The glare of the fluorescent lights caught me off guard. I was so accustomed to the yellow glow of the lights at Aunt Morrison's house that these lights took more than a moment to adjust to.
I had just stepped over the threshold of the house, and even before the colourful haze cleared itself from my vision, I could hear continuous chatter and laughs full of so much happiness that the sound caused a painful pang within my heart. I hadn't realized that I had longed for this warmth as much; was I really that desperate? When my eyes fell over the groups huddled together, cherishing their moments together, I found my answer. Yes. How could I have forgotten the hopeful feeling within my nerves when someone new would approach me? How could I have overlooked the fact that everyday, every single day, I would be praying for someone to befriend me? That's how desperate I had been; maybe still am. I had been dreaming of being among those individuals ever since my life boarded the ship that led me here; ever since I was trapped in this life I no longer recognized as my own.
I was snapped out of my train of thoughts as I felt a small tug at my arm. I looked down to meet eyes filled with so much eagerness, I was forced to raise an eyebrow.
"April, come on! I really want to dance! Did you know that Mom and Dad ordered Mango pastries?! They're so good!" Ivana chirped, brimming with so much excitement, I was afraid she might burst.
Laughing, I nodded, while dismissing all thoughts of hopefulness from my mind. This was the friend I had now. Not to mention the other one who was capable of lightening my mood even at my worst of times. The one with the beautiful eyes and that endearing smile. The one who caused my heart to race at the mere sight of him.
At this abrupt thought, my eyes widened. No, no, no. This is insane. I cannot think of him like this. We don't even know each other that well yet!
Shaking away these perceptions, I smiled towards Ivana, all the while attempting to tame my suddenly wild heartbeat. We both marched towards the top of the grand staircase, which led towards a chamber so beautiful and elegant, it seemed as if it were a mere painting upon a canvas, too dreamlike to be true.
The railing was draped with light pink roses and violet lilacs, the scent providing a tropical and fresh sensation, perfect for spring. Ivana and I descended the stairs, one step at a time, our footsteps echoing in my mind. There was loud music blaring, which was almost drowned out by my racing heart. This was my very first gathering since that day. I was clueless as to what to expect.
We finally reached the last step. I was glad that nobody had acknowledged me yet. The fewer people that saw me, the better. I especially don't want to get noticed by Aunt Morrison and Courtney. My mind replayed our conversation just a few hours ago at home.
"Also, you are forbidden to leave this house. Do you understand?"
I felt a pang of guilt at my rebellious act. Although, it was almost instantly smothered by the reason I chose to neglect Aunt Morrison's orders. Ivana and Mason. It was my job now to make sure they were alright. I needed to stand by their side at this time of suffering. I, of all people, know what it's like to be isolated at the times when a companion is a necessity for survival.
I was forced to clear my mind once again. It's strange how our troubles can be so tempting; captivating our attention until we drift off and engross ourselves in thoughts about possibilities and whatnot.
Ivana tapped my arm, and said, "April, I'm going to go get some apple juice. It's so sweet! You just can't stop drinking it once you start! Do you want some?"
"It's okay. I'm not thirsty. Thanks," I replied.
"Okay. I'll be right back."
As soon as Ivana parted ways with me, I walked over to the wall, attempting to attract as less attention as possible. I let my eyes wander around the room, hoping to catch a glimpse of Mason. After a few moments, just as I was about to give up, I spotted the disheveled hair I could recognize anywhere. Smiling, I made my way through the bodies cramped up within the room, despite the enormous size of the chamber.
Although, when I reached Mason, my smile faded almost instantly. He had his arms around a girl who I couldn't recall ever seeing. I didn't know how to feel; how to react. My newly found admiration for him caused my heart to shatter in a painful manner. Yes, I have heard this line a lot, "my heart shattered". I was never before able to understand the true meaning in the romantically way of thinking. Now, I realized that those words were an understatement. I was stung, the pain causing me to take deep breaths. I stood there, frozen, my mind unable to comprehend the scene unfolding in front of me. A part of me felt rage rising up. Although, what was the anger for? Mason had full rights to go ahead and do whatever he wants. When these two emotions - betrayal and anger - were combined, they left a person hopeless; torn. Precisely the label for how I felt.
When I was finally able to look back at Mason, I realized that he and the girl were surrounded by a group of friends, who were all laughing. All the while, Mason looked bored and finally broke away from the girl's embrace.
I quickly swiveled around and ran away before Mason saw me, struggling to keep the skirts of my dress at bay. I sprinted towards the backyard, which replicated more of a garden with beautiful blossoms. Beside the pathway, there was a swimming pool, in which, to my surprise, many people were swimming. Before I knew it, my eyes had betrayed me, tears spilling down my cheeks.
Clenching my jaw, I walked towards a swing, which was located far away from any other form of life, surrounded by various types of bushes; just how I preferred it at the moment. When I was sure I was away from any curious glances, I broke down. My sobs making me tremble helplessly. Before the day my parents were taken away from me, it seemed as if I barely ever cried, and now, it felt as if there were tears staining my face every single day. It's funny how a recent turn of events can completely alter your life.
At this moment, I hated the fact that I had feelings for Mason as more than a friend. If I had been able to control these so called feelings, I wouldn't have had to face this emotional breakdown. It happened so quickly. My mood escalated from excitement to devastation in mere minutes. I guess grief just can't give up that easily. Well, I guess I will always be trapped in its grasp. Any hope I had of a bright future, had now disintegrated back into a future that I was not looking forward to. What awaited me, I was uncertain.
Suddenly, I heard a husky voice, "Hey. Do I know you? You look fine, milady."
I snapped my head up, horrified. It was some stranger I had never met before. He looked as if he was around his late 20's, maybe one of Mason's older cousins. Although, I had no intention of investigating this stranger's ancestry. Standing up, I hurriedly pushed past the man, and quickly walked towards the house. Although, I was not so lucky. He caught up with me and caught my arm.
I finally realized from his bloodshot eyes and fetid breath that he was, in fact, drunk. I tried to wrench my arm free, but was unsuccessful.
Gaining some courage, I finally stuttered, "W-what do you want?"
Before he could answer, though, a girl walked up to us. My eyes widened at the sight of the familiar face. It was Courtney in the midnight blue dress I had picked out for her.
"How did you get here?" she hissed through clenched teeth.
"I-I, uh...," I mumbled, not able to form any words.
She shook her head, and said, "You will pay for not obeying Mom."
Yanking the man's arm away from me, she said, "James, she is an unwanted pest. You shouldn't be flirting with her. She doesn't deserve the attention."
Before I knew what was happening, the music abruptly ended, leaving silence all around us. I thought that this night couldn't get worse, until I felt someone push me with so much force, that colorful spots showed up in my vision.
I felt the ground give way beneath my feet. Clearly, I was proved wrong.
This night had just taken the turn for the worse.
Author's Note:
Chapter 10! April has feelings for Mason... and now she is heartbroken, yet again. Misery never seems to leave her life, does it? Now, Courtney caught April's rebellious act. What will she do to April? Clearly this party isn't enjoyable. The next chapter will answer all these questions!
For now, bye! Have a marvelous day! :)
- Anika
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