Chapter Twenty Seven: A New Case
I got up and nearly bumped into the wheelchair in the corner. I really need to move that thing.
Saihara is weird. Over the past month since graduation he's moved into a temporary apartment and he says he's planning on taking me and him as far away as possible once he finds a place.
Knowing how long he searches I guess it's any day now. I'm going to leave this hell hole.
Didn't expect that to be honest. Still haven't talked to Saihara about what I did, it's probably going to come up and get back at me later but...
For now I like pretending everything is ok.
How does this guy even stand me? Seriously what did I do to get someone like him to like me? Did he hit his head or something?
I cannot understand him at all.
"Hey Ouma" Saihara called, "Saihara can we not get stairs at our next house?" I asked.
"Why? Your bedroom is downstairs" Saihara asked, "because stairs are the worst thing ever created" I told him.
"I mean you try going up and down stairs when all of a sudden your blind and have been basically paralyzed for four years" I explained.
"Oh...ok yeah no stairs" Saihara agreed, and I grinned walking over, "got any new cases?" I asked and Saihara sighed.
"We got a weird one recently, a missing person report has come in...we went into the apartment and it seemed fine till we saw some dried blood on a mattress" Saihara sighed.
Oh f*ck.
"We used a black light to find some more blood and we ended up finding's safe to say that the person is probably dead" Saihara continued.
Oh shoot...this isn't going to end well...
"We don't have any leads yet, and the blood we found we couldn't identify...Ouma are you ok? You look worried?" He asked.
"Nah just thinking of the time Momota made me watch the Emoji Movie..." I lied.
"Oh gosh he had worst taste than Chiasa" Saihara mumbled and I laughed. Chiasa was addicted to weird shows from America and sometimes made me watch them.
It was horrible and I nearly considered jumping out the window. Momota continued that suffering when she wasn't able to dish it out anymore.
"Don't remind me, it's even worse with subtitles" I told him rubbing my head getting a headache remembering.
"Oh shoot I got to go to work soon...Harukawa is coming over today right? I put some leftovers for you in the fridge" Saihara said and I nodded.
"Believe it or not I can take care of myself" I teased him, "sorry..." Saihara said.
Oh wow great move.
"Nah it's fine see you later" I called and heard Saihara leave the room. Well at least Harukawa and me will have something else to talk about other than how life sucks.
I reached into my pocket and felt the small box inside. Should I tell him...? No. I'll just get him a freaking ring pop.
"So what are we going to do this time?" Harukawa asked, "well I don't know...let's face the facts it's only a matter of time till they figure us out" I groaned.
"But we didn't leave any proof" Harukawa argued, "and has that ever stopped this f*cking mess of a town to make things up? They got away with faking a group suicide for peeps sake" I rebutted.
"Good point." Harukawa, "well...we already know how this will end..." I got up stretching.
"What do you mean?" Harukawa asked, "they won't ever stop coming after me until I'm dead or so mentally broken I won't ever talk about this again..." I reminded her.
"A certain someone is making me live till I'm a hundred...and now I somehow got a certain emo detective in this. Who somehow loves me" I told her but it was more to myself.
"So obviously I have no f*cking idea what the hell I am supposed to do." I admitted.
"Nothing? Aren't you the person who plans for everything?" Harukawa asked, "yup...and look how well the last one went" I reminded her.
"So what are you going to do?" Harukawa repeated, "just sit around? Make some tea and show them the middle finger?" Harukawa said.
"No...well maybe that last part" I admitted and something inside of me unhinged.
The answer filled me with dread as to what I should do the day they go after me. I'm sorry Saihara...I'm sorry DICE...but least this time I won't die...or at least it isn't a part of the plan.
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