usopp on the other hand is screaming, panicking. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"
Zoro unsheathes his sword, Sanji smirks, finally getting some action. You grab one of the sword lying on the ground. 'I don't need to use my power for some small fry.' you thought. Luffy lets out an irritated sigh. "I'll handle this! This is a waste of time!"
Luffy slams both of his feet into the concrete. "What's he planning this time?!" Sanji looks to Zoro, who hopefully had an answer. "I've got a bad feeling about this....." was all he said. "Well the feeling's mutual."
Luffy winds his body around, and when his body twisted up to his chest, he stretches his arms out, grabbing Momoo by the horns. Momoo lets out a small whimper. "His arms stretched!" Hachi yells, pointing out the obvious. Arlong's eyes widen. "He has a Devil Fruit Power?!"
Suddenly it hits you. You recall Luffy sitting with you back in the village.
"Why does...that old guy have a pinwheel on his head?" You deadpan, as Luffy has stars in his eyes when he sees the pinwheel spinning.
"SO COOL!!!" You and Luffy sit down under a tree, waiting for them to come back. Except you hear the sound of yelling and shouting, and you feel worried. "A pinwheel huh...I just thought up a new move!"
~~End Flashback~~
"You guys! Run!"
"What?!" Zoro flinches, from how scared you sound. "What's he doing Y/n-chan?!" Sanji asks worriedly.
"No time to explain! Just move!"
You push a paralyzed Usopp away from Luffy, followed by Zoro and Sanji. "Gum Gum...PINWHEEL!!!"
He lifts Momoo out of the sea, revealing a shocked Mist popping his head up from under the water. His eyes are wide, and his tongue shoots out.
Luffy spins Momoo around, knocking all of the fishmen down. Finally he lets go of Momoo, as he goes flying out farther into sea. When you look around, you notice that part of the Arlong Park building is destroyed, and there are dead, or beaten fishmen scattered along with the rubble. The only fishmen still standing are Arlong, Hachi, Choo and Kuroobi.
"I didn't come here to take these guys on! The one I wanna beat...." Luffy points to Arlong, still out of breath. "IS YOU!"
"That's perfect then. I was just thinking of killing you and Water Bearer."
Sanji kicks Luffy in the head, while Usopp is freaking out. You smack Luffy in the back of his head. "You idiot! That was dangerous!" you scold him. "What if you hurt y/n-chan?!"
"Are you trying to kill us too?!" Usopp screeches.
Luffy starts to squirm in place, his feet still stuck. " Huh? Huh? Huh?" "What are you doing now?!" Usopp exclaims.
Hachi looked in anger at their fellow fishmen. "How dare you hurt our brothers?!" Kuroobi nods. "It would seem we need to fight too."
Usopp backs away, trembling in fear. Again. He hides behind one of the pillars. "Looks like we need to teach them the difference between our species." Choo says, crossing his arms over his chest. Zoro smirks. "The main forces finally show up huh?"
"Arlong-san. Please sit there quietly." Kuroobi says. "If you go on a rampage, Arlong Park will be destroyed." Hachi nods. "We'll take care of these guys!" Arlong sits down in his chair. "Yeah. But leave Water Bearer alive. I want to take her on myself."
Luffy tries to get your attention. "Hey, hey there. There's something I need to-" Hachi raises his snout (if that is what it is) up, and takes a deep breath. "That octopus is up to something." Zoro says making you sigh. "Thanks for stating the obvious."
"Octopus is best with a little salt and sliced up. Add a little olive oil and paprika and it's a great snack."
"Hey, I need a little help." You turn to look at Luffy. "What's wrong-"
"Hachi Ink JET!!"
You are cut off when Hachi blows out black ink at you guys. Sanji pulls you down, and Luffy ends up getting hit. He lets out a scream, while you have tick marks forming on your head.
'That idiot!'
"You idiot! Why didn't you dodge?!" Zoro yells.
"Gyah!! I can't see!!"
Hachi goes over to pick up a large piece of the rubble. "Now to finish you off!"
"Hey! Run!"
"That's the problem! I can't move! M-my feet are stuck!" Usopp lets out a gasp in fear. "You're the one who stuck them in the ground!"
"Hachi ink jet on the rocks!"
You run in front of your captain, slicing your arm across the air, as you use your Water slicer move from earlier. Hachi slams down the rubble, only for it to be split down the middle not even a second later. "Idiot! Tell us these things earlier!"
