Chapter Seven: White Lies
Ouma's POV:
The room still felt foreign as I once again in vain tried to get comfortable. It had been at least a month since I'd moved into my aunt's house, and it had taken an annoyingly long time to memorize the layout so I wouldn't have to be dependent on my aunt and uncle to move around.
Yet they seemed to believe that I was helpless anyway as if they think I never learned where a particular rug was, or as if I never had to move around a house while blind before. The only real challenge was the stairs, and even then they had installed a mechanical system to help me move up and down the stairs better, so really other than that I don't need much help.
Still, the hallways were much longer than the cramped one-bedroom apartment my mother and I had lived in, and my new room was a palace compared to the small cramped closet-like space I used to have which got even worse post the wheelchair.
Outside I didn't hear the honking of cars or the drunk teens and adults, no mother coming home in the middle of the night only to leave an hour later for another shift or odd job, and no broken laundry machine our landlord always promised to get to 'eventually'.
Instead on the rare nights where it wasn't complete silence, it would be soft music from the other side of the wall, from what I guessed was Kiibo doing late-night studying. It was tranquil, almost a heavenly space compared to where I came from.
But I still couldn't sleep.
I eventually gave up trying and pulled out my headphones, hoping whatever random playlist would trick my brain into sleeping, minus the one panic at the disco, I wish I could ask Chiasa questions about why she added that song, it almost worked till...
"Hey, we have school" someone called out as I groaned, "I'm sorry, my mom asked me to wake you because she so I could walk you to- I mean to take you- I mean go with you to school" Kiibo sputtered out, once again trying his best to word things not to offend me.
He always seemed to try and do that, what was it he used to say? Live by example?
I rolled my eyes but sat up, 'tell her I'm sick' I asked, "uh...sick?" He asked as I silently wished he'd taken learning sign language more seriously, I nodded but he paused.
"Are you actually sick or do you want me to lie?" I asked and I held two fingers up. He sighed, "I can't do that, I'm sorry" he apologized.
'I don't want to go back, don't take me back' I begged, "go...back? I'm still behind I'm sorry, it's just...look this is our last year before I go to college and...well I don't want you to be alone all day ok? A lot has been happening to you would make me feel safer" he reasoned.
...make him feel safer...I bit back my bitter remarks, and just sighed nodding as Kiibo left the room shutting the door and I reluctantly got ready for school.
The wind was calm today as the newfound breeze made me a bit cold, but I just continued listening to the music before...
'Hey, why didn't Harukawa come with us today?' I asked, and it took a little while for a reply.
"Um, you asked why Harukawa isn't here right?" Kiibo asked and I nodded, "oh wow Iruma wasn't lying, those new systems do help with languages. Well she called me this morning and said couldn't come with us, she wouldn't explain I'm sorry" he apologized, though his tone sounded a bit worried.
Oh..."I can try and get her still if you want?" Kiibo offered but I shook my head. It was fine.
The rest of the way was in awkward silence as if Kiibo was spending the whole time reviewing actions and words, and I silently regretted how I freaked out prior over the headphones.
I was probably just overreacting and because of that, he seemed to be walking on eggshells around me trying his best not to say one word that might set me off.
I wish I knew what did so at least he could manage a conversation with me as any normal person should have. Well, I guess it is between two not-so-normal people, but still.
Kiibo maintained the same attitude the rest of the school day, and once again I abandoned the books. How I kept managing to keep advancing every year was beyond me, still, I didn't nap today which I saw as a small victory.
With some minor mother henning from Kiibo, and a promise that I would be fine he helped me down the stairs so I could finally head towards the outdoor seating area.
Kiibo had refused to help me go on the roof anymore, so Harukawa and I made do with meeting around the side of the school to talk. Most of the time it was about Momota, about how he was doing along with occasionally mentioning the rest of the class. The class which had surprisingly become tame recently, it seemed Kiibo's help when I had a panic attack had at least inspired some of them to do some research on them which was nice.
They also made more of an effort to include me in small talk before class though I rarely had anything to add to the conversation.
I heard the crunching of leaves.
My heart pounded and I silently cursed myself for what an idiot I was, and what I had unwillingly got myself into. Harukawa was terrifying for how quiet she could be so that likely wasn't her so who...
I felt a hand on my shoulder and winced.
"Hey brat" a slimy voice gestured earning some giggles from his group. I'd almost forgotten about this.
I should've known they would come back when I was alone again, they always came when they knew I was but never during lunch but...I guess they could now.
Momota wasn't here to keep them in check anymore and without Harukawa there was an intimidating presence...
Maybe my Aunt was right about me.
Please hurry, Harukawa, please...
