"So what do we do now oh powerful and wise leader?" Chiasa asked we were sitting outside the school since class ended.
I shrugged "right now I am planning on how to shake off Momota" Chiasa grinned "can I help? PLEASE!" I raised an eyebrow "why do you want to help me plot against Momota? You guys seem like friends" she smiled.
"I know but it will be fun" she said standing up "as long as we don't take it to far! I mean who doesn't love to laugh?" She asked and I grinned.
"Ok then...hmmm-"
"HEY STOP IT ALREADY YOU JERK!" I heard someone scream and me and Chiasa eyed each other before rushing over. It was a group of high schoolers picking on some of our fellow class members, one holding a girl upside down and other's beating up some of the other kids.
Ugh...these type of people make my blood boil....
I looked over at Chiasa and she looked ready to get revenge for them as I whispered to her "go get my bag, I left it where we were sitting and all the soda you can find in five minutes" she nodded and ran off stealthly to do my bidding.
I need to distract them enough for before Chiasa gets back...
I ended up grabbing a rock and threw it at what seemed like the leader of the group. He immediately grabbed his head in pain "who the he** threw that?"
Oh boy I am going to get beaten up, hurry uo Chi
"I did, you guys leave them alone you mother f*ckers!" One of the guys eyes widened "did that little girl just curse?"
"I AM A BOY!" I screamed and all of them stood in shock. They will suffer the consequences.
I then turned to see Chiasa armed for war and she tossed me one of the water guns I had put in my bag, and I grinned and pointed it at them and fired at will causing them to both let go of the kids and walk away irritated.
"You better run!" I called after them and turned to the kids left behind. Chiasa seemed to know them already and they seemed to be talking about me, "hmm I see great potential from this group" I said acting all wise and powerful.
"Really? I think Eiji here is about as talented as a rock" one of the girls said jokingly and the boy, Eiji, responded with punching them lightly.
"Shut up Tsuki" I ignored them and continued "anyways I am offering you all a once and a lifetime opportunity!"
"Is it free soda? You seemed to have a lot based on what you dunked on those teens" one of them pointed out and I shook my head.
"No I am offering you a place in my organization!" I grinned and they just looked at each other "what's the reward?"
I gritted my teeth as Chiasa was laughing her head off "this is not funny!" I screamed but she wouldn't listen and soon the rest joined in.
Huh....I never actually thought anyone would ever join my organization...no one ever has...this is nice...
"Hey look Momota left school" Chiasa said pointing after him, "darn it he escaped my grasp!"
"Also your water guns have funny marks on them" one girl pointed out "it's the mark of DICE! We're going to take over the world someday!"
"Can I join?" One of the boys asked and I nodded "yup just hand over your Panta and candy to the group" the boy groaned "aww man I thought it was free...oh well! Is it fun your group?" They asked.
I nodded "you will never have more fun, I promise"
-9 Years Later-
"Kokichi I am going to go get your homework from your teacher ok?" My Mother told me and I nodded. As I parked myself and waited for her to come back.
*insert sound effect*
What is that....? I reached my hand over to try and grab whatever was on the floor and picked it up to feel it's markings.
This is a water gun...some kid must of-
I stopped myself when I can across a bumpy area of it and retraced the markings...
"Ok I'm back Kokichi...what are you holding on to?" My Mom asked as I clinged onto the water gun for dear life.
"Looks pretty old...didn't you and those rowdy kids used to have one?" She asked "you should put it down it's pretty dirty"
I didn't and instead clutched it harder. She sighed "I guess we can take it home..."
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