"Oooh, y/n! Great! Great!" Luffy grins. Sanji sighs. "Seems like you and I have ended up following one hell of an idiot captain Y/n-chan."
"But he's 1000 times better than a gang who would hurt a lady." You sweat drop. "How did I not see that coming?" Kuroobi chuckles. "Lady? To think you'd all bust in here for one lousy girl. What a joke!"
Sanji narrows his eyes at Kuroobi. "Lousy girl? Just try and insult Nami-swan one more time. I'll fry you up, damn fish!" Kuroobi smirks. "You seem to have decent skills for a human. Chivalry coming from a pirate must be half-hearted."
"Go ahead and see if my chivalry is half hearted. I was raised by an unbeatable pirate for half my life." Kuroobi cracks his knuckles, as Sanji continues to smoke. Meanwhile, you and Usopp are trying to get Luffy out of the concrete. With Usopp and you grabbing Luffy's arms and stretching him out. "Can't you just cut him out?! Like you did with the rubble before?!"
"Oh sure!" you say sarcastically. "If Luffy doesn't mind missing a leg or a foot!! Idiot! I'll cut his limb off if I do that! I can't see through the concrete!" "They're still really stuck." Luffy says. You and Usopp have mad a good distance by now. Luffy is just calmly picking his nose.
"You're gonna have to do more than pulling me to get me out."
"ARE YOU EVEN TRYING TO PULL YOUR LEGS OUT?!" you and Usopp yell. "What're they playing around in Arlong Park for?! I'll kill them!" Hachi yells. You and Usopp try pulling even harder as Hachi has another piece of rubble, ready to bring down on you guys. "Get unstuck already!!" Usopp says with strain in his voice.
"Oi, octopus!" Zoro says "They're busy right now. I'll take you on." Hachi turns to the moss headed male. "Roronoa Zoro! I forgot! How dare you trick me!" 'Thank goodness,' you thought, seeing that Zoro can handle himself. You let go of Luffy for a second, trying to think of another way to get him out.
Usopp also sighs with relief. "A-alright Zoro. That octopus is all yours! Nice!" Usopp lets go of Luffy as he goes flying backwards. "LUFFY!!!"
"WHY DID YOU LET GO?!" you screech.
You watch as Luffy hits into the last fishman, Choo, knocking him to the ground. Choo looks up at Usopp, with a glare. "Why you..........." "I-I-I'm sorry.........."
"You must really want me to kill you." He charges at Usopp, as he is running lightning speed past the shocked villagers. You gasp realizing they were still there. Choo seems to notice too as he stops. "You're the people of Cocoyashi Village? I take it this is a rebellion then? Then you're all-"
"Exploding star!" There was the sound of a slingshot and Choo cries out in pain. "You're dealing with me!" Usopp yells bravely. Choo jumps right up, and goes back to chasing Usopp. "If you wanna die that badly, I'll kill you now!"
With that, Usopp goes back to being a coward being chased. "Get back here Nose!" You turn your attention back to what was going on inside, and become startled when you see Arlong stand up, walking over to the remaining of you, and Hachi and Kuroobi.
"You're all pathetic. I'm sick of watching this." "Arlong-san!" Kuroobi exclaims. "We asked you not to go on a rampage!"
"I won't. I just thought up a fun game."
Luffy only becomes angry at this. "Screw that! I'm gonna beat you up!!" He launches his fist at Arlong, only for him to dodge it, and grab Luffy's wrist. "You really think you can beat us?"
You narrow your eyes at the fishman. "So what if we do?"
"We do idiot!" Luffy says, "Now let go of my arm!"
You smirk. "Seems he has something to say." You gasp when Arlong plunges his hand into the concrete. He lifts up the piece that Luffy is stuck in, along with Luffy. "What the......What the?!"
"People with Devil Fruit Powers can't swim! Though, anyone without powers would sink in this situation." Zoro's eyes widen. "He's gonna throw him into the sea?!"
"Gum Gum Pistol!"
Arlong bites down on Luffy's wrist. "Luffy!" you scream hearing Luffy cry out in pain. "Damn you!" Luffy bites Arlong's wrist, causing Arlong to cry out in pain, but it does nothing. "How useless." Kuroobi says, merely watching.
Arlong throws Luffy into the air, as he falls down into the sea. "Luffy!!" Zoro gasps. "Catch him Y/n-chan!!!" You raise your arms up, trying to create a water pillar to catch him. Two large pillars form, almost meeting the concrete that Luffy's feet are stuck in. "Almost go-!"