I didn't do anything when they took my backpack and heard them throwing the books or when they likely stole what little things I did bring anymore. The clinking of the money I still had led them to laugh and split it evenly amongst them, a part of me wanted to take my cane and fight them off.
I almost laughed as the memory of a maybe nine-year-old me fighting off high schoolers with Chiasa resurfaced, that kid had been brave or maybe just stupid. That kid didn't realize how cruel the world could be yet, he thought he knew everything but was wrong.
Just like I was wrong in assuming Harukawa would want to keep having to babysit me, that she would put everything going on in her own life on pause just to help me manage my own. Because she didn't come to save me, she didn't show up like that day in the alleyway.
She likely didn't even come to school that morning, despite what I told Kiibo when I assured him she would come.
I didn't protest until I heard cracking.
My eyes widened at the sound, as boiling anger filled my body, "n-no..." I whimpered out, "oh look he can speak!" One called out with a laugh.
"No what? Oh, do you care about this junk?" One of them asked as I heard them approach me, I quickly tried to assume where it was and grab it but they only laughed.
They snapped them in half as I screamed at them, screamed for them to stop, to just leave me with those and I would let them do anything they wanted.
They stomped on them, stomped on them till they were shards, and when they were done they ejected me from my chair, and beat me as well as I tried to grab all the pieces not even caring how the sharp edges cut my hands.
The sharp edges of a pair of old faded headphones, ones that used to be covered in stickers, ones that had once been used in games of pretend, ones that belonged to a girl who couldn't hear the music anymore but still cherished them.
Headphones that were once a gift from the same man who took Saihara away, those headphones that sparked the last conversation we shared.
He never answered my question.
Do I still want his answer?
"This is going to sting" Kiibo warned as I winced a little at the rubbing alcohol as he kept trying to bandage me up, I suppose I should be grateful he eventually came to check on me. "I'm sorry, I thought she would come back by lunch, she promised me she would Ouma, but..." Kiibo apologized.
I just shrugged, 'it's fine, you didn't know accidents happen' I told him. "Accidents?! Some kids beat you up because you were alone! She promised me she would look after you!" He argued.
Look after you.
"But instead she only tells me hours later she was seeing Momota, I know the two are dating and that he's away but I thought at least a warning..." he silently complained.
'She has her own life, I'm not her responsibility I assured him, 'it was probably important so don't worry' I added. "Not her responsibility" Kiibo repeated lightly, his tone was a worried one and stressed.
"Oh she texted back, she asked about you, I told her what happened by the way, and she said to tell you she was sorry, how do you want me to respond?" Kiibo asked.
I paused for a bit before smiling, 'just tell her it's ok, I understand'
I was the one who made a mistake, not her.
Kiibo's POV:
My hands were covered in tiny bits of blood as I kept trying to clean it out with a rag and shaking hands. Aunt Kokoro... never mentioned this...
How can people be this cruel? It's not right, hasn't he suffered enough? If he had to be punished at all, I think he already has countless times over.
It's just evil to keep hurting him over and over again...
I glanced at the medkit at my side, as I sighed making sure to organize it the best I could before putting it back in the cabinet before glancing at my phone.
Momota...did you know about this? And if you did know, why didn't you say anything to the rest of us...?
I opened my messages, recalling the small aversion I gave Kokichi. While I didn't lie, I didn't tell him everything. I didn't even know everything but...I got up and carefully opened the door to his room.
Small snores were coming from his bed as he seemed exhausted from the events of the day, guilt piled on top of me again. I shouldn't have let him go alone, I should've stayed and waited with him for Harukawa, instead I let him...I shook my head. I can't change the past, oh what I wouldn't change if I could, but I could change the future.
I made sure he was fast asleep before I headed outside phone in hand, as I called her again.
"Hello?" A tired voice asked, "Harukawa? Are you ok? I didn't tell him about Momota so can you please explain.." I begged.
"Momota...he had some chest pain this morning, so I wanted to check up on him this morning, he was trying to tell me it wasn't serious. Of course, it was, that idiot.
"He ended up having a heart attack, his lungs couldn't get enough air to his heart...Kiibo I'm sorry, I couldn't leave him there. Not while he was having surgery...I wanted to come back but...I couldn't leave Momota there alone. I thought...I thought he was going to..." Harukawa explained before she went silent.
Death always had a way of silencing us.
I sighed, "it's fine it's just...Ouma got hurt, you weren't there, and...should I tell him what happened?" I asked nervously, I could feel the anxiety building up inside me.
"No just...I'll tell him later ok?" She offered, her voice was tense enough not to argue.
"Tell Momota to get better soon," I said, "I will..." she promised and hung up. white lie won't hurt, right?
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