But you lose concentration when you hear a loud crack! and feel the wind getting knocked out of you. It's Kuroobi, as he punched you in the ribs. You let out a gasp of pain, coughing up blood. You collapse onto your knees, as the two pillars fall back into the sea. "Y/N-CHAN!!!"
You try to stand, "L-luffy........." you rasp. But it's too late as he falls into the sea with a large splash. "Don't think for even a second I'll let you get him out." Kuroobi says, looking down at you.
'Damn it! All I can do is hope Mist will help Luffy now.....'
Sanji runs towards the water. "Y/n-chan!! Don't worry! I'll go and save Lu-" You run in front of Sanji, holding your ribs in pain, as you lean onto Zoro for support. "Stop Sanji-san!" you try to warn him. "They clearly have the advantage underwater! There's only one way to save Luffy!"
"Beat these guys up in a instant, then go in the water?"
Zoro unsheathes his sword. Arlong goes to sit down on the rubble. "Yeah!" Arlong chuckles darkly. "Just how many seconds will Rubber Boy hold out?" Hachi hums, "Now I see..."
"So that's the game."
Zoro looks to Sanji. "You can have the fish." "You can cut and trim the octopus." Sanji replies. "Oi! Girl!" Zoro turns to face you.
"I have a name Moss Head!"
"Yeah! It's y/n-chan!!!"
Zoro rolls his eyes. "Whatever! Go underwater and get that idiot!"
"You can control water can't you?! You're the only one who can! Go!"
"A-alright! But what about-"
You stop to dodge a large piece of rubble thrown at you, by none other than Arlong. "Didn't I say I wanted to play with you? Come on, let's have an entertaining fight Water Bearer. Or are you too scared?" You smirk. "If I were you, it would be me that was scared. Prepare yourself!"
You charge at Arlong, forming a small water fist in your right hand. "Water Fist!!" It does little to nothing as you punch him with that smug look on his face. He stumbles back a little, but he's still just as quick.
'I need to see what damage I can do...... Should I go all out?! I need to......For Luffy.....Unless....'
Your thoughts are cut off, as Arlong tries to delivers a strong punch but you narrowly dodge, using your Water Slicer attack. He dodges, but not before there is a shallow cut across his chest. You start to pant heavily. First you get a deep cut from Don Krieg, and now broken ribs from a fishman.
Arlong grins. "Is that all you can do, Water Bearer? "You let out a battle cry, charging at Arlong once more.
Mist already had enough surprises, seeing as Luffy threw Momoo. But of course, they kept on coming as he heard a loud splash! Behind him. He turns around, but sees nothing. "What was that?" Mist shrugs it off, poking his head up to see the fight, but he regrets it when he is face to face with a dead fishman. "GYAAAAAH!!!!"
Then he sees you. Your once clean f/c sweater, was now ripped and stained with blood. You had blood dripping down onto your right eye, and what appeared to look like a broken ankle, as you were limping. Arlong had a few cuts here and there, a bit out of breath, but other than that, standing tall.
"You're damn annoying!" you say in between breaths. "I guess you're all talk! You may be called Water Bearer, but you sure don't prove your name!"
"Y/n!" You turn to the pink dolphin, as he has a concerned look on his face. "Mist! Did you find Luffy?!" Mist looks surprised. "Eh?! You mean that idiot is underwater?!"
Yeah he's-AH!" You let out another scream when Arlong grabs your h/l h/c and throws you into a pillar. You shakily get up, blocking Arlong's next punch with a smaller version of the water wall you did fighting Don Krieg. "He's s-stuck in a piece of concrete!! He probably sank to the bottom! GO! HURRY!"
"Got it!" Mist dives back into the water, swimming deeper down to find Luffy. You throw Arlong back with your water wall, then create a large water sword in your right hand. "Just hang on Luffy!"
You charge at Arlong with your water sword in your left hand, and using the sword you got earlier from the fishman in your right. You first slash the sword at his face, but he backs up until you have him pinned to the wall. Then you jab your water sword into his chest. He lets out a small 'tch'! as he knees your side, trying to get you to let go of the sword, but you have an iron grip, and don't plan on letting go, twisting the sword deeper and deeper into his wound.
'Please....Just wait for me Luffy!!'
To Be Continued.............................
A/n: Now I could be a shameful One Piece fan, if it did happen and I didn't notice, but has Zoro ever called Sanji, well, Sanji? Someone please tell me if I'm wrong and he has